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Chapter 7: On the Road

It the second day of our journey to the capital nothing special happen until now. We should be able to reach capital in 3-4 days if we keep our speed like this the entire time. On the other side, Lein being a shut out the entire time. She only goes out when it time for lunch or dinner. Which I know the reason why. While Fransisca haven't told her yet, about her being Fran.

What I am doing right now? I am walking along the carriage, it a chance to train myself. I guess with all those things said, I seriously need to shape up. Even tho my body potential got better already, but at most I am around the top 50 student in the academy. I can beat them all with my magic, but that definitely not something I want to show. Also the reason I am doing this isn't for dodging the expulsion, but because I definitely think this world is dangerous one.

My guts feelings keep telling me I would meet mister assailant again sooner or later. Although all thing being said, our escort kinda frantic when I goes walking down the road on the first day. They even dismount their horse and accompany me on walk. So I stop myself from doing that after an hour...

So why do I said I walk up along the carriage? I basically running inside the forest away from our escorts eyes trailing our convoys party. This is kinda hard tho, I already stumble couple of time by a root or tangled by some vine making me roll for couple of meter.

While one of the good things is I learn something new, as I run around the mountain and forest I keep meeting a goblin. It a real life goblin! They usually goes in pack of 3 or 4, as they searching for prey I guess.

Hurrah for fantasy world, still I found out that goblin basically got the same spec as adult human. With a lower intelligent of course, but it enough to understand teamwork.

But most of them didn't even carry anything. What did I do? I of course attack them when they attack me. I got to used all kind of elementary magic from all elementals I got.

Which kinda surprising since it got more powerful than my expectations. Like how my fireball got around half of meter in diameter, and it blue. Is it because of perfect combustion? While my air shot and rock bullet basically make a hole on their head... I imagining it as assault riffle bullet after all. While water ball... It the same as fire ball. It doesn't make explosion tho. While lightning... Yep I can shot it, but it kinda harmless, at max it only paralysing the goblin. All I could think it because my understanding of it is not enough. I am kinda bad with geography and modern physic.

Other than those, I kinda invent my own magic which like a sonar. I realized that you can manifest mana without any elemental included, and when I do those the mana will be repelled back. Then with that I can feel anything around me, as long it within 50 meter. After it reach 50 meter, it took too long to travel back to me. Maybe I can make it goes farther as my mana increasing.

The other things that surprised me is my body potential increasing after running and doing magic for couple of hours. My strength increase by 0.002, agility by 0.003, vitality by 0.004 while mana increasing by 1.244, this training definitely working.

While the bad things is, I didn't level up at all after slaughtering 30 goblins. Then without I realized it finally time for dinner as the sun set down. I teleport to my carriage right away which I could see from the cliff. Of course I clean myself before, and stash away my training outfit to the inventory then change my clothes back. After few moments someone finally knocking my door.

It one of our manor deputy butler, I know his name but I am not close with him. Or more like not anymore. I was close with him before, since he been following me around from my childhood, he the same as Lein maid Quina. He should be my personal butler after all, if I didn't push all his works to Jullian.

"Young Master the dinner is served."

"I'll be there in a moment Rum."

I open the door and look at him. His name is Rum, he got a red hair and a sharp look. With a perfect fit body, that not  lanky or fat. He move elegantly, and many maid fall for him. I sometimes heard a maid confessing to him from time to time. He wore a glasses, since he kinda near sighted. I am sure he hate me, for discarding him. Right now he standing in front of me with a perfect poker face, and helping me down from the carriage.

"Thank you Rum."

"It my work young master, no need for thanks."

And he got a frank personality. He lead the way for me, when I come all the escort stopped and bow to me. Fransisca and Lein already there... Quina too. In silence tho, they haven't exchange any words since the departure.

Everytime Fransisca going to said a word, Lein goes up and left. So right now Fransisca got a sad puppy face. Seeing me Lein stand up immediately, which I block her way right away. She definitely could feel that I am annoyed, since we could share our feeling. While I know she dissatisfied with my action.


"I won't move."

"Then I'll just going to circle you around."

