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Chapter 8: Monsters

Nigun expected to see Gazef shish kebab'd by angle blades, with a waterfall of blood pouring down, but that wasn't what he saw. He was shocked, Gazef had disappeared along with his men, and In his place, there were three people, two of which looked just like the people Gazef talked about.

One of them was dressed like a magic caster. He wore an evil-looking mask to hide his face and a pair of iron gauntlets on his hands. He wore an expensive-looking black robe, suggesting he was a person of some status.

The other one was dressed in a suit of jet-black full plate armor. It looked very impressive, and it was certainly some sort of masterwork magic item. One look at the exterior was enough to tell that it was a high-end magic item.

The last one was an assassin of some sort. He wore ashen grey bandage wraps along with silver shin guards that went from his feet to his knees, and a red hood that covered his face and right shoulder.

With only one look Nigun's instincts told him to run, Nigun was scared of all of them but he knew the one in the hood was the most dangerous of them. He steeled himself, He was the captain of The Slaine Theocracy's special operations unit "The Sunlight Scripture" nothing could touch him, not only that but he had the Treasured Item. So these nobody couldn't possibly match up to him, right?

Nigun called the angels back, ordering them to form a defensive perimeter on their side. He studied their movements, and then the magic caster stepped forward

Ainz: Pleased to meet you, gentlemen of the Slaine Theocracy. I am Ainz Ooal Gown. I would be glad if you could call me Ainz. This is my friend Shiro, and lastly, the person behind me is called Albedo. Now that you know our names, I would like to make a deal with you. Might I have a moment of your time?

Nigun tried to attach some meaning to the names Ainz Ooal Gown, Shiro, and Albedo but it was no use. They might be using aliases. Perhaps trying to get some information from him would be more productive. With that, Nigun raised his chin, indicating that Ainz should continue.

Ainz: Wonderful. Thank you for taking the time to listen to me. Then, I would like to start by making one thing clear to you gentlemen. There is no hope in defeating me, you won't even be able to best my bodyguard Albedo, nor can you even think about even touching Shiro.

This was not a bluff or a boast. This was something that the man Ainz Ooal Gown believed from the bottom of his heart. Nigun almost believed him, but there is no way this mortal man could fathom the power of the Treasured Item

Nigun: Ignorance is truly deplorable. You will pay the price for your foolishness.

Ainz: Really now. Do you really think that will happen? I observed your battle earlier, so my presence here would indicate that I am confident of victory. After all, if I was not sure that I could beat you, would it not be wiser for me to leave that man to die?

The magic caster was right. A magic caster would be better suited to different kinds of confrontations. They would normally use light armor, so they would want to avoid melee combat, and using spells from afar. Yet this Ainz fellow had chosen to face them head-on. He must have a trick up his sleeve.

Ainz: I have a question for you if you can understand it. The angels you have brought with you should have been summoned by third-tier magic. Am I correct? The monsters you summoned are similar to those in YGGDRASIL. Many of YGGDRASIL's monsters were derived from mythology. Monsters like angels or demons should be no exception. Said angels and demons are most commonly associated with Christianity, but it seems quite unnatural that something called an archangel exists in a world without Christianity. That would mean someone like myself must exist in this world.

Nigun had no idea what Ainz was talking about, nor did he care. Nigun's patience was wearing thin

Nigun: That's enough of your self-absorbed prattle. Now tell me; where is Stronoff?

Ainz: I teleported him to the village.

Nigun: .....What?

Nigun had not expected Ainz to answer. He thought of why Ainz would say that and replied:

Nigun: How foolish. Even if you tell a lie like that, a quick search of the village will-

Ainz: It is not a lie. I merely answered your question. Well, there is another reason why I answered your question.

Nigun: Could it be that you want to beg for mercy? If you help us save some time, I can consider it.

"You have a lot of balls, to be asking US to beg for mercy, didn't you men tell you what happens in the village, or do I need to get the 8 trigrams 64 belts out"

The threat was a weird one, however, he spoke as if this battle had already been deiced. Nigun hated their tone, they underestimated him. They will pay dearly for that.

Nigun: What, what do you mean by "offensive", magic caster? What of it?

Although he was obviously frightened, Nigun did not change his mocking tone. He was the commander of one of the Slaine Theocracy's secret weapons, the Sunlight Scripture. How could he be afraid of a single man's name? It was impossible. It could not be possible.

