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Chapter 66: Peony Flower City! (1)

Disappointed with his surprise, Zhang Wu Ji planned to throw the blueprints aside.

It took him at least ten minutes in the sour mood before he finally went out from haunted by the experience. Since it was a loot he steals from the Celestial Designer, Master Su, maybe he does have something good in his inventory that Zhang Wu Ji might get if he was forced to face the Celestial Designer in a fight.

"Wait... Didn't I have the recycle option? Since I have three trash blueprint in hand, I should try to use this ability to see what will I get from it!" Zhang Wu Ji took the three scrolls together in hand before he whispered the word;


Understanding the word he whispers, the [UPGRADE] system turned the three scrolls into ashes, leaving only six strands of golden threads remaining in his grip. The golden threads length is similar to a horse's tail, almost about the size of an arm of an adult.

Celestial Golden Thread

-Usage: Upgrade a blueprint into Golden Chart

-Requirement: 100 strands

-Durability: -/-

"Golden Chart! What does that mean? But it needs 100 strands. Does those plan that I will make in the future can be recycled into the threads?" Zhang Wu Ji smiled as he looks at the golden threads in his hand. When he released his grip on the threads, they float in the air for a moment, and then entered Zhang Wu Ji's body without feeling anything changed in his body.

With this, Zhang Wu Ji now possesses a new motivation. Smiling while he put on a proper clothing, a knock came from the outside of his room.

"Hey! It's our match today! Come out and face my challenge!" Meng Ran knocked his door to remind him about their match today.

"Coming!" since Zhang Wu Ji is almost done putting on a proper clothing, he came out with nothing else but a Formation Engraving Chisel. Walking side by side, the two make their way towards the Apprentice Hall's open square for their competition.

Under Meng Ran's arrangement, a plenty of materials in their powder form is prepared for this competition. Although the book they read did not specify a certain kind of material used to creates the Formation Clay, every different mix and match will result in a different kind of a Formation Clay is created.

When they reached the Open Square, the crowd surprised Zhang Wu Ji, because he did not imagine that a small competition between him and Meng Ran will attract so many spectators. Perhaps if it was not due to the possible invasion by the Orchid Mountain Bandits from the northwest, there will be more spectators watching them.

This includes Liang Tian.

But it was a weird thing that their headmistress and Guan Qing Han is gone from the Apprentice Hall for so long without any news. Without further ado, their match begins. With the materials is already prepared on the table for them to start preparing the Formation Clay, their first step will starts from preparing their own Ingredient Mixing Plate.

As usual, Meng Ran followed her own formula to create her Formation, Clay. The only differences this time is instead of putting too much water into the clay, she increases the amount of Inner Qi injected into the clay to form a more durable but lesser yield Formation Clay.

Still, this is a competition to make a better Formation Clay, and not competing about who's formation clay yield better in business term. Repeating all familiar steps, Meng Ran came out with two pieces of Formation Plate that twice better than the one she made before.

This time, it's a shop-worthy product. If this Formation Plate is placed in the shop's shelf, maybe it will be sold out in a matter of minutes. But sadly, her opponent is not anyone else, but a cheater with a system, the notorious kind and full of good deed's Zhang Wu Ji.

The Apprentice Hall's Founder!

The ninth Master Senior!

The Maker of Qiyue Flying Swords!

The person that created four Low-Tier Spirit Weapons for somebody else but not himself!

The Densest disciple with lots of good Karma!

The only one with a Jade Ruler as his weapon!

The crowd was first surprised by the fact their Apprentice Hall possess a Formation Master In Training, but what's more surprising is that their Master Senior Ninth! He's a Blacksmith, Pill Master, Celestial Designer, Martial Artist, Manual Editor, and now, Formation Master!

How talented is this hidden dragon that hides right under their nose?

