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Chapter 8: Night at Duke Rames Manor

After a couple of minutes we arrive at Duke Rames Manor. It a huge manor for short, our family also got huge manor tho, but it vaster than our. While if I am speaking about it in detail, it a manor around 3000 meter square. With a main mansion on the center, with medieval age architecture. It got a training field on the left courtyard, while a beautiful rose garden on the right side. There also a pond right next to rose garden, with bungalow on top of it. Then near the training field there a stable, there also few carriage in there. While there a guard post near the gate. Also the pond goes until the backyard, since I haven't seen it edge yet. Yep this is a ridiculously huge manor. I am sure there at least 20 room in the main building. Well it not like it my first time coming here, even though our family is in different faction we're kinda close after the king coronation which is around 6 years ago.

Also I can see the Duke servant standing in front of the manor door. They been waiting for us I guess. From how things goes from the gate until now, seems like the Duke already found us before we are arriving at Dinslaf. The question is what for? It kind of a grand welcome for only a Marquis and an Earl children, or I am missing something right now? Duke Rames family is consisted of the Duke, Duchess, two sons which is 23 years old and 15 years old, also a daughter which the same age as me. Is it someone's birthday right now? Hmm... Well I am not close with their faction, as for my father... He know the Duke personally although they aren't in the same faction before. Although I was close with the siblings before.

Before.... Right it in the past, according to that logic, the king right now got a good  policies for the people, which is equality, ethic and moral. Which in line with Duke Rames faction policy. Since all the neutral faction wanted was a stability, freedom to speak and citizen rights. They might be an alliance, or right now they already an allies. It seems possible that the Duke only inviting us to stay for the night, or he wants us..  no, he wants Lein or the future head of our household to be his allies. But what for? From how their faction works until now, they doesn't seems like people that going to do a rebellion. Because it definitely denies their policy.

So why does he wants Lein?

Hmmm, don't tell me!!

I know that guy fall in love with Lein couple of years ago.. seriously I hope it wasn't that. Although he is a good guy, with a great manner and bearing. He also good at swordsmanship and magic, since Duke Rames was famous for those too. But... He is really, really, really spoiled. He is a spoiled, rich noble kid, that cowardly and can't make his own decisions. I hope Duke Rames didn't used this kind of card, and only send us invitation for dinner.

As I am in a deep thought suddenly someone knock my door.

"Young master we have arrived."

"I'll be there Rum."

He open to carriage door, then helping me go down. Then by the stair to the estate, there standing a middle aged man, and woman. Also those familiar faces from my memories.

It the Duke, duchess and their childrens. The Duke got a blond hair with a deep blue eyes, his face definitely look like those star from Hollywood. He is around my father aged if I my memories correct he should be 2 years older than my father which mean he is 41 years old. He got a slim body for his height that around 180 cm. He smile gently and he got a calming eyes.

While the duchess is the same aged as father, they even in the same year in the magic academy. She is famous for her blazing red hair and her flame magic. Even tho she almost forty, she still got a gorgeous figure and a young face. Her eyes is deep red, that look like it can pierce people secret. She is a kind and perfect model of noble lady.

Then on the right side of the Duke Rames, it the oldest son, one of the youngest court magician in our kingdom history, Ramza van Rames. He got a tidy short red hair, deep blue eyes and a thick eyeglasses. An advance magician that half step away from being master. He look docile in his relaxed posture, but when he is angry a blazing mana would emitting from him. He definitely got his figure and ability from her mother. Because he got a baby face, while Duke Rames definitely look like dignified adults.

Then next to him is the youngest brother, which in my thoughts before. Reiya van Rames, he would be freshman of our academy this year. He got the same stature as Duke Rames, a little bulkier tho. He also got his blonde hair, which flow down till his shoulder. A childish smile is plastered on his face. Although he look much more mature and elegant than the last time I met him. He keep looking at me?? Hmm? Yep, he definitely looking at me meaningfully? What does he wants from me?

