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Chapter 2: I guess this was going to happen anyway

Some time later.

"You think those crystals had some magical effect?"

"Definitely. Wanna make that our spot?"

"Agreed. Wanna keep going?


And so they found Aki playing around with a lot of fae fire. Like, a lot.

Like a hundred fireflies dancing in a cave.

"Please tell me this is a dungeon and not some other dangerous shit?" Said the huntress while pointing at the crystal at the wall.

[Dungeon Aki wants to have make a temporary contract: in exchange for another round of it's sexual services, you will fully listen to it's proposal before letting its existence be known to others.]

""Ok"" Said the very horny couple.

'Thank goodness that worked. Another point for boning. Though, I do wonder how many guys can say their first time was a threesome. Or that they drugged both their partners so they would not die. Anyways, Kawabanga!


[Name: Dungeon core 01011009/Aki

Title: Great perverted. Young genius. One who reflects about self. Puppeteer.

Species: Dungeon core

Level: 2

Hp: 200/200

Mp: 62/200

Energy: 102/200


Diamonds: 3/50

Magically infused jewels: 0/20

Stone: 100/100


Soul detection Lv 1

Mana manipulation Lv 1

Astral sex technique Lv 2

Direct control Lv 2

Tentacle sexual technique Lv 1

Negotiation Lv 1

Persuasion Lv 1

Congratulations, you have reached the required size to level up.]

'That sure was useful to deal with these beast! Eight hours is not! A normal amount of time to have a threesome. Not that I regret doing it though.'

"Test, test, can you hear me? You two look surprised, so I will take that as a yes. I must say, even if I end up dead after this, it was awesome and you should never let go of the other." Aki said

"You… are talking inside our heads?" Asked Gris while taking sweaty hair out of his eyes.

"Yep. If you don't mind, could you tell me what that battle from before was about? I can't understand your language normally, so I have no idea."

"That was the rite to decide who would be the next chieftain." Reflexively answered said chief.

"More importantly, what do you want from us?" Asked the apprehensive Malit, who now questioned how they had come to have sex with a dungeon and why she wasn't birthing monsters yet.

"I think you saw it, but name's Aki, a practically newborn dungeon. I'll be direct. My intention is to make a mutually beneficial contract with you guys. You protect me, get some items and send workers to help me and I will help you guys with resources, grow crops, get some animals.

, cast weapons… those kind of things. We can discuss furtherif you bring your shaman" He offered.

Both goblins were surprised. Dungeons were supposed to be slavers of all magical beings, gluttonous for wealth and material gains, that throw monster at the world for conquest, considering none their equals but each other.

Or so they were taught, but this just seems like a fearful young man trying to act like an adult.

"That would be for the best. Malit, guide the shaman here and tell him it's urgent." Gris said and his wife noded.

The moment she stepped out Aki striked a conversation.

"Hey, can you stand alright?"

"I… oh, yes I am sure." He said and besides a little trembling on his knees he got up.

"Great, wouldn't want people thinking something strange like, 'It cast a curse on our leader' and have people coming for my life for nothing." He said with a tinge of relief.

"I mean, sure I liked it, but did you have to do it?" He asked with some embarrassment.

"Yes. I don't think your wife would be as gentle though. Did you do something to piss her off and get her very proud at the same time?"

"She would ne… she definitely would. She never wanted me to compete, we almost broke up because of that. I better do something about it. Thanks."

"You welcome. I'd like to think of myself as a men of romance even if I've always been single."

Then came the awkward silence where they waited. Aki felt tempted to suggest sex just for the giggles of it, but decided against it. When the goblins finally came he was reconsidering that as well.

"Finally! Hello shaman Garrni'Tsu, Pleasure to meet you, I am Aki. Oh, wait, you can't hear me yet. Here." He said and repeated himself.

In front of him there was a somewhat rugged and small hobgoblin lady with black graying hair. Even with her apparent age, she still had clear blue eyes, a straight back and a toned body marked with scars.

"Hoo, you can actually talk like a polite young man, that's unexpected. That last one talked like some human or elf so I just ended up smashing him to pieces." She said with a sweet smile while looking at the diamond source.

"I would never dare to do so without being provoked first. So, I'd like to offer your tribe a mutually benefiting contract. You protect me and work on my facilities while I help you develop resources. With enough time and a sample, I can produce anything. What do you say ma'am?"

Silence reigned for some seconds, but the shaman didn't delay much.

"Would you show me this contract?" She asked while not smiling.

"Of course."

[Dungeon Aki wishes to enter a contract with the Stone Fang tribe by the agreement of its chieftain and Shaman. With this contract both parties agree to a pact of non aggression, military help in form of troops or logistical support.

By giving Dungeon Aki the status of guest elder, he is recognized as a part of the tribe and given the right to participate in any important decision.

