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Chapter 26: Chapter 1.25

As the hours ticked by, Orion and Grams spent most of the day painting together and sharing stories. Grams was an interesting character, and Orion was captivated by her tales of the past. Like Bonnie, he loved hearing about her childhood, especially when she discovered her magical abilities. Grams had been a stubborn fire starter with a mean streak, but she assured Orion that age had mellowed her out.

As they laughed about some of her wild escapades, Orion couldn't help but ask about his grandfather, a subject that had always been sensitive in the Bennett household.

Grams' smile softened, she knew he deserved to hear the truth.

"Your grandfather, he was a complex man," she began, the memories flooding back. "He had his flaws, but he also had moments of great kindness and wisdom."

Orion nodded, sensing that there was more to the story. "Tell me more about him," he encouraged, eager to understand this elusive figure from his family's past.

Amused by the memory, Grams let out a soft chuckle, her eyes filled with affection as she recalled her late husband's wonderful sense of humor.

"You know, one of the things I adored about your grandfather was his quirky habit of collecting funny hats from every place he visited," she gave a warm smile.

"Really?" Orion inquired, intrigued.

"Oh, absolutely," Grams affirmed, the beginnings of a mischievous grin forming.

Orion couldn't help but chuckle.

"But he had a serious side, too," Grams continued, her expression more thoughtful. "He was a talented practitioner of magic but also struggled with the responsibility that came with it."

Grams took a deep breath, her eyes heavy with the weight of past secrets. "You see, Caspian Parker had secrets that I never knew, secrets he kept locked away from me. He was a man of great talent and potential, but he dabbled in magic he had no right to, and his coven didn't like it."

Orion leaned in, captivated by the revelations unfolding before him. "What do you mean, Grams? What kind of magic did he dabble in?"

Grams looked pained and lost in thought as she continued, "He delved into dark and forbidden magic, the kind that held consequences far beyond anything he could have imagined. In his quest for more power, he knowingly walked down a perilous and treacherous path."

Orion's eyes widened with both concern and curiosity. "And then what happened?"

Grams' voice began to tremble, "The Gemini coven, your grandfather's place of origin, made a fateful decision, and before he could comprehend what was happening, they banished him to a prison world."

Grams paused for a moment, her gaze fixated on a distant memory, her eyes clouded with sadness and regret. "I tried to reason with him, to make him understand the consequences of his actions," she repeated, her voice tinged with sadness.

"But he wouldn't listen. Instead, he started to change, becoming more unpredictable, erratic and paranoid, doing things that he woudnt usually do."

Orion listened intently, feeling a surge of empathy for his grams. He could only imagine how heart-wrenching it must have been for her to witness someone she loved spiraling down a destructive path.

"He was struggling with something, something he couldn't control," Grams continued, her voice filled with compassion. "I tried to help him, to support him, but there was a darkness within him that he couldn't escape."

"I wish there had been another way," Orion spoke softly, empathetic to the complexities of his grandfather's situation.

Grams nodded, her eyes welling up with tears. "So do I, dear. So do I," she said, her voice catching in her throat. "But sometimes, when faced with darkness, tough decisions must be made to protect those we care about."

As Orion looked at his grandmother, he could see the strength that had carried her through those difficult times.

She had faced a painful choice, and though it pained her, she had done what she believed was right for everyone involved. ( for those of you confused she had to help send him away to the prison world)

"Grams, you did what you had to do," Orion said, reaching out to squeeze her hand gently. "I can't imagine the weight of that burden, but I understand that you acted out of love and to protect yourself and Abby."

With that, Orion and Grams fell back into a comfortable silence, the gentle strokes of their paint brushes creating a beautiful symphony of colors on the canvas.

As they immersed themselves in the world of art, Grams reached for a dusty old photo album sitting nearby. She opened it carefully and turned to a page that held a cherished memory.

"Orion, I want to show you something," she said, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "This is your grandfather."

Orion glanced over, curious and eager to see the man who had been a mystery to him. As Grams showed him the photo, his eyes widened in surprise.

The man in the picture was indeed handsome, with a warm smile and a twinkle in his hazel eyes.

"He looks kind," Orion observed, studying the photograph intently.

"He was," Grams replied, her gaze softening with fond memories.

As they were talking, Bonnie came into the room and called out to Orion, and grams greeting them, the tension was still high after what happened yesterday, Grams left the room to let the siblings talk.


As they were deep in conversation, the door to the room creaked open, and Bonnie's voice called out to Orion. "Hey, Orion, mind if I come in?" she asked, already halfway through the door.

Orion turned towards her with a blank face. "Of course, Bonnie, come on in," he replied, setting his paintbrush down and gesturing for her to join them.

Grams greeted Bonnie with a gentle nod, her expression warm and welcoming. "Hello, dear. How are you feeling today?"

Bonnie stepped inside, a hint of tension still evident in her demeanor. "I'm okay, Grams," she replied, unconvincingly.

Grams sensed the underlying emotions in Bonnie's response and decided it was best to give them some space to talk. "I'll leave you two to catch up," she said, offering them both a reassuring smile before quietly excusing herself from the room.

As Grams left, Bonnie hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Look, about yesterday..." she began, her voice trailing off. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't let Elena get hurt like that," she said, her eyes filled with concern.

