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Chapter 4: Chapter(4)

Episode(4): Never to be seen 


『I have come』

Clad in white and gold armor, an exquisitely beautiful woman with an alluring appearance enough to tempt god's and devils descended.

All who saw her were stunned into silence. Even Code 02 that had a frivolous attitude when she spoke with Nagisa became respectful and knelt.


The Valkyrie looked at Code 02 and nodded.

Laying helpless on the ground, Nagisa had no chance to miss the sight of this beautiful women. But he was confused.

The moment her gaze met his she revealed a hint of hostility and disgust. Nagisa couldn't understand this at all and it left him stupefied.

They had never met prior to this incident. Rather if they had Nagisa would have thought he was crazy.

Seeing an angel in the modern world?

If he told that to his gramps he'd probably be tied up and 'exorcised' as some sort of demon.

But still, being belittled by someone he met for the first time felt so crummy and his emotions were constantly fluctuating between anger and helplessness.

'...Having said that, it's not like I can move do anything in my state'.

All he could do was sit tight and hope that this woman would be at the very least reasonable.

Valkyrie, as far as he knew were angels.

Angels were supposed to be of the righteous path and Nagisa was hoping in his heart that this angel wouldn't be to troublesome.

But he seemed to be asking too much.

『Poor child of man, to be born as such a sullied creature. Those hands stained with the blood of your own kin. Your unfortunate life must have been excruciatingly painful』

Tears slid down her beautiful face like crystal drops of water from the river of life.

That sorrowful expression and depiction of a beauty weeping moved everyone's heart.

Nagisa on the other hand wore a strange expression as he lay on the ground.

'What is this awful play?'

She easily guided the hearts of others with her words woven from the finest silk.

However Nagisa only saw a pretentious wench using her charm to move the crowd.

'What does she even know'

He was indignant.

Sure, he had to climb mountains and cross raging rivers as part of his training.

Sometimes he literally almost fell to his death and almost drowned, but to him this was a part of his life. It was nothing to be pitied.

Nagisa wished to give her a piece of his mind but his body was still numb giving him no chance at retaliation so he gave up.

Nagisa's situation wasn't good. Now that this woman was putting on such an act, no matter what later on she had justification of bringing justice by killing him.

He could tell just by the dumb expression on their faces that they were all already fooled.

For a moment he even considered kneeling but his heart as a swordsman wouldn't allow it.

Amidst the sorrowful gazes of the crowd, the Valkyrie smiled sadly and stood before Nagisa.

『Please don't look at me with such animosity in your eye's child, I am here to help you. To be free of the chains misfortune once and for all. Thus, please do not worry, for I am your ally. Once your journey is all done and over you will be purged of sinfulness and forgiven for your crimes.

Ahh, a wonderful thing to be considered an ally of a higher being is it not? 』

So she said, but feeling the prickly nature of her aura Nagisa wasn't about to be fooled. Not because she was a pretty woman.

Nagisa didn't care much for whether his enemy was a man or a woman, the moment you directed killing intent towards him he already placed you as an enemy in the back of his mind.

The Valkyrie also noticed that Nagisa wasn't going to be fooled easily.

She chuckled in her heart thinking his struggling was futile but befitting of a lowly worm.

Nagisa who could also see through the meaning in her eyes felt even more indignant.

This woman, she was simply just making fun of him!

If only he was careful when that girl used poison. Now however it was too late to regret.

'K-kill me! For a swordsman to suffer such embarrassment and shame'. 

This torture was outlandish and hurt his pride the longer it went on.

He didn't want to die but the embarrassment made him want to commit suicide here and now.

The king who was groveling with a terrified expression in the corner decided that it was time for him to clear his name and spoke up in a trembling voice.

[U-uhm, Valkyrie-sama...]

The Valkyrie turned her gaze towards the king and the moment their gazes met he shrieked.

The king seemed more like a bread shuttle terrified from bullying at this very moment.

However the Valkyries expression didn't change.

The king was still terrified inside. After all, the aura she was constantly releasing was so power.

Even those awed by her didn't dare speaking up because of her presence.

But the king, through clattering teeth persisted.

[Is-Is this because of the Summoning? Did I perhaps do something against the Table's will?]