Using his Formation Engraving Chisel, Zhang Wu Ji engraved his own improved version of Ingredient Mixing Inscription into the piece of this stone slab as big as a square foot. The engraved stone slab soon can be activated to start preparing his own mix of Formation Clay, where Zhang Wu Ji utilizes the Mineral Ore Powder, some Fur Charcoal Powder, a hint of Brimstone Powder and Firestone Powder.

His Ingredient Mixing Plate combines all the ingredients he used and form a beautiful clay as before, where he then mold them into three Formation Plate same like before.

But in term of quality, Zhang Wu Ji's formation plate is much better than her own, with three units of yield compared to her two units. What's more, Zhang Wu Ji's did not spend the amount of Inner Qi she did.

Hesitates to take the defeat, she bites her lower lips with her teeth.

"Miss Meng Ran, shall we call this competition, a draw?" Zhang Wu Ji can imagine how deep is the impact if she was to be defeated thoroughly by a newbie that learn Formation for merely three days. Hearing his words, even Liang Tian is impressed with his disciple's magnanimity.

"A lost is lost. I admit I am not as talented as you." Meng Ran announced her defeat to the spectators surrounding their stage. Taking out the manual left by her parents, Meng Ran delivered it to Zhang Wu Ji's hand before she quietly leaves the stage.

Although the competition is very short-lived, it's content were worth all the attention. The small part of performance grabs the attention of the people with interest in inscriptions and engravings, leading to many people approaching Zhang Wu Ji and Meng Ran for the reason to learn about the Formation Inscription Art.

Again, three days pass.

Under his order to restricting people not from the Wen Wu City to enter the city, the bandits were having a bad time in their attempts. In estimation alone, at least over a hundred bandits were killed the moment they failed to produce any proof of documentation related to their affliction to any of the parties.

This step proof successful, especially against the bandit who failed to obtain any of the documentation no matter where they go. With the number of spies is getting lower, the people from the Seven Star Sect under Yang Chen Kun's control is getting more restless.

Few of them that weren't a member of the Bandits, Golden Wolf Syndicate, nor anyone related to the Jie's Clan and Upper South Mercenaries started to feel restless because of the situation. It seems that a few parties are related to this usurping of power, and end up causing Yang Chen Kun more problem instead of promised wealth, fame, and status.

Back to the Apprentice Hall, after so many days of teaching and practicing with the interested disciples about the Formation Art, Zhang Wu Ji and Meng Ran leave the disciples to take their time to practice, while he himself and Meng Ran will be on their way towards the Mystic Engineering Establishment in the Willow Timber County.

After excusing themselves, Zhang Wu Ji and Meng Ran fly together in a single Qiyue Flying Sword. It wasn't because they were a couple of lovebirds, but because Zhang Wu Ji is a direction-blind. If he were to be given the chances to fly through from the Wen Wu City towards west, who knows where will he end up... Although his destination is most probably the villages or the side entrance to Southern Bamboo Forest.

Following her accurate direction each time they needed to made a turn, Meng Ran literally become his GPS Tool that will bring him everywhere without the need to waste his time to look around. As they weren't stopping in any major villages or towns on their way, the days of travel reduced by 2 days in total, where it took only seven days for the duo to reaches the entrance into the Willow Timber County.

It took them another four days to reach the Peony Flower City, which is the place where Mystic Engineer Establishment built their base. Altogether, it took them eleven days to reach their destination, but it was all worth it. The entrance into the Peony Flower City is controlled by mechanical arms and wheels that bring the main gate open and close depending on the party of entry.

Tamed Beast as rides is a normal matter here. As in fact, The Flying Swords were a cheaper commodity for the wealthy because any of the certified First-Grade Celestial Designer can easily forge a Flying Sword. The only thing matters are their durability, because of their usage as a short utilizing shelf-live, they weren't comparable to Tamed Beast that can get stronger in the future, and will not face any difficulties in the number of uses.

