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Chapter 8: LOG-04

Galvatron Pov:

Getting the Bastion repaired took a bit longer than preferable but it was expected this is the first time we have had a battle since all the reorganisation efforts.

The automated drones repaired all superficial damage to the Bastion, Drachen and Shockwave both worked respectively Drachen attended the wounded while Shockwave worked on reprogramming the combaticons and finalizing synthetic energon.

Also I sent an order to recycle the Autobots outside the base and retrieve their weapons to see if they can be repaired for Decepticon use.

My thoughts are pulled to the present as i feel my pain receptors flair as my joints and mechanical gears, as my arm is reattached.

I see Shockwave look at me in concern well as much as he can show.

Shockwave: "Lord Galvatron are you all right."

I turn my head slowly at Shockwave and reply.

Galvatron: "I'm fine Shockwave just a bit of pain I'm fine."

Shockwave nods.

Shockwave: "Lord Galvatron your procedure has been completed if you have need of me i shall be in my lad finishing the synthetic energon formula."

I nod and leave the medical lab.


As i walk around the Bastion i review my performance of my fight with Ultra Magnus and Grimlock.

And I realised that i need to train myself as i relied to heavily on the collective memories of Megatron while and impressive combatant i wish to be better and i cannot do that while i rely on my cannon and strength i fought like a brute not the warrior i strive to be.

I need a melee weapon to negate my overuse of my cannon as im thinking that a imagine of a blazing red sword pops to mind Grimlock's sword yes that will do.

With a sword i can refine both fighting styles of Megatron and Galvatron respectively and use some of my human memories to pick and chose some martial arts to take.

I still need to work on my hand to hand just incase i have no weapon but for now, yes that will do.

I transform into my jet mode and take off to my throne at the Nexaraxis Dominium.


As i go through the files that Drachen sent me.

Our energon stores while being half full it's going to get low in a manner of Stellar-Cycles with all ongoing projects.

I need to go to the Echelon Citadel and work with Shockwave on Synthetic Energon if Shockwave hasn't already finished it.

I transform into my jet mode and take off while i could take a groundbridge i prefer flying.

As i overlook my domain i see movement from the automated drones following my orders to collect the Autobot weapons and recycle the Autobots.

I feel slightly disappointed at myself I probably could've diplomatically talked down the Autobots but i didn't and to be honest to myself i didn't want to.

I need to prove myself to my Decepticons and to myself that i have what it takes to lead and fight.

It was just the easiest and simplest way to rid myself of my doubt and win the undying loyalty of my troops.

It has been proven in history that the easiest way to stabilise a region is to crush and completely destroy any opposing force.

While im not saying that it is right or good and i am saddened for the death of my fellow Cybertronian's it's all for a better future for a new Cybertron.


As I enter Shockwave's laboratory i see Shockwave working at a monitor.

He turns to me and point's at the nearly completed synthetic energon formula.

Galvatron: "Good work Shockwave but there a few mistakes nothing terrible but a few small mistakes."

Shockwave looks at me and then looks back over the formula.

Shockwave: "Indeed it seems i apologise Lord Galvatron."

I wave off his apology and get to work fixing all the mistakes and upping the efficiency while completely negating any possible side affects.

And while I'm doing this Shockwave is watching very intently seeing the changes being done.

Shockwave: "Lord Galvatron the changes you have implemented it's not like anything i predicted."

I turn around finished and look at Shockwave.

Galvatron: "Shockwave you by yourself took the idea of synthetic energon and nearly completed it yourself all i did was bring a new set off optics, now Shockwave i want you to start synthesis the synthetic energon and start slowly replacing all internal and external systems with synthetic energon and when we run out of energon then replace it with synthetic energon."

Shockwave nods and looks a little bit emotional.

Shockwave: "Thank you lord Galvatron and I shall get to work immediately."

I nod and then transform into my jet mode and take off from Shockwave's citadel.


1 Orbital-Cycle later (1 month)

For the past month everything has gone fine literally everything besides us are now running on synthetic energon.

Shockwave has done brilliantly and hr should be proud of himself if he can even feel that yet.

I finally went to see Drachen and I'm so proud of my little boy only like 7 months old and he's already a badass.



I see Drachen from a distance and i see him helping some vehicons move some equipment.

And i then decide to land right infront of Drachen because why not now Drachen knew what was going to happen as he looked nervous while the 3 vehicons jumped backwards in fright.

Drachen: "Creator how are you."

I ignored Drachen and rushed at him with the speed of a freight train and gave him the biggest bear hug in history.

