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Chapter 3: Rules

The moment his consciousness fully fused with the virtual reality system, Kado was engulfed by an overwhelming sense of panic.

*dum* *dum*

His heart pounded against his ribcage like a wild animal trapped and desperate for escape.


His chest tightened, and he felt like he was gasping for air that wasn't there.

Cold sweat from his forehead slid down his cheeks, as Kado's face turned to tomato red colour.

A rush of terror coursed through his veins, and he could hear the blood roaring in his ears, a cacophony of dread that drowned out everything else.


Gently, almost hesitantly, he began to raise his hand.

As he did, a sensation akin to a million tiny lightning bolts erupted beneath his skin.


It was a prickling, pulsating energy that coursed through his veins, a keenly sharp yet oddly exhilarating electricity that danced over his sensory pathways, filling him with a sense of unexpected awe and trepidation.

His body felt like it was being ripped apart, each nerve ending screaming in protest as his physical form was left behind.

And then, all at once, the disorientation ceased.

Kado's virtual eyes blinked open to a white light so intense it was almost blinding.

He squinted, his digital pupils adjusting to the sudden brightness.

A figure emerged from the white light, her image solidifying into a woman with blond hair and striking white eyes.

She was dressed in fitted leather, her clothes appearing like a second skin.

Her voice was mechanical, cold, devoid of any human warmth. "Welcome, Kado," she said, her words were like precise and clipped.

Her hand rose, palm facing him, and a soft hum filled the air.

A light emanated from her palm, scanning him from head to toe. The sound was alien, a strange combination of high-pitched whirring and low-frequency pulsing.

It was like nothing he'd ever experienced before, a symphony of technology that made him feel even more out of place.

The woman's eyes glowed as the scan completed. "Follow me," she ordered, her voice echoed in the vast white space.

Kado could feel his heart hammering in his chest, *dum* *dum* the beats loud and rapid in the deafening silence that followed her words. *iiiiasshhh*

He took a deep breath, reminding himself that this was not real, that he was not truly here.

His mind reeled, struggling to comprehend the reality of his situation.

His eyes darted around, taking in the vast expanse of white. He felt lost, disoriented, yet he forced himself to focus on the woman in front of him.

Drawing on every ounce of courage he had left, Kado took a step forward, following the woman into the unknown.

His footsteps echoed in the void, a staccato rhythm that mirrored his pounding heart.

He was in a different world now, a world that was as terrifying as it was intriguing.

But he had a mission, a purpose. He was here for his mother, and he would not let fear stand in his way.

His resolve strengthened, his heart rate began to slow, his breathing came back under control. The panic subsided, replaced by a determined calm.

With each step he took, Kado felt more ready. Ready to face whatever this game had to throw at him. Ready to fight, to win, to save his mother.

And with that thought, he followed the woman deeper into the virtual world, leaving behind the white light and stepping into the unknown.

The blond woman led Kado into a room so dark it seemed to swallow all light. Sparse illumination came from small, luminescent nodes scattered around the space.

As his eyes adjusted, he was able to make out the silhouettes of other people, about fourteen of them, scattered around the room.

The air was heavy with confusion, anxiety, and fear.

Kado could see it in their eyes - wide with panic, darting around the room as they took in the strange new surroundings.

Sobs broke through the stifling silence. Young children clung to adults, their bodies wracked with frightened tears.

Teenagers, their faces pale and stricken, huddled together in groups.

Every single person, regardless of age or disposition, was clad in the same uniform - a black jumpsuit.

Kado glanced down, "aah!" His breath hitched when he noticed the same black fabric clinging to his own body.

Embroidered on the chest was a bold, red number: '15'.

His fingers traced over the stitches, the realization slowly sinking in. 'When did his clothing change?' His mind reeled, trying to make sense of this new shift in reality.

Just as he was about to question the woman, a voice resonated from above.

It was omnipresent, reverberating through the room but without a discernible source.

It was cold, detached, and sent shivers down Kado's spine.

"Rules," it announced, the word filled this large, dark room.

The murmur of confusion among the occupants ceased immediately as everyone strained to listen.

"You will all compete in the same game, same tactics, and same maneuvers. There will be no cheats, no tasks will be easier for one than another. At the end of every game, the winner will have the privilege to choose the next game and weapon. The loser's fate will be decided by the remaining members."

A wave of fear washed over Kado, but he braced himself against it, "No going back now!"

He clenched his fists, the fabric of his jumpsuit crinkled under his grasp.

The rules were harsh, but he had to win.

He had to survive. For his mother's sake, Kado knew he had to play this game, and he had to play it well.

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