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Chapter 32: Chapter 31.

"Wow, this is nice." Harry said as he helped Lisa off the carriage. Hogsmeade was a picturesque little village of cottages and shops, with enchanted candles hanging in the trees and snow everywhere, it looked like the sort of thing Harry would put on a postcard.

"Told you." Lisa said as the two interlocked arms and began walking.

"So, where do you want to go first?" Harry asked.

"Hmm, I don't know," Lisa said in a thoughtful voice. "hmm, oh I know! Let's go to 'Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop' first."

"Quill shop?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, we'll get the boring shopping done first and then we can spend the rest of the day relaxing." She smirked.

"Fair enough, I bow to your shopping wisdom." Harry said as he gave her a mock bow which earned him an amused laugh. "Oh, and we definitely need to go to that one." Harry said as he pointed to a shop with a sign that said 'Spintwitches Sporting Needs'. "I want to get a few new quidditch things." He added.

"Fair enough." She nodded.

After visiting a few shops Harry and Lisa stopped outside the 'Shrieking Shack', well not outside of it as much as they were standing outside of the fence that was surrounding the shack from a short distance away. The Shrieking Shack was an abandoned house, with the windows and doors boarded up. It looked like it would fall down if there was a strong enough wind.

"It is supposed to be the most severely haunted building in Britain." Lisa said as the two leaned against the fence.

"Really?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, that's what I have heard at least." She shrugged. "Apparently the villagers are afraid of going near it."

"Because it's haunted?" Harry asked with a confused expression. "These people can go to a school full of ghosts and nobody bats an eye, but a building is haunted and they're scared of that."

"I guess it's because the ghosts in Hogwarts are nice while the ones in there probably aren't nice." Lisa guessed. "I imagine it is sort of like the difference between friendly dogs and not-friendly dogs, both are dogs but you know which one you would rather be locked in a room with."

"Fair enough, I suppose." Harry said a few moments later.

"Do you want to go closer to it?" She asked.

"The Shack? Hmm, I think that..."

"Oh great, look who it is." A voice drawled, interrupting Harry. Harry and Lisa turned around to see Malfoy (the wand-losing one) walking up to them with his two unofficial bodyguards, Crabbe and Goyle. "What's the matter, Potter? The 'most haunted building in Britain' scares you?" He laughed.

"Not as much as your stalker habit." Harry said with an eye roll. "By the way, Malfoy, you do have your wand on you, right?" Harry asked with a smirk. "You didn't lose it again, right?"

"No, I didn't, Potter!" Malfoy snapped, his face turning red. He then held out his right arm and pulled up his sleeve to reveal a wand holster. "Do you like it, Potter?" Malfoy sneered.

"Why would I like it when I don't even like what it's attached to?" Harry sighed.

"It's the latest wand holster." Malfoy said proudly, ignoring Harry's last comment.

"Expensive?" Harry asked, eyes twinkling slightly as he now looked at the holster like it was a tasty bar of chocolate.

"Incredibly." Draco smirked before he turned to Lisa. "And what are you doing here?"

"I was on a perfectly enjoyable date before you and your caucasian orangutans interrupted." Lisa said, glaring at Malfoy.

"A date with Potter?" Malfoy snorted. "No wonder you look upset." He said, either ignoring or not realising that he was in fact the reason behind why she looked upset. "Perhaps you'd like to come with me instead." He said, he gave her what he believed to be a 'charming smile' as he stopped in front of her.

"Yes, let give me you a preview." He grinned before closing his eyes and leaning forwards as he puckered his lips together.

This action would of course piss off Harry just the slightest bit more than it disgusted Lisa. Lisa looked at him with widened eyes and a gaping mouth, within that moment she did the first thing that came into her head...which was why a second later she jabbed Draco in the throat.

"You..." Draco gasped before he began coughing harshly. "you...punched me in the throat!"

"You punched him in the throat." Harry said in an impressed voice.

"I just reacted." She said in a voice that bordered between defensive and proud.

"Could you do it again? For some reason I found that attractive." Harry admitted.

"Get them!" Draco yelled just, Crabbe and Goyle nodded before they both began moving forwards.

"Wait!" Harry said to Crabbe and Goyle, causing them both to stop. "It's my turn." He said in a slightly calmer voice.

"Oh." The two said at the same time before they stepped back.

"W...w...what are you doing?!" Draco demanded after he recovered.

"It's his turn." Crabbe said as he gestured to Harry.

"We have to wait for him." Goyle added in an 'it is so obvious' voice.

"W...what?!" Draco shouted, he hadn't managed to get all of it out before Harry kicked him between the legs, which is why it ended with a rather high pitch.

"Now, Draco, I'm usually a rather forgiving man but the next time you try to kiss my girlfriend, I will rip you apart to the point where all of the king's horses and all of the king's men will not be able to put you back together again." Harry said as he pulled his foot away and let Draco fall to the ground.

"Ah," Lisa said as she pointed her wand at Crabbe and Goyle when the two started moving since Harry's turn was done. "if either of you try anything then I will hex you, now pick up Malfoy and get lost." She ordered just as Harry pulled out his wand and also aimed it at them. The two exchanged looks just before they both nodded and picked up Malfoy before carrying him away.

