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Chapter 67: Tribute to Goddess of Moon Artemis!

[T/N: Five and a half chapters long.]

Just a short while later.

Charon began rowing the boat, and when Jason reached ashore, he saw Persephone, the Queen of Underworld, waiting for him.

"Little Jason, I have heard that you have given a tribute to Athena, right?... Because of this matter, my mother had even sent a letter just to complain to me, saying that little Jason, you still have not given any tribute to her."

Persephone with blond hair and golden eyes walked to Jason and said with a smile.

"Did Goddess Athena also go to Goddess Demeter?"

Although Jason has already expected this, upon hearing Demeter also asking about tribute, he couldn't help but feel helpless.

"Yeah, according to Mother, Athena has indeed met and showed off in front of Mother, so... anyway, what about my tribute?"

Persephone blinked her golden eyes while looking at Jason and said with a light smile: "You are not unprepared, right?"

"This...Sister Persephone, I'm really preparing, I'll bring it to you next time!"

Although Jason said he is preparing, he purposefully didn't mention who he is preparing for.

But upon hearing this, Persephone, who also knows that Jason is recently having a headache because of this matter, just smiled and stopped mentioning the matter of tribute.

Then, under the leadership of Persephone, it didn't take long for both of them to arrive at the gate of Hecate's temple.

Persephone knocked on the door, then told one of the puppets in the temple to inform Hecate that she has arrived.

"How did you come?"

After pushing open the door, Hecate, who is wearing a long black dress and has long black hair reaching her waist, came out with a slightly lazy expression and scattered fringes.

And after her eyes swept over Persephone, Hecate naturally noticed Jason, who is smiling and looking at her.

After being slightly stunned for just a few moments.

The very next moment...


The doors of Hecate's temple were closed.

"Teacher, teacher Hecate, please open the door!"

"No, your teacher is not here!"

And as Persephone watched Jason, who is knocking on the door, and Hecate, who is screaming in exasperation from inside, she couldn't hold back from laughing.

Eventually, after a while, Hecate, with an unhappy expression on her face, opened the door and held out her hand to Jason.

"Give me the Magic Staff."


Jason, who is startled upon hearing Hecate's words, hurriedly hid behind Persephone.

Because Jason knows that Hecate is obviously going to destroy the teleportation spell on his Magic Staff, there is no way Jason would give it to her.

"Alright, alright." Persephone stopped Hecate and smiled: "Don't make things too hard for him... and I also want to see my brother often."

Hearing this, Hecate understood that she can't do anything now, so she can only fiercely glare at Jason, before turning around and walking in, while clearly showing that she is not very happy.

After Persephone and Jason walked in and sat down, one of the puppets came over and served the items to prepare drinks...but it didn't bring Jason's share.

However, Jason didn't mind this, and he skillfully made a drink for Hecate.

"Tell me, what kind of trouble have you created outside this time?"

Hecate sipped the drink once, then glared at Jason while asking.

"Teacher, what are you saying, you also know, how can I create any trouble?"

"If you haven't gotten into any trouble, will you come back so soon?"

Hecate replied with clear disbelief in her voice.

"This child, outside this time, really has not caused single trouble... he has just gotten caught in a whole lot of trouble."

Persephone smiled and took over the conversation, then described the incident of tribute from her perspective.

And when Hecate finished listening to Persephone, although she isn't fully aware of what has exactly happened, knowing Jason and Athena, she quickly guessed most of it on her own.

Therefore, Hecate frowned and thought for a while, then looked at Jason and spoke: "If I remember correctly, hasn't Athena told you to leave me and go to her?… I didn't expect her to appreciate you more than I do."

Jason obviously understood the hidden meaning behind this sentence: 'Go and play with Athena, don't put troubles on my head.'

Although surprised because of learning that Hecate knows about this, upon hearing Hecate's words, Jason quickly replied: "Teacher, I didn't agree."

"I would have only felt glad if you had promised her." Hecate continued with an annoyed expression: "I would have been more than happy to fling all these troubles to her."

"I won't do it." Hearing this, Jason answered with an unusual decisive tone: "As the saying goes, once a teacher, always a teacher; Teacher Hecate, you have taken such good care of me and you are my savior, I will absolutely never leave you!"

