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15.38% Venom

Chapter 2: Marvel world

As my vision cleared up, I look around at me and my classmate was inside the lab listening to the instructor who was wearing a lab coat.


suddenly, I realized I was next to a guy who shouted. He was bitten by a black spider Zed thought I guess this is Peter he was really different in personal compared to the movies.

I realized what if I would try to make the spider bite me too? Would that make me and venom strong? Changing my genes into a new one? Zed couldn't help show excitement to his face he immediately finds a spider with a different style more like the classic one. Zed didn't like the new one because he was sick of formulas and etc. After a while he found one seeing that everyone is a focus to the instructor, he slowly put his hand inside letting the spider bite him he couldn't help but gasp as the spider pierce him.

The floor was pristine marble reflecting my face, my skin was pale, my hair black and I was wearing the biggest pair of glasses I have ever seen in my life and a cap to cover myself.

"Mr. Harp, are you okay?!" someone called out.

I looked down, the face looking back mirrored my looks. 'So this is me?' I asked myself unbelievingly. My hand stung, looking down I saw it twice its size as the needle with two bright red bite marks near my knuckles.

"Mr. Harp? Mr. Harp?!" someone shook me they couldn't help but felt fear because another person fell unconscious.

I blinked as I looked up and found a crowd of students looking at me. They were all looking at me like a disgusted thing, and right before me was a middle age woman with black hair greying at the sides.

My teacher? Wait i know this woman "Mrs. Sonada"?, that was her name right?, she was a biology teacher, my biology teacher for today onwards.

"Mr. Harp!" Mrs. Sonada called out once more, "are you okay?"

I blinked, "I-I yeah" I responded on reflex, suddenly a sharp pain ran through my hand and I flinched, my hand was hurting, badly as is going numb.

"That looks bad, we should get that checked out," she whispered, turning to the rest of the class and announced, "alright class we're cutting the class short! Everyone dismissed and walk out to the parking lot!"

"Alright! Guess punk Zed was good for something after all!" a tall blond teenager yelled out to his friends.

I looked around, I was in a lab of some kind, people in lab coats were walking around, moniers showed the DNA of a human being manipulated, numbers ran through them, I didn't understand some of it but I guess to run a test to something.

"Come Zed, I'll get you checked up," Mrs. Sonada whispered as she guided me out. Outside a large yellow school bus was waiting for us, we got on and she put me in the front with her. I could feel a fever coming on, sweat pouring down my brow. And slowly, darkness.

I remembered seeing flashes in my head. Getting off the bus and into a hospital gurney. A doctor looking me over before informing that I was suffering from cold. He informed me to have a week's bed rest and somehow I managed to grunt in understanding.

I remember someone running instpecting, his face was aged, his hair white and cut short. But the moment I saw him I knew who he was. He drove to outside the city to a suburban area where he took me into a humble looking house that filled me with warmth.

I was put on a bed that was made, the moment my head hit the pillow my eyes shut for good and I began to sleep.

Memories upon memories came into my head. I could recall so many events in my head Names, people, and etc so advanced I knew I shouldn't be able to even think of them, but somehow I did maybe because of the changes happening around my body maybe, maybe god also did make a changes to there memories making me exist around them and blend with them.

There was a school, a kid living without parents. A house and two relatives taking care of him with nothing but love and kindness that was me Zed... A kid growing up to be a genius without equal, but shunning his own genius out of fear for being unaccepted. And then finally I was hit with a name. Peter Benjamin Parker my friend.

And with a gasp, I woke up.

I jumped in shock and found myself ascending towards the ceiling. Acting on instinct my body swerved, arms and feet smacking against the ceiling. There was a jerking motion, instead of falling back down I was stuck there, looking at the world upside down.

I was panting, I could feel my body cool down. I looked at my arms and feet stuck on the ceiling of my room. I pulled one hand back, pieces of the roof came peeling off, still stuck to my fingertips. I was shocked and realized this is it!, I couldn't help but excited, and suddenly I was falling down.

My body twisted again and I stuck the landing on the mattress. I looked down at my hands, I could feel something there. I focused on the swirls on my fingertips, and there between the lines were small razor sharp like blades protrusions that were curved inwards.