Ainz: I mentioned a deal earlier. These are the terms. You will hand your lives over to me without resistance. In exchange, you will not have to suffer. However, if you put up a fight, then the price you fools shall pay is to die in despair and agony.

Ainz took a step forward. It was just a single step, but Ainz's body seemed to swell massively before their eyes. Cowed by him, the men of the Sunlight Scripture reflexively took a step back, along with several hoarse cries came from around Nigun. They were cries of fear. His presence was filled with unimaginable power.

Nigun was a powerful individual himself, a veteran of many battles who had grazed the edge of death countless times, who had taken many lives. He could feel the might radiating from the mysterious magic caster. It must have been worse for his men. What kind of being was he? What was the true identity of this magic caster? Who was the man beneath the mask? Once more, Ainz ignored Nigun's panic and spoke coldly:

Ainz: That is why I did not lie to you and answered your question honestly. It is because there is no point in lying to those that are about to die.

Nigun: Have the angels charge him! Don't let him get close!"

His voice broke slightly as he shouted his orders. It sounded more like a scream. He was simply afraid of Ainz Ooal Gown. Two Archangel Flames flapped their wings in response to Nigun's command, launching an attack. The angels flew straight up to Ainz and stabbed at him with their flaming swords.

Albedo and Shiro were both standing behind Ainz, and at least one of them should have blocked the attack. So all of the Sunlight Scripture, who had been predicting that course of action, could not believe their eyes. It was not that anything happened. On the contrary, nothing happened.

Indeed, the man called Ainz Ooal Gown took no action. He simply allowed the angels to run him through. He did not dodge, block, cast a spell, or have his followers intercept it. Nothing happened. Their shock became a mockery. Shiro didn't think that landing a hit on Ainz could boost one's confidence, as much as it did Nigun.

Now that Ainz was hit, and "killed" the "Truth" was out, they did not seem like anything special at all. His men breathed sighs of relief. Nigun, who felt quite silly for being so afraid, turned to Albedo. He for some reason didn't dare look at Shiro.

Nigun: How unsightly. To think he would try to scare us with a bluff........... What are you doing? Call back the angels.

Sunlight magic caster: But, but we've already given the order.

His subordinates' confused voices startled Nigun, and he looked at Ainz again. The angels were desperately flapping their wings, like butterflies caught in a spider's web. The two angels slowly moved to the side. However, their movements were very strange. It looked as though someone was pushing them aside. Following that, the body of Ainz appeared once more from the gap between them.

Ainz: I told you, didn't I? There is no way you gentlemen can defeat me. Shouldn't you heed the warnings of others?

The calm voice filtered into Nigun's ears. He could not comprehend the sight before him. The man before him was stabbed through his chest and abdomen, but Ainz was still standing, as though nothing were wrong. Ainz did not seem to be in any pain. That was not the only shocking thing. Ainz was gripping each of the angels by the throat. The angels struggled against him, but Ainz did not let them go.

SMC: Impossible

"Child, You have no idea what is possible"

These were angels summoned from magic, they weighed more than a grown man, and then there was the weight of their armor to consider as well. There was no way they could be lifted up by the throat so easily.

Granted, a well-trained warrior, with a muscular body, might be able to do it. But the man before him, Ainz, was a magic caster who should have focused on training his intellect over honing his physique. Even if he were enhanced by magic, he would not be able to do anything if his base strength was low, to begin with. Then, why was this happening? Why did he seem completely unfazed, even after being impaled?

SMC: There must be some sort of trick.

SMC: Ah, definitely, how could anyone be fine after being run through by a sword!?

Panic and fear spread through the Slaine Theocracy's special forces unit. They were all veterans of numerous battles and had experienced many dangers in the past, but this was a sight they had never seen before. Not even the angels that Nigun could summon were capable of such a feat. The doubtful mutterings about how he did not seem to be in pain and was speaking normally crept into Nigun's ears.

Ainz: High Tier Physical Nullification, a passive skill that negates the attacks of weapons with low data content and low tier monsters' attacks. It only protects against attacks of up to level sixty. In other words, only attacks above level sixty can harm me. It is an all-or-nothing ability, to think it would actually see use here. Well then, these angels are in the way.

Holding an angel in each hand, Ainz slammed them both into the ground. There was a thunderous crash, and the earth trembled from the impact, a testament to Ainz's supernatural strength. The angels died instantly and then vanished into the air, along with the swords stuck in Ainz.

Ainz: If I learn how you named these angels, I can then understand how you can all use spells from YGGDRASIL. But let us leave this aside for now.

