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Chapter 14: Make satay for Loli

After clearing the battlefield, adi and diamond rushed away from the place, to avoid unnecessary disturbance from other beasts. Don't forget to take some thorny fragrant fruit.

Because he still felt strange why the two tigers had to fight to the death, for the sake of this fruit. While occasionally chatting with diamonds on the road, finally after walking quite a distance for almost an hour. Adi and diamond managed to find a cave that is quite comfortable.

Checks and makes sure that the cave is safe, adi cleans it right away. Taking out a tent and supplies, Adi decorated the cave with some necessities, to make it easier for him to stay. Because he plans to stay for a certain time in the cave.

After re-arranging some traps and defenses around the cave, Adi rushed to clean himself to take a bath. After a while of bathing and feeling refreshed, it was time for lunch, and diamond, knowing that lunchtime had arrived, excitedly rushed to ask Adi to cook immediately.

Hearing diamond's request, Adi just shook his head remembering when diamond first ate, like a vacuum cleaner, diamond tasting food for the first time like a trance, eating all the food stored by Adi.

Adi who saw this was shocked and scared because he knew he would quickly go bankrupt in raising this loli. And after various persuasion and lure from Adi, finally diamond can control her appetite by eating meat that is in a hurry, of course before being eaten diamond, Adi must cook it.

Thinking of a cute little body, that can swallow a large amount of food, sometimes Adi still hesitates to believe where all the food is wasted, and why he doesn't get fat or at least grow up.

Shaking his head up to this point, adi can only think this is a mystery. When he was busy daydreaming, the sound of a call from diamond woke him up from his daydream.

[Brother....what are you cooking, Brother this time? Intan is already hungry...] said to adi while sulking a little, hugging Adi's arm spoiled

"You are a diamond... you eat your mouth... you're getting fat...." Adi teased to diamond

[Don't worry bro, diamond won't get fat .....heheeh] laughing happily replying to Adi's words

Adi who heard diamond's answer, laughed and continued his cooking preparations, while thinking what to eat this time was delicious, after a while thinking about the tiger meat he received, Adi thought just satay, this is easy.

Be adi prepare the ingredients to make satay

"Our diamond will eat tiger satay today, you have the task of making skewers, okay...make 100-200 ok"

[Ohhhhhhh satay...ok ok bro, intan likes satay.....sip if that's the case, a diamond makes skewers first] hurriedly went to collect wood materials around to make skewers

Meanwhile, Adi prepares the tiger meat, cuts it to medium size, and then prepares the satay seasonings, such as peanuts, chili sauce, salt, mirin, soy sauce, and some additional spices.

After half an hour of preparation, the main ingredients and seasonings are ready, now all you have to do is make charcoal to burn the satay, and also a place to grill it. While waiting for diamonds to return, hand over the skewers.

Shortly after adi finished making charcoal, intan came back with lots of skewers and handed them to adi, adi didn't forget to teach diamond to stab meat and also to burn the satay, looking at intan who looked happy adi felt that his hard work was bathed in smoke, just looking at the smile sincere and cute little loli in her soul purified.

After an hour finished burning, tidying up the existing utensils, and preparing the table for the two of them to eat, in the middle of the table there was a line of satay that had piled up quite high, you can imagine how many satays were served enough to eat together.

"Now we can start eating the satay," Adi said to diamond who was waiting in front of the table with shining eyes and drooling.

Without further ado, intan devoured the satay with his two small hands, adi in front of the diamond didn't want to lose, because he knew if he didn't move fast he wouldn't get a share.

Thus began a satay-eating competition between a teenager and a little loli, until 15 minutes later when there was only one skewer left, the two stared at each other and there was a clear electric spark between the two.

[brother intan is still growing, so diamond must eat a lot] Adi who heard this wanted to pinch Diamond's ears hard, thinking about the skewers that had been piled up beside his plate.

"Girl can't eat a lot, later if you're fat no one likes it...." Adi replied with a hidden smile

Intan, who heard Adi's answer, felt that Adi definitely couldn't give up so he had to use another method, thinking of something. Loli's brain came up with an idea...[Brother...later you sleep you can hug Diamond...] Diamond teased Adi.

Adi, who was initially ready to argue with the diamond again, suddenly fell silent and there was a burning passion from within him, "Mmmmm.... that's a right diamond... can you hug me later to sleep" Adi replied with a little trembling holding back excitement.