And the last one is Elsa van Rames, the only daughter of Duke Rames. A girl that look like a model from anyway angle. She got blonde hair until her back, that really smooth, and her mother blazing red eyes. She is the 4th place on last year freshman competition, while her overall studies is on the 3rd place. She basically one of the strongest and smartest student in our academy. Only under Lein and Silva by 3 point in theories. She also good at both magic and swordsmanship. I think if she didn't meet Lein on semi-final in duel competition she would be able to get second place. Although she losing against Fransisca, but it a really close battle. But she would definitely be able to beat Silva, while Silva definitely be able to beat Fransisca.

Why? Because Silva is slow, he is much more focused on magic although he could do huge burst of damage. While Elsa is faster and more proficient in sword but her stamina is low, while Fransisca got more stamina and proficiency in sword than Elsa although she is slower in movement.

So, as you can see Silva won't be able to burst Elsa, so Elsa could make him surrender first with her speed. While Silva against Fransisca, they got the same speed but Fransisca keep charging forward with her shield before, she got bursted before she could catch him. She forgotten something fundamental before!

While when Fransisca against Elsa, Elsa winning in term of speed but losing on proficiency. Making the match prolonged until her stamina depleted, because even tho Fransisca speed slower her parrying with sword is really good even when she used a shield at that time.

That aside, right now I definitely feel Elsa observing me too. But when I gaze at her, she move her gaze to the other starting from Rum, until she met Lein gaze. Well I could glimpse a wariness in her eyes. Then we walk closer to the stair before we do curtsey bow to the Duke. The Duke responding with a nod then he open his mouth.

"You must've been tired of your journey."

"It wasn't that tiresome Duke Rames. Thank you for your invitation. Have you been well Duke Rames, and Duchess Eve?"

Lein answering the Duke with a smile as our representative.

"We've been good, thank you for your concern child."

The duchess that answer her. Lein then look at the Duke children as she do the curtsey bow once again.

"Have you been well Sir Ramza, Reiya, and Lady Elsa?"

"Ah, I've been doing great on my research. Also you don't need to be so formal with us Lein. It not like we're inviting you as a noble. It more like a friendly invitation."

"Ah, I understand brother Ramza."

"Yes, sister Lein. Also I've been doing good all this time."

"It been awhile Lein. I am also doing good. How have you been?"

"That a good news then."

Then before the conversation continue the Duke cut in.

"Then since the greeting is over, how about we goes inside. Our chef is preparing for a dinner. You guys children can catch up inside while waiting. It must be a tiresome journey, riding a carriage for 3 days."

"Yes child, we should continue our conversation inside."

"Father is correct how inconsiderate of me. Please come inside."

Follow by the duchess and Ramza.

"Unfortunately me and your mother can't join you guys on dinner since we got some other business to be taken care. Forgive me."

The Duke bow down politely as he said that. Hmm? The Duke won't join us, so this invitation definitely not about that.

"Ah, it isn't a problems Duke Rames. We understand that you are a busy person. We already thankful enough for your offer to stay the night."

"That a relief than, if that so then please excuse us. Since it almost time for our appointment."

With that the Duke and Duchess goes out with their carriage.

"Then ladies and gentlemen, if you may please follow me."

Ramza gesturing to us to follow him in a perfect manner. While the servant bowing down as we got in before they disperse after we leave to one of the corridor. Not too long we arrive in front of a room. The butler that been leading Ramza opening the room for us. It a room that decorated nicely, with a fireplace, tea table set, a sofa, bookshelf and a few animal head decorations. There also a big family painting on top of the fireplace which located on the center of the room.

"Please ladies."

With that Lein and Fransisca goes inside the room with the Rames brother, while I am suddenly get a pull from behind. It is Elsa... She shutting my mouth with her hand.

"Brothers you guys can catch up first, I need to walk Zein to the restroom."

"Eh? Can't you just ask the butler? It not like this is his first time."

"No, Zein doesn't feel comfortable with strangers he won't be able to relief himself with strangers around."

