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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Stefan POV

Grounded. Just what I need to explore my library. I close my eyes and think about a library then I'm inside the library with millions of books. They are organized in large groups and small groups. Cultivation is further divided into body refinement, internal force, soul force, spiritual cultivation and soul cultivation. I want to start with body cleansing medicinal baths. This will help my foundation.

The ingredients of fighter realm body refinement are available in this world bit are devided into rare and common ingredients. I look for common ingredients and quickly list them and take the books on the first grade in mortal cultivation which is fighter realm that is further devided into nine layers. The books  fly towards me and I shout in my mind. "Compile". And all books turn into one book and I go ahead and open it.

The books only has the nine layers inside and it has no weaknesses. I think I had my first feeling in this world and its giddiness I can imagine my cultivation soaring in a  few days I'll be able to place arrays and inscriptions in seconds.

I take a deep breath and start my cultivation.

Six hours...

I'm getting the hang of it and my body is sweating but as hours go on I start sweating smelly kind of sweat and that's when I know I'm on the right path because the book says the training takes effect this way. I am finished with my cultivation and have broken through the first layer when there's a nock on the door I open and come face to face with a frowning servant.

"Master Stefan the house is getting smelly and its coming from this room" he says looking at me with curiosity but I just nod and move to take a bath. Leaving him standing there stunned.

My clothes are wet and clinging to my body I doubt they can be saved I should be naked when practicing next time. This means I need to be in a secluded area. I'll look for a perfect cave such as the cave housing the recorded history of the Original family. I could also use it to plant herbs I require for my cultivation.

However since I'm grounded I'll need to sneak out at night. I take a shower and then return to my room to rest. The first layer is the difference between a normal person and a cultivator, I'm a little faster than a normal person and can carry heavier weight but I am still mortal and require rest.

I woke up in the afternoon it seems dinner is almost ready so I prepare myself to meet my entire family I wonder if Damon got punished is he beaten blue and black? I suppose I should care about this particular information Stefan did try to save his brother.

No matter it not like I don't know acting I was an agent after all, the best of the best otherwise I would have failed to access sensitive information and learn all about my family demise perpetrators.

My body is not so different from the past it seems it will take time for the training to take effect even though the manual is made specifically for me.

I move to stand in front of the mirror after getting ready for supper. Looks acceptable. My body feels lighter than before as if I had been walking with heavyweights on my body but now it's gone. I'm glad that there's a difference after training I was getting disappointed since the novels  mc's always say how fast they cultivate in comparison to others.

With these thoughts I reach the dining hall only to find my now father and Damon seating in silence. I sit in between the long table "Father, Damon" I nod at them before sitting on the table and looking at Damon who seems uneasy.

"Father, did you conduct a thorough investigation pertaining that matter?" I look to the man with a stern inquisitive expression. He seems taken aback but lowers his head and takes a drink.

"I found out that your mother had stolen the money, after further investigation I found out that she was planning to run away from home." I'm surprised he found this all out after being challenged by his son.

"I see, it seems you owe my brother an apology" I say only to have both men look at me as if I have lost my mind so I clear my throat.

"Father, it is alright to be strict with your discipline however hitting people is not right. You will not be this capable forever the young takes care of the old family relationships are important" I say with conviction that Giuseppe is left speechless.

"Damon I was wrong to accuse you of something you did not do. I'll give you half the money to do with it as you wish" He says now it's my turn to be surprised because this man is abusive and a drunkard who is arrogant and set in his ways.

I suppose finding out his wife want's to run away from him made him realize that fear is not enough to manage his family. I look at him expectantly. He chuckles in a good mood and continue.

"Stefan your house arrest is uplifted and I'm proud of you for being brave and standing up to me." He says with pride in his tone.

I let myself smile abit. I continue to eat as it seems Mother is not coming. We fall into conversation like everything is normal even Damon is smiling in the end and we the finish eating moving to the sitting room where father has the money ready giving it to Damon who takes it with trembling hands.

"If you can excuse me I have a task to complete." I say moving forward to my bedroom I'm not going to hold their hands to fix the relationship they are both older than me. Damon starts to panic so I go to pat his back.

I'm in my room now taking the list and going out the sun is setting but it's not dark yet. This potion is made of nine common ingredients so I go to scawer the forest. Iv been out for a while now and it getting dark I notice that it's the full moon so I rush to my room making sure Damon is home safe i don't want him to die from being knowed at by a wolf.

I mix the ingredients and with the library guiding me i make very little mistakes that i can overlook them.

Request boiling water and then put the mixed ingredients inside. Waiting for the right temperature and then diving it the pool of water and immediately my skin gets uncomfortable as if something with a small mouth is biting and walking all over my body. Its start small and then the bones get uncomfortable then the pain starts I am swearing and sweating  in the end I will myself not to pass out.

