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Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - Harassing

We had been settled in for a couple of weeks now. It was tiring keeping up with the heavy work load, it always was at the start of the year.

I was making my way down the corridor towards the library. I was meeting up with Tory to catch up on some work we had missed. It wasn't our fault we had fallen behind in Potions and History of Magic, it was Draco and his friends. They were both of the classes we were stuck by them in, what a coincidence we were failing both of those classes. Ugh.

I walked to the back of the library where we normally sat. We usually sat on one of two big tables that were surrounded by and hidden by bookshelves. It was quiet and no one ever sat there, which was perfect for us. It was where we'd usually go sit with friends, gossip and of course do some school work.

Tory was already sat there alone, holding her head up with her hands. I smiled at her taking the seat next to her.

"Hey." She smiled back taking her books out of the bag that was beside her on the floor.

"How's your morning been?" I asked taking out my books slamming them on the desk.

"It was okay, thankfully we only have one more lesson today. What about you?" She began writing, jotting down some notes.

"Yeah it's been okay.. but I honestly can't be bothered with any of this." I sulked laying my head on to the desk letting out a loud sigh. It was a Friday afternoon I was far too tired for this.

"You've literally only just got here Maddie," She laughed. "You haven't even got your pen out yet." Tory reached into my bag grabbing my pen and placing it into my hand.

"Ugh." I groaned lifting up my head as I did I could hear footsteps getting closer. I turned straight to Tory looking at her with wide eyes. Who the hell could this be?

It was of course you guessed it Mr Malfoy and the dickhead patrol.

The four boys began to take seats on the table next to us.

"Oh fuck off Malfoy." I blurted out shaking my head, shooting them all evils.

"Watch your language Wallace!" He smirked, I hated that stupid ass smirk.

"No seriously go somewhere else." I told them bluntly. I really didn't want to have to deal with them today.

"You don't own the library do you now?" He questioned me turning his head to the side.

"Fuck off. We're trying to get work done." I decided I was just going to try and ignore them as best as I could. I needed to focus on my school work.

"Let's see the important work you've been working on then." He smirked walking over to my table. He snatched the book from beneath my hands and began reading it.

"DRACO! Give it back now." I shouted at him.

"Now lets see..hmm you've literally just wrote the date." He laughed walking around with my notebook.

"Give it back Malfoy." I got up out of my seat reaching out for my book.

"I don't think so." He smirked holding the book higher. I tried jumping for it, not much use when you're around 5 foot 2.

"Just give it back to her Malfoy." Tory groaned giving Draco a dirty look. She definitely had enough of his shit too.

"She's gotta work for it," He smirked. "I can't just give it back to her." He laughed looking down at me.

What would happen if I just clocked him? I thought to myself. No that wouldn't be a good idea. He'd just tell his dad and I'd probably get expelled.

"Fuck you!" I climbed onto the the chair snatching it out of his hands which led to us falling backwards. Somehow he ended up on top of me.

He used his arms to lift himself up looking down at me. "Nice underwear," He gave me a cheeky grin whilst getting back onto his feet. "Red?" He licked his lips. "Kinky. I didn't picture you as the type." He smirked, his friends laughed along.

"You're such a pervert Malfoy." I groaned pulling down my skirt and getting back onto my feet.

"C'mon Malfoy, let's leave them to it." Blaise grabbed Draco's arm gesturing for them to leave. I could tell even Blaise had enough of Draco's shit.

"Alright, see you two in History of Magic." He winked and began to walk out of the little hidden nook with his friends following closely behind.

I grabbed my pen off the desk aiming for Draco's head. He caught it. Of course he fucking caught it.

"Thanks Wallace, I needed a pen." He flashed a smile and left.

"Fuck," I huffed taking my seat again. "That was my only pen." I moaned hitting my head against the desk

Pens were hard to come across in Hogwarts, they were they gold dust. I hated using quills.

"Here have one of mine." Tory reached into her bag and handed me one of hers.

"Can you believe him?" I groaned, still not believing what had just happened.

"Maddie we've had to put with him for five years already, nothing surprises me anymore."

We crammed in as much as we could but time soon flew by.


We were now sat in History of Magic, the last lesson on the day.

We had Professor Binns, he always weirded me out. The fact he was a ghost teacher may have had something to do with it. Like what? Who allows this? He was probably the most boring teacher in the whole of Hogwarts too. That might also be one of the reasons I was behind in his class, everything he said went in one ear and straight out the other.

I was seated on a table with Tory, Draco, Crabbe, Hannah and Michael. We under no circumstances chose to sit here. For some reason all the teachers had the same idea and we had strict seating plans in mostly every class.

We were left to our own devices to work on our essays. Which of course meant everyone in class doing everything but the essay we were asked to write.

"Hannah, so how many chocolate frogs do you consume? How many have you eaten?" Draco smirked facing the poor anxious blonde sat next to me.

