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Chapter 14: A rabid Wolf and A crazed Dragon

20th Century

"Tell your wolf to calm down and think through your anger. The Demon king can't do anything unless the child has been born." Samurai said, trying to calm the raged hybrid.

"Think about it!" He added.

"I can't calm down knowing that he is after my unborn child!" The king yelled.

Samurai stood up with a sigh, "What possible harm can be committed against a child that hasn't been born yet!" It was a rhetorical question, something for the King to think about but he didn't.

"A lot more than you know!" He snapped.

"He's a Demon, he has no soul! He can hurt the baby and Lillian and the worst of it all is I'm not there to protect them!" Nikolai yelled and kicked at the pieces of wood that were once a stool.

"Nikolai look at me." Samurai demanded and yet Nikolai looked everywhere but him.

"He was once an Angeli of course he has a soul. He can't lose it just because he turned rogue and got cast out to the Demon realm." With this Nikolai turned to look at him.

"How would you know?" His voice was calm this time.

"That I don't know but.." He quickly said, beating Nikolai to speak first, "what I do know is he can't hurt an unborn Demon. If he wanted to, he would have done it already." He mumbled.

Nikolai pinched on the bridge of his nose, "You are not even certain! They could be in danger at this very moment in the human realm." Nikolai's eyes widened with fear.

"I'm certain. The child didn't cross fate only to be destined to die before birth. Then what was the use of defying fate in the first place." Samurai's words struck a nerve in the king's head.

"It has a purpose. Maybe your father wanted a Demon and not a hybrid and since your child is a full Demon, he might want him to take over the Demon's realm when he is gone."

"Gone to where?" He shouted like a deranged rabid wolf.

Samurai shrugged, "we are not immortals, the Demon king would die eventually. I think he wants your child to be his successor."

"Samurai!" The king called out to him.

"Mmm..." It was the only response that came out from the Guardian who was lost in his own thoughts.

"Are you not forgetting something." The king taunted, walking dangerously in slow steps towards the Guardian who still wasn't aware of the forthcoming danger.

"Forgetting wh..." Samurai could not finish his statement as the King had grabbed him unaware by the neck and threw him across the room.

Samurai fell back on his side and a painful groan escaped his mouth. Damn this rabid dog who has no self control. If not for the fact Nikolai wasn't in control of himself, he would have burnt him alive.

"Nikolai snapped out of it!" Samurai used his leadership tone on him and within seconds, the king Alpha was in control of his wolf again.

"You know I really need to teach your wolf a lesson!" Samurai said, getting back up to his feet. His arm went to his side to touch his broken ribs. The same ribs that recently just healed from the nasty fall in the library.

"Ouch!" He cried out, making the King Alpha roll his eyes at him.

"Don't be such a baby!" The King scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Baby?" The dragon became furious, "I will show you who the baby is!" With that said, the angry dragon opened his mouth to breathe out fire but the King Alpha was quick and dodged it.

"Samurai enough!" The king snapped at the crazed Guardian who wasn't listening.

Nikolai knew his only chance of surviving was to fly out but unfortunately for him, the room had no windows. He blamed his wolf for being repulsive and putting him in this life and death situation. Nikolai's wings sprouted out and he was now in the air. But what he hadn't foreseen was the Samurai was coming to turn into his dragon. The room was not big enough to contain the dragon. 'This will be a big disaster!' Nikolai thought.

"Samurai, my lord forgive me!" Nikolai quickly shouted and he was on his knees showing submission which his Demon became mad at.

Samurai stopped changing into his dragon form when he heard an apology from the king. Nikolai sighed in relief when he saw that Samurai had stopped changing. Samurai would have broken the dragon's cave with his huge size which took decades for the Guardians to build. The king Alpha landed on his feet and his wings went back in. He cleaned the sheer sweat that had formed on his forehead with the back of his hand.

"You are crazy!" Nikolai said, "You were going to turn into your dragon. Don't you know the cave would collapse on all of us!" The king scolded, looking at the Dragon lord in disbelief.

"At least that would teach you a lesson!" Samurai said, limping to the nearest chair with his hand still at his side. 

Nikolai's eyes went wide even more, "you were going to destroy what it took years to build just to teach me a lesson?" His mouth fell open. 

"Of course," Samurai sat back down in his chair, "that way your people will be the ones to clean up your mess!" 

"How is it my mess?" He asked, confused.

"For provoking me!" The dragon yelled.

"It was you who attacked me because you were in full control and not your dragon. So why did you attack me then?"

"I said it earlier, I won't repeat myself!" Samurai's nose flared.

"To teach me a lesson!" Nikolai said confused. He could not believe that Samurai was willing to risk endangering people's lives just to teach him a lesson  and it was his people who would end up being the ones to build what the dragon had destroyed with his own hands.

"Chained that wolf of yours before the three of you end up dying just because you can't control it!" Samurai threatened the annoyed Alpha.

The king seethed, "you are an ill-bred dragon who doesn't play fair!"

"I have been lenient enough! Now because of your stupid wolf I have another broken ribs which took painful long days to heal." Samurai felt something running down his face, he used his hands to touch and saw it was his blood.

"Now you see! My head is bleeding again!" He snapped and threw his chair at Nikolai who saw it coming the moment Samurai stood up and grabbed the chair.