As payment he offers all the law abiding parts of the tribe:

His influence while in his reach.

Generated resources which the tribe may need.

Help in engineering by dungeon construction.

Help with Agropecuary.

Wisdom of his judgment on difficult matters.

This contract may only be altered with the consent of both parties.]

'I tried to dumb it down the most I could, but I still don't know if they will understand. It's simple but half the humans I knew would spend half an hour trying to get everything in…' He worriedly thought as both goblins in question read the contract he wrote.

"I think I understand most of it, but I'd like to clarify some things." Said the Shaman, getting a shocked expression from Gris, who was still trying to understand all the implications of the second sentence. Though, it is understandable since he had barely studied those kind of expressions.

"What do you mean by influence, wisdom and agropecuary?" She asked with a serious face.

"Influence is what makes dungeon monsters and contracted monsters stronger by a percentage of their actual attributes. At the moment it is quite small since I just unlocked it, but by the time I get around all the territory of the tribe it should increase everything by 10 to 20%. Wisdom relates to my totally different point of view that may cause someone to have insights. Agropecuary means production of crops and raising cattle for food or other things they may naturally produce. Like sheep and goat produce meat, milk and wool, wolves for riding, poultry for eggs… Does that clarify everything?"

"Hais, not even a condescending tone to this old lady. I don't think there's a reason not to accept the deal. It's such a good deal that in a normal tribe you'd go by with just the influence. I accept. And him too. As mother in law I have the right. Now, you two, go give everyone the good news." She said and practically swatted both away

Sighing again she sat herself in the middle of the room.

"You, what are you? A human? A demon? Some mage who got stuck in a crystal after a failed experiment?" She asked with a tired voice.

"Otherwolrder." He nonchalantly said.

"Eeeh… I see. Just try not to take over the world or something, ok kiddo?" She immediately got a surprised face and then held her temples as if all the stress in the world was just given to her.

"I won't actively try, but I can't promise much. If you don't mind, would you confirm what I suspect?" He said as if talking about the weather.

"I used to be a slave to a human noble if that is what you are asking. I don't really hide it, and these scars remember me of the pain, but also that I got away."

"I see. Then I don't think there's much else we can talk about. Unless you are interested in younger man of unidentifiable forms, then you won't have much reason to approach me either."

"Are you flirting with this old woman?" She said with half a smile and a raised eyebrow.

"If I call you old them my mother might as well cross dimensions just to smack me to death. If you ask me you look like any 30 years old human woman who fought through her life and had to care to make one too many precautions. Like keeping children safe for example." He said with the underlyed 'yes'. "Besides, you're what? 24? Now that I'm here your life expectancy will increase in no time at all." He said as if that explained all.

"Even if you say so, I will be thirty one in a few months you know?" Said the woman while snickering.

"Wait, aren't Hobs supposed to go till thirty and practically be like old grapes? Did you get a special evolution?" He said and looked at her again.

"Well yes, it seems my old father was one lucky bastard and slept with an amazon. I should still have a few more years on me." She said as if telling him a big secret.

For a monster, it really is though.

"Woman, get to leveling up again or I will start shoving XP down your throat, understood?" He said in all seriousness.

"No, even if you tell me that, I would still have a hard time fighting again. Some of these scars do actually impair me you know? Why do you think I learned magic?" She said with a bit of surprise from his apparent enthusiasm.

"Not a problem, I will see if I can make some monsters for you to defeat or develop a soul deep search spell to get your muscles and cartilage back in top shape, while at it, teach me whatever you can on healing magic. Just bring me some monster and I will reproduce it so we can use as a practice dummy." He said with an obvious tone that indicated he wouldn't take a no for an answer.

"Do I really have to…"

"Oi, I know that look! It's definitely a necessary pain in the ass, ok?! Haa… anyways, before we start, do you know what magic jewels are used for?" He asked while changing the subject.

"Rituals and enchanting. Why? Did you get some freebie?"

"It seems it is something every dungeon gets to start with. I chose whatever seemed to need the most resources to build since it was free. It hasn't produced any magic gem yet, but do tell me if you ever need to summon a demon to this plane of existence."

"Don't summon one without telling me either, ok? Those are not easy to tame and plenty of them roam around simply because some young idiot tried to take matters into their own hands." She said with some worry.

"Nah, don't worry, if I'm summoning anything I will be sure to make it so the only way it can step in here is by accepting my terms. I'm a lot more pragmatic then I let on, no need to worry. Now go assure the guys coming that everything is alright and that I can't talk to then. I will go and try to magically claim these caves as my territory, which will take a while, but do come talk to me if you need anything or decide to teach me magic." He said and went away while ignoring the complaining hobgoblin.

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