She move side way, which I block her again. Then she tried to turn around, which making move to front of her again. She then try to back stepping, which I block with air pressure. The surrounding got surprised look at our way, so do Lein since she could feel there is invisible wall behind her. I could tell her confused, l surprised and furious feeling. But she stare at me coldly, that definitely mother traits.

"Lein, I could understand if you were mad and hating me. But aren't you being ridiculous at your silence treatment to Fransisca?"

"Why it ridiculous? You also do all those things to your friends before."

I flinched at her words. I could feel my mana starting to gushing out.

"It ridiculous because you're such a good friend before! Do you—"

"Stop it both of you!"

Fransisca suddenly stand up and shouting at us. Lein snapped and push me away and walk to her carriage, slamming the door. Fransisca slump down to her feet as she look at Lein leaving. The surrounding got quiet at once. Quina bow down at me before chasing her lady.


"Fransisca... I am sorry."

She look at me sadly, before she shake her head.

"It... Alright Zein. But it my problem with Lein. You shouldn't have stepped in."

She also stand up and walk to her carriage, without giving me another look. I sigh as I see her figure get inside. Then walk near the camp fire, Rum professionally serve me my food. Which is the same as yesterday, a hard bread and a bowl of soup.

"It been awhile since I saw you so emotional young master."

"Is it?"

"Yes, you were indeed temperamental before, but I couldn't feel any emotion in your words. But today is the first time in 3 years."

I could see a little smirk for a moment before he is back in poker face. Then at that moment the guards captain come to me. He our swordsmanship coach, Doldman.

"That was intense Zein."

"You also think so Doldman?"

He talk to me casually, since forever I guess. As long as I remember, he always talk casually. He was an A Rank adventurer after all, that been working with our family for 23 years. My father and mother friend too when adventuring. It kind of tradition in our noble to be an adventurer for 2 years before taking up the head position.

"Yeah, also I never thought you would stand up against your sister. If it you from 2 months ago, he wouldn't even care."

I smile bitterly at his words. Indeed if it 2 months ago I won't even care.

"Also Zein, your footwork and magic from before is great. Since when did you able to do those?"

He is sharp as ever.

"Since a half a year ago."

"Eh? Ain't you the worse of your year? Where did you even learn to do those?"

He gaze at my eyes trying to tell the truth of my words. I am using a perfect poker face tho.

"Indeed, but it because I didn't come for examination, also I learned those from some wandering master. Or should I said I steal his move."

"Ah, so that the case. Did you met him when you run away?"

"Yes, I met him at that time. I followed him for couple of week, until he chased me off. Which you know the continuation."

He stare at me intensely even giving out a pressure. But I am still calm as ever making him give up. He then chuckling.

"That's great, you should tell me his name, and let me meet him in the future."

"Sadly, I don't even get his name. I only steal his technique by watching."

He raise his brow when he heard that.

"Whoa Zein, I never know you got that kind of talent."

"It just a small trick Doldman, took me few weeks to be able to learn that."

"Still it great, considering your swordsmanship aptitude is only a common one."

He smile amiably, but I could tell that he didn't believe me. He still trying to lead me to tell him the truth.

"Isn't it? I guess I am just that amazing then!"

I decided to play the shameless card on his last comment, and play dumb about it being sarcasm. He creased his brow hearing my reply.

"Anyway Doldman, why are there some guards that keep looking around warily?"

When I said that, Doldman frowning even more.

"Someone been following us for half a day now. After lunch until before dinner, there always a presence from the forest. It keeping a close watch on us, while tailing us from a distance. I think it might be a bandit scout."

Hearing his answer I got a cold sweat, and smile wryly for a moment. Which didn't escape from his observation. He suddenly grin as if he realized something.

"Or maybe it only wild animals that trying to catch something. Since it presence suddenly disappear."

"It might be that! You scared me there for a moment about bandit."

"Yes, indeed it a scaredy animal, that afraid to goes out. Well at least it not bothering our march. Hey you guys stop standing on guards. I think I know who is, I mean what is it that been following us."


