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Vampire Roommate [Shinsou x Reader] [Twilight-Mix] Vampire Roommate [Shinsou x Reader] [Twilight-Mix] original

Vampire Roommate [Shinsou x Reader] [Twilight-Mix]

Author: Dimly578

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: 1. First Day Accepted

"Congratulations," the principal spoke with a cheerful aura, extending both hands apart in a welcoming gesture. "You've been accepted into UA university."

Your heart beamed brightly as if rainbows encircled around your seated stature, right after hearing of the highly anticipated response you've been waiting for—like forever.

You lurched from your seat, bowing gracefully, as the side of your hair to dangled at your right shoulder, flickering your gleaming eyes up at him in utter astonishment, with your hands glued to the side like a soldier. "Thank you very much for accepting me...even though I'm already a week late from the registration deadline, I truly am honoured."

"No, thank you, we're so glad to have you here, it's never too late to accept a scholar student," the principal replied, as he slid some white sheets of paper in front of the oaken desk. "Here are your schedule list, your locker number, course descriptions, and dorm."


"Yes, you'll have your room with another student here at our campus, however, since you did register late, we'll have you dorm with one spare room, one with an opposite gender, unfortunately, you wouldn't mind that, would you?"

You shook your head hastily, lifting yourself up gracefully. "Ah no, that's quite alright, I'm sure I can manage, I'm just so grateful to accept whatever works at this time, especially since I did arrive late, thanks again, truly."


The after the personal acceptance admission, the principal invited you for a personal tour around the large campus of the top university of the country. You hummed a nod in approval on each of the designated places shown to you, getting used to the seemingly, ever-growing university. But, what stuck to your mind the most was your dorm. Knowing full well of your roommate as a male.

You hoped to have a fun, cheery, and calm female to room with since you did daydream at times where you would have movie nights, sleepovers, eating sprees, or even study nights, if necessary. But now that the tables have turned, you wondered if this roommate of yours would possibly be welcoming, or even...comfortable to be around.

The best thing you could do now is to hope for the best.


You finally arrived at the front door of the dorm. Your violet, glossy luggage was placed at the side, with your hand atop of the handle. You glanced around, spotting a large distance away from the next dorm room.

"...Huh, must be a large dorm for each paired roommates," you mused, tapping on your chin inquisitively.

You fished out your student card and tapped on the scanner beside the door. Immediately, a green light beamed from the side with a ding sound emitting below the device. A click sound of the door indicated it was unlocked before you dropped your student card back in your pocket safely.

You slowly turned the knob open, allowing the light emitted outside to bask the dark place like a flashlight. As you continued to stride your way in with your luggage, the automatic lighting turned on, revealing the most luxurious dorm room you have ever seen in your entire life.

You glanced around the spacious dorm, looking as though it was already occupied—as expected. There were some dirty socks lying on the floor, but other than that, you couldn't help but be at awe at the height and beauty of this place.

Your vision trailed from the nice, cushioned, coloured sofas then towards the staircase that led up to a large bedroom. Then, your eyes soon flickered down towards the mini-kitchen underneath the staircase, not realizing that there were clanging sounds making its way in your ear from the kitchen.

"...Hello?" You called out, as you pulled your luggage and parked it beside the staircase.

You glanced to and fro, but found nobody there. You went closer to the kitchen, eyes filled with wonder at the area. You grasped in the beautiful, modern architecture of the mini-kitchen with all its appliances available. You slowly glided your fingers atop of the glossy, sparkly marble countertops as you began to circle around the area. Until, you noticed a little creature at the corner eating something.

"Awee—!" You gushed, as you crouched down to the small grey kitten. "So cute!"

You began to slowly pet the soft grey fur of the kitten, as it glanced at you innocently with a pair of heterochromatic eyes of emerald green and sea blue. Your eyes slightly widened at that, since you haven't encountered such cats with a different set of eye colour.

The little cat purred adorably, slowly licking your fingers, causing tingles of tickles at the sudden sensation to course down your fingers at the cute experience.

You then stood up from your spot to make your way back to your luggage, to hopefully unpack your items upstairs. But, the cat kept on following you—which you didn't mind since you thought this kitten was rather cute.

Slowly but surely, you lifted the heavy suitcase one step at a time, until you made it all the way to the top, glancing your excited eyes at the peak of the large bedroom with two Queen-sized beds on each corner with a beautiful window wall, along with a balcony to the large forest. The cutest part of making your way up was when the cat took one step at a time with you, and stayed at the particular step you were at, until you reached another step. Almost like a little companion to watch your panting efforts of your little race to the top.

"Agh, finally," you let out, with a loud sigh in relief as you dropped your luggage down the wooden floor.

You felt your back droop heavy, as you spot two large queen sized beds with plain, grey comforter sheets. There was also a large, encased window at the front, showcasing the beautiful scenery of forest trees and the distancing city, along with a hazy, rainy atmosphere of the grey clouds. The left side of the room seemed occupied, while the other side...was also occupied.

"Hm...are there already two people living in here?" You questioned in a low murmur to yourself, before the cat made a meow sound and began to curl around your feet.

"Awe, so adorable," you commented at the kitten's gesture, before you knelt down and slowly embraced the kitten around your arms. "...Maybe I should check in with the student living in here..."

"Excuse me?" A deep, masculine voice suddenly spoke, making your eyes widen. "What are you doing here?"

Your heart froze, unexpected to suddenly hear the resident of this dorm to somehow speak out of nowhere. You swore you hadn't heard any footsteps, or any door opening from the front. Not even a single sound. It was rather strange, almost as quiet as a sly cat. But it was certainly strange.

You turned around, blinked once as you found yourself staring face-to-face towards a tall male with a very pale skin adorning his sharp jawline, velvety thin lips of red, with wild purple hair hoisted up—as if he had an eternal blow dryer that permanently placed it in that form. He wore a baggy, black jacket with warm grey shirt within.

Your eyes soon trailed down to find that he wore skinny blue jeans with sneakers on, he seemed the typical, chill guy who just woke up and doesn't want to be bothered with anybody.

You looked back up, found yourself locked into those captivating eyes of violet, lazy ones that stared blankly at you, with his hands pocketed within.

"If you're not going to answer, at least put my kitten down," he spoke with a warning tone. "She doesn't belong to you."

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