But looking at Jason speaking with a righteous tone and expression, Hecate scoffed.

If it was three years ago, Hecate might have believed all of it, but now, except for the last part that Jason has spoken as an absolute sentence without leaving any room for manipulation, Hecate doesn't believe that Jason hasn't hidden something entirely different in those words.

'You are a scoundrel!

Although Hecate thought like this, upon hearing Jason's words, she still decided to help Jason.

"Okay, don't do this in front of me... And first, tell me, what do you want from me so that you have come back to meet me? As for the matter of tributes, you can prepare those with ease; although it is indeed a very troublesome task, upon dealing with it properly, not only it will not bring harm to you, it might even prove to be advantageous."

Hearing Hecate speak this, Jason nodded and replied.

"Actually, I came back this time because of my tribute to Goddess Artemis... Sister Persephone, can I ask you to give me a few seeds? The seeds of white lily, which represents innocence and nobility."

After he finished speaking, although Persephone is puzzled, she nodded, so Jason continued speaking to Hecate: "And Teacher Hecate, if I remember correctly, in the laboratory there should still be some fireworks left from what I and Medea have made using magic during the New Year eve of last year, right?"


Soon, Jason got what he wanted.

A bag of pure-white lily seeds and a few fireworks made using magic.

So, Jason thanked the two goddesses and left.

"Fireworks... Hecate, what are fireworks?" After Jason left, Persephone curiously asked Hecate.

"A kind of toy made following the whim of Jason by him and Medea last year, on New Year's eve, and it was made using light magic and sound is practically useless, but when it explodes, it looks very beautiful."

"Beautiful?" Persephone seemed to have become even more curious.

Hecate recalled the scene she has seen on New Year's Eve last year, then nodded while saying: "Um, it's truly very beautiful... but, if it is just this much, isn't this tribute a bit too shabby?"

"No, this guy is so cautious and discrete, it is logically impossible for him to make such a low-level mistake... What exactly he is planning on doing? "

"Eh...then Hecate, let's go out and have a look."

Hearing Hecate's words, Persephone, who has already become very curious, couldn't help but say: "With you saying this, I'm also suddenly curious about the tribute Jason will be giving to Artemis... And speaking of which, I haven't seen Artemis in a long time."

"You are the Queen of Underworld now..."

"Oh, it's all right, anyway, it's just for one night, if you sneak me out, others won't know... And even if they find out that you have done this, it'll be fine as long as it is for a short while!"

At Persephone's repeated requests, Hecate finally had no choice but to agree.

But, simultaneously, the most important reason for agreeing and going out is that she has also become a little curious about what Jason is going to do with the seeds and fireworks that he has come here especially to ask for.

After all, Hecate believes that these two things are not something valuable or noble, and although she admits that both are pretty good-looking, she also feels that if they are really used as tributes, they will only make both the God and the one offering tribute to be mocked by others.

But Hecate is also well aware of Jason's character and believes that he is very cautious and rarely does things that he is not sure about or hasn't planned out, especially when that matter involves dealing with gods.

So, soon after Jason returned to the land, Hecate and Persephone also got ready to set off.


"You're back?... Did you really go to Underworld?"

When Atalanta saw that Jason has returned, she couldn't help but ask again.

"Yeah." Jason nodded casually, then looked at the sky.

'I should have been gone for two to three hours and now it is already afternoon, so it will be sunset and then dusk in three to four hours.'

"I'm running out of time... Atalanta, let's go!"

After taking Atalanta on the Pegasus and wandering over the ancient forest for a while, Jason finally found a relatively wide meadow.

"Well, it's pretty good here, and the location is also high. Upon looking up at the night, one can see the stars and moon, even the scenery around here is also very good..."

So after letting Pegasus fly at a low altitude and turning a few rounds, Jason nodded in satisfaction.

Then, after landing on the ground, Jason again took out the already written plan, that he has hastily made in Underworld, then began altering it based on the terrain of this site.

After spending a while on it, under Atalanta's puzzled gaze, Jason took out the bag of seeds that Persephone has given him and Jason has already discovered that he can take out an almost inexhaustible amount of white lily seeds from it, then he and Atalanta began making arrangements.

"There, there... right, Atalanta, sprinkle some seeds on those big trees too."