He definitely sure that presence was me. He grinning from ear to ear as he said those. Then he pull me closer as he pat my shoulder.

"I don't know why you are hiding your true self Zein, but I'll keep this one a secret until you dare to come to light."

He stand up and take another bread after he whispering those to me. While Rum whose been standing behind me this entire time keep being silent. I eat my dinner in silence before goes back to my carriage for the night.

The next morning, I woke up early and teleport far away before dawn. My body clock tell me it should be around 4 in the morning, as I change my clothes and do some stretching. Afterwards I wash my face with some magic, before running around the mountain. This time I make sure that I goes as far as possible so no one got alarmed. I do some mountain trekking like those soldier on Earth.

After around an hour running, I finally stopping. My breath kinda rough after sprinting for an hour, but the effect is my agility and bit increase by the same amount as yesterday. I guess it will increase when I break through my limit.

Still this isn't enough, since it will become harder to do this when my body potential goes higher. Except for my mana that got an absurd growth. Still from the information that I learned, there is demon, elves, beastman and even dragon.

I don't know the other long living race there are in this world. But with their long lives they must be stronger. Even my grandpa that called as the only swordmaster could only hold one demon general, which isn't the top branch of the demon. There still four Deva and Demon Lord himself, although I am open minded about them tho. Still there a chance of war between races. While elves got those high elves, and they could live for thousands of years. They also blessed with elementals, and archery.

Beastman didn't got that long lives as those 2 races but they could reach 300-400 years, there also sacred beast decedent, and their body potential is immensely high. Some beastman could lift a hundreds of kilograms as a teenager. While those sacred beast decedent have much more absurd body potential. Although dragon race themselves seems sacred, they aren't a sacred beast. Since they make their own colony somewhere. Which called as dragon village. They're called as the first creation in this world after all, they live ten thousands of years in seclusion.

The difference is that sacred beast was a monster that gain a self awareness and evolve to being, while dragon got selves awareness from the time they born.

That why I need to be strong enough to be able to protect myself and family. With that in mind I do a push up, sit up, and squat... That definitely wasting my time, yep after doing many set of those, there is no changing in my body potential. I guess I'll need something like a weight, since it almost dawn I stop my training for this morning.

I teleport back to my carriage like I never leave, until Rum knock my door right on time. . . Now this is weird, how did he always knock my carriage door right when I just arrive for a couple of minute?

"Young master it almost time to depart, do you need something before we depart?"

"Nothing Rum, except could you come in?"

"I understand, then please excuse me."

He open the door and come inside the carriage. I close it right away, when he got in.

"Young Master we only got couple of minutes before we depart. If you don't mind please make it quick. Since I am also your carriage coach."

"I understand, then I'll be frank. Do you know it?"

"Yes, I know young master."

"... Then the reason you knock?"

"I felt your presence come back."

"Do you know how I sneak out?"

"I don't, but I do have few speculation."

"Then when I was ten do you know..."

"Yes, I know how many times you sneak out the mansion."

"... I understand. Then thanks for your hard work in advance."


"Just keep it a secret. Go then, do your work."

"Your will is my command."

He left at once as I said that. He is scarier than I thought. Then not too long the carriage started to move. I think we would arrive at the red carnations field before the lunch. It the half way mark to the capital after all. I tap my carriage couple of time then Rum voice come.

"Yes, young master?"

"Tell them to stop at the red carnations field for lunch."

"I understand young master. Are you going to sneak away?"

Is it that obvious, oh well having Rum on my side would make it easier. I answer him with a tap. Then teleporting once again, to the farthest edge of my view.

Our convoys now passing Rocky Hill. Which as it name, it hill full of rock. If there is a bandit along the road, it would take action in this place. Since there is many spot to hide, a narrow road, and steep cliff.

Also this is a perfect spot to find some weight, well I could make some weight either way. But it easier to find here, since this place is dense with a hard rock. With that in mind, I started my magic and starting to do some chemistry work.

