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Chapter 2: The search for a sponsor

Jack tossed his newly obtained coin purse up and down humming quietly to himself.

(14 silvers that easily, if this keeps up I'll be able to buy those scriptures in no time.)

Jack then itched his chest, and his arms, and his back, and we'll he couldn't exactly just itch his family jewels out in public.

"Okay first food then some new clothes"

Jack hurried over to one of the food vendors picking out a loaf of bread and a kebab. Walking out of the market place Jack found a secluded spot in a near by park and began to eat. The bread was tough and grainy making Jack instantly regret not buying anything to drink. But he was so hungry that he didn't stop, and ate the entire loaf before starting on the kebab.

After putting food in his stomach Jack found a stick and started drawing out a new plan. He didn't know whether it was his hunger or the confusion of transmittigating but his earlier plan of getting into the church was embarrassing to say the least.

(Alright if I keep going at this rate it will be easy, but I can always rely on something like this happening, not to mention I have to prevent myself from getting robbed)

Jack started thinking through everything he knew about the church and how he could get in.

(Wait I can afford clothes now, so there is no longer the need to look like a beggar I can simply sit in on the mass.... No but that would require to attend nearly half a year of masses. And I don't think that I can keep up this life for half a year.) Jack scratched his chin in thought.

(Let's switch my thoughts over to how I can get 40 silver instead. I currently am lacking the ability to rob someone of important standing. I also can't rely on petty theft, so this seems bleak. Maybe I can get the scriptures another way... Yeah that might work!)

Jack then stood up itched himself and sighed.

"But first lets get some clothes that I won't be getting rashes from."

Jack walked down the street with more vigor than before thanks to the food and started heading not towards a tailor shop, but to a bar. Tailor shops wouldn't just let a beggar in they smell and 90 percent of the time wouldn't buy anything and try to steal. So Jack opted for the bar in order to catch some drunk and take his clothes.

Approaching the bar Jack started to hear loud shouting and a commotion from inside. Before ultimately a man got thrown out the door and landed on the cobblestone hard. He got up and stumbled a couple steps before passing out on the walkway.


(What is this luck seriously, did I get a super power from transmittigating? I walk over here to find a drunk that I could knock out and take their clothes, and one just falls right in front of me.)

Jack shook his head before dragging the man into the alley then taking his clothes and leaving him with a silver for his troubles. Leaving him naked in the alley, Jack walked out wearing the new clothes. His nose crinkled up.

"The smell isn't the most desirable but at least it doesn't itch"

Jack walked away from the bar, seeing as there was still shouting and noises of fighting still going on inside. He wanted to avoid fighting at all cost since his body was weak from malnutrition plus if he walked in wearing the clothes of the man that just got thrown somebody would notice. Jack checked his coin purse.

"15 silvers and 6 coppers left." Frowning lightly in thought Jack walked back towards the church to see I he could gather any more information from doing a closer inspection.

Suddenly Jack stopped in his tracks having an epiphany.

"A sponsor!" Jack said out loud startling a few passerby's.

One could get a wealthier member of society to sponsor them into becoming an acolyte without taking the test, assuring the church that they were pious. This benefitted the rich because the church would be indebted to them because they sent them manpower. Not to mention that the manpower they sent in could easily send them information on what's happening in the church, giving them opportunities for blackmail. And because the church owed them for the manpower they would have more leniency with requiring donations, saving them money within the long run. And if the acolyte performs well it puts them in even higher standing with the church.

(The only problem now is that I need to find someone who is willing to sponsor me.) Jack Pondered in thought searching through his memories to see if he knew anyone that could help, but alas being poor for all his life meant that he had little to no interaction with the wealthy.

The reason the churches aren't being flooded with acolytes sponsorships is that one if the acolyte doesn't perform well that will lower ones standing with the church obtaining the opposite effect of what they were going for. The second reason was finding someone who actually wanted to become an acolyte. An acolytes life was a clear step down from being a servant of the wealthy. Forcing people wouldn't work because the results would end up poor, or they could betray the wealthy and have protection of the church. Threatening their family wouldn't work because a requirement for being an acolyte for Mayaht is to have no living family members.

Each church has their one odd rule within it on becoming an acolyte, the churches of Gundorth ,the god of flames and cooking, required for their acolytes to have seen battle before. No one knows the origins of these rules, but they were there none the less.

Jacks mind started turning trying desperately to figure out a way for him to obtain a sponsor. An ideal target would be someone who is trying to rise to power and needs more informants within Forgemire.

(May as well head to the temple, I need more information about the church plus mass will soon so I can scout out for possible targets.) Jack Pondered

When jack arrived at the temple mass was almost full so he placed himself at the back of the pews because they could give him the best view of everything. Jack barely paid attention to what was being said in mass, just enough to know when to stand and when to kneel or sit. But what he was more focused on was memorizing the layout of the church, if he obtained a sponsor and then stumbled around through the church like he had never been there before it would be obvious that he was not as they claimed him to be.

Once he was sure that he had memorized as much as he could see, he started scanning the crowd for potential sponsors. Suddenly he spotted someone he was portly man with a tick mustache oiled to a shine and combed to the sides slickly. His light brown hair sat neatly parted on his head. He was none other than Fredrick Stanton one of the candidates for the next mayor of Forgemire.

(Perfect, that's one possible victim.. I mean sponsor.. yeah sponsor not victim)

Then Jack spotted another possible sponsor. She looked to be about 50 with her dark hair starting to have grey streaks in it, wearing a simple but mesmerizing royal blue dress. But what stood about her most was her eyes they were lavender. Her name was Miss Sharlet, she was a candidate for the next head of the mystics council.

(Alright that's another option, let's see if I can get someone a little more approachable than these two)

As Jack scanned further before his eyes finally landed on a young man with dirty blonde hair fastidiously combed. He had dark green eyes and he seemed to be fit. He was Reginald Cast the wealthy son of Killsman Cast the top merchant within Forgemire his products could be seen across the entire upper and noble districts.

(Great that's 3 options once mass ends I start formulating a plan on to which one I can get to be my sponsor.)

Next came the donation portion of mass, it was called donation but in reality it was a fee since you were required to make one if you were attending. Jack winced as he walked up and dropped one silver into the donation bowl. Before today that would've been more than one third of his life's savings.

(Donation my ass this is just plain robbery) Jack grumbled internally.

Walking out of the church he made his way over to a café to sit and ponder over which one of his 3 candidates he was going to choose. Sitting down ordering a water and soup he lined all the information up in his head.

Lanzxz Lanzxz

Hello sorry for the information dump in this chapter but it will pickup in action soon I swear. Other than that maybe 2 chapters today.

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