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Chapter 9: / A THREAT/

{ Howdy everyone there are some things I would like to tell you guys today but first I would like to request you guys to 'READ THIS CHAPTER TILL THE END' before making a decision of whether it was good or stupid.

Now I would like to tell you guys- I initially wanted to change the personality of some characters to avoid any copyright issues, but decided to not change there personality too much because some of my readers who were the first ones to comment didn't like it at all. So I hope you enjoy it now.}


The next morning breakfast table -

" Huey chan ~ you should eat more salad it's good for your growth" Nyx said while grabbing a piece of fish herself.

" I already look older then my real age and Thats not my name " I said with a defeated tone.

"Hm, I know that but that's a nickname for you I chose, do you not like it then how about matty, Matts, hugh, Theo or how about M chan"

"..... Huey is good enough"

"Hmm? aren't you calmer then usual today. did you grow up already, Hm that's no good If I won't be able to see your frustrated or angry reaction then it won't be much fun" Nyx said in a sulky voice .

"That's my aim ".

"Were you always such a mean child~ it feels like it was just yesterday When you asked me to make a contract with you with so much enthusiasm, Wait! It was actually yesterday"

"Is that so? How wierd I only remember a threat of kidnapping though". I said narrowing my eyes and looking upwards.

Why upward you ask ? Well that's because I am sitting on Nyx's lap, Even though it frustrates me that I Can't do anything or I'd teach her the consequences of messing around like this. But the only reason I am so calm is that She's really soft especially her boo *cough-cough chest.

Or Is it because My my body is growing faster then normal but even though I am still 7 years and some months old I already look like a 10 years old kid. Am I finally getting my manliness back ?.... Na-ah it's probably because I always loved food And Soft and fluffy stuff, Though I never touched a girl in my past life since middle school, And it's not like I was ugly or something It was because my tendency to avoid trouble and lack of self confidence. I was afraid of getting hurt. I wonder if I had been more confident would I have been able to get a girlfriend? Hmm....

"Oh! She's really here." dad said with a somewhat shocked yet excited voice. Bringing me back from my little world of thoughts.

"Did you think I was lying?"

"No but it's really strange you know Its the first time The Primordial goddess of night has made a contract with with a non divine being".

"Well Huey chan is very interesting I thought it would be shame to let go of such a good chance." Nyx said while hugging me tightly.

( Dangerous this softness is dangerous I feel like I'll get addicted to it if it continues like this).

"I see, I agree with that, I would be reassured If a powerfull being like you is protecting him but... If you have any intentions of using my son for some shady stuff then believe me I'll make sure that you pay for it, And believe me greek pantheon won't be able to save you not Zeus, Not anyone else.Dad said with a serious face.

(Oho~ it's been a while since I've seen Dad make such a serious face. Although I am happy that you care so much about me to the point of risking animosity with the greek pantheon but YOU SHOULD STOP HER BEFORE SHE COULD HARM ME! WHATS THE POINT OF ALL THAT WHEN I AM ALREADY GONE).

"Huey chan don't move to much" Nyx said ignoring my frustrated look .

"Well, you don't need to worry about it. I made a promise to huey chan~.

"I don't believe you though" I said with narrowed eyes.

"You have read before signing any contract Huey chan, It's not my fault at all" Nyx said as if I was the one at fault here.

" I wasn't given any contract to read and you even threatened to kidnape me! " I couldn't hold my anger at her unreasonableness .

"Oh! there it is ~ Your angry face is so adorable Huey chan~". Nyx said looking delighted.

(Crap! she was aiming for that)

" You did that on purpose didn't you" I said with a grim face" (Scary, women are Scary)

"..... That's good then, Mathew I'll be off then".

"No dad wait! do you not remember what I said yesterday? I am coming with you".

"So you really want to do it huh..... fair enough I think it would better if you are stronger". Dad said looking towards me or was he looking at Nyx?

" Hmm~Why do I feel left out? Tell me too Huey chan".

"No, unfortunately I don't trust you enough to tell you that" I said with a decisive tone.

"..... I.. I see, right you can't trust me yet is it. I understand" Nyx said looking a little hurt.

"...." (Why is the situation So awkward suddenly).

"I'll wait for at the entrance" Dad Said before quickly leaving the dining room.

(Hey, how can leave me in such a awkward situation, you traitorous father !)

"...(Well what should I do now. Was I too harsh? But no even if we have maid a contract and she swore not to hurt me, It would be foolish to trust her on sensitive matters like this, It would be problematic if Information about my other longnius which is supposedly new, spread to some unpleasant guys. But, I could have told her this gently. Umm..... I should apologise, and try to comfort her she's going to be sort of my companion it would be better to have a good relationship with her ..... But how do you comfort a girl..... Anyway, at least I should apologise).

"Nyx listen"/-

"Onee- Sama" Nyx mumbled something.


"I asked you to call me onee sama" Nyx said still keeping her face down.

".....Haah* Nyx O..Onee- sama( I can't believe I am doing this, it's so embarassing. Now I just want to find a hole and hide in it ).

