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Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Okay, a date...nothing to worry about. It's just a date. Does it count that I answered his question without knowing what it was? No, I don't think it does. After Adam told me he would pick me up at 8, I rushed to my office in the customer service department. If Julie was here what would she do? What would she say? I start pacing the room back and forth. I know she would definitely tell me to go for it. Hmm...that's not the answer I about I call her. It would be my first time calling her since the move. Do you think she would be mad? My pacing intensifies. I start to panic. I mean I didn't know what to say to her, hey I know you just settled in I have people looking out for you there. No! She would hate me. Damn it maybe I should just tell Adam I don't want to date him. Plus doesn't the work day end at 8? I would be too exhausted to even go out. Yes, yes that's it. Too exhausted. I slam my hands on my desk. Would Adam care if I was too exhausted? ~Knock, knock~ I turned to see who was knocking on my door. It was Janice. I quickly fix myself and clear my throat. "Hey, I just wanted to hand some documents to you. Also some lady from the fashion dep is looking for you. Says the team lead is asking for you." Janice walks in. She then closes the door and continues to speak. "Unofficially speaking, I have some questions." She clears her throat. "First, when do you plan on telling everyone your identity? Second, what made you act in such a way?" Jancie smiles and takes a seat. Letting me know I was caught in my foolishness. "'re not intimidated by me?" I leaned on my desk wondering how she now has the courage to talk to me. "Intimidated? Intimi- you...that's why you think we don't talk to you. Unbelievable. You do know in order to not have a sudden change in environment, we all agreed that the best way to keep your secret is to remain the same. As if we didn't become friends?" So that was why. "Why didn't you guys tell me? It would've been nice to know." I whined a bit. "Haha, it was Julie's idea. She said you would most likely forget the plan and just be friendly towards us. She said that with the softest look in her eyes….it was hard to say no." Janice smiled at me, looks like to me Julie was trying to protect me even when she had left. God, I miss her. "Then, I guess it would be okay right?" I pause for a moment to think again whether I can trust Janice or not. "I'm gonna need a favor." I looked to Janice with such passion. Janice threw me a concerned look before I explained everything to her. I told her about Grace and Adam. Janice perked up when she heard about Adam asking me out on a date. And with a few more minutes of filling Janice in she agreed to help me and get everyone on board too. After our discussion Janice continued on with her normal day while I went to go see the team lead of the fashion dep. I need to find out what the team lead could possibly want with me now. Once I leave the customer service dep I spot him. "Nathaniel!" I shout loud enough to catch his attention. He looks my way and walks up to me. "There you are, do you know how long ago I called you. Just how long were you planning on making me wait?" Nathaniel crosses his arms and taps his foot. I was a little peeved at his gestures. What would his face look like when he finds out I'm the chairwoman? "What is it that you wanted to see me for?" I quickly changed the subject so my mind wouldn't have me blurt out my identity too fast. "It's not me, some people want to see you." Nathaniel leans in and covers one side of his mouth while whispering to me. "They're the executives...I don't know what you did to catch their attention, but they're waiting for you." Nathaniel walks away after delivering the message. What could those old men want from me now? I follow Nathaniel to the fashion dep, take a look around and start walking over to my desk. I had thought they would come to my desk like I instructed them to whenever they needed me. "No no. Not there." Nathaniel then points to the private office that was given to him when he became the team lead. I hastily walk to the office. To occupy someone else's work space, they got some nerve calling me there like that. I open the door to find just 3 of the 10 executives and a young handsome man there. It was Mr.Wong, a greedy and polite old fellow who knows his limits. Mr.Chaze, not as old as Mr.Wong but even more greedy with ambition. And last but not least Mr.Colling, a quiet man who never liked to step out of his place. They stood up at the sight of me. I close the door to keep the atmosphere private. "Is there something I can help you all with?" I questioned them with an imposing manner. My late father had taught me, when I'm in front of the executives I must not show any signs of weakness. I must act like a