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Chapter 21: Chapter 19): Red Eyes Nomads! (Not Those!)

Chapter 19): Red Eyed Nomads! (Not Those!)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

{Do not do drugs, I am not promoting them either as I write these. This is purely for fun nothing more, nothing less.}

(5+ Advanced Chapters on Buy/meacoffee/flaminglines)


Ryan made sure no one was really paying attention as he ran into the woods, the moment he knew he was far enough he jumped and shifted, his wolf form in all its glory out. Following the scent Ryan took off towards the smell, he could hear the pounding of two others going the same way but he didn't care about them, they weren't going to stop him anyway.

Suddenly Ryan heard small paws hitting the ground, turning he saw Meredith running just behind him, what shocked him though was the speed in which she was running, it was way to fast for normal eyes 'I am on your heel Alpha, let's get these sick ones.' her voice sounded in his head.

Ryan just shook his big head and allowed her to follow, obviously when they connected in a pack way she had been enhanced some, he didnt know the extent of it but if she was confident he wouldn't stop her. Though he was shocked next as her grey fur turned black and she grew five feet taller making her about six foot, her shining yellow eyes glowing brightly in the dark forest.

So it seems she is also like him, cool.

Running for a while they eventually made it to where the smell was coming from, he was shocked to see though that the place was in a three way lock at the moment, to the left side were Paul and Sam in their wolf forms, in the middle were a group of eight red eyes vampire and to the right were the Cullens.

Everyone tensed as Ryan and Meredith walked out into the clearing, "Friends of yours Sam?" Carlisle asked the alpha who was crouching at the sight of the new people.

"He says he doesn't know who these two are. His instincts are screaming at him to fear the big silver one though, it must be a stronger alpha." Edward said while also getting into a fighting stance.

'Attack the red eyed ones, leave everyone else alone.' Ryan communicated to Meredith before he charged at the group not worried in the slightest.

Meredith followed his command and charged at the group in the middle, no one expected her to move so fast though so by the time they came to their senses Ryan was already tearing apart one too. They moved in quick precision taking them down, though it got a little harder as they came back to themselves and started to fight back, Ryan didn't have a lot of fighting experience in this form so he was learning.

He growled as a vampire was able to get near him and hit him hard enough to send him flying, his claws dug into the ground as he slid to a stop, the vampire must be new because it didn't follow to attack again. Not giving it a chance though Ryan pounced at it grabbing the arm it tried to throw a punch at him with, his bit digging into the arm of the vampire making it scream.

It wasn't only because of his bite though, his Draining Bite activated unconsciously causing the vampire to slowly drain of power, its once harden skin was now soft as a normal humans. His instincts wanted to make it as weak as possible so it took it to the point of making it human, though it still had all the characters of a vampire like the venom and diet.

Everyone froze when the once vampire now part human flung across the clearing blood splattering everywhere, instead of hearing a hard crunch they heard the smack of flesh hitting a tree. Meredith was the only one who was still attacking the now very fearful vampires, Rosalie also looked at Ryan in his wolf form with a frown, she was certain it was him but could swear he showed none of the characteristics in human form.

Ryan didn't wait for them to come back to themselves, instead he charged at a fleeing vampire, if it wasn't for the fact that it was heading for the bonfire he would have allowed it to flee, but Leah was there so. He didn't hold back either as the wolf was a little more in control, it tore into the vampire for just the thought of it rushing to where Leah was waiting and having fun.

Turning to the destruction he saw that the last of the vampires were being burned away, Meredith trotted to his side and stood there waiting to see what he was going to do. Ryan had nothing else he wanted to do, instead he turned to rush off.

"Wait!" Rosalie's voice called out to him stopping him in his tracks making him look back, "Are you Ryan?"

Ryan growled in annoyance and to show that he wasn't, he didn't want Rosalie to know anything about him being a wolf, even if the mate bond was most likely screaming at her that it was him. It seemed to work too as she backed off quickly when he took a step towards her with a glare as hateful as he could muster towards her.

Her coven had to crowd her to make sure that he wouldn't hurt her, not that they could stop him though. Seeing that she got the message he took off with a Meredith following ignoring the fact that Sam and Paul were following too, they reached the top of a cliff where with no hesitation Ryan and Meredith jumped in.

Sam and Paul stood at the top of the cliff and growled as their scents got swept away with the wind.


Ryan walked out towards the beach with a smile Meredith already took off to her mate again, he saw Leah was leaning against a table nursing what he was sure a beer, he snuck up behind her trying not to draw much attention to himself. As he rounded the table he threw his arms around her waist making her squeal, swinging her around she finally realized it was him and started laughing.

"Ryan! Put me down." She laughed as he turned her around making her legs go around his waist.

"Hey there shortstack." He said kissing her lips.

Leah although angered about the the comment on her height leaned into the kiss, that was until Seth ran by throwing water on them, Leah shrieked and immediately jumped down. "SETH!!" She screamed but didn't chase him as Ryan was holding her so she couldn't.

"He is just having some fun." Ryan calmed her down.

"Tell me that when he makes you look like a drowned rat." She growled.

"Awe but I think you look like a beautiful drowned rat." He playfully cooed at her as he leaned over to kiss her cheek.

She growled and began hitting his arm making him laugh as she really was trying her best to hurt him, but to him they felt like little pats on his arm that he didn't really feel. "So where did you go earlier?" She asked while watching out over the party.

He shrugged, "Nothing, had to check on Meredith I saw her wander into the woods. Wanted to make sure she was okay."

She nodded accepting the answer, "Alright well let's party then."

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