One of the most common Tamed Beast one can found here is the Peony Fleeting Stallion. Categorized as the best light-weight horses in the whole Willow Timber County, this horse can run as fast as 100 km/hour without stopping for half a day.

Although their feed is expensive to maintain, for the wealthy family, this kind of supply is a necessity.

As their flying sword getting closer to the entrance, a loud horn is heard from not far behind them. Here for the first time, Zhang Wu Ji followed the others to give way and move aside from the entrance. A few cracking sounds are heard following with the main gate is completely opened.

Like a moving locomotive train, the carriage as tall as a three-floor building came close to them in a high speed of at least 140km/hour to 160km/hour. Pulled by fifty horses from both the left and right side, this is one of their biggest mean of transport that delivers peoples and resources from one city to another.

"Hundred Horses Carriage! This is what brother Yong Lie shared with us when in the Heavenly Sword Sect! That explains why a covered path is seen on the ground!" Zhang Wu Ji knows it was nothing special for metal carriage pulled by a hundred of the Peony Fleeting Stallion, but in this world that has no electrical, steam engines, and locomotive, a specially made transport like this is amazing in his opinion.

"Good Idea, amazing arrangement, and method to ensure the traveling part went smoothly without any discomfort!" Zhang Wu Ji speaks his appraisal on their Hundred Horses Carriage out loud, allowing all the people around him to pay their attention to him for a moment.

"Where did this village boy come from?" this is what they had in their mind. But then;

"Brother Wu Ji!" a loud call came from inside of the Hundred Horses Carriage as a disciple with his partner, a female jump out from the windows.

"Brother Yong Lie!" Zhang Wu Ji is delighted to immediately found his acquaintance without the need of looking all around and requesting for a meeting with Yong Lie. After all, he's the Number 1 Master Senior in the Mystic Engineer Establishment, while Zhang Wu Ji is only the ninth and youngest Master Senior of the now usurp Seven Star Sect.

"Hahaha! I did not imagine I will see you so soon after the Counties Gathering! What a good day! Mu-Er, go prepare a table in the Flying Flavors Pavilion, I will have a drink and a meal with brother Wu Ji before we went to meet master!" Yong Lie ordered his partner to help him make the arrangement. Under this so-called Mu-Er's invitation, Meng Ran followed and leave the man to man have their own discussion.

Walking together with Yong Lie, Zhang Wu Ji is exempted from any entrance tax, security and identity check, and of course, restriction of stay within the Peony Flower City. With Yong Lie's nameplate in his hand, Zhang Wu Ji is allowed to walk, sleep, and even relief himself anywhere if he wishes.

Bring him to tour around the city, Yong Lie first destination is to let him have a look at the Peony Flower City's proudest invention, the Mystic Water Tower.

Because most of their water source came from the underground river, the Mystic Water Tower fully incorporate the function of a water mill along with the advance plantation irrigation system, allowing this tower to supply fresh drinkable water into the city and also 100km away from where they stand.

What's more, the practices of using Plateau Plantation Plate is already well incorporated into the lives of the people here, where each building, houses, and walk path is filled with Plateau Plantation Plate. In the hand of the guards, most of them were wielding a crossbow or some special weapon like Yuan-Tie Hand Cannon, but their sizes are smaller compared to the one he made from his version of the blueprint.

Next, Zhang Wu Ji entered the Medicine Pavilion, where the physicist, Pill Masters, and Herbalist group together to form a join establishment. Over here, over a thousand kind of medicinal herbs planted using the Plateau Plantation Plate is available, both in dried, harvested, or living form. The physician inspection cost nothing, but the medicine to cure sickness or problem is sold for a hefty price.

As for pills, the varieties wasn't over his expectation, but they can be said to be extremely complete, with almost all ungraded and Tier 1 pills is available for sale. Even the Fighter Chasing Dan, Majestic Violet Pill, Yantai Pill is also available in a small number of stocks.