The water gets black and smells bad, the pain stops after a while, the process has finished I rise and remove the block goo from my body it's so dirty and just disgusting but underneath all that I feel exhilarated, a feeling of getting rid of impurities from one skin is not something that you can just easily be described in a few words.

After removing all the dread from my body I called the servants to get rid of the bathtub so afterwards I do a few exercises to get a feel of my new body and it was great I mean I feel lighter and my body feels better and I just move and my movements are smooth without any hindrance.

Anyways time to go and check on those ingredients I suppose I need to see if I can come up with another list maybe one that would give me money or perhaps a simple portion for flu.

I dive straight to work and just my luck I find a beauty lotion and from the witches magic I find medicine to promote fertility for both males and females. There are different ways to administer for both genders however it does allow a couple to get pregnant and Give birth relatively smoothly considering the times of advance medicine has not come.

I won't waste my time with Building a hospital its better to build a pharmacy of sort. Anyways I am going to go and start my an apocathery right away I can't imagine going through all this if I don't have this extra energy I got from cultivation even though all that I have cultivated right now is a body cultivation it is extremely beneficial to the energy of a young man such as myself.

I suppose this calls for a meeting with Giuseppe. But that will take place tomorrow right now I'm tired I'm going to bed. Tomorrow I'll look into potions to make money so I can buy resources for my cultivation. I need wealth to fund everything including my studies for other schools such as inscriptions from TDG. I'm boiling with anticipation.

Day two after rebirth I'm feeling less disoriented and more comfortable with my new body. I wonder if I can find Stefan in my subconscious and merge with him to get back his memories or should I get rid of him if I find him.

I can live a better life than him even if I don't have access to my childhood memories I can also master a technique that will give me a new body and leave his body for him or I'm way over my head he is long gone and I'm worried about nothing. I don't want anything to disturb my dao heart.

I sit up and meditate only to realise it is harder than I thought to meditate when in not silently reciting and incantation for cultivation, however I am a patient man that is the second thing they teach in the agency. To have patience of a hunter.

I think I fell asleep but for some reason I am in a place filled with little starlight ranging in sizes and somehow able to come together and make up a galaxy of sort. "Beautiful" I marvel at the place wondering where I am when I accidentally touch a star and it twinkles and shoots to my head and I see man pulling a crying woman out of a room.

This is one of Stefan's memories, I touch another and it of myself and a training instructor. So all these belong to me I have I isolated Stefan's and my memories because deep down I am guilty of taking over his life. After realizing that fact my subconscious merge and turns into a single galaxy and I finally get access to the memories of Stefan.

The dao of cultivation is complicated and depending on how you judge yourself your cultivation may be slow or fast. For instance I was holding myself back by referring to Stefan and Liam's lives as separate but infact Stefan is Liam and Liam is Stefan.

I need to not loose sight of why I was sent here. I have little to no emotions and I'm asked to change that, I wonder if I would succeed. Liam was an empty shell on the other hand Stefan Salvatore was an emotional roller coaster. He felt conflicted with his father because although he abuses his wife and Damon he never raised his hand against Stefan.

Guilty towards Damon and worry for his mother. I think I should therefore focus on Stefan Salvatore and take it from there. So about his father's abusive behavior. If its Liam he will just kill him and take over the family but alot of unknown variables will pop up like what about the council? Perhaps I should start with his hobbies.

What jumps at me is the alcohol, the man loves drinking so I should be able to brew something with calming effects. I'll also add addictive to ensure his complete reliance on the alcohol so I can control him. It should be something that also makes him happy just in moderation so he doesn't ge suspicious. So this is what I'll be focusing on first before moving on to potions and alchemy.

The alcohol will be my breakthrough hell be so happy he won't pay attention to me or if I'm lucky he will let me handle household finances from now on. I chuckle at my impossible dreams.

I let my mind go into the library to search for anything that can be put into alcohol. I do find a spell in the magic area that can calm a person but it to help  people who are having a hard time falling asleep. After hours inside the library i finaly find a concoction that is to help minimize the aggression hormone in the body and relaxes the mind. Making a person lazy but happy.

I think this is the antidepressant of cultivators. So I'm going to use this recipe to make myself a father who is happy most of the time and is not abusing his wife and Child also I'm going to use this to make a town that is full of happy people so you can just think of this as a mass drugging.

It looks like this recipe needs fruits that planted with any place that will provide them with spiritual energy so I will need to plan them and then put on inscriptions in order to gather spiritual energy to these fruits and then I'll use the fruits to make wine.

I chose wine because monk usually prefer wine so most of these recipes are about making wine but with spiritual energy I'll just put a little bit of spiritual energy not too much making sure that it's not too much for these people because mortals can't bare too much spiritual energy.