Orion's eyes flashed an emerald green, surprising Bonnie for a moment. "What about your safety, Bonnie?" he said, his voice gentle but firm. "You act without thinking sometimes, and it will get you hurt or dead."

Bonnie looked taken aback by her brother's response, not expecting such a direct and serious tone.

But she knew he was right.

Orion had always been the more cautious and level-headed one between the two of them, and his words struck a chord.

"I know, I know," Bonnie admitted, her shoulders slumping with a hint of guilt. "I just get so protective of the people I care about, especially Elena. She's been through so much, and I can't bear to see her hurt again."

Orion cut her off before she could say more, his expression firm but caring. "Bonnie, did she ask how you were, if Grams was alright, or did she ask for a favor?" he asked pointedly.

Bonnie remained silent for a moment, taking her silence as an answer in itself.

Orion continued, his tone casual yet firm, "She doesn't really care about what happens to you, Bonnie. She's only interested in what you have, which is your magic. And what happens if something goes wrong, and you can't access it? You'll be of no use to her, and then what?"

Bonnie looked down, processing his words. She knew deep down that Orion was right, but it was hard to accept the truth when it would hurt so much.

In the moments that followed, Bonnie sat in the quiet room, Orion's words echoing in her mind.

She couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions – frustration, realization, and a tinge of sadness.

Bonnie knew that her brother's words came from a place of genuine concern and love, and she appreciated his honesty, even if it stung a little.

As she reflected on her actions, Bonnie couldn't deny that she had been so focused on protecting Elena and others that she had neglected her own well-being.

Her selflessness had often led her to put others first, even when it meant sacrificing her own safety and happiness.

Orion's words had struck a chord with her, prompting her to reassess her priorities. She needed to find a balance between caring for others and taking care of herself. It wasn't selfish to prioritize her own safety and happiness; it was necessary for her own growth and well-being.

As Bonnie continued to sit in the room, her thoughts turned to her friendship with Elena.

She cherished their bond and the memories they had shared, but she couldn't ignore the fact that her powers were often the focal point of their interactions.

It was as if they only valued her for her power, not for who she was as a person.


Orion sat down opposite grams, and despite the tension with his sister Bonnie, he tried to maintain a casual tone. He handed her the cup of tea he had prepared earlier and said with a gentle smile, "Hey, grams, I was thinking it might be a good idea for you to take a little trip out of Mystic Falls."

Grams raised an eyebrow, sipping the tea. "Oh? And why's that, dear?" she inquired, intrigued by his suggestion.

Orion leaned back in his chair, taking a thoughtful pause before replying, "Well, you see, something dangerous is headed our way. Some not-so-friendly supernatural stuff. And as much as I admire your strength, I don't want you caught up in it."

A wry smile tugged at the corner of Grams' lips as she teased, "Is that so? My dear, you know I've been dealing with supernatural dangers for longer than you've been around. I'm not easily scared off, you know."

Orion chuckled, appreciating her feisty spirit. "I know, grams, I know. You're one tough lady. But just consider it a temporary vacation. I want you to be safe and sound, far away from any harm that might come our way."

Grams took another sip of the tea, mulling over Orion's words. "Well, you do have a point," she admitted, her expression softening. "I suppose a little break wouldn't hurt."

Orion grinned, relieved that Grams was considering his suggestion. "That's the spirit, grams! A change of scenery will do wonders for you."

He continued, his tone warm and reassuring, "And don't worry; I'll take care of Bonnie and make sure she doesn't do anything too... adventurous while you're away." He winked playfully, knowing his sister's impulsive tendencies all too well.

Grams chuckled, knowing Orion was just being protective. "Thank you, dear. I know you'll keep an eye on her, and I trust you to look out for each other."

Orion shrugged modestly, "Well, you know me. I will try my best. The house is all set for you, and I made sure it's a cozy place with everything you might need."

He handed her the first-class ticket to Athens, adding, "This flight will leave in a few days. It will be an amazing journey, and you'll have some time to relax and explore a new city."

"But I'll let you know if anything happens," Orion said, his voice reassuring, as he handed the key and ticket to Grams.



Filler chapter, but we learned some new things about Grandpa Bennett or, should I say, Parker. Grandpa Bennett-Parker was never mentioned in the show, so I gave him some backstory and made it a little interesting. He took the Bennett last name cause why not.

Bonnie is thinking hard and will reevaluate her friendship with Elena; Orion will bring to light how Elena uses her.

Let me know what you all think of this chapter, Grams has No use right now, and Orion is sending her off to enjoy herself; he has her protected as he has stationed some wolves and Vamps to protect his grams.


New Fanfic Ideas Let me know what you all think.

- New Fanfic Idea Reborn as a Male Elizabeth Saltzman, Love interest would be Hope Mikaelson . His Name would Be Eliseo Saltzman.... Let me know what you think of this Idea.

Reborn as the Twin of Qetsiayah, He would be a siphoner, and His Love interest is TBD. I have been thinking about doing this one. I have so many ways this fanfic could go.

- Reborn as the Son Of Bonnie Bennett and Enzo St. John, He would be the first-ever Witch-vampire hybrid, along with something else…. Love Intrest is TBD

Let me know which one stands out to you all...

ParadiseHeights ParadiseHeights

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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