Instead of purchasing the plants, Zhang Wu Ji procured the seeds. He purchases a total of 1 million gold coins worth of seed and kept them in his own Onyx-Class Spatial Ring, and followed Yong Lie as they continue their discussion until they reach their third destination, the Records Pavilion.

Unlike the Seven Star Sect, the Mystic Engineer Establishment never focus in martial arts and cultivation arts as their establishment grows. Following the similar practice like how the Tao Family's Study Hall operates, the Records Pavilion is what exists in this Peony Flower City, with a record of over five hundred thousand of books and recordings here.

Only the blueprint itself is at least fifty thousand scrolls, but the cost to purchase a copy of them is between 500,000 Gold Coins to 1 Million Gold Coins. Coming here without any paper or brush, it was impossible for him to try playing with his Knowledge Unlocking ability. He can still make a few copies, but he will have to choose only the higher quality one, and not the basic stuff.

Reaching their fourth destination, Zhang Wu Ji entered their City Forge. It was a building at least twice bigger than his own Apprentice Hall and comes with two different towers. One of them belonged to the Blacksmith Profession, and another belonged to the public members of the Celestial Designer.

Although the Mystic Engineer Establishment do possess their own forge, it was restricted to only accessible for their disciples, so it was impossible for an outsider to use them. And of course, for those blueprints related to important design such as the Mystic Water Tower, Spatial Ring, and Metal Bird, those are only can be found in the establishment.

A little further from the City Forge is where the entrance to the Mystic Engineer Establishment is erected. Their entrance looks much similar to the Main Gate of the Peony Flower City, and the wall is constructed using a special material that rejects any strands of Qi to break inside. But for now, this places is not his destination for now.

Leading him along, Yong Lie and Zhang Wu Ji soon reach the Flying Flavors Pavilion. Up to their name, before entering the pavilion itself, delicious smell from cooked dishes flew outside and caused the passerby to be engrossed with the smell of the food and attracted to go in for a meal.

Walking upstairs while ushered by the host, they were invited into the Honored Guest's room, where it was big enough to accommodate twenty to thirty adults without a problem. Looking at this arrangement, Zhang Wu Ji guessed that Yong Lie will have some other guest to join their meal, and it will most probably be his fellow junior brother and sisters.

Looking at how close is Yong Lie and the Miss Mu, Zhang Wu Ji guesses they must be a pair of lovebird as well. Or else, how can she know the way to handle brother Yong Lie's guest?

Not long after they were seated, over twenty dishes came at the same time. With the food varies from appetizers to fish, meat, vegetables, and special fruits and nuts, the four-person starts to engross themselves with the meal. Only after their meal Miss Mu clapped her hand twice, indicates the waitress to leave along with the empty plates and drinks.

By changing their tablecloth into a new one, with vase and flowers, wine and accompaniment snacks, the waitress leaves the room and let the door wide open. Following from that, seventeen disciples, ten male and seven females came inside the room and greets Zhang Wu Ji politely.

One by one, they stand side by side and cupped the hand together and started their conversation with a greeting.

"This group of Juniors from the Mystic Engineer Establishment pay their respect to the Master Senior Zhang Wu Ji from Seven Star Sect. We heard about your great achievement many times through our Senior Yong Lie and wondering will Master Senior Zhang mind to befriend with all these juniors here." their representative took the initiative to speak on behalf of the seventeen of them.

Zhang Wu Ji looked at Yong Lie and Miss Mu before he gave them a smile. Following after that smile, he replied;

"Are you making fun of me? If I call your master senior Yong Lie as a brother, and he addresses me as the same, then why don't you follow suit and address me in the same way? What is wrong with the befriend you guys?"

"As long I and brother Yong Lie are brothers, then the people from Seven Star Sect and Mystic Engineer Establishment is brothers and sisters too!"

yungsern87 yungsern87

Got myself free to complete a chapter earlier. Hope you guys enjoy it so far.


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