strong emperor with no faults. He prepped and gave up sleep just to teach me how to properly act like a boss. I fixed my posture and closed the curtains in case the nosiest of nosy can't resist to look in. In the small room there are 4 chairs across from each other with a coffee table in the middle. To the back of the office lay a desk that screamed whoever sits at me, it means they're in charge. After I set the correct atmosphere I took a seat behind the desk. "I'm a very busy person, unless this is of the utmost importance." I look at my executives with a stern look. "I trust you have finished the work assignments I have given." I speak out so calm and solem, they had no other choice but to answer me. "~Ahem~, The assignments are still underway. However, we are here because it is important." Mr.Wong said as I motioned them to take a seat. I lean forward to rest my arms on the desk. "What could possibly be so important Mr. Wong?" I glared at him waiting for him to speak clearly. "I-it's the matter of the partnership in the program to expand the company's products. I've brought over the representative of K-Corpartions." Mr. Wong held out his hand in the direction of the young man. I turn my attention to him to study his appearance. He was indeed very handsome with his business formal attire and golden brown hair. He gave me a small smile before speaking. Instantly I remembered my ex, the days when he would smile at me flooded my mind quickly and left just as quickly. "Hello I'm Alan." I looked at Alan with disgust in my eye. His smile made me want to punch him. The 3 executives looked at Alan scared, as if they warned him not to smile. "Oho, hello to you to Alan. Tell me what products are most suitable to work with and how are they useful to my company?" I stand up and walk in front of the desk to see him better. Alan smiled wider, I felt a disgusting chill run down my back. "This set of products is only the beginning." Alan picked up a medium sized backpack from the side of him and pulled out a couple of items. They had a small and simple design which made it easy to carry around. Alan then explained they were advanced cleaning supplies for everyday things. I study the look of the items. They were painted over with a fine metallic black. Alan carefully picked up one of the items. "This is our best selling Fridge Cleaner. Just empty out the storage and let this handy dandy little guy do the work. Once you close the door it scans the area for and grime, spills, and even dried up condensation. It comes with a complete set of tough fighting chemicals and starts cleaning all the targeted spots. It beeps 3 times when it's finished the job. That's when you switch over to this bad boy here." Alan puts the cleaner down to pick up a micro-fiber black cloth. "This is the Micro Wipe, it's made from the finest and highly absorbent fabric solution-dyed acrylics which goes best for any indoor and outdoor spills. So you can just wipe away the dirt. That's not all it comes in a variety of different colors and patterns." Alan puts the small cloth down and picks up the final item that he laid out. "This friendly guy washes and sucks all the dirty water from the Micro Wipe, we call it the Super Squeezer. All you have to do is open it up and push this button here." Alan demonstrates this by taking the complimentary cup of coffee and pouring it carefully on the table, so as to not over spill. He uses the Micro Wipe which does the job then puts it in the Super Squeezer. He closes the lid and pushes the button. "You see it doesn't make noise so you won't get any annoying headaches while working with it. Once it finishes-" ~beep, beep, beep~ "haha, yes it beeps 3 times as well." Alan opens the lid and takes the Micro Wipe out. He then passes it around to let others feel how it was completely dry. "My company and I believe that this is just the start of a new way of cleaning. It's simple, easy to use, and most importantly it's affordable. This complete set goes for the price of $32.99. It's a great steal!" Alan starts packing the items carefully back in the backpack. The 3 executives clap and smile with him. The disgusted feeling I had grew more as I silently let them have their moment. "Does it run on battery or wire? What's the maximum use per day? How much does it cost to build it? Also, what is the main eye catcher for the designs?" I gave a domineering glance. The clapping and comfy atmosphere ceased to exist. Alan looked prepared to answer my questions. "First, It's battery based so you wouldn't need to worry of any slip ups due to wire damage. The best part is that it works quickly to save as much energy so it can be used again. After only 5 uses will you need to change the battery. Also the reason why it's so affordable is because it only costs $20 to build. So at the end of the day the profit is 1:12. It's precise, it's efficient and has