"Idiots." Harry said as he performed a head-shake and eye-roll combo.

"You kicked Malfoy right in-between his legs for me," Lisa noted as a pleased smile came on to her face. "I'm not going to lie, I thought that was hot." She admitted.

"Oh?" Harry asked as nonchalantly as he could, though the effect was rather ruined by his blush. "Does it help that I nicked this?" He asked as he held up Malfoy's wand holster.

Later that day the pair had made sure to go the Three Broomsticks - a popular pub and inn - where they handed the owner, Madam Rosemerta, Malfoy's wand holster after Harry made sure to loudly mention that Malfoy had somehow lost his wand and an entire holster before he asked her to give it to him should she see him.

Eventually the two returned to the castle, the second they had entered they stumbled upon a very, very, very odd but incredibly entertaining sight.

"Ow! OW! OW! Stop that! I'm head boy!" Percy Weasley protested loudly while down on the floor in a fetal position, covering his head as Loki was repeatedly hitting him with a large book while Penelope Clearwater had her face in her hands as the other surrounding students were unable to look away.

Eventually Loki did stop, not because someone forced him to, no, it was because of the rather big distraction that came a few seconds later.

"I DIDN'T LOSE IT!" Draco's voice was heard as he stood a small distance away, arguing with Professor Snape.

"YES! YOU DID!" Snape shouted back, red faced with spit flying out of his mouth. "HOW DO YOU KEEP LOSING YOU WAND?!"



Harry tried to stay as silent as possible as laughter threatened to shoot out of his mouth as he was sat in the headmaster's office with Loki sat on his lap, Loki's legs were swinging and his hands were resting on Harry's hands as the green eyed wizard held him by his midsection, Loki was smiling and looking like an innocent and furry child.

"Mr Potter," Dumbledore sighed, the headmaster was sat behind his desk with Professor McGonagall standing next to him. Percy Weasley and Penelope Clearwater were sat in the seats next to Harry with Penelope sitting on Harry's left and Percy sitting after her. "would you care to shed some light on what happened?"

"From what I can tell, Percy Weasley got beat up by a monkey." Harry snorted as he suppressed more laughter.

"I did not!" Percy said in an indignant voice.

"So you weren't on the floor getting hit repeatedly with a book by a monkey and you didn't cry out 'Mercy! Please stop!' at one point ?" Penelope asked in a very dry voice, causing Percy's face to go almost as red as his curly, 'Weasley red' hair.

"Monkey." Harry snickered before he bit back more laughter when Professor McGonagall narrowed her eyes at him and gave him a look that plainly said she was not amused.

"Mr Potter, we know that part." Professor McGonagall frowned, "What we do not know is why it happened in the first place, and we are now asking you because it was your familiar that had attacked Mr Weasley." she added.



"Fair," Harry nodded. "but if I may be honest for a moment?"

"Yes, if anything be honest all of the time." Professor McGonagall said in an exasperated voice.

"Nah, that's boring and difficult." Harry said with a small head shake. "Anyway, me and Lisa..."

"Lisa and I." Percy corrected him.

"No, me and Lisa, you weren't there." Harry said with a frown before he turned back to Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore. "Anyway we had gone out to Hogsmead and I had left Loki in my room since me and Lisa wanted some alone time for our first date."

"Date?" Professor Dumbledore asked, both of his eyebrows rising up.

"Yes," Harry said in a happy tone. "I think it went quite well. Anyway we came back to find Loki mercilessly destroying Weasley over there."

"He...what...but...he wasn't 'mercilessly destroying' me!" Percy protested.

"Hmm, yes he was." Harry replied. "Like you were crying for him to stop, it was like watching an adult beat up a five year old. It's like one of those 'Tom and Jerry' cartoons where the cat, Tom, would just try his absolute best to beat Jerry, the mouse, but he'd just get hurt throughout the whole episode and everyone would laugh because it might have been animal abuse but it was hilarious animal abuse. And I am sorry to say this, but Loki hilariously animal abused you." Harry said in an apologetic voice.

Percy stared at him with an open mouth while the others with the exception of Penelope looked slightly confused due to the 'Tom and Jerry' part. Percy's mouth moved up and down several times but no noises appeared to come out.

"I...what are you even on about?" Percy blurted out once he finally regained the ability to speak.

"'ve never watched 'Tom and Jerry'?" Harry asked in a surprised tone.

"No." Percy shook his head.

"Not even a single episode?"


"Not even a small part of a single episode?" Harry asked, he sounded almost hopeful at this point.

"No." Percy said in an irritated voice.

"You uncultured, little sh..."

"Harry." Penelope cut him off, a hint of warning in her voice.

"Sorry." Harry apologised as he and Loki pressed a finger to their now closed lips.

"Thank you." Penelope said to them before turning her attention to Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore. "Harry is telling the truth, Professor's. Today I was in the common room and was finishing off my homework when Loki came down and climbed into my lap and then perched himself on my shoulder. He wasn't doing any harm so I let him stay with me. Then later I had decided to go for a walk around the castle, I tried to get Loki to stay but he seemed to want to stick with me.

I decided to let him since he wasn't likely to cause any problems that I could not deal with. During my walk I came across Mr Weasley, the two of us were dating."

"Are dating." Percy corrected.


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