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Chapter 2: saved by Jason

" so why didn't you fight her huh" Lucas says sarcastically, mocking Damain's cowardice action," shut your trap you bastard", Damain reacts with anger as he hypnotizes Richard to sleep.


"so Damain now owns the Amazon, well this is going to be interesting" said Dexta, who picks a seat and straddles on it as he scratches his chin with ease, as though he was thinking about something. Dexta is one of Damain's Ally, he helped Damain to conquer and take over Amazon and now he is king. Dexta is in his middle twenties, he is the descendant of the dark sides of Amazon, he is also known as the demon prince, Dexta is a dark fur werewolf and a half demon,a rogue werewolf who wanted everything to himself , he possesses dark powers such as fire, ability to create plagues, curses and alot more, which makes him more stronger than his odds. His hairs are Ruby red in color which lights up his eyes which are also red. He is light skinned and also muscular from a closer angle.

"You shouldn't sit all day thinking about Damain" a voice approaches Dexta from inside the castle, it is the voice of a female, she approaches him with a tray of blue berry and grape fruit, she is really beautiful, her beauty makes the sun cry out in jealousy, she has blonde hairs, light skin, and also she carries a charming gray colored eyes. She is a human, who could see the future, she had the power of vision, she is also a confessor, one gaze at her charmingly dazzling eyes, could make a person go according to her command but one thing about her powers is that it doesn't work on immortals.

"oomph...." Dexta mumbles as he stands up straight to receive Maryanne. She kisses him on the chin as a sign of greetings." have you heard from Lord Lucas, he has been missing for the past two weeks", Maryanne asked as she sat on a chair beside her, she took a glimpse at Dexta to see his reaction, she felt that he knows where Lucas was " I have no idea were he is, he just went missing over time", said Dexta with a sincere tone, but his eyes could tell that he was lying. " what I care about right now is my share of the kingdom which Damain refuses to let go" continued Dexta in a complaining tone.

" well you should have meticulously planned it before helping a leaf city were wolf,you know how tricky he is" Maryanne contributes while taking a little bite from the berry.

" well let's stop talking about that for now, how is my love doing" Dexta changes the topic to avoid further argument, " I'm okay," she replies with an uncertain tone, which sounded deceptive, but Dexta didn't take note of that because his mind was still on Domain's case.


It was nightfall in Damain's crib, crows and bats are seen hovering the top of the building, the night is indeed quiet in this part of Amazon.

Lucas is awoken by some strange sounds, he flinches to the sound, thinking that it was someone who knew where he was, his mind wasn't at rest, his thoughts were that it was either the person was coming to kill him or rescue him, he didn't know what to do ,"who's there?...." he utters a terrified tone, which made the sounds stop for a few seconds, then it continues, but this time it was a little bit faster. Lucas struggles to leave the seat but he was tied to it firmly so that he won't escape, he tried and tried but all were to no avail. He finally gives up.

Few seconds later, the door opens, he was surprised to see who the person was , his thoughts were finally relieved, but could it be because of his death, or because of the person he saw...

"please don't hurt me....."

"Please don't hurt me" a voice emerges from the entrance of the room, it sounded scared and innocent, it didn't sound like someone who could hurt anyone, it was the voice of a little boy named Jason.

" I am sorry for intruding, but I need your help, I am homeless, I need a place to stay, I promise you that I will serve you forever." Jason says with a scared tone, he had no idea that the person seated there was a prisoner, he was to far from him to know that he was tied up,and also, Lucas was seated in a dark spot of the room, the only thing you could see were lines created by his body from a dark angle.

Jason is a young boy, he is eighteen years of age,he lived with his uncle who always treated him as a slave. Jason lived in his uncles farm for about six years, ever since his parents were killed by vampires. He walked in his uncle's farm, feeding the pigs, rearing the animals and maltreated every single day.

Jason seems like a human, but unknown to him was his powers, hidden and waiting to be released. Jason is a descendant of Almagadin, who was one of the greatest sorcerers to ever live in amazon, he was killed for creating an alliance with Amazon's enemies to take over Amazon. Almagadin is Jason's ancestor, he had lived in amazon for about two thousand years ago.

Jason had no idea about any of this,he sometimes notices his powers but he takes them as mere coincidence.

"look,I am not Damain, but I can help you, I am his prisoner, but if you help me, I promise to give you a home" Lucas says this in happiness, hugging his little opportunity of freedom with all his might . "who are you then?" Jason ask in curiosity, he was contemplating whether to set him free or not.

"I am Lord Lucas..." Lucas says but is interrupted by Jason " you mean,... king Lucas,,... no way" Jason says in surprise " yes, I am king Lucas, now I want you to set me free, Amazon needs me , I promise to reward you for your loyalty to the throne." Lucas says,but he sees Jason going out of the room in silence, he was confused " Jason!!!" he calls out his name, thinking he was leaving him there ." no use, the little kid thinks I am a phony." he utters in disappointment.

few minutes later, Jason steps into the room with a knife, "what are you going to do with that," Lucas says in worries, he was thinking that Jason was one of the locals who wanted his head because of his cruelty. Jason uses the knife to cut off the rope. Lucas hives a sigh of relief not only because of his freedom, but also because Jason didn't take his life. " thank you so much boy, now clear the area," he says to Jason who was now standing away from him " why?..." Jason asks " because Damain is a werewolf, he could track us down with our saints, and if we also leave anything behind, he could use them to find us." Jason replies, he burns the chairs and the ropes that imprisoned Lucas and also destroyed the dagger which he used in freeing Lucas, " now let's get out of here, it's almost morning, Damain will soon come visiting".


In the morning, Damain arrives at his crib,only to find out that Lucas was gone, he leaves a half smile on his face and says " I love it when fools run...."

he looks around the house to find objects which he could use to find Lucas but he couldn't find any, this makes him furious, his thoughts were flaming with anger, his anger grew wild, he thought that Lucas was foolish enough to leave clues for him. " Lucas, you can run but you can never hide..." he yells outside the window, and goes back inside, scattering every single thing in fury.


Lucas is seen walking in the forest with Jason, Jason had just finished telling Lucas about his uncle and how he usually got matreated, Lucas takes a wild gaze at Jason and asks " before you saved me, how did you get into Damain's crib, because when he left, I am pretty sure he locked all his doors, and how did you even intrude without death" Lucas says in confusion, " well, strange things has been happening to me recently, I think it is puberty, I can teleport unknowingly," he pauses " after I ran out of the farm , I ran all through the forest not knowing where I was heading to, then suddenly I teleported and found myself inside the crib, I wanted to go out but I couldn't because the doors were locked , I tried teleporting again,but I couldn't, that was when I heard your voice." Jason continued. " so you are a sorcerer huh" Lucas asked,but Jason didn't understand a word he said but he nodded" I know you don't understand, I am a werewolf, I can read your mind." he pauses " I see great potentials in you, and believe I could bring it out, you are a descendant of a sorcerer

Jason still wondered what Lucas was talking . " I know a sorcerer, maybe we could go there tomorrow after our rest, chose a hide out, let's rest our heads, we have to be really care not to attract Damain" Lucas said while brushing through the forest with his eyes.


Damain is back in the castle, he assembles all his guard men and gives them information to find Lucas and bring him to him alive

" do not leave any stone unturned, find him and make sure you bring him to me alive " Damain says with a tone of fury, normally Barry never shows his emotions, but this time it was written boldly all over his face and the only way he could calm down is if Richard was found.

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