Galvatron: "My little boy you made me so proud the way you staked those Autobots outside the base was perfection."

As i tightened my hug i started hear Drachen's frame creaking from the pressure.

Drachen: "Creator i can't breathe."

I then tighten it more and i see Drachen's head drop in embarrassment.

Then drop Drachen from the hug and he transform's and speeds off.

I then hear a chuckle escape a vehicon's voice box.

I snap my head and glare at them i see a vehicon smack another one across the head.

That same vehicon steps up and looks at me.

Vehicon soldier 1: My Lord i apologise for the idiot over there."

The vehicon rubbing his head looks down in embarrassment and shame.

I then look at the vehicon who laughed.

Galvatron: "What is you're name soldier."

He looks up and responds.

Steve:"Steve Sir."


My cannon pulses with energy as my temper flares i raise my cannon and look at them wirh a menacing glare.

Galvatron: "You have cleaning duty for as long as i say so you will clean with the drones and scrub down every nock and crany of this base is that understood."

All 2 vehicons: "Yes sire."

And the leader of the group mutters: "By Primus i will deactivate you one day steve."

No one interrupts my time with boy.


I did embarrass him alot and he transformed and sped off, pretty funny.

Now i know you're curious about hey Galvatron what have you been doing this past month.

Training i tell you combining the fighting styles of Megatron with human and one fictional style.

Now i know you're wondering why I've done this well first the og Galvatron didn't use any melee weapon or when he did he used it as a baseball bat.

While Megatron actually used a variety of melee weapons during his time in the gladiatorial pits.

But one thing we both loved using is a sword.

Yes i took Grimlock's sword it wasn't like he was using it.



As i enter the room were the collected weapons and equipment from the Autobots that weren't damaged are.

I start going throught the crate i see a couple of ion blasters, some energon blades oh im taking those because why not, a sub par cannon, a couple of mines, pistols.

After a couple of minutes i found it and it was glowing ready to unleash destruction upon it's enemies.

And i then put back the other weapons because I'm a nice guy.

I then pick up the sword and do a couple of swings and i gotta tell you it's brilliant.

But i do need some modifications like the handle and i need to replace the energon with synth-en to hopefully cut my enemies like bay-verse Prime.


So for the past month since I've been training making my own style and I gotta tell you it's pretty good.

And sparring with Drachen,Bruticus and the combaticons were insightful i mean i didn't lose but the point of the sparring wasn't to win it was to prefect my fighting style.

I used Megatron's sword style as the base and added some human elements and now this sounds stupid but i added Darth Vader's style of Lightsaber combat.

While i had to replace some elements of it it worked i mean the results speak for itself i thrashed Drachen then the combaticons and after a fair bit of recovery Bruticus and that was hard i took alot of damage but i won and because i didn't pay attention most of the decepticons were there sitting and cheering like a gladiatorial match but without the killing obviously.

And i felt a very small bit of pride in myself and i decided to have a small area of the Bastion turned into a gladiatorial arena with the rules being if you knock out your opponent then you won but you can give up.

I figured it would help the soldiers not get bored and start messing around.

Oh i also have started working on my cqc combat I've used the energon blades i found upgraded them and had then put in my arms with them i don't have to worry.

In my cqc I've implemented a mix between my hands with my cannon so when i blast someone i then thrust my fist through the weak spot.

Now that I'm done talking about me let's go to what Shockwave's done.

Well he's been a busy bot as Shockwave finished the synth-en we now are able to enhance our projects.

So Project Predacon is going to be stronger than the og timeline now don't worry about Predaking going all disloyal Shockwave and I made sure there's no possibility of that happening.

While on the other hand the Omega Lock should be operational in about 5 to 6 months as we need to get the All-Spark as well and Shockwave is starting on reactivating a spaceport.

Did you know the Decepticon warship that we see in tfp were extremely common during the War on Cybertron even though the Nemesis is Trypticon is is more advanced then them they could of used a better alt-mode but hey I'm not planning on using that build nah.

I've been playing around on the holographic monitors around my throne and let me tell you even though Megatron and Galvatron didn't pay close attention to overseeing the plans for the Decepticon warships a quick glance is enough to build a model scale of it in my mind where i can discard parts and replace them.

It's pretty fun to do that when Unicron upgraded my body the og Galvatron didn't use it to It's full capability.

I got the rough plans for three ships two of them are going to be used for anything like and they can be upgraded by the captain of the ship by doing well in missions and then my flagship my pride and joy It's going to be a monster of a ship when built while not being what i wanted i realised that if i built the original now i would burn through every single resource i have.

