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Vampirism initiating Vampirism initiating original

Vampirism initiating

Author: Vampirescool

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 I cant breathe

As Kyran lied there gasping for air he could feel his body giving out, on his dying breath he could feel darkness enveloping his entire body. He awoke in what seemed like a glass box. He looked down and saw the world, the oceans all the land masses he could see everything it was as if he was in outer space, "Greetings human, i have selected you to be transmigrated to a different planet called Pandora" Kyran looked up and saw a tentacle covered eye and felt like he would scream but surprisingly nothing came out he was completely calm. "There is no need to talk human you need to be transmigrated as soon as possible the world you will be going into is a world based on medieval times with magic and fantasy creatures such as goblins, and orcs." "But before that happens i will give you a wish anything you want will be fulfilled as long as i agree with it, if it is too strong i wont allow it" said what Kyran thought was god, he gave it a long thought he already knew what he wanted to be but he was trying to think of other things. He was already settled on something particular something he always wanted to be true but wasn't he wanted to be a Vampire. "I know what i want, I want to be a vampire, but before i make my final decision do vampires exist in the world of Pandora?" said Kyran " No they don't" he said "Kyran are you sure this is what you want you cant turn back your decision vampires from what i know about the fiction in your world sustain themselves off of human blood and are inherently evil." said the creature "Yes i'm sure make me a vampire" A vortex appeared below him sucking him into the darkness. He awoke laying on the ground staring at the night sky, as seconds passed and he looked around he felt wide awake. He looked around and could smell things from a mile away he could see clearly everything, Kyran saw the world for the first time everything crisp and clear its like his senses were on another level from what they once were. Kyran decided to test out his new capabilites to see how strong he was, first he conducted a 100 meter dash, he started running and it took him only 3 seconds to cross the distance, he was crazy fast like a cheetah he then performed a vertical jump leaping 3 meters into the air. After Kyran then started on the third and final test the strength test, He walked up to a tree and stood perpendicular to it, pulled back his arm and punched the tree the tree was crush on impact causing the entire tree to come crumbling down, he then went up to a stone and punched it it broke into multiple pebbles, at this point he realized that he is a stronger version of him self better in every way. He sprinted over to a pond close by and looked at him self, he had long black hair and was pale, his eyes were dark red and had a strange hunger to them. It hit him he was a vampire and he knew this when he chose what he wanted to be but he had to feed to sustain himself. He smelt the air smelling blood he started to sprint to the place the blood was at and he saw about a quarter mile away their was two men clad in leather armor and 1 wielding a sword and the other wielding a bow, the one with the sword had a flesh wound on his leg they were fighting goblins a pack of three the goblins looked to be losing already one of their members have fallen and two more to go Kyran watched them fight until the humans ended up winning Kyran bolted forward and met them face to face. "Hello my name is Kyran it's a pleasure to meet you." said Kyran as he smiled at them. they were on guard they didn't know why someone was out here in the forest naked at that. "What are you doing out" before he could finish his sentence Kyran grabbed his throat and lifted him into the air. Shocking the archer behind him they immediately recognized Kyran as not being friendly and started to fight back the archer shot an arrow flying fast towards Kyran but he could see it. He threw the warrior to the side and dodged the arrow running towards the archer at inhuman speeds punching him in the gut making a hole through their body the archers body fell limp on the ground and Kyran turned towards the warrior a look of horror on his face Kyran spoke "I need to talk to you for a minute." the warrior understood that he could not fight Kyran and complied with what he wanted he told him all about the closest town, of the Rephate Kingdom. It was a large town with roughly 20000 people. The town was split in two different sectors the upper town and lower town. Vagrants beggars and gangsters and the poor people mainly lived in the lower town, and the upper town was home of the knights college and mage college, this place is where most of the upper class people lived and some nobles. He told Kyran about mages they are rare and you can only be born a mage. Born mages are set for life no matter what specialty of magic they have whether they specialize in healing magic or fire magic. There is also the adventures guild where people join to do work like killing monsters in the forest and other things like that, these two unlucky fellows were apart of the adventures guild tasked to clear out the goblin threat in the forest. After the kind warrior told Kyran about the town and everything he knew Kyran decided to test his feeding out he held the warrior next to him and opened his mouth fangs elongated on instinct and he stuck them into his neck draining the warrior, he tried to stop but couldn't taking mouthfuls of blood at a time until there was nothing left. He could feel himself being empowered, he felt that after every feeding he would become stronger, the blood spoke to him telling him of his life and how he lived not that it mattered to him. He left their bodies on the ground and started walking towards the town. He passed a lake and looked at him self again and sat there for a bit wondering what to do about his dark red eyes and pale skin, most of his skin was covered up with the equipment he had taken from the adventures he killed. He didn't want to be exposed so he put on the long cloak he had gotten from the archer that had a hoodie covering his body and shrouding his face. He began to walk to the town once again ready for human interaction.

Vampirescool Vampirescool

This is my first chapter sorry if it is poorly written i've never written a book i just felt there was not enough vampire novels out there so i decided to write one :)

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