"Oh, alright then."

She lied completely to her brother. Then pull me along to the backyard, or more like kidnapping me since she completely covered my mouth with a clothing and bind my hand on the back.

... Okay what in hell is going on?! What did I do wrong now? Honestly this isn't the first time I got kidnapped by her. But this haven't happened for 3 years, until now.

After reaching a completely empty courtyard, she stopping and pull me to one of the bungalow. Then she finally let the clothes on my mouth loose. She gaze at me warily.

"Who are you?"

That one line starled me, and make me gape. I responding immediately tho, since it Impossible she know.

"Are you crazy?! I am Zein Dageraad!"

"You're the one whose crazy, Zein Dageraad won't be able to make a fey scared! Tell me who are you?"

"A fey?!"

She covered her mouth with both her hand when she heard me reply.

Fey is a spiritual being made pure out of mana. They're born from nature, when a high condensed lump of mana gain a conscious from the surrounding. They usually become that place protector and living there in their entire life.

They known as fairy by human, and they can hardly be founded. They hardly got in contact with human, but when they found the human they like, they would make a contract with them immediately. Their contract would make their master mana and understanding in magic goes stronger. Also since they born from mana, they're sensitive about it. They would even scared of people with mana higher than them, because of their sensitivity also their entire entity could be absorbed by those kind of people. From my studies a low rank fey could have around 30 point of mana, middle rank around 80 point while high rank fey is around 130 point.

You could tell a fey rank by looking at their wing, if they got a pair it mean they're low rank, two pair of wing is middle rank while three pair of wing is high rank. I don't know if there is higher rank of fey out there but that all I found from my research. Also the truth is fey isn't the same as fairy, or that what I learned from 'Intoduction of magic race for dumb monkey'.

Yep, it the book of that guy.

"No, it wasn't a fey that told me. I just feel your aur— I mean mana got stronger. That guy doesn't have that high amount of mana!"

"... You're a bad liar when you panic Elsa."


Her face got red, cause of embarrassment.

"Ughh... Anyway who are you?!"

"I already told you I am Zein Dageraad! I was running away from the academy 4 months ago, then got bed ridden for 2 months."

"You threaten me with your father as a 9 years old for peaking your underwear, even tho it not my fault since your dress got blown by the wind. On summer when we're 10 years old you steal your father prized antique book, then accidentally rip one of it page which you flaunting in front of me."

" Then on our 11 years old, you got beaten by Lein in wrestling then crying under the table when class over. I found you when I search for my text book, which once again you threaten me. On 12 year old you got your first menstruation and you running to me saying 'I am bleeding what to do Zein'. Which resulting I got a long preaching by the teachers when I ask about it for you."

"I sneak a peak at you when we're 13 and got an a fire arrow flying at me, it was your first fire arrow. Also we almost kissing on 14, when I fall down from the school gate and you're standing by the wall. Making me got a punishment to clean the school bathroom for a week, since you report me to a teacher for skipping class! And I know you like to wear— mmhphm..."

She hold my mouth again with her hand, while blushing really bright.

" Ho-how did you remember all of those?! I even forgotten about that 12 years old thing!"

I bite her hand that covering my mouth. It wasn't hard by the way, just enough to make her pull it off. She look at me surprised while pouting her mouth.

"Hey! No, biting Zein!!"

"Tsk, who told you to cover my mouth. Everytime I come here, you always kidnapped me with the same reasoning to your brother, then covering my mouth with something!"

"But you would shout if I didn't do those!"

"... Seriously Elsa? It already happened many times, I already know you would bring me here every time you pull me like that."

"You did?! But aren't you an idiot?"


I stare at her with tired eyes, before rolling my eyes.

"What? Now you are checking on me again? I know that I am graceful, elegant and beautiful lady. But you don't need to look at me like that."

"And here come the narcism... Can I go back?"

"No! Until you tell me who are you!"

"... Did you hit your head before?"

She look aghast when she heard my words.

"Ho-how did you know?!"