As Ainz slowly straightened up, he was still talking about things that nobody could understand. However, that only intensified the Sunlight Scripture's fear of his mysterious power. Nigun gulped.

Ainz: All right, we'll end these pointless games here. Are you satisfied? Since it looks like you aren't willing to accept the deal, then it shall be my turn."

His voice carried clearly through the bone-chilling silence, into the ears of everyone present.

"Are you ready? It'll be a massacre."

A sudden spike of cold pierced his spine. Nigun, the hardened killer who had presided over many slaughters, was now feeling something that he had never felt before. He had to run. He had no way of beating Ainz, a warning resonated from the depths of his soul. Yet he shouted his order:

Nigun: All angels, attack! Hurry!

Every one of the Archangel Flames shot toward Ainz like bullets.

Ainz: What a lively lot Shiro, Albedo, step back.

Ainz's voice was still cool and calm. He was surrounded by so many angels that nobody could even see him, yet still, his voice did not carry even the slightest hint of worry.

Ainz: {Negative Burst}

A wave of black radiance erupted from Ainz, like the negative image of a camera flash. It only lasted for an instant, but it had an immediate and obvious effect.

The angels, over forty of them, had been annihilated by the black wave. Their opponent had not used dispel magic to neutralize the summons. The angels that were blown away by the black wave had taken damage. In other words, Ainz had used a powerful spell to wipe out all the angels in one fell swoop.

Nigun could not help but tremble. He recalled the words of the Kingdom's strongest warrior, Gazef Stronoff.

'Gazef: you fool. In that village is a magic caster who is stronger than me. His power is unfathomable, but he could take you all out by himself. What funny is that the magic caster isn't even the strongest one in that village, His friend the hooded one is, and he would slaughter your whole kingdom in one night.'

Nigun turned his gaze to Shiro, What if what Gazef said was true. Could that man really slaughter his whole kingdom? Does he really want to take the chance, and fail to kill these men, the Magic caster could kill forty angels with one spell, who to say that the woman isn't that strong as well, and how does he know that the hooded man isn't stronger than the magic caster.

Nigun: 'Do I really want to take that chance, No. We are OK, we still have our trump card'

He was knocked out of his thoughts when he heard

SMC: {Charm Person}, {Iron Hammer of Righteousness}, {Hold}, {Fire Rain}, {Emerald Sarcophagus}, {Holy Ray}, {Shockwave}, {Confusion}, {Charge of Stalagmite} {Open Wounds}, {Poison}, {Fear}, {Word of Curse}, {Blindness}

All kinds of spells rained down on Ainz. Yet, not one worked against him.

Ainz: Well, all of these are familiar spells, who taught them to you? The Slaine Theocracy? Someone else? There are more and more things I want to ask you now.

Not only could he slaughter all their summoned angels in one move, but their spells were also incapable of harming him. Nigun felt like he was trapped in a nightmare.

One of the men screamed wildly in desperation, he pulled out a sling and loaded it with a bullet. Even Nigun knew that that was useless. The bullet that could easily shatter bone sped toward Ainz.

An instant. It had happened in an instant.

A balloon pop was heard, and Nigun looks over to his left, and there was his subordinate headless. The body fell to the ground, as Nigun looked confused


"Albedo, Ainz is more than powerful enough to tank that pebble, there was no need to-"

Albedo: Please wait, Shiro-sama. Anyone who wishes to do battle with a Supreme Being must have a certain degree of strength.

"Ah, So they failed your test. Eh, It to be expected for them to fail-"

Nigun: Principality of Observation! Get him!

In response to Nigun's orders, the angel that had been standing by up till now suddenly spread its wings and flapped, propelling itself forward. The Principality of Observation was an angel in full body armor. It held a mace in one hand and a round shield in the other. A garment that looked like a long skirt covered its legs.

Shiro's eyes twitched in annoyance.

"I don't mind if Albedo interrupts me, but when a lowly human such as yourself does. I hate it. Ainz, I'll deal with this one"

Ainz: As you wish

"{Gate of Gehenna}"

The ground itself shook, it knocked a few of the magic caster off of their balance, cracks formed in the ground, and soon they opened. From the cracks came a large, macabre, and ornate gateway. It resembled a face. It opened, and in the gate, it looked to be infinite darkness, but then Principality of Observation flowed near it, and a hand shot out faster than Principality of Observation could react, The hand looked like a human without any skin. A slit in the hand opened, and an eye rolled out, It looked at Principality of Observation, and then more hands shot out. The hands started to drag Principality of Observation down to what the viewers believe to be hell.