I started with making a huge cube of granite around half a meter tall. Then make it denser by making it molecules bond tighter, while also decreasing it volume until it shape like a shoulder pads. Then after 30 minutes or maybe more, I finally made a set of shoulder pad that weight around 300 kilograms in total.

Now this is a real magic, or alchemy? Since it should be impossible to change a density of some granite like this on Earth. What kind of mineral got this kind of density? It volume not even 100 cm cubic, but it weight is around 300 kilograms. It mean that it density is 3 kilogram per centimeters cubic.

Event platinum density is only 22 gram per centimeters cubic. Looking at my hard work I laugh satisfied. When I wore it on my shoulder, I sink into the ground. This is sick, I could hardly lift my foot without sinking it. But I am sure this would make me stronger.

In the first couple of hour all I did was trying to walk without sinking. The results is satisfactory, and super tiresome. I could feel my muscles screaming, even tore after awhile.

I can't stand up anymore right now, although my strength, agility and vitality increasing by 0.1 in 3 hours. Still the compensation is serve, I only walk around 4 kilometers after 3 hours. I don't know where is my group located, and my body aching like being torn off.

I put the weight in my inventory, as I cast teleportation immediately. I arrive at the carnations fields right away, I've been separated for around 4 hours now. While the distance between Rocky Hill, to this place is around 4-5 hours on carriage. It means they should crossing this way in any moment. While thinking those, I also remember healing magic that used water elemental.

I pull the moisture from the air, as I started to heal myself, or more like using the water as medium to fasten my healing metabolism. Starting with my shoulder, then continued to my feet. This is really taking toll on my mana, I can feel it draining faster. It because healing magic is an advance magic. I hope I could stand up as my party arrive. While healing my injury because of forceful training, I finally spotted our convey from a far.

The resting spot should be around 200 meter away, and why I didn't teleport on moving target? It because the space is too complicated, not only I should calculating the folded space, I also need to calculate the movement. I don't want to arrive with my body half inside the carriage while the other on the outside. I'll died for sure because of that kind of space distortion.

Then when I see them stopping, I teleport right away. Which make me in a terrible headache, and dropped on my knee as I got inside the carriage. I could feel something streaming from my nose, when I wipe it I found out it a blood. I think used to much energy and mana... That is my conclusion it wasn't the first time this is happening, for my oldself tho. Hearing the noise from my carriage, Rum opening the door suddenly. He look frantic, and got worse when he saw me bloodied.

"Are you alright young master?!"

I stare at him and look at the door. He look around beforr he got in the carriage and close the door.

"I... Am fine..."

"What do you mean by you're fine?! You got a blood on your clothes and face."

"Relax... It only nosebleed... Because... I push myself too far."

Hearing my answer he is shocked. Then he smile suddenly.

"It also been awhile since you got nosebleed from pushing yourself too far young master."

"I guess it is. Heh, you're smiling."

He offered me handkerchief.

"Did I? Maybe it because you've been surprising me lately. I thought that guy from before already disappeared, but it seems I was wrong."

"Haha, you... Sound like Jullian. How do I even got people like you guys who so loyal?"

He chuckling when he heard my question.

"Maybe because of your kindness as a child, making us amazed."

He help me to sit on the couch, as he answer me.

"So are you finally decided to go back in the light young master?"

"You're wrong about that one. No one should know what kind of power I have. Since I already decided to stay in the background of Lein success."

With that words of mine he nodding his head.

"I understand than. I'll help young master to made young lady as a perfect successors."

"Thank you then Rum."

"You're welcome young master."

He smiled with fulfillment for the first time in a long time. He even answer me differently!

"Eh? What did you said?"

"It was nothing."

Then his face back to static poker face once again.

"Wuuuu... Rum, bullying me."

"It won't work on me young master."

"Tsk. Anyway you should go out and prepare lunch. I would like to rest until lunch."

"As your wish young master."

He goes out at once, as I leaning on the carriage wall while shutting my eyes. The headache still make my head hurt as hell. My conscious drift away as I try to suppress the pain, until I realized someone shaking me. I open my eyes slowly.

" Zein!!"

"Mmm... It Fransisca... Hello."

