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Chapter 74: Hostage

--- Alpha ---

Things went according to plan.

Beneath the moonlit sky of Midgar's Royal Capital, numerous buildings crumbled in rapid succession.

As the structures gave way, hazards emerged—scattered remnants of walls, cascading bricks, and billowing dust created a perilous environment for anyone caught in the chaos.

The common people, caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, succumbed to panic. Desperate shouts and cries filled the air as citizens scrambled to find safety amid the crumbling buildings.

Though we made sure none of them were hurt.

In response to the unfolding catastrophe, the Dark Knights mobilized swiftly.

Urgent commands and shouts rang out as they coordinated their efforts to investigate and quell the chaos.

Torchlights flickered in the night as armored figures moved with purpose, attempting to catch a glimpse of the culprits

Their haste, however, would yield no meaningful results.

In the end, all they would be left with is a single name:

Shadow Garden.

Carve this name deep into your souls.

We'll do anything in our power to eradicate all those lurking in the Shadows.

Though, before I destroyed another Cult of Diablos' hideouts...


I heard a voice from one of the numbers as she hurried towards me.

Observing the gravity etched on her face, my own expression turned more solemn.

Were there some unforeseen problems?

"...No. 252, Calm down. What's the matter?"

She paused for a moment to catch her breath before continuing.

"You have to come, Alpha-sama! Delta is being held hostage by some random dude! Our members are currently not sure what they should do, so I--"

I couldn't help but cut her off.


It had been a while since I felt such genuine surprise. Who could possibly possess the strength to pull off something like this?

Without hesitation, I scooped her up.

"This will be faster. Tell me, where is Delta? You can explain the rest as we go."

"Y-Yes, A-A-Alpha-sama..."

She turned her face away, her cheeks flushed, but I didn't have time to dwell on it.


I arrived at the scene in the blink of an eye, and what met my eyes was pure chaos.

It's somewhat understandable, considering the Shadows have never faced a situation where one of our own was taken hostage.

Well, I'll handle it, no matter who—

Those were my thoughts as I laid eyes on the man No. 252 had mentioned.

A young man with black hair and red eyes.


I had a feeling the description eerily matched someone I knew, but it didn't occur to me that it could truly be him.

I was even more perplexed when I observed his physical condition.

His left arm bore a plethora of scars and continued to bleed profusely, though that seemed to be the least of his injuries.

As I raised my gaze, I noticed his exposed chest, adorned with cuts and bruises scattered across it. Fresh blood streamed from his ears...

The sheer volume of blood he had lost was staggering, painting the ground in shades of scarlet as it pooled around him.

His gaze was cold, a mask of stoicism that belied the pain he must be under. 

Something is definitely amiss here.

The reason behind the commotion among the Shadows became clear as I approached.

To my surprise, he was actually giving Delta a piggyback ride, her form nestled against him as she was unconscious. However, upon closer inspection, I noticed that her hands and feet were bound with chains infused with immense magical power.

These chains served both as restraints and securing Delta firmly in place. The ones on her hands ensured Delta's arms clung to his neck, while those on her feet kept her legs wrapped around his pelvis.

Assessing the situation, it seemed that the Shadows had all attacked him independently, attempting to free Delta from what they perceived as an enemy.

We hadn't revealed any details about Fray Von Garoff yet. Only the highest-ranking members and a few specific operatives assigned to spy on him in the past possessed information about him.

None of them were present, leading to the escalation of the situation.

Though, It was clear he wasn't an enemy.

Her form was partially covered by a shirt meant to preserve her modesty, unmistakably belonging to a man.

Considering he was currently shirtless, it wouldn't take much to connect the dots. 

Considering their heightened emotional state, I could empathize with why they failed to piece it together.

After all, each of them cared deeply for Delta.

...I sighed.

"...Everyone, stop attacking him. That's an order."

It was astonishing how he managed to evade and parry attacks with his sword despite his dire condition.

I couldn't deny this made me feel a twinge of respect for him.

As I spoke, everyone ceased their movements, turning to bow their heads, anticipating that I would punish him and reclaim Delta.

I wondered how they'd react once they discovered the truth.

"...I'll explain the situation later. For now, go take care of the rest. Inform Beta and Epsilon. Let them know I'll be occupied for a while before returning to take charge. I trust them to handle things well."

I instructed, watching as they dispersed to carry out my orders.

Alone with him, I approached carefully. "I apologize for the trouble caused by Delta. Allow me to heal both of you,"

I offered sincerely, as I channeled my Magical Power, fully intending to follow through with my words.

However, I was taken aback when he raised his sword and stepped back, his actions leaving me perplexed.

Pausing in my attempt to heal them, I studied him closely.

Then, the realization hit me – he was currently deaf.

My previous actions might have caught him off guard, unaware of my words.

In response, I used a bit of slime, shaping it into floating words that conveyed my message in the air.

After a brief period, I succeeded in earning his trust, evident in his sigh as he lowered his sword.

Clearly exhausted, he couldn't muster any strength to remain standing and collapsed.

Moving swiftly, I rushed to his side, providing support for him to sit on the ground. Without delay, I indicated my intention to use Magical Power for healing and proceeded to tend to both of them.

As I attempted to heal Delta, everything proceeded smoothly.

However, when I directed my Magical Power towards him, an unexpected obstacle arose.

It felt as though my Magical Power encountered a force cutting it down and hindering its flow.

Puzzled, I couldn't discern any reason why he would impede the process.

So, if he wasn't the cause, what was the problem?

I tried it again, but it didn't work...

That's a problem.

Frustration started to settle in; it was clear that something wasn't right.

His smirk conveyed a sense of expectation, as if he knew this would happen.

Reluctantly, I abandoned the notion of healing him, recognizing the futility of my efforts.

The most practical solution is to take him to a hospital within our sphere of influence, at least for the time being.

My only concern is whether this will strain our relationship. I wouldn't be able to face Shadow-sama if my actions inadvertently derail his plans...


Author's Note:

Yes, Delta was covered by a shirt, but it doesn't mean he had the time nor the precision required to actually put it on her, so... she's essentially naked lmao.

Well, with this, this part of the plot is essentially done. Next Chapter will address how Alexia managed to beat Zenon Griffey.

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