"Oh, and also, Atalanta, Goddess Artemis will definitely come here in a short while and ask us about what we are doing, then, at that time, you should bring Goddess Artemis away to somewhere else and let her play or rest for a while. And after I complete the preparations by the evening, I will inform you to bring her over here."

Although Atalanta couldn't at all understand what Jason is planning to do, mainly because Jason purposefully hasn't told her as her thoughts aren't protected like his, since Atalanta has already agreed to help Jason and he is doing everything for Artemis, she decided to follow through it.

So, just like this, after another hour passed in making preparations, as Jason has expected, Artemis arrived here while riding on her Golden Horned Deer.

After all, of the two people working here, one is her favorite believer and the other is... just Jason, so it is naturally impossible for Artemis to not come over and check out what they are doing here.

"Little Jason, little Atalanta, what are you two doing here?"

Artemis doubtfully looked at the busy Jason and Atalanta.

"I'm preparing a tribute for you, Goddess Artemis."

Jason walked over, and without hiding it, he directly told Artemis about his purpose, after all, she can surely get this from Atalanta.

"A tribute for me?" Artemis was stunned, then quickly looked around: "Where, where is my tribute?"

"Sorry, Goddess Artemis, this tribute can't be given to you right now, it needs a little more time to prepare... But before that, in order to be able to offer my tribute to you, Goddess Artemis, can I trouble you with one thing?"

Jason said to Artemis, who has tilted her head in puzzlement: "Tonight, can a full moon appear in this area?... Because if it is a full moon, I can offer a better tribute to you, Goddess Artemis."

"A full moon?... That's alright with me, but little Jason, what is the tribute you are going to give me?" Artemis curiously asked.

"This... you will know it tonight, Goddess Artemis."

Jason smiled and after he finished speaking, he turned his head to wink at Atalanta.

Upon seeing this, Atalanta remembered what Jason has just told him just hours ago, so she came over and took away the reluctant-looking Artemis.

After Atalanta took Artemis away, Jason again looked at the sky and accelerated the speed of making arrangements.

"Atalanta, what is little Jason doing?"

"This... actually I don't know either."

Atalanta hesitated for a while, then replied blankly but truthfully: "But he has said that you must wait for him to complete preparations, Goddess Artemis, and he will call you when he is ready."

"I need to wait... okay, that's alright."

Artemis nodded.

So, she waited patiently for... three minutes.

"Not yet?"

Artemis looked at Atalanta, who shook her head in reply.

After another few minutes passed.

"Is it ok now?"

"No." Atalanta continued to again shake her head.

Ten minutes later...

"It must be all right now!"

"It's not dark yet, Goddess Artemis..."

Atalanta replied helplessly.

"But, I'm very curious now!" Artemis pouted and said: "No, I won't wait, I'm going to see what little Jason is doing!"

After she finished speaking, Artemis ignored Atalanta's obstruction and was prepared to run to Jason.

But at this moment, Hecate and Persephone walked out from a shadow in the forest.

Persephone amusingly looked at Artemis, and said: "Artemis, it has been so long, you really haven't changed at all, you are still so impatient."


When Artemis saw Hecate and Persephone, she inevitably got surprised and said: "And Hecate, why are you two here?!"

"In order to prepare a tribute for you, that child come to Underworld to ask me for seeds, and also got a very interesting toy from Hecate."

Persephone looked at Artemis, who has already walked over and grabbed her and Hecate's hand, then said to Artemis with a smile.

Hearing this, Atalanta couldn't help but feel stunned in her heart.

'Unexpectedly, he had really gone to Underworld.'

Thinking of this, Atalanta couldn't help but curiously look at Hecate, because she still remembers what Artemis told her back then about Jason.

'The Goddess that Jason believes in is Goddess Hecate, and he is also her student.'

"Goddess Persephone, Goddess Hecate, I am Atalanta, a follower of Goddess Artemis."

Therefore, immediately after finding out that both are Goddesses, Atalanta did not dare to act negligently at all and respectfully saluted both of them.

And seeing this, Artemis also introduced Atalanta to the two and also mentioned that she and Jason have a very good relationship and are friends.

Although Atalanta wanted to refute this and say that their relationship is not even close to the word good, she naturally wouldn't dare to prove Artemis's words wrong in front of others.