So i have to wait but it's still not a bad flagship.

And you can't tell me that decepticon ships are not aesthetically pleasing.

Moving on i know the All-Spark is at the Theta Scorpii star system but it is extremely dangerous area filled with plasma storms and asteroids i could theoretically go there myself but there is like a 100% chance i might die or get lost.

And I'm not confident enough to leave my Decepticons by themselves they have grown alot bigger.

We have 10,000 automated drones all spread out across the Bastion and the Nexaraxis Dominium and the Echelon Citadel and we also have 10,000 vehicons spread across three locations and 5000 of them are ground and seeker bots.

We do have a vehicon factory online producing 500 a month and that's also including equipment.

For the moment I've split my forces in three equal groups when we get Cybertron activated those three groups will be the beginning of there own cities.

In the future i plan to collect the Iacon relics so me and Shockwave and figure out how it works and i need to let Shockwave figure out a way to stop Primus and Unicron from interfering with our species.

But for now everything is going to plan.


5 Orbital-Cycles Later (5 Months)

I'm exhausted I've been itching for anything I've finished my ship schematics.

I've trained and trained sparred with everyone i imagine they thought it was training.

I have split the combaticons to teach and play war games with the vehicon's.

Drachen, Onslaught and Straxus are working together they actually are friends now Onslaught assists Drachen and Straxus follows along.


Galvatron training montage:

Radeon and Brawl are now hanging out with each other they have trained and fought each other all across the Bastion and it has been a headache for Drachen, Onslaught and Straxus.


Radeon and Brawl:

Radeon is beating some of the heavy duty vehicons and is getting bored.

Radeon: "I'm so bored i wish i could blow something up."

Radeon then hears a voice speak from across the arena.

Brawl: "I wish there was still some Autobots to chrush but i guess you will do."

Radeon turns to Brawl and smirks they both rush at each in the ensuing battle half of the arena was destroyed and the rest was covered in sorch marks.

Brawl looks at Radeon from the floor.

Brawl: "You know that was fun but do you know what else is fun explosion's."

Radeon who is on the floor too looks at Brawl and i swear to Primus his eyes were shining.

Radeon: "You know what i think this going to be the start of a beautiful friendship."

Just before Brawl could answer Drachen, Onslaught and Straxus entered the arean and as soon as Brawl and Radeon see them they both nod and transform out of there.

The last thing they hear is a incoherent scream of rage from the distance.


Blaze, Vortex and Blast Off are training the vehicon seeker's and they have bonded over there shared love of flying.


Training with Blaze, Vortex and Blast Off:

Blaze is flying around instructing the vehicon seeker's in maneuvers.

Blaze: "Come on follow what I'm doing this is easy."

As Blaze is saying that a the seeker's behind him are struggling to keep up as they have to dodge attacks from Vortex and Blast Off.

A seeker got blasted out of the air and landed harshly on the ground.

Blast Off and Vortex laugh.

Blaze: "Dammit Dodge !!."

Blast Off and Vortex laugh even louder.


I'm quite proud of how far my Decepticons have come when i first came here they were barely functioning but now there thriving and they are stronger than ever.

Megatron when he abandoned these soldiers that was one of his biggest mistakes.

I know by the time of season one of tfp Megatron lost most of his army either he left them on different parts of the galaxy that's unacceptable.

There's so much to do but so little time.



I wait a few moments and a groundbridge opens up infront of me and Drachen exits, and he kneels infront of me.

Drachen: "Creator I have arrived what do you require of me."

I take a few seconds and then i look at Drachen seriously.

Galvatron: "Drachen i have a mission of extreme importance i require you to order all decepticons to salvage any resources and material from Cybertron, i require indepth searches to find any lost technology or stasis pods, i need this done immediately if possible."

Drachen looks at me and looks at me in such loyalty I'm a bit afraid.

Drachen: "I shall do so immediately Creator i will not fail you."

I look at Drachen in exasperation.

Galvatron: "Drachen you have never failed me you are my proudest creation nothing else shall replace you, now go complete this mission and maybe we'll have a movie night."

Drachen looks at me nods and leaves immediately through a groundbridge.

I guess that's done now I'm gonna go design some new PBM'S and ships.

I can't wait to play with the Predacon imagine riding it into battle.

In a month's time just a month i can wait a month can't i yeah.

Devastator_21 Devastator_21

Sorry about the update schedule my mum went to hospital in the morning and I've been stressed out the next chapter will have alot of cool things in it I apologise for any errors.

Oh and gimme some power stones if you want or Galvatron will be at your window.

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