Principality of Observation struggled, it didn't want to die because some human, made a powerful being angry. As much as it struggled, it was futile, soon the angel gave up and let its self be dragged.

"Summon whatever you want, In the end, You going to die. Give up now and your death will be painless"

SMC: Is this real life

Nigun: It can't be! It's impossible!! Nobody can defeat a high-tier angel with just one spell!! It's impossible that nobody's heard of you before!!!!! What is your real name!!!!!!?

Nigun started to deny reality, he screamed in the hope to learn something, anything at all. He didn't care for his image, he wanted answers, no he NEEDED answers. Who was this man, and his companions?

"Deny what is reality, all you want. It will not change the fact that you have no hope of winning this fight. Nothing you do, nothing you summon, nothing you say, nothing you promise. Nothing in existents can save you."

Nigun: M-men, by me sometime now. We have one last option.

Nigun brought the crystal out with his trembling hand. Even his most fearless hesitated, to continue to fight. Within this crystal was the most powerful angel known to man. It was an angel that had single-handedly destroyed a Demon God that rampaged throughout the land two hundred years ago.

Shiro who was facing them could see the man gaining hope. So he deiced to crush that hope.

"Let me guess, you're going to summon an angle of the first sphere? If you do that then I might have to take this fight some-what seriously"

Shiro mused, even if the angle was a summon from the first sphere, Shiro could easily take it, it was only level 80 at most. Ainz could also take it, however, it might have some trouble, but in the end, he would come out victorious. Albedo would have the most trouble with one, but with her defenses, she would still win in the end.

The only way they even had a shot at winning, is if they summon a World enemy, though that was impossible as world enemies were hidden thought out the worlds, you had to find one not summon it.

Nigun ritually broke the crystal in his hand, and a brilliant radiance spilled forth. A hidden sun seemed to have risen upon the land, dying the grass a blinding white. A dull fragrance filtered into everyone's noses. The "legendary" angel descended upon the earth, and Nigun exulted:

Nigun: Behold! The glorious visage of the highest angel! Dominion Authority!


Ainz only chuckled, as Albedo laughed along with Shiro

Nigun smirked thinking that they all had gone mad with fear, but he couldn't be further from the truth. This angle could barely hurt Ainz, what good is going to do against someone who can take on 10 Ainzs.

"You *haha* T-think that could even scratch me HAHAHAHA"

Nigun: Have you gonna mad, this angle is of the highest Authority. You couldn't even fathom its power weakling

This made Shiro stop laughing, one thing he hated while it may be hypocritical is being underestimated, especially when he is both a World Champion and The Ruler of The Abyss

"Fine. Then. {Madness of the Spirits}"

Before Dominion Authority could even move or attack, Its head twitched slightly, it then made a low growl. Nigun looked confused, while the other magic caster started to back away.

Nigun: What the hell. Dominion Authority! KILL THEM ALREADY

Dominion Authority started to shake, Soon it started to scream in pain. making everyone near it shudder in fear of what's happening. It then fell to the ground with a thunderous boom, then it started to repeatedly slam its head into the earth

Nigun: W-whats happening

Nigun fell to the ground as well seeing the supposed most powerful angel on the ground trying to kill its self.

"A simple madness Enhancement spell, See your little angel, is torturing itself in its own head. and it's feeling that phantom pain in its own nerves only x100 worse. Normally such a spell couldn't affect a holy being, as it is only a 7th tier spell. Which Dominion over is also. So such a spell wouldn't affect it. Unless, the person casting such spell, can amp the spell to a 10th tier"


Before Nigun could even finish what he was saying, a black chain shot out of his mouth. While the chain normally would've killed any human, Nigun was still alive. Shiro had plans for this human. This attack was {Chain of Abyss}, it's an attack that affects anyone, without Shadow protection. As the chains can attack from anywhere there is a shadow. The magic caster looks back at Shiro, who had his hand up in a grabbing motion. As he controlled the chain, it wrapped around Nigun's heart.

"Te encanta presionar los botones de la gente, ¿no?"

(I.E: You just love push people buttons don't you)

Another thing he hated being called was a liar. The reason being is his mother would always call him one. When his sisters would break something, they blame it on him, either he or his brother would take the beatings. he would always tell the truth but his mother didn't care. He was already mad from earlier, with how those knights reminded him of his childhood, Nigun just brought fouth even more memory.

Ainz: Shiro.....Please calm down.