As for why even one of the three didn't notice what Atalanta is thinking, because all three of them are Goddesses, who just don't have the habit of checking out what mortals are thinking, let alone, for two of them, Atalanta is a believer of Artemis, who is also present here.

When Persephone heard Artemis say this, after carefully looking at Atalanta, she could not help but come to Atalanta with bright eyes, then touched her head and smiled: "Is that so? You and little Jason are good friends, then you are my believer too and you can ask me for help if you encounter any difficulties in the future."

Then, Persephone continued in a tone of showing off.

"Because little Jason is my brother."

'... Brother?'

Atalanta blinked and looked at Persephone with a slightly dazed expression.

"This the little girl from three years ago?"

At this time, Hecate looked at Atalanta and thoughtfully asked.


Artemis nodded, and then said to the doubtful Atalanta: "Little Atalanta, do you still remember that an oracle was given to Jason three years ago?"

"In fact, at that time, Jason went to get Persephone, so that Persephone can become the Queen of Underworld."

"Yeah, I was really taken aback when I saw that child in front of me at that time...and if it wasn't for that child, my relationship with my mother wouldn't have gotten better."

Persephone also said while sighing with emotions.

"I was really terrified at the time, Demeter had left Mount Olympus in anger because you were taken away by little Jason, and the whole earth had withered."

"So, when I heard that Jason had actually gone back to meet Demeter, I was really taken aback."

"At that time, Apollo and I, both of us thought that Jason would definitely be imprisoned by Demeter to punish him, so both of us were planning to go to her in person, but the result..."

"Result is that little Jason was not only not punished by my mother, but was so spoiled that I almost doubted who is her real child!"

After Persephone took over the conversation and said this, subconsciously thinking of what has happened back then, she couldn't help but smile while feeling amused.

But when Atalanta listened to the Goddesses casually talking about the legendary stories of Jason, her current mood can be best explained in a few words.

Shocked enough to feel senseless.

After all, for Atalanta, this is indeed a belated truth.

There is a reason why the rumors about Jason are circulating only in the Arcadia region and has not been able to spread too far, existing only among hunters who believe in Artemis.

And the main reason behind this is that no one knows what was the Oracle originally given to Jason, not even Atalanta.

As a matter of fact, things like this are usually spread by the minor gods and their followers.

But when Gods learned that it involves Hera, the Queen of Gods, and that too not in a good way, no one dared to spread or talk too much about this.

Therefore, even Atalanta, who has actually taken part in Jason's journey, has only now learned what was the Oracle originally given to Jason.

And simultaneously, she also found out that the existence that has calmed the anger of Goddess Demeter, the Goddess of Harvest, is also Jason!

Obviously, almost everyone knows about the fact that Demeter in anger had caused the earth to wither, after all, it had a great impact on everyone and many people have died due to the same.

Therefore, when the earth and plants began recovering, many people have been wondering what exactly has happened.

And just when Atalanta was listening to this in a daze and the sky had gradually begun darkening.

"Oh, it's really lively here."

A handsome young-looking god wearing short sleeves and a feather hat, Hermes, the Messenger of Gods, suddenly arrived here while pressing on his hat.

"I didn't expect to be able to meet here the two beautiful goddesses Hecate and Persephone, and of course, the most beautiful Goddess Artemis."

"Hermes, why are you here?"

Artemis curiously looked at Hermes.

"I heard that tonight little Jason is going to make a tribute to you, Artemis, so I came because I am also curious."

Hermes said with a smile.

"You heard... who did you hear this from?"

Speaking till here, Persephone thought for a few moments, then said with surety: "It's Hades, right... Really, why is he so worried about me?!"

Hermes smiled and did not answer.

But others obviously understood that it was Hades.

When Persephone and Hecate left the underworld, Hades naturally sensed that Persephone had left, so he contacted Hermes, the Messenger of Gods, and told him about it.

After all, Hermes is one of the gods, actually, one of the very few gods, who can easily travel between Underworld and Land.

"Wait, if you means, many other gods also know about this now?" Hecate frowned and looked at Hermes.

But again, Hermes just smiled at this, neither admitting nor denying it.

However, seeing this, Hecate sighed.

'I would really like to ask them are they so idle?'