a cost appropriate sale point. That's such an eye catcher. Once it is used it will be hard to switch back to the original cleaning method. And it's small body is the main point, it's easy to carry around." Alan puts his hands together looking pleased with himself. All the information he presented was incredibly impressive. I wanted to buy a set right away. However, my executives should've taught him proper manners. Or at least what not to do around me. "Okay, I like it. There are a few problems which can be improved upon like instead of making it regular batteries we use rechargeable batteries. And the price for the set is too low that would be pushed up 10%, As for the packaging process I'll have my fashion dep work on that. Last but not least I'll make the deal….without you in it. I want you out. Nonnegotiable." The atmosphere shifted from calm and comfy to sharp pins and needles. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear that right. It sounded like you wanted-" "you out of the deal." I finished the sentence for Alan. "You have a 2 week grace period to think it over. Whether you decide to sign or not depends on how badly you need this deal, yes? So I expect not to be disappointed. You are dismissed. Oh and one more thing, when you leave close the door behind you." I shooed Alan off. "But, I-I am the creator of this set of products. This should not be part of the deal." I stood up and walked over to Alan. "Your first mistake when coming in here, was speaking without being spoken to. I believe I was speaking with Mr. Wong before you introduced yourself. Your second mistake was letting me see that pathetic excuse of a backpack before your presentation. If you want to properly explain your products you lay them out so that your target audience can have enough time to examine it. That way their attention would be all on you. Your third final and worst mistake was not keeping in mind the warnings of those 3 there. I'm sure my executives here have informed you that I am a person who does not favor those who smile at me. Now that I so graciously told you of your faults, do you still believe I would make a partnership with someone who's clearly inexperienced as yourself?" Alan's face carried a furious expression after I was done speaking. The 3 executives looked down then to each other, they carried hopeless expressions across their face. "I- this presenta- my products come with me or it's no deal!" Alan finally mustered up the courage to oppose me. "Then, no deal. You can see yourself out I trust." I walk back to the desk and sit down on the chair. I close my eyes waiting for Alan to leave. "~Ahem~ we will discuss this matter later." One of the executives spoke breaking the silence of disbelief. "Oh, oh yeah okay." Alan said then left the room. I opened my eyes and before anyone of my executives could leave I spoke. "You three stay." Mr. Wong who had his foot out the door stopped in his tracks and walked back in before closing the door. "Who was it, the one that was in charge of informing the young lad there the necessary requirements when talking to me?" I glared at all three of them. "That would be me." Mr. Chaze spoke out. "I see during the 2 week grace period you will be sent to work at the clothing store in the city. During your stay there, the supervisor will be allowed to give you orders. I will inform her that you need to relearn the basics." "What?! How degrading! I am a proud executive of the company to make me do such work, is beneath me!" Mr. Chaze now carried an angry expression. Meanwhile, I kept a calm and collective expression. "I see you need to humble yourself too. The company's backbone and foundation is the stores that sell our clothes and give good customer feedback. Working there is actually above the pay grade I give you. So for the next 2 weeks your pay will be cut." "How-" "do you still have any more issues that need be fixed?" I looked him right in his eyes, ignoring the built up anger he had for me. My father taught me this method. If someone questions my power all I need to do is give them a very uncomfortable glare. That would make them second guess themselves and ultimately go along with your idea. "No," Mr. Chaze broke his gaze from me to look down. "No, I thank you for the help." Mr. Chaze looked almost as though he shrunk when he was speaking to me. "Does anyone else have any problems with my decision?" I close my eyes as I address the room. "No." the other 2 executives said. "Good, then you all may take your leave and be sure to properly inform Alan that the 2 week grace period still stands." "Yes." They spoke in unison. With that they left the room. I waited a minute or so before walking out. I had opened the curtains before I left. When I saw the executives were no longer in sight I dropped the act. ~Sigh~ stressful as usual.

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