He waited for a response with quivering hands. This was the main thing he wanted to know.


The Valkyrie shook her head and replied coldly.

She was disgusted by his attitude and disdained speaking to him.

The king on the other hand went pale after hearing that the round table was dissatisfied with his actions.

『The Summoning in fact is not an issue since we have all recognized it as a necessity in order to purge the demon king and cleanse the emerging problem caused by the spreading miasma.

It was bound to happen either way be it that each country summoned a hero or some fool stealing other kingdoms summoning circuits』

In the end, the outcome was still be the same so they didn't mind this. 

『That is why, that part can be omitted. To bring this many heroes from another world was, unprecedented in they rather praised your decision too...』

[Then- then I'm not in trouble!?]

Suddenly, the king stopped shaking and his expression changed.

If the round table wasn't dissatisfied and commended his actions, then didn't that mean they would reward him?

His greed led him to think that he was no longer in trouble and he wanted to dance and sing.

But, his thoughts were terribly mistaken.


The Valkyrie said abruptly. This blunt answer cut off the kings excitement in an instant.

『you most definitely will face severe punishment for doing a Summoning ritual at your own discretion without our Goddess's permission.

How dare you, a mere mortal think you can do whatever you please?』

What fool would do something bad without expecting to pay for some sort of punishment?

『Yes, it was initially planned to summon the heroes, however it was not supposed to be that a single nation hold monopoly over all the summoned heroes. This decision was to prevent strife by granting equal opportunity among the nations!

Did you not think this was going to be an international issue from the dissatisfaction other kingdoms will have? It wouldn't be a stretch to say you humans might destroy each other』

The main reason the summoning rights were given to each country to summon a single hero was because they wanted balance.

Without balance negative emotion would be born and whoever held the power in their hands would bear the brunt of those emotions.

No matter what, without balance there would be strife and this would lead to countless deaths.

The gods didn't want to see deaths of human.

If she didn't come to punish the king today the other nations might just storm over in a fit of rage tomorrow. 

Taking her eyes off the king, the Valkyrie turned to face Nagisa.

『However, my discovery of an anomaly today has put a halt to your death sentence so be glad』

Nagisa gritted his teeth at the Valkyries smile.

'What Anomaly' 

He was indignant.

'I was summoned here to this damned world just like the others so it doesn't make sense you single me out as you please you bitch!'

Nothing made sense to him and he really couldn't tell why these people were going so far to persecute him.

'Should I have just told them my real class?'

Thinking back, he also had a sword skill so he could have fooled everyone and said he was a swordsman.

During that time he could have gained info and escaped when he made a concrete plan.

But now, this shitty situation-

It had already derailed into an utter shit show and the situation could no longer be corrected.

'Got to admit that was stupid of me'.

Nagisa shook his head helplessly.

『As for this child however, I'm sorry to say that we will have him banished to the dungeon of death』

[Hou, isn't that the dungeon where even heroes die at the lowest floors? Is it okay to send him there?]

Code 02 said with a hint of anticipation in her voice.

『Yes, it is harsh however it is either we have him instantly executed here or have him desperately fight for his life and regain his freedom.

Unfortunately for his low class, he won't be able to survive since even the strongest of heroes have died there. From the scuffle recently it looks like he has some skill but, unfortunately it is not possible for a mere cook to make it out of a single floor inside that hellish place.

He will surely die, but he will at least be able to atone for his sins』

Nagisa felt like cursing hearing her words. Atone for what? All he did was to defend himself. Was he supposed to stand there and welcome death with opened arms? What nonsense.

『Now we will begin the ceremony to send you to the dungeon––』

Stretching out her jade like hands, the Valkyrie said these words that were soon followed by a reaction.

Mana surged around her glowing golden in a divine light.

The divine light surrounded her and traveled through her body down to her finger tips. 


The very next moment, A circle with unfamiliar characters spread around Nagisa.

Looking down with much effort, Nagisa managed to recall the teleportation circle that brought him here and began to panic.

'These people were really sending me to my death!'

As she chanted in an unknown Language, Nagisa could feel the magic circle gripping hold of him.

It had no arms and no way to bind him but for some reason he felt as if the longer he stayed within the circle the harder it would be for him to escape.