'This time... it has gotten a little troublesome.'

Thinking like this, Hecate turned her head to look in the direction of Jason.

'I hope you can really come up with a tribute that can satisfy them. If not, I can only look for something that can control the situation and not make Artemis feel dissatisfied... you really are a scoundrel!

So, thinking like this, Hecate sighed again.

And at this time, even Atalanta has vaguely felt that the situation has gotten a little out of control.

'If Jason couldn't finally bring out a satisfactory tribute, then...'

Thinking of this, subconsciously, Atalanta couldn't help but feel a little worry in her heart.

But obviously, Jason naturally has no way of knowing all this.

So, as time passed, when the night fell and a full moon appeared high in the sky, around ten o'clock at the night, Jason finally completed the arrangements.


'It's time.'

Under the full moon, thinking this in his heart, Jason, who is dressed in white clothes, patted Pegasus next to him.

"Go and pick up Goddess Artemis and Atalanta... and do you remember what I have said?"

Pegasus nodded to Jason, then flapped its wings and flew in the direction of Artemis.

And after Pegasus left, Jason took out his Magic Staff, then tapped it on the ground and chanted a spell.

Immediately, a magic circle appeared under Jason, and ghost butterflies began flying out of it, ready to bring Jason into Underworld.

Actually, these butterflies are the familiars of Hecate, Goddess of Paths, and they are also the daughters of another one of Hecate's familiars, whose name is Mormo, and their actual species can be classified as spirits.

"Wait, wait a moment, I'm not going to the underworld this time!"

Jason hurriedly stopped the movement of ghost butterflies and said to them: "I called you all to do me a favor this time, so can you all call out more of your companions?"

Jason knows that these ghost butterflies are the spirits born together and they can communicate with each other even from a long distance.

Hearing this, the ghost butterflies circled around Jason a few times while communicating with each other, and then they finally agreed and summoned more ghost butterflies.

After all, they have been together for several years, and they naturally believe that Jason is their Master's precious student.

"Great, so when Goddess Artemis arrives here, sprinkle the contents of this jar on this land, alright?"

While saying this, Jason took out a jar filled with the golden magic power.

Indeed, the golden magic powder in this jar is the golden dust produced by the artifact golden wheatear given to Jason by Demeter and Persephone.

Because soon after getting the golden wheatear, Jason found out that this artifact does not have an unlimited supply of golden dust and only a fixed amount can be produced every day.

Therefore, in order to not waste the golden dust daily produced by the golden wheatear, Jason asked Hecate to make a magical container, which by itself has been storing the golden dust daily produced by the wheatears of Jason and Medea for the past three years.

Because Jason also knows that this golden dust is very useful, after all, it can make almost any seed bloom fully in less than a minute.

And just after Jason finished explaining and has finally completed all preparations, Pegasus arrived here with Artemis and Atalanta just in time, then landed near the center of the meadow.

"Little Jason, where is my tribute, where is it?"

Artemis, who had been impatiently waiting for several hours, couldn't wait to ask Jason.

"It will appear soon Goddess Artemis, please wait just for a while more."

After comforting Artemis in a soft voice, Jason immediately walked over to Atalanta and whispered in her ear to ask if she remembers what he told her this afternoon.

Atalanta looked at Jason and at this time, she really wants to tell him about the fact that many other gods are also watching, but when she and Artemis had left for here, Hermes had deliberately told Atalanta that she can't inform Jason about this.

So, after nodding, Atalanta left a sentence as an indirect warning: "You must make sure that Goddess Artemis is satisfied with your tribute, understood?"

Then Atalanta turned around and disappeared into the darkness.

But Jason didn't think too much about this, after all, in his view, Atalanta is the most loyal believer of Artemis and really worships her, so it is relatively normal to him that Atalanta gave such a warning.

"Is it alright now, Jason?... Where is little Atalanta going?"

Artemis leaned while speaking, and at the same time curiously looked around.

But even under the light of the full moon, she was unable to see her tribute.

"Right away, Goddess Artemis, but... before that, can I trouble you to close your eyes for a while?"

"Close my eyes?" Artemis blinked at Jason.

"Yes." Jason said with a smile: "And when you open your eyes, I will present your tribute to you."

"Oh... alright then."