Intan who saw that adi had started to get distracted, quickly took the satay on the plate and ate it in front of adi, after swallowing all the satay in one mouthful, intan smiled at adi with a triumphant smile and then chuckled as she stood up and pointed at adi, shouting ...[ONICHANNNNN...HENTAIIIIIIIII....] laughed happily and disappeared in front of adi.

Adi who heard the screams of diamonds was stunned while clumsily and couldn't touch his forehead, he knew that diamonds were getting smarter and nosy every day. Whispering in his heart... "Onican not hentai...onican just can not hentai...onichan just loliiii...onichan not hentai...onichan just loliiii..." exhale with frustration...

After eating and taking a short nap, then waking up in the afternoon, Adi took out a compact meal because he was lazy to cook, moreover, he was still annoyed with diamond calling him hentai.

Eating food at night, then taking a shower and sleeping closes the gray day as hentai.


Wake up in the morning, make a simple breakfast with tiger meat and some fruit which he keeps in the room, adi starts the morning with his simple exercise.

Running as far as 10 km with continued push-ups, situps, and pull-ups, adi cools his body with meditation. Changing clothes and taking a shower, Adi saw a diamond figure who today wore bright yellow clothes, complete with a ponytail ribbon in both braids, adding to the cute atmosphere, which made it even brighter.

[Morning brother, how did you sleep last night, did you dream of diamonds?], said diamond while laughing a little teasing adi

"No I don't, I don't dream of diamonds" Adi replied curtly

[are you sure... didn't dream diamond.... are you sure?] diamond teasing again

"yeeee... you know you're annoying" leaving diamond to hurry up to take a shower

[ahhhh...., brother just like that, angry....immature] diamond reply

"Let it go, no one else knows this besides you" snorted annoyed, and walked to take a shower

[Just like that, sulk... brother.... where are you going...] diamond shouted while running towards adi

Adi who heard the steps behind the diamond smiled faintly, and as he approached the place to take a shower, a diamond's voice suddenly sounded.

Intan, who initially thought Adi was going to hunt, of course, was happy to follow, but when Intan and Adi walked towards the bathroom, she instantly knew she had been tricked by Adi.

[ONICHHAAAAAAA..... BAKA... HENTAI....] turned around while running and screamed in embarrassment.

Adi who heard the cry of diamonds just laughed with satisfaction. Returning after taking a bath and feeling refreshed Adi saw the diamond who was now sitting on a rock singing a foreign song that he felt very familiar with.

[My balloons have five, various colors, red, yellow, Green..... ] muttered something then turned to look at Adi

"It's been over a year now and soon we'll be able to take control of this entire island,"

[Yes, bro, I can't believe we've been on this island for more than 1 year, and you only have to face the 4 kings of the island]

"Well, that's why brother invited you to talk because the next battle will be much more difficult, and we can't use our previous strategy"

[Ehhh... why...?]

"Think.....when you go back, it's clear that name is king, definitely smarter than his subordinates"

[Who said! The king is smarter than his subordinates?] argues disagree

"Brother just said" Adi replied back

[That's brother's version, but from the diamond scan results the monster kings on this island aren't smarter than the others, they're just stronger so others make them kings]

"Mmmmm makes sense, they might be scared because those kings are stronger, moreover they instinctively can be animals"

[True...that you know,....huuuuu] snorted at adi

"Heheheeh...sorry, bro it's wrong, let's continue"

[Well, that's good, ok, let's continue] answered diamond happily

"Now we choose which of these 4 is the weakest" adi said to the diamond

[From the results, the scan of the weakest diamond, is near us, behind the high mountain] pointing behind the diamond where a high mountain can be seen.

"Ohhhhh, Behind that mountain, then what kind of diamond, what kind of ability?"

[Kind of eagle bro, then his ability sonic sound, and wind claws]

"Wahhhhh, that's okay... ok then it's been decided tomorrow we will go to the mountain to see the terrain and formulate our arrangements, the rest of the daily practice and prepare supplies"

Adi replied to intan [Ok, in that case, diamond wants to take a walk around to see if anything is interesting] said to adi then disappeared

Adi, who watched the diamond disappear, just sighed, realizing that the diamond's curiosity was getting bigger.

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