But the little amount of spiritual energy that will be in these fruits will be enough to make people love it when testing the wine because it would taste so heavenly. I think I can adjust it so vampires will be drunk after a few glasses worth of drinking. This recipe is very flexible because it can be adjusted for those with higher cultivation.

The first rays of sunlight land on the gap between the curtain I open my eyes slowly and I just know this is going to be a long day. I just hope it is atleast productive.

I put on my clothes and go out to do my morning routine the servants in the house are considered polite when they greet me along the way so I make my way to the bathroom and finish up quickly after that I'll go and join my family for breakfast it seems that mother is still not joining us this morning I suppose father is probably keeping her locked up in a jail cell somewhere I want to feel sorry for the woman but she was going to let Damon take the fall for her own deeds.

When I get there Giuseppe along with Damon are having a casual conversation like a normal Father and Son if I had emotions I would be emotional about this picture. It's a scene where by a father and a son have a nice breakfast while occasionally conversing with each other it's very touching especially if you know their history, and after integrating with the memories of Stefan am aware of.

"Good morning father" I then look at Damon "good morning Damon they both tend to me nodding their head and in response to my greeting then they continued eating their breakfast and I start my own we have a silent moment like that for a while until Damon start speaking to me "Brother do you have any idea about what I should do with the money that father has given me?" I look at him contemplating my answer

"Perhaps you can start a small business I happen to have an idea that requires investment how much money did you find in your endeavour brother" I turn to look at him unquestioningly.

"Hahaha" Giuseppe laughter from Jefferson is heard booming from the hallway

"Don't let your little brother scam you Damon find out what is it that you have passion for and use your money towards that goal if your brother has an endeavour that he wants to pursue he can always come and Rob his old man he doesn't have to swindle his older brother who has just made a fortune not long ago" he insist turning to me with a stern expression.

"Hahaha" my own laughter is heard throughout the dining hall. Now I'm worried did he give him a little money because it seems to me like he doesn't want him to tell me how much money he gave him or he really cares about Damon and he wants to see what Damon will do with all the money?

In any case I did help a lot now it's up to them to fix their relationship I have my own endeavours to take care of starting with that alcohol I have decided that I will brew wine since most of the recipe a deal with wine and not strong stuff that has brandy or whiskey so I will just have to find a way to get my old man interested in drinking wine.

Perhaps I can start saying that the educated people overseas and all the other Masters of Slaves overseas are drinking that stuff it will make him feel more important and he is arrogant enough to consider such an idea but I don't know we will see when we get to that bridge.

Rght now I still need to brew the damn thing. I still need to plant the spiritual fruits, what fruits will it be? grapes, apples, oranges or peaches I'll go with peaches.

"Father may I get a small piece of land please it could be somewhere secluded or a piece of land that you are not using I just need a piece of land where I can plant a tree or two"  I say.

He turns to me "what do you need a piece of land for? are you building a house already? Damon here is older than you yet he is not even engaged yet and you are thinking about building a house hahaha my son is looking to the Future" he said with a booming laughter.

I look at him internally bored is he really thinking that I want to get married to some woman and start a family? What a joke.

I have been with both men and women on assignments in the agency and none of them made me want to live with them for the rest of the week let alone the rest of my life.

He stand up and leads me to a piece of land I will be using for my grapes and peaches plantation. He shows me a place and makes small talk then I thank him and go back to my room I still dont have any resources. I sit and go into the library to study the inscriptions and arrays but I find that they are both very hard to master. I need to use these to keep supernatural creatures away from my town.

There are no demonic beasts here since Malibvo went rampant eating them up until he was subdued however I am also a doppelganger with valuable human doppelganger blood so for low level inscriptions I'll probably be fine but when it comes to keeping out the real bad guys I don't know if it will hold.

On the other hand gathering spiritual Qi or spiritual energy is something that my blood can achieve. I close my eyes and make a decision to compile all the inscriptions in one book. After a few minutes since I instructed that it be lower realm level.

I take a deep breath and decide to put it aside. I still need to have soul power to do inscriptions but I want to cultivate spiritual qi. I am gambling on using spiritual qi to draw inscriptions perhaps I wont need the blood if I'm lucky I'll dust use natural resources such as diamonds and rubies and jade.

I search the library for anyway to search for natural resources I find a spell that one can craft on a compass or a map to indicate a place with resources. Arrays are like black technology the resources will indicated and named in the map but will only be pointed to with the compass.

I leave my room and look for a map, it turns out maps are precious and are sold at high prices which means I won't be able to get any. Look for another way only to find and inscription that can point an arrow towards the area so I settle for this one.

I carefully pour my blood in a small bowl and take one of my old practicing pens and deep it in the blood and will my true essence. It's not working it seems I need to be at leyer three and above to be able to guide my true essence from outside my body. I get rid of the blood I don't want to be labeled as a demon who drinks blood or something creepy like that.

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