"Holy shit, hahaha truly amazing!" I gasped and looked around. I found myself in my room where I lived in. I looked at the mirror and sure enough, a fare skinny teenage boy with brown hair, dark eyes, and white skin looked back at me.

"I'm we are also venom" I gasped in realization.

'What the fuck?!'

A few days later

It took me a day to fully come to terms with what happened I was talking to myself like a dense boy. I couldn't stop but laugh silly, I pretend to still be sick every time...aunty May or….uncle Ben….woah those names were strange to say they visited and brought me food for some time. Anyway, I pretend to be still in need of bed rest and they left me alone maybe right now peter also still in bed Zed thought.

I spent a day trying to remember the events that going to happen from now on and what would be my main goal. I was alive and well in another life. And now I was here, in the new body, somehow with all my memories and my genius mind ahm!... Well, let's just think it slowly.

I checked my memories. The spider bite had just happened, that was the pain I felt when I...arrived into my body is it the evolution? Well never mind I will just look into it when the time comes.

I tried to figure out what kind of life I would be living into. You know, saving people? Be a hero?or live whatever you want here. But so far what I really what is to do what I want as nothing can bound me. I did, however, find out that in this world many heroes are here had outed themselves publicly as savior, there was also Captain America, mutants wait... Wolverine!? Shit!!.... This is going to be fun!! so there was a big chance I was currently living in some version of the Marvel movie universe.

Looking through his memories Zed also didn't have many friends, even Harry Osborn was more of a playboy than an actual friend and peter well nothing changes except he was not the typical one who is a loner well he has me alright, but let's not focus to that lets focus to me right now.

The feeling of having so much more processing power was startling, to say the least. My brain was functioning at a pace I'm not used to, but at the same time, I had no problem keeping up. It was after all my brain.

I did wonder how the hell this happened. I cannot understand science really. If the Marvel universe was real, and my world was one where they just existed as a comic book character, did that mean all those other beings were real?

Like Thor?..asgards and etc?

I sighed as I opened the window to my room and stepped outside, sitting on the window sill as I watched the sunrise on my second day in 'bed rest'.

I took a deep breath and looked around at the beauty around me, I was right now at an impasse. Should I try to be a hero? Well part of me wants it but another part of me want to live comfortably maybe because of the accident that caused me trauma.

Being a hero was something like Peter and someone did out of guilt for getting his uncle killed. But with me, I don't really think that's going to happen. I wasn't going to let them die I also experience having my grandmother die because of me so no, it would be too much of a chip on my shoulder. So that option was out of the question.

I also didn't particularly like the fact that being a hero basically ruined my life in so many aspects. Romantically, socially, heck even other superhero's lifestyle was stressed always harassing them with the Bugle and the people calling some of them a menace.

Zed could help but think if he could actually have a romantic relationship with one of the heroes? (Wait guys I'm not a gay so don't ever think about it. It would be a waste of my beautiful, holy and handsome face to go with a guy many girls will be disappointed with me so no)

With my mind made up, I go out of my room...going downstairs where I found aunt may going inside my house carrying a handful of food for me.

"G-good morning aunt may!" showing my beautiful smile I greeted her warmly. I couldn't help but think about my grandmother in my past life where I just make her miserable my eyes couldn't help but moist, I immediately wipe it with my shirt before aunt May sees it.

Aunt May sees me and smiled, "ah! Zed! So good to see you awake and moving! How do you feel dear?"

"Better as always aunt May," I shrugged as I sat down at the dining table. Aunt May placed a stack of bread before me, I eagerly grabbed one when I found it looking a bit dry, "ah...I don't mean to complain aunt May, but this piece of bread is somewhat bitter"

"That's right!" May exclaimed with a grin, "I found the recipe on the book of recipe! It's supposed to help with any unhealthy substance in your body. So eat up!"

I grumbled, "didn't anyone ever tell you not everything you read on the internet is true?"

Ben chuckled entering, "oh how was it going Zed?"

"Oh hush you two, eat up Peter, I want you to be ready today!"

I shrugged as I dug into my bread "so what's so special about today?"

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