I want to face palm right now... Sarcasm definitely didn't work on this rosy head.

"Anyway Elsa, if I am fake, I won't know all of our secret."

"...  Now that seems true. But how did you able to scare the fey?"

"How long did you got that fey?"

"Mmm a month?"

"Then, that is the reason. It because fey is sensitive of mana. They could tell the amount of someone mana roughly. They scared of me because I got higher mana then them."

"That exactly what she said! But that also the reason it weird. You're such a weakling in magic after all."

"... Okay, I am done playing."

I cut the clothes which binding me with a wind blade and free my hand.

"The answer is simple, I only act like a weakling Elsa. So can we get back already?"

She aghast once again when I free myself and flicking her forehead like when we were kid.

"You were only acting like a weakling?? B-but that doesn't make any sense, your aptitude is on magic is only common."

"... It indeed common. But who said work hard until your nosebleeding didn't work?"

She flinched when she heard my words. I mean she saw my nose bleeding couple of times when I was around 11 to 13 years old.

"Ahhhhh.... So all your hard work is being paid off! That amazing, congratulations Zein!"

She suddenly hug and swinging me around... Yep, she is indeed a bubbly, rosy headed person. When she come to her sense she suddenly stopping and drop me off. I land on my feet calmly.

"Something feel off, hey Zein why are you being nice? Didn't you decided to become meany because of curse before?"

Curse... Yep that how I explained it to her. Since a normal conversation would only made us in cycle of why this and why that. I decided to fool her by saying, "you should go away from me because I am cursed. I won't be able to become a good person anymore!" Or something along that line.

"... You finally realized that? Long story short I got released from my curse."

"Really?! That great! Then we could be friends again, this is a double celebration! Not only your hard work paid off, you even got released from your curse! We should make a party Zein~"

She hug me once again. Yep, I definitely need some personal space from this bubbly, rosy being.

"Now can we go back?"

"Ah, right! They would be worried if we didn't come back."

With that we goes back the way we come. The tea and snack already served by the time we come back. Ramza look at us while smiling gently. Although I could feel a cold gaze in a glint from behind his glasses.

"You finally come back. That took you so long just to relief yourself. Have a seat then."

We took a seat on the empty chair. Which is either side by side. On my right side is Fransisca, she beaming with smile when she sees me. While Lein narrowing her eyes, as her brow creasing. I could feel a complicated emotion from her. Then Elsa sit down happily by my left side.

"My apologies, it took me a long time to be in a mood because of the unfamiliar surrounding."

"I understand. Well it good things that you able to do those. It would be complicated if you can't, according one of our researcher. A—"

"Ew, brother can't we stop talking about that kind of things."

"Umm, my bad. Alright then, anything for my little sister."

"You're the best big bro! Anyway I finally make up with Zein!"

As she said that the room temperature got hotter... Okay... that cold glint of his gaze, definitely not just my feeling.  Fransisca turn her face to me which got a questionably gaze on me, she still wear a smile tho, of course I could felt he pinch. Reiya, he definitely smile wryly, while Lein suddenly smirking.

"So what do you mean Elsa? Did you fight with him before?"

"Eh, No. We never fight before. He just dodging me for whole 3 years after he said I shouldn't goes near him. He said he can't be kind to me anymore. Then he become a bad boy! Meany Zein that bullying the weak! He keep dodging me even tho I said that I don't care about that thing."

I feel like face palming again... I even carve for cigarettes now, I wonder if this world have it. I could definitely feel the temperature around me already hotter then in the middle of summer. What a precise control!

"Zein, why are you dodging Elsa? For. Three. Year?"

"... Brother Ramza, you must understand I do those for her well being. Her reputation would be smeared or even tainted if she associated with me."

"Then why did you do all those shit thing?"

"Because I am in despair with my power, and jealousy with my own sister. I finally able to made peace with myself after I got in accident. It better stayed as a weakling then made those important for me worry, and hurt."