"Listen I am sorry , Its not like I doubt your oath about not hurting me but you have to understand It'll take some time to form trust between us"

".....I *shakes head* don't worry I understand I- I'll take my leave then".

*Swoosh* Nyx just vanished in thin air.

(Is she genuinely hurt ? Or she's just scheming something, She wasn't very pleased with the existence of Sacred gear In the OG series, But Alliance of hell was officially formed much later. And she wasn't the kind of person who do not value their words or promises..... Should I ask dad about it? Uggh it's frustrating. Forget it I should get going).


In the depths of TARTARUS home of deities with the affinity of darkness of greek mythology there stands a Castle blacker and more mysterious then The surrounding darkness. This Castle is the home of Primordial goddess of night 'NYX' who resides there on her throne with a troubled look on her face until she noticed some disturbance in the surrounding air.

"So how did it go sister how was the | Anomaly|" said a being with the appearance of young man in his early twenties. His body is surrounded by a dark cape and gives a dark Aura. His name is Erebus The Primordial god of darkness and Nyx's older brother.

"I just started observing him, but if I have to give my opinion right now. 'He' isn't a threat . But he is somewhat different from what we felt before."

"Different you say.. how exactly?"Before Erebus could ask in detail Nyx answered.

"He has something which is foreign yet familiar, It was attracting me towards him it was.. It was as if I he is opposite of me yet It didn't feel revolting it's quite opposite to it I.. I can't really tell what it is as it's still dormant." Nyx said while frowning.

"Isn't that already dangerous! not only he's a fallen with a longnius and the most mysterious one but also has some kind of energy in him. I think we need to deal with him it would be for the best,we/ "No.." before he could state his opinion furthermore he was interrupted by Nyx.

"He is just a child brother at least let me observe him for some years, I've already made somewhat favorable relationship with him. Even if he really becomes dangerous in the near future for us or our pantheon we can always do something about it, But if I guide him in right direction I am sure he won't cause any problem for us. Besides I've formed a contract with him and swore not to hurt him.Because his reactions were very interesting and funny. Ah! I almost forgot Azazel threatened that if something happens to his son the whole greek pantheon would have to pay for it. So it would be better to abandon any idea of harming with Mathew Vega if you don't want to become enemies with the 'the most Wicked fallen'.

Alright I am going to sleep now~ "

Nyx said getting up from her throne and leaving for her bedroom to sleep, leaving a dumbfounded Erebus behind.

".....Huh?..... WHAT A CONTRACT! what were the contents? What have you done sister!"

Erebus screamed with all his might but no answer came back as Nyx was already asleep in her room. And waking up her was no less then stepping in a dragon's jaw. So he could only scream out loud in frustration.

[Grigori main headquarters and research facility ] -

" Alright Mathew Step into this incubation chamber". Dad that pointing at a large container like object from those Sci- fi movies which are usually filled with monsters or clones.

" Am I going to mutate if I go inside there" Mathew asked with a stupid look on his face probably because he was imagining his mutant self ( Body of a human and a shark's head, or would I become Superman? No I am a fallen so it's already useless and I like Batman more).

"Hmm? What are you talking about are you a idiot? Why would we put you in a mutation incubation tank". Dad said with a confused face.

"Wait you actually have them ??" While the idiot in question was well.. surprised

"Of course we do what did you think we do all day here? Anyways This incubation tank will help you control your longnius and possibly try to keep your body and mind safe by forcefully shutting your longnius off, Though it was basically made for normal sacred gears we remodeled it a bit and this version should work out just fine. And if not we'll just have to do in the old way"

" Old way?.." The idiot was confused again.

"We'll knock you unconscious".

"I see sounds good~". Mathew said with sarcasm.

".... Do I have to get naked or something?" Asked the idiot in worry, after all he didn't had a hobby of exhibitionism.

"Hm? Yes.. but you don't need to get completely naked wear some shorts or just go in with your underwear on" Azazel unlike his usual carefree self was acting like a serious guy for one's.

" Get inside already.. didn't you say, You wanted to awaken your sacred gear? Now get a move on already". Azazel sounded like a old martial arts teacher for a moment to the idiot.

" *Gulp*.. Alright..*Step- step* The 'idiot' went in with his boxers on.

"We are receiving signals normally sir, there is no problem with the incubator".Said penemue.

"Okay, Mathew do you hear me?"

Mathew couldn't speak because of the liquid inside the incubator and only nodded.

" Start channeling your longnius's power and gently move it towars your chest while imagining that your longnius is a stream flowing through your soul and let's make your other longnius which is unawakened is the Lets see.. 'shore' and you are just rafting towards it , Remember don't rush and explore it slowly.

Mathew could only nod at him again, Then he closed his eyes and began to concentrate.



[P/S - Room_game, evilandgod, latestwolf28, SigurdTheSlayer, jaden_cadavas, SchneeSturm. Thank you very much for power stones.

And every one thanks for views, likes, comments, power stones and for adding my book to your Collection. PLease keep supporting me].

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