Reviews of TTNL-DROPPED by Neqtrix - Webnovel


  • Writing Quality
  • Stability of Updates
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • World Background

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Another shamless author writing an review for his own book, I know. But I'm still writing this to let you, the readers, know that first I am not a native english speaker, so this book will have lots of small mistakes as I am also writing this on my phone, but nothing too serious. Secondly, in the first few chapters, the story advances slowly as this is my first book and as mentioned before I am not a native speaker of this language. Thirdly, any thought, ideea or criticism will be greatly appreciated and I will not delete any comment, as long as it is about my novel. And with all that out of the way, let's start our review. This novel is based around tragedy and the MC's past, which will be revealed later in the story. Also be prepared to be bombarded with seemingly unrelated knowledge, but fear not everything will be explained later. The world is based on real life mythology and folklore so, expected a living, breathing world, with major nations being based or outright copies of real world nations. This novel isn't just about the MC, it is also about the world that the MC lives in and surrounds him and just like him, the world also evolves. And with that said, I genuinely hope you give my novel a try, and if it isn't your cup of tea then you can always leave. Thanks for your time spent reading my nonsense.

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A pretty long story, without much going around, at least in the first few chapters, however the book is not bad per se, though it could use a mild rewrite, otherwise it will be a bit bland.

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A nice retake of a normal fantasy novel, with mediocre to good world building. But what intrigues me is the story, although fragmented, it's starting to form an intresting history. I really want to know how the story will proceed further

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An interesting, albeit slow paced story, at least in the first few chapters, but overall a nice novel to read when you don't have anything else to read.

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yk I just started to read this but I will say it is very intriguing and I cant get enough...................................................

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This book has a good development and gives just the right amount of suspense about what happens next. I truly want to know what happens next. I enjoy this book and highly recommend people to read it 😁😁

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Another shamless author writing an review for his own book, I know. But I'm still writing this to let you, the readers, know that first I am not a native english speaker, so this book will have lots of small mistakes as I am also writing this on my phone, but nothing too serious. Secondly, in the first few chapters, the story advances slowly as this is my first book and as mentioned before I am not a native speaker of this language. Thirdly, any thought, ideea or criticism will be greatly appreciated and I will not delete any comment, as long as it is about my novel. And with all that out of the way, let's start our review. This novel is based around tragedy and the MC's past, which will be revealed later in the story. Also be prepared to be bombarded with seemingly unrelated knowledge, but fear not everything will be explained later. The world is based on real life mythology and folklore so, expected a living, breathing world, with major nations being based or outright copies of real world nations. This novel isn't just about the MC, it is also about the world that the MC lives in and surrounds him and just like him, the world also evolves. And with that said, I genuinely hope you give my novel a try, and if it isn't your cup of tea then you can always leave. Thanks for your time spent reading my nonsense.

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A pretty long story, without much going around, at least in the first few chapters, however the book is not bad per se, though it could use a mild rewrite, otherwise it will be a bit bland.

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A nice retake of a normal fantasy novel, with mediocre to good world building. But what intrigues me is the story, although fragmented, it's starting to form an intresting history. I really want to know how the story will proceed further

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An interesting, albeit slow paced story, at least in the first few chapters, but overall a nice novel to read when you don't have anything else to read.

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yk I just started to read this but I will say it is very intriguing and I cant get enough...................................................

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This book has a good development and gives just the right amount of suspense about what happens next. I truly want to know what happens next. I enjoy this book and highly recommend people to read it 😁😁

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