"If you injure me more, I shall forget you are my friend and a co-councilmen and burn you down to ashes." Samurai threatened. 

Nikolai's quick reflexes had saved his ass from turning into a roasted meat but with this current threat against his life, he might not be lucky next time. He knew Samurai always fulfilled his threats. "I'm sorry please don't kill me yet. At least let me see my child first." He took a step forward with the intention of giving the ferocious dragon a friendly pat on his shoulder but with the smoke oozing out from his nostrils, Nikolai decided against it.

Nikolai raised his hands in surrender, "relax! I promise I won't attack you besides you know very well it wasn't intentional. My wolf took over!"

"Well I'm tired of hearing that or else next time I will have you on a leash!" Nikolai's mouth fell open for the second time. With the look on Samurai's face he knew he meant every word. Nikolai's wolf felt insulted that the Dragon had intentions of chaining him up like a dog.

"I'm sorry it won't happen again. Now can we get back to what we were discussing?"

Nikolai didn't wait for the Guardian's response and went ahead to say, "before my wolf took over, I was going to say that we know the Demon king was once an Angeli and we haven't heard of an Angeli dying. Therefore we can't say he will die and wants my child to be his successor."

This was the first time Samurai had heard the Hybrid acknowledged his father according to his title 'the Demon King.' The Guardian would have mocked the hybrid with it but he didn't the rabid wolf to urge his offense against him while he is  unguarded and already hurt. Most of his energy had been drained when he was sent to that forsaken realm. He would have to wait until next time when Nikola acknowledges the Demon king as his father, that day he shall be well and not drained of his energy to be able to fight back.

"I will confess to you that I can not say for certain what the Demon's motive is for attacking me or what he is planning but it seems he played both sides to mislead me. But deep down my dragon instincts want me to search for it. Maybe the journal has all the answers to questions which he doesn't want us to find out." He explained.

"Where should we start looking?" Nikolai asked, "don't you think one of us should go to the human realm and be certain everything is fine?" he added hoping this time to get a positive response from the dragon.

Why wasn't he surprised by the king's suggestion, the king wolf was too persistent. With a heavy sigh, "No need for that. I know they are perfectly fine." Moving his index finger between him and Nikolai, "we need to focus our attention where it's needed most which is on the journal and the Vampire lord."

Nikolai exhaled in defeat. He thought he was going to have his way but he wasn't going to give up soon. He would keep bringing it up until the Guardian gives in to his request. "You need to keep a close eye on the Vampire lord!" The Guardian started with a straight face.

"He gets under my skin. You claim to be aware of his misdeeds. Why don't you spill it out so I can kill him already."

"Nikolai don't even think about touching a strand of his hair. The Queen is away and we need him. If you kill him, who will be the people's mouthpiece?"

Nikolai shrugged innocently with a smirk tugging on his lips, "what's so funny?" Samurai's brow furrowed, watching him with suspicion.

"I did more than touch a strand on his head. For the first time since the war my Demon and wolf got along and beat the Vampire to a pulp."

"Why am I hearing this now?" The Guardian demanded.

"You were in hibernation!"

"Where is he?"

"He is at the infirmary with a witcher attending to him. He is unconscious."

"What!" The Guardian blurted out with an alarmed expression.

"Nikolai!" Samurai called out to have the attention of the smirking wolf who looked so pleased with himself.

"This is bad! Couldn't you control yourself until I was back or until Mira returns. The Vampires could see this as a threat!"

"I do not care. It was high time someone taught him a lesson. Besides it was a good sign at least on my part."

A confused Samurai could not help but ask, "how is it a good sign? Attacking the Lord while the Queen was away."

"My wolf and Demon become one in dealing with him. I let them take over and  intervened when he was unconscious." Nikolai's smirk grew more making the Guardian roll his eyes.

"What did the Guards say? Didn't anyone step in to defend him?" Samurai questioned with concern.

Nikolai laughed heartily, "they were scared that no one dare to step in. It was a marvellous day that you missed Samurai." He mocked the dragon lord.

"That stupid Vampire lord peed in his pants and the most exciting part of it was..." he paused, intentionally killing the curious Guardian with suspense.

"Well? Go ahead and say it!" The curious lord demanded.

"Understand one condition would you hear it. You will allow me to go see the Queen's safety." Samurai's faces had turned sour.

"Then don't say a word I will eventually get to know about it." He hissed.

"But it's best you hear it from the direct source." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at Samurai. 

"No! I love to hear from other sources that way the gossip becomes more juicy with a spice of exaggeration." Samurai retorted, killing the King's joy.

"Since I can't trust you to take care of Lillian's region, you are to be at the witches coven searching for the journal. "

"What! I don't even know what I will be searching for! What if that thing that attacked you comes after me next?" Nikolai asked. 

"Then I bid you a farewell journey to the realm of insanity." The dragon teased.

 The king Alpha hated the idea of going to the witches library, he didn't want to be the scapegoat especially after witnessing how it affected Samurai. "It is not funny Samurai. I hate being in the midst of witches." Nikolai scoffed at him.

"Says the half witch! Learn to love being in their midst while I clean up the mess you made."

"But what would I be searching for?" Nikolai asked.

"Clues about the unknown or anything that could help in our investigation." He stood up to walk away leaving Nikolai to grunt to the empty room.

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