When he heard my half truth reason, he finally stop releasing the heat. While I definitely can feel Fransisca pinching me harder. She definitely got those face, 'we will talk about this later'. While Elsa got bewildered. On the other side my twin sister frowning again. Dissatisfaction, sorrow, sadness, and fury, but also relief that what I felt from her.

"I see. That definitely an interesting story Zein. You finally able to make a peace with yourself, that definitely something that need to be celebrated. I give empathy to your case since I never felt any jealousy with my own siblings. But I can understand the despair of not having enough power. I remember how I got myself drunk for 3 days in sadness, when I failed to save my teammates because I don't have enough power. It took me a whole year to made a peace with my weakness. Although I am not doing a bad things like you, but I guess the consequences of that is this glasses."

He laughed off  on the last sentence then he took a cigarette from his pocket and light it up. There is a cigarette in this world! The room got silence though when he tell us about that. He finally realized the atmosphere in the room become heavy, then he making a fake cough.

"Anyway, my apologies for smoking, I can't tell those stories without one. That why I think it something that meant to be celebrated. Also I've been wondering where is Fran? And whose this young lady that coming with your convey? Is she Fran sister?"

"Er... she is Fran... Her full name is Fransisca van Grey. She is my fiancee, or at least unofficially, since we should be betrothed after this year annual competition."


.... Why did I heard four people scream. Then I finally realized what is going on after looking at Fransisca. She looking down while sweating.

"... Fransisca, you hav—"

"Zein this is the first time I heard this! What the meaning of this?! Did you and Fran.. no, Fransisca fool me this entire time?!"

Lein stand up suddenly while pointing her finger at me furiously. A trace of disappointment and betrayal looming on her face when she look at Fransisca. Then Fransisca follow up standing, blocking Lein finger.

"No, Lein this isn't Zein fault, he only found out about it on the same day as our last dinner in Dageraad manor. He only found out for couple of hour, before mothe—"

"Don't called my mom as mother!"

With that Lein storm off the room, at the same time the estate butler come into the room.

"Young master Ramza, dinner is ready. Would you like to eat I here or the other place?"

"Hmm... Please bring it to the bungalow on the backyard. The room atmosphere here is really bad right now, and today seems like a great day for moon gazing, also few bottles of wine if you please August."

"As your wish young master."

"We would come after a moment."

When the butler leave the room goes silence again, until I heard Fransisca sobbing. I pat her on the back, as she pull my other arm. She crying on my arm. Then Elsa come over and hug Fransisca from behind.

"There, there Fran. It will be okay."

"So Zein would you mind tell us what is going on?"

"Sigh... My apologies, brother Ramza, for the inconveniences. Then I would tell you from the start..."

With that I told him about what happened, from the moment I woke up from comatose, then sparing with Fransisca when I found out she is a girl, followed by the call from mother about Countess Grey letter, until the things on the road. They heard my story in amazement, and confusion.

"I see. So that what happened."

"Yeah, I thought they finally talk about it when I leave them alone. But it seems like they haven't. It my inconsideration that make this happen."

"Although a part of it is your fault, but the other part is Lein fault since she won't even try to listen to any of you. While half of it, is Fran fault for hiding about her gender this entire time."

Fransisca still crying, now she even got a hiccup.

"Now, now, it alright Fransisca... I am sure Lein would forgive you. It not entirely your fault."

"Sigh.. should we have a dinner first then?"

"Ah, you guys should eat first. I will try to talk to Lein. Elsa please took care of her?"

"I will, you can leave bro .. hmmm, sister Fran in my hands Zein!"

"Then please excuse me brother Ramza. Ah, right do you have any cigarettes left brother, I seriously carve for one. This is so stressful."

He chuckling at me. Then give me a couple of his cigarette.

"I never heard about your habits of smoking. Well, we could catch up on dinner. Just go talk to your twin."

"I pick it up when I am on the run. Thanks brother Ramza."

With that I am stepping out and sending my detection magic in full force. Lein shouldn't have run too far, yep found her.

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