"I-i" Before she could even answer Draco had cut her off.

"Well it looks like you've eaten 100 this year alone, putting on a few pounds I see." He laughed with Crabbe at the poor defenceless girl.

"Leave her alone Malfoy." I looked up from my work giving him a dirty look. Could he go anywhere without starting trouble?

"What? I just wanted to mention something so maybe she would cut down." He smirked, he was such a bully.

"Shut up." I kicked him under the table.

"Ow!" He yelled. "You can't just fucking kick me." He moaned rubbing his leg.

"You can't go around making assumptions about peoples eating habits that have nothing to do with you." I kicked him again.

He grabbed his wand from his pocket.

I laughed. "What are you gonna do Rictusempra me? Or maybe use Tarantallegra?" I smirked.

They were spells that made you laugh uncontrollably and the other made you dance, spells you'd learn in like the second year at Hogwarts.

"Shut it Wallace. I'm warning you." Pointing his wand at me.

"Ooo I'm scared." I mocked him smirking.

"Maddie stop, he might use it." Tory shot me a concerned look. She always wanted to stay out of trouble when it came to Malfoy, he was ruthless and always got away with everything.

"Yeah Wallace you better listen to your little friend before you regret it." Draco smirked, I hated the way he smirked. Ugh. It was like he thought he was better than everyone else. Let me correct myself, he definitely thought he was better than everyone else.

"Stop making fun of people then." I shook my head and tried to carry on with my essay.

5 minutes went by and I felt someone kick my leg. "Ow," I blurted out. "Who the fuck kicked me?" I looked around the table at everyone and Draco was smiling right at me. Of course it was him.

I kicked him back. He yelped.

"Fucking hell! What was that for?!" He yelled.

"You fucking kicked me!" I shouted back.

"That's enough!" Professor Binns interrupted our argument. "I've had enough of the noise that comes off this table every lesson! Mr Malfoy and Miss Wallace you are to stay after class has finished."

"What? He started it!" I questioned his reasoning to why I had to stay behind even though it was definitely Malfoy's fault, it was always his fault.

"That's enough Miss Wallace. I have heard the both of you, so you will both will be staying behind." He gave me a sturn look and floated away.

"Ugh." I groaned hitting my head on the desk.

"Don't worry Mad, I'll wait for you after class." Tory smiled trying to make me feel somewhat better.

As soon as I knew it class had finished and everyone began to leave the room.

Which left me and Draco Malfoy.

We both had to sit in silence for 20 minutes. It wouldn't be that bad if I didn't have to sit across from him. It was hard not to look at the ghostly boy in front of me.

He smiled as he brushed his leg against mine under the table.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I mouthed to him so Professor Binns couldn't hear me.

He did it again, knowing it was going to whined me up.

"Stop." I mouthed.

"Make me." He mouthed back smirking.

"Mr Malfoy and Miss Wallace stop playing footsie under the table!" Professor Binns shouted from the other end of the room.

"Uh we are not playing footsie Sir!" I protested. Malfoy just laughed.

We sat in silence for a few more minutes before we were finally allowed to leave. I bolted for the door hoping Tory hadn't got bored and left already.

I opened the door to see Tory and Blaise Zabini talking. I was confused to what the hell those two could be talking about.

Tory had spotted me coming through the door. "Hey." She smiled pulling me in for a hug.

"Move then." Malfoy pushed us both which caused us to fall into Blaise.

I have had enough of his shit today. "What is your problem Malfoy?!" I shouted at him moving towards him.

He backed up to the wall.

"Non stop today you have been harassing me!" I gave him a dirty look getting closer to him, I had him cornered he had to answer. So I thought.. with one swift move he grabbed my wrist and pushed me up against the other wall and laughed.

"Ha you think you're intimidating? Might want to try that again." He smirked looking down at me.

"Let me go Malfoy." I removed my wrists from his grip pushing him off of me. He just laughed. What a dickhead.

"Come on lets leave." Tory grabbed my hand and we power walked away from Malfoy and Zabini.

"I think I'm going to have a mental breakdown." I sighed walking down the corridor mentally exhausted.

"Hey Ladies." George and Fred popped out of nowhere which scared us both.

"Fucking hell." Tory screamed.

"Sorry to scare you both." George smiled leaning against the wall.

"We were planning a party tonight and were wondering if you'd like to come?" Fred handed us a small piece of paper with the details scribbled onto it.

"I don't know, I'm so tired." I shrugged, after today I didn't have the energy for it.

"Come on Maddie! Please." Tory begged me giving me the puppy dog look.

I turned to Fred and George. "Will there be booze?" I asked them.

"Maddie would it be a Weasley party without alcohol?" Fred winked.

I sighed "Okay I'll come." They all cheered.

"See you there boys." Tory winked at them as we walked away.

GGslytherin GGslytherin

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, please let me know what you think. I have so many ideas for this story so hold in there.

GG :-)

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