Ainz hoped to calm Shiro down, as Abyss started to leak out of Shiro. The magic casters saw this and started to pray.


He couldn't talk as another chain came from the shadows and pierce his neck, it then dragged him into the shadows. The other caster started to run out of fear, however, they didn't get far was a wall of chains appeared in their way.

While Ainz was still trying to calm Shiro down and quench his anger. Albedo had another idea, she walked up to Shiro and hugged him, as Ainz there stood baffled. Shiro looked down at Albedo, who just put her head on his chest. She was ready for any punishment to come from her lords for this, she didn't care if she was punished, she just wanted her love to be ok.

Albedo: Please lord Artorias.

She whispered. Shiro took a second, to finger out what was going on, he almost black-out from anger. He saw Albedo hugging him, and him holding Nigun up with an Abyss chain. He also saw the other SMC praying, and some are just frozen in fear of him. He didn't care if the magic casters or any human was afraid of him, but he cared if he hurt Albedo or Ainz, or anybody of Nazarick.

He needed a way to keep his anger in check or he could seriously his friends. his arm fell to his side. He hugged Albedo back. Albedo's happiness shot through the roof, she hides it well for now.

" *Inhale* *exhale* Sorry, my anger was too much for me to handle. Now where were we"

SMC: Y-you h-h-him aren't y-you

"Who? is Him"

SMC: Artorias, The wolf knight of the Abyss. The only being in existence that can kill all Six Great Gods by himself. The monster of the abyss.

"Hmm, This is interesting. This worlds of me, but not you Ainz. {Cage of Medusa}"

Marble pillars shot out of the ground and incaged every human near Shiro. it then froze them in any position they were in. It didn't freeze them in time or anything of the sort, it just froze their muscles.

(A/n: Basically T-pose for ten minutes and tell me how it felt. IT HURTS DOESN'T IT. now imagine that but in a running position, or something. Its called Hazing and the military does it to punish people, I think or maybe they stopped doing that)

"Let's see what information we can get out of you"


As he walked along the night-veiled plains along with it was the beautiful sight of stars in the sky. Artorias looked to the sky, he worried about his mentality. he didn't know what was happening to him, but he had his suspicions that it had something to do with the abyss. He remembered the events of today, he saw how Albedo restrained herself, and how she didn't get mad and try to attack the humans. he also remembered how she calmed him down. So he decided to give her a reward

"Albedo, I want to thank you for today. You restained yourself from getting mad easily with the humans, you didn't attack any even when they spoke in a disrespectful tone either, and above all that you calm my anger down. I want to give you a reward for it"

Albedo: M-my lord, I couldn't-

"Albedo you may ask for anything you wish, Except for any sexual favors" 'I'm not ready for that yet, tho I might later on'

Albedo: T-Then, may I.....

"Albedo, its anything you want"

Albedo: May I sleep with you, my lord

She bowed her head, immanently after saying it, she expected to be reprimanded for it, but she never was. She instead heard a laugh.

"Hehe, If that's all then, Yes you may Albedo"

Artorias took down his hood, he dropped his "Shiro" persona a while after he left the village after talking with Gazef. He lifted Ciaran at the village and told her to come back when she was sure the village was protected, which should be tomorrow. So he would fulfill any request of Albedo without Ciaran getting jealous, and he simply needn't tell Fury about it and tell Albedo to not talk about it either. And he could easily fulfill this simple request.

Albedo's eye widened with happiness. She looked up with a wide smile, she was treated with Artorias's humanoid face smiling as well. Needless to say, she was so excited to go to sleep tonight alongside her love.



Now, I saw a few requests for the harems. here is the list now. Last chapter tomorrow, then we go on to Vol 2.

Artorias: Ciaran, Albedo, Fury, Nabe, Lupa, Lakyus (Blue rose's leader) Tina and Tia (Blue rose's, assassin twins) (That's a lot, good thing he got enough for everyone ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

Ainz: Shalltear, Evil Eye, Zesshi, (More?)

Death: (Lonely man (ノ○Д○)ノ===┠ )

Ornstein: (Lonely man 2 (╯°□°)╯︵ ( ͜. ͡ʖ ͜.) )

War: Gagaran (Possibly) (Blue Rose, the buff girl)

Demiurge: Renner (Possibly)

(I forgot about him) Strife: (Lonely man 3 !!!(╯°□°)╯ミ /╲/( ͜. ͜. ͡ʖ ͜. ͜.)/\╱\)


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