I mumbling while being half awake, my head still kinda hurt but it already bearable now.

"Hmm? What is going on? Why are you crying?"

"W-why do you think I am crying?!"

She sobbing as she holding me. I look my surroundings then, there Doldman, Rum Lein and Quina by the carriage door with worried look. I sent my gaze to Rum, which he replied with gesture. He pinching his nose then pointing at his clothes from the collar to his chest.

Okay I understand what he meant. While I can definitely feel my twin emotion with full of bewilderment and anxious. She still throw her face away tho when our eyes met, before leaving while stomping her feet. On the other hand Doldman observing me slowly, then pulling Rum away. He seems like asking him the reason for my over exhaustion.

"Ah.. It only nosebleed, I kinda exhausted in the carriage."

Hearing my answer Fransisca stare at me furiously and disappointedly.

"Zein... This is definitely not over exhaustion because of riding carriage. You do know it, and so do I. It wasn't the first time I am seeing your nosebleeding because of over exhaustion and it never come from riding a carriage."

"... Sigh, alright... I was pushing myself too hard, while training."

"You were training? How did you... Ah, you—"

I shut her mouth with a kiss, since she held my arm tightly, I close the carriage door with magic at once. She bewildered at my kiss, and creasing her brow, but she still replying it tho after a moment. We kisses for awhile inside the carriage.

"... O-okay, wha-what was that kiss for?"

She ask me bashfully as our lips separate apart.

"You almost spouting my secret... In front of Doldman. I don't want the other to know."

I answer her in whisper on her ear. Making her red ear read and she trembling.

"Ahhh... I am sorry..."

"Eh, no need. I got some benefits after all."

I grin at her. She blushing redder as she touching her lips.

"Okay now you better get out Fransisca."

"Eh? What are you going to do?"

I starting to unbutton my clothes as she said that.

"Ze-Zein! What are you doing?! We can't!"

"I am going to change my clothes obviously, or did you think of another thing?"

I replied with a smirk on my face, making her face as red as peach.

"Well you can stay if you want to watch. It not like you haven't see all of me before."

"Bad Zein!"

And with that she goes out my carriage in a rush. I laugh as I close my carriage door once again and getting my clothes changed. Then as I step outside Run standing by the carriage door already. He bow down at me as he see me.

"My apologies young master. I should've stop lady Fransisca for inviting you to lunch."

"So that what happened. It also my fault to fainted before I change my clothes."

"Still it shouldn't be like this if I was the one that checking young master."

"Nah, from Fransisca personality she would just goes to my carriage even after you told her that you would call me out. Anyway how is Lein?"

"Young miss have been training her swordsmanship after she storm off."

"... I see, so she found out that I've been working out. Anyway lead me to Fransisca and bought my lunch afterwards."

"As you wish young master."

Then after walking couple of minutes, I found Fransisca and Earl Grey escort having their lunch near the flower bed. She waved her hand bashfully at me, while the escort observing me dissatisfied. It their first time officially escorting Fransisca after all. Although we know each other, but they definitely dislike me because of how I treat Fransisca as Fran before. Still they didn't said anything and let me sit down by their miss.

"You've come."

"Nnn, I heard from Rum, that you were coming to me to ask me out for lunch before."

She nods at my reply before opening her mouth again.

"Have you feeling better?"

"I already feeling better."

Then we got silent after that. It kinda awkward to eat in silence like this, although the tranquility is nice. I could definitely staying with her in silence like this.

""You know—""

We said those word at the same time.

""You can said it...""

Then we laugh as we said the same things again.

"You know Fransisca, I think I could stayed in silence with you."

"That exactly what I was thinking Zein."

"It kinda awkward tho to eat our lunch in silence."

"Yes, it is. But I think I feel comfortable in those silence."

"Indeed, I feel like it enough as long as you staying there. Although I prefer if you're smiling like this, not silence because you're angry with me."

She giggle at my words.

"So you don't like me when I am angry?"

"No, even when you are angry, I would still like you. But I got this feeling that telling me, I am screwed up if you ever give me a silent treatment when you're angry."