"But until I say, Goddess Artemis, you must not open your eyes...also, you can't peek, okay?"

"Ah... well, I won't peek."

While saying this, Artemis closed her eyes.

And upon seeing Artemis close her eyes, Jason looked at Pegasus and slightly nodded at it.

At the same time, he picked up the jar used for storing the golden dust and said in a low voice: "It's time for you to start, go ahead."

While saying this, Jason put the jar on Pegasus' back.

And after Pegasus stretched its wings and flew high into the sky, it didn't take long for ghost butterflies to fly out of the jar and begin sprinkling golden wheatear dust from the sky.

"Hey, isn't that..."

At this moment, Persephone, who is peeking while hiding in the shadow not far away, blinked in surprise.

After all, as one of the goddesses who has given the artifact golden wheatear to Jason, Persephone naturally sensed her divine power in it.

Then, Jason, who has just taped his Magic Staff on the ground, nodded lightly to the ghost butterflies and his lips began moving slightly as he chanted a spell.

And under the effect of the spell, a breeze appeared and began to direct the falling golden dust, causing them to spread around from where Jason and Artemis are standing at this moment.

Soon, after the golden dust falling from the sky covered an increasingly larger area, Hecate, who has noticed all this, said thoughtfully: "Seeds, and this dust, does this child want to...?"

Just when Hecate had vaguely guessed what Jason is doing, Jason smiled and said to Artemis, who has been continuously asking if she can open her eyes: "It's alright now... Goddess Artemis, please open your eyes."

Hearing this, Artemis opened her eyes in anticipation.

But after looking around, Artemis could not help frowning her brows.

Because even after looking all around, Artemis simply could not find any kind of tribute she was looking forward to.

"Little Jason, where is my tribute?" Artemis disapprovingly looked at Jason.

"Well, it will appear within moments... By the way, Goddess Artemis, do you know what white lilies represent in the language of flowers?"

"Language of flowers?" Artemis looked at Jason in puzzlement.

Jason nodded and said: "Each flower has its own meanings in the language of flowers, and I believe, in the language of flowers, white lily is the most suitable one for you, Goddess Artemis."

"Hm...well." Artemis tilted her head.

"So, does this have anything to do with my tribute?"

Jason did not answer, but silently counted in his heart: 'six, five, four...three, two, one.'

"It's starting, Goddess Artemis."

As soon as the words fell and just when Artemis was puzzled, she suddenly sensed the ground around her starting to move.

So, when she subconsciously turned her eyes to look, she saw many plants growing and blooming, which are the result of golden dust catalyzing the germination and growth of seeds on the ground.

Therefore, under the light of the full moon, white lilies first bloomed around Artemis and Jason.

Then, soon, under Artemis's surprised gaze, the blooming of white lilies began spreading to the surrounding area.

And in just a few tens of seconds, the white lilies that have suddenly bloomed have not only covered the grass in this area but also the trees nearby are also covered in white lilies, after all, the golden dust can make the seeds germinate in any place, even on other trees.

Therefore, after only half a minute, everything on the ground within the range of Artemis's eyes became pure white due to being covered by beautiful white lilies

And while Artemis stared at this scene in surprise, Jason began reciting another spell in his heart to again let the breeze blow over the land.

So, under the gaze of Artemis, because of the breeze, this white sea of ​​flowers began swaying slightly.

"Goddess Artemis, do you know what white lilies represent in the language of flowers?"

Then, Jason, who is standing beside Artemis, softly asked the same question again, but this time, he continued explaining: "It is said that fully bloomed white lily flowers represent purity and nobility, also that only the purest and most innocent people in the world can be blessed by it."

"And it is believed that the innocence and purity of those blessed by it will never get polluted and at the same time will be favored by all things in this world... Isn't this belief very similar to yours, Goddess Artemis?"

Listening to Jason's words, Artemis couldn't help but turn her head to look at him, then she again looked in front of her, the sea of ​fully bloomed beautiful ​white lily flowers.

At this moment, let alone what Artemis is feeling at this moment.

Even Hermes, who has just heard Jason's words, was shocked and said aloud: "This little guy will... definitely pick up girls better than anyone in the future!"

"...It's so beautiful." Persephone said while being stunned by the scene in front of her: "It turns out my and mother's divine power can also be used like this?"