At this rate he really would die. Without thinking he gritted his teeth and tried his best at moving.

'Move! Move! I need to move now! Crap, if I just stay down like this I won't live! Dungeon or death whatever, if the so called strongest in this world died there then how will I ever make it out!'

What sort of place was this 'Dungeon of Death"?

He had no idea but it couldn't be a good place since it could kill even the strongest of this fantasy world could it?

Nagisa was just level one right now and there was doubt that he could even properly kill a monster not to mention he didn't have a weapon.

Wasn't getting trapped in such a place just committing suicide? 

He had to move no matter what.

Suddenly, he felt his finger twitched as feeling returned in his finger.


Soon, little by little Nagisa slowly struggled to his feet.

His knees wobbled uncontrollably as though he could fall at any moment.

But even such a state, he kept the fire in his heart to stay alive ablaze and stood up with his own determination and will.

'You think I'm just going to lay down and die for your shitty 'purpose'. Hell no! You have it all wrong!! You can't kidnap a person and just kill them afterwards you turds!!'

[What?! He can move? Impossible, that's my strongest paralysis poison you know?]

An exclamation of shock echoed from Code 02's mouth.

She was really shocked since this was her most potent poison and no one ever resisted its effects.

Now however-

Even with obvious effects, Nagisa still stood up.

Even as he looked like he'd fall at any moment he stood up.

Knowing that if he stopped resisting he would likely be a decoration on the tiles again, he moved.

A single rough step only driven by the will to survive.

Even so the only thing he could do was move forward.

[ think, I'll die...then you have another thing coming!!]

The bloodlust from my killing intent nearly materialized itself due to my rage.


The Valkyrie was amused

[The...hell.. you]

Since his tongue was still numb, Nagisa could only mutter broken words.

The Valkyrie understood him and immediately smirked.

『At you obviously! I praise your effort human, but do you actually think you can do anything in that pathetic condition? 』

Right, Nagisa was in such a pathetic state he couldn't even save his own life if the weakest guard attacked him now.

But so what?

Should he kneel and show his neck while begging for death? As if!

『Such a will is weak if you aren't able to use it』

She shook her head.

She admired his spirit, most humans would usually be begging but this one only continued to struggle.

Indeed, each worm has a different way to resist death.

『 You're interesting I'll give you that. Unfortunately, though I don't have time for this so please be gone from my sight–[Binding] 』

The magic she gathered activated. A droplet of water condensed at her finger tips and fell to the ground.


As soon as it touched the ground, Nagisa fell down.

It wasn't because he gave up, but vines of light wove and wrapped around him completely sealing his body and preventing any struggling.

Moreover the paralysis seemed to have gotten even stronger for some reason so even if he wanted to he couldn't move at all.

『These are magic vines that bind a target.

In a certain sense you can say it applies the 'paralysis' effect to a target but it's more potent than any chemically produced paralysis potions or drugs so there is no escape once it activates.

Be a good boy and disappear』

At any rate, now that she no longer had a use for him the best thing to do was to nip this matter in the bud.

She enjoyed it at least since there were hardly any humans to entertain her at all.

Nagisa saw the contempt and cursed.


But no matter how much he glared, there was nothing he could do at this moment.

At that time, an unexpected call came from out of no where.



It was an unfamiliar but familiar voice.

Nagisa took a look towards the distance as his surroundings distorted.


Nagisa was first shocked but then mocked in his mind.

'Now is the time you act? When I was about to be killed you just stood there, when I was lonely you avoided me, when rumors were spread you even believed in them. Some childhood friend you are...'

At this point any resistance was futile.

No matter what, this grudge was already formed and they wouldn't let a potential danger like me go even if they had a screw loose.

Nagisa wanted to ask her 'why now'. There were so many times she could have acted, but now of all times?

Nagisa had no expectations towards this ex-childhood friend at all.

Before he was happy that they reunited and there were parts of him that wanted to live as a normal high schooler.

Now however, Nagisa had different goals. So what if he was sent into the abyss? He'd climb out of hell just to drag her down as well. 

'Just wait you winged pigeon bitch'


Aoi screamed, but the surrounding air distorted and soon after Nagisa's figure vanished.

He was nowhere to be seen again.

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