"Hahaha, you might be. Anyway Zein, thanks for stopping by here. I really love this place."

She gazing at the surroundings scenery, as she smile relaxed. I pat her head, and messing her hair. She jolted at me, and starting to mad at me playfully, as we enjoying our lunch and break. I still wanted to check someone first.

"Well I should take my leave Fransisca."

"Ah, are you going to check on Lein? Could I join you?"

"Hmmm... Sure. I don't see any reason to disagree with your offer to accompany me."

"Then let's go."

She stand up and pull me by the hand. She blushing tho, when she realized she been holding my hand. Then Rum lead us to the spot where Lein goes out for training that located at the edge of the flower field. She was doing our family swordsmanship move as we arrive there, she already switched her clothes to training outfit. Which is a short sleeved hemp, and a short pant.

She have been moving fluidly on every sword stance according to our family technique. Starting from low sweep, diagonal slash, back step followed by instant dash in, then stab. She move rhythmically, side step, a parry, and so on, until she realized we're watching her. She then give a stern look to Quina, making her panic.

"What do you want?"

She said coldly to me, as she sweep her gaze at us.

"Nothing much. Just checking what were you doing."

"Then since you already watch enough you can leave."

I scratched my neck, as she gave me a spiteful look.

"Alright then I'll leave."

I turn away just like that, I can feel Lein bewilderment since we are connected, while Fransisca also got confused look. She still standing on her spot tho.


I stopped as I heard her words, but I keep facing the other way.

"Why were you nosebleeding before? Were you secretly training like how you used to?"

"Why indeed. You can guess as you like, well please excuse me. Also do talk with Fransisca and come back later on. We still got another 15 minutes until we depart."

I leave with only Rum following me. I don't know what will happen afterwards, but let just bet on their relationship.

"Rum, just move the carriage when it time to depart. I am going to take a nap."

"I understand young master."

With that I goes inside my carriage and lean my head. Drifting off once again. By the time I woke up, we already arrive at Dinslaf. A city between capital and our territory city. It the city of Duke Rames, the second prince of the last king, and the one that stayed neutral in the last power struggling.

It two days away from the capital by using carriage, while it would took 4-5 days by foot. It a city that stretch for 4 km width and 6 km long. It famous for it stability and good living conditions. It separate by 4 main street, and 4 sub street according to compass.

The east Street is full of restaurants, tavern, and inn, the north is civil servant house and noble manor, the south is citizen house and also butchery place, and the west is blacksmith, guild and also called as red light district.

Basically it a city that got almost everything. As we reach the gate we passed easily, there even an escort from Duke Rames that have been expecting us which greeted by Lein, Fransisca and Doldman. Why I am not greeting them? I am the trash son in world view remember, and on the bright side I got excused from the troublesome manner... Usually... But this time the envoy come and Rum knocking my carriage.

"Young master, Duke Rames envoy Viscount Damian come for greetings."

"I'll right there."

I tidy up my clothes then step out the carriage. I wore an indifference face and lazy movement as I goes out. Yep, perfect. I look over the man that been standing beside my carriage. It a thirty-ish man, with a straight posture and benign face. His height is around 170 cm, he bow at me with a perfect posture.

"It a pleasure to be able to meet you, young master Dageraad."

"En, yeah? What do you want?"

I definitely spouting rude things with annoyed tone, I am not even greeting him back. He raise up while keeping his smile. Hmm, seems like he already expecting my rude behavior.

"Duke Rames has invited you and your convoys to visit his manor for the night. Would you like to join us?"

"Is it even possible for Marquis so to reject Duke Rames invitation?"

He flinched at my answer, well all noble know that it would be a really rude to reject an invitation from a higher ranked noble. What more if it only the noble children, if it my father that rejecting the invitation it still okay even though it kind of rude. But if I am rejecting the Duke invitation it basically mean I didn't put his face in consideration at all. His silence basically an agreement.

"Since you already know, then just lead the way."

With that words I goes back to my carriage followed by Rum after he give a bow at Viscount Damian. With that our convey depart to the Duke manor.

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