"This is indeed pretty enough, but..." Hecate frowned and continued: "If it is merely this much, this tribute is still not enough."

But as soon as her words fell, Hecate sensed that, while Artemis was surprised by the sea of ​​white flowers blooming in front of her, Jason is chanting a spell again.

So Hecate also noticed that Jason is obviously struggling to control the spell for making a certain amount of lily flowers on the ground to get plucked and start flying up.

After all, Jason is not an excellent magician, so even if Jason can use this spell in a wide range, it will take him a while to cast it.

So, after sensing this, Hecate, after hesitating for a few moments, secretly used the same spell.

Therefore, the very next second, lilies and their petals on the ground began flying up.


While being surprised, Jason looked around.

'How come Teacher is here...'

Thinking like this, Jason, who is now inexplicably relieved, looked at Pegasus, who had already landed on the ground a while ago, and nodded at him.

So, Pegasus put down the jar put on him, then again stretched out his white wings and flew up.

Along with Pegasus's flight, Jason controlled the gathered petals to follow the Pegasus flying into the sky.

Then the pure white Pegasus, with his wings outstretched and accompanied by flying white lilies and their white petals, first circled Artemis a few times from the sky, then began flying towards the full moon, following the plan that Jason has told him.

Seeing this, Hecate immediately understood what Jason wants to do, and after a strange expression flashed on her face, she secretly increased her strength.

So under the magic of Hecate, it looked like Pegasus is running towards the sky on the bridge of white lilies and in the rain of petals of white lilies.

And Artemis' eyes are undoubtedly reflecting this scene.

But, at this time, from under the shade of a tree in the distance, a sharp arrow was shot out targeting a place close to the bridge of white lilies on which Pegasus is appearing to be running.

And this arrow, followed by a few other similar arrows, are each tied to one of the fireworks that Jason had handed to Atalanta in the afternoon.



Fireworks made using gorgeous light magic and sound magic began exploding beside Pegasus.

Now, not to mention Artemis as well as Persephone and Hermes, who are hiding nearby, even the many forest Nymphs, who have arrived here at some point due to learning that many Gods are observing this place, were stunned.

Even Hecate, who had almost guessed in her heart what Jason is going to do, was stunned at the moment when the fireworks began exploding near Pegasus.

Atalanta was also stunned for a few moments, but she immediately remembered Jason's instructions, after all, Jason had indeed repeated these instructions many times to her.

Therefore, soon, Atalanta continued shooting sharp arrows tied to fireworks at the places near the running Pegasus, and fireworks began illuminating the night sky by exploding one after another.

Like these fireworks are celebrating Pegasus running towards the moon on the white lilies while being surrounded by the petals of white lilies.

After a short while, when Pegasus, flowers, and petals have reached quite high in the sky and the last firework exploded, Jason revoked the spell controlling the flowers and petals.

So, white flowers and petals began raining from the sky.

And just when a small part of flowers and petals floating in the sky have fallen on the ground and the rest were still in the sky, Jason, who had already planned the next step, due to being aware that it will very difficult for him to do it on his own, lightly clapped his hands and said aloud but softly, "Stop, everything stop."

But when Hecate, who has already recovered from the surprise, heard this, she couldn't help but feel amused in her heart, but she still used her magic power as Jason wished to make the falling flowers and petals stop in mid-air and remain floating.

So, finally, Jason again looked at Artemis, who hasn't said a word from the moment Jason began presenting his tribute and is standing under the seemingly static rain of flowers, then he smiled and softly said to her: "Goddess Artemis, this is my tribute to you."

"A small prayer from me to you, who is forever pure, innocent, noble, elegant, and beautiful."

"And this tribute, I hope you liked it. "

GlaiveIris GlaiveIris

Do you know, in Greek Mythology, Empusa, one of the familiars of Hecate and child of Mormo, a shape-shifting being without any original shape, from which ghost butterflies are derived in this story was originally killed by Zeus because it tried to eat Zeus, literally, in the form of a beautiful woman, while Zeus was pretending to be a mortal man for... some reason.


Do you know, one of my pets cats, a white Persian, is also named lily because she was named by one of my family members, who really like the Lilly plants planted in the garden of my house.

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