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Chapter 14: Chapter 14 Their first meet

At Kudo's residence.

The alarm rang loudly at 5.30 am waking up Kudo. This was earlier than his usual time but he dispells the sleepiness with a cold shower.

Today was the day he was going to seriously investigate each suspect. Through brainstorming based on the info he had he had formed a preliminary facts of the case and knew how to tackle this case and hoped that by the end of the day he would have solved this case.

He and Ran had made plans to meet up at 6.00 to go to the nearby park to meet one of the prime suspects of the case. Soon it was 5.55 and the bell to the door rang informing Kudo of Ran's arrival.

Dressed in a black T shirt and a jean Kudo met Ran and both made their way to the park. During their journey Kudo asked Ran to leave all the talking to him. Though she had said that she would act as his bodyguard, Kudo wasn't about to let the girl he likes to protect him. Despite not knowing any form of Martial arts Kudo wasn't exactly weak. He could take out most of those common criminals.

Entering the park both saw a man doing muscle ups in the pull up bar and taking a rest after taking 15 muscle ups and doing it again like a circuit.

He was wearing a black sleeveless t shirt which accentuated his muscles which wasn't particularly big but his entire body oozed athleticism and he was aesthetically built.

Kudo waited for the man to finish his muscle up workout and went up to him while he was resting.

"Tachibana Haruto-san?".

Haruto turned to look at the man who called out to him. It was Kudo Shinichi. He knew of him very well. He was the protagonist of this world and his presence here means only one thing and that was the recent case of Miki.

"Yes, what can I do for you, Kudo Shinichi-kun".

"Oh, you know me? That makes things easy. Since you know me, you should also know that I am currently investigating the murder of Miki, your classmate from the cram school. I would like to ask you a few questions regarding the case".

"Go on.."

Haruto waited for Kudo to continue and he heard Kudo tracing Mimi's activities the day before her untimely death and how Haruto was not only one of the last people to see her alive, he also had a confrontation with her.

"Heh, well you are not wrong Kudo-kun. She did trouble me that evening. She brought a few thugs to try and bully me. Unfortunately for her I beat the shit out of them and sent them to hospital with broken legs. As for those girls who she brought along, I slapped them including Miki. I believe in equality. I wouldn't leave her unscathed just because she is a girl".

"However if you think I raped or was involved in her death, then you're wrong. As a detective you should have already analysed the kind of person who would perform such horrendous acts. Then allow me tell you about myself.

I am a guy who dates some of the most beautiful women and have even done the deed. In other words I don't need to sexually assault any woman when I have free access to women. Further Miki is a gaudy woman, a power hungry and a slut. I would rather remain a virgin than to fuck someone whom I personally look down".

His choice of words made Ran and Kudo blush.

"And it seems like you don't know. There was a reason why I didn't hurt her and even regretted hitting her out of rage. Back in the restroom when I was about to hit her again she didn't mind her face getting hurt but she didn't want her stomach getting hurt".

"Eh, you don't mean.."

"Exactly. She was pregnant. I felt a deep sense of remorse for hurting her. So I left the restroom leaving her and her friends behind. If anything I suggest you to investigate the guy who got her pregnant. His name is"

"Sudo Akira, yeah I know him. He is also another suspect in this case. Yesterday I had gone to visit you both at the cram school. Unfortunately I couldn't get to either of you".

"Oh, while I don't know why he didn't come to cram school, I was out with my family. We were having dinner at the Ooka Family's guesthouse. Though you probably won't be able to verify it".

"Oh and if you are planning on questioning Sudo, I'll accompany you."


"It's better that way. He is a trash, atleast to me he is, but he is also a drug addict and a dangerous psycho. He also has power because of his father and wouldn't hesitate to commit crime".

"You say it as if he is the culprit".

"Though I am not 100% sure I am pretty sure that he is behind this. In any case give me your phone number. Give me a call when you decide to question Sudo. And don't worry I won't get in the way of your investigation".

Soon Haruto completed his workout and left behind the two stating that he was getting late. Looking at the back of Haruto Kudo was in a deep state of trance while his brain was working at a high speed forming an outline of Haruto's personality.

"What are you thinking?"

"Nothing. Well we should leave as well. It's getting late for you. I'll come and meet you at your house and we can go to school together".

"I'm not talking about that. What do you think about him. Do you think he did it?".

"Him!! No, Haruto-san was not involved in either of the two crimes. Though he is a narcissist, who wouldn't be. Those who work hard towards their goal and achieve success tend to have a sense of pride especially when they eclipse their peers in performance.

I believe in his words. I could sense a hint of disgust when he mentioned the crimes that had been committed. In any case it's a good thing to go with him when I investigate Sudo Akira.

In any case let's get going".

Kudo and Ran split up, each going towards their own house.

At Haruto's residence

Haruto was taking a cold shower and his mind was in turmoil. He who had tried his best to avoid the canon members of the world somehow ended up meeting the God of death himself. Honestly this world scared the crap out of him. A world filled with genius level criminals each with insane ability to create crime scenes, alibis and trap mechanisms. The only solace he felt was the power and skill he possessed.

The sound of water falling on the bathroom tiles gave him sense of peace, his breathing slowed and his mind entered a state of trance.

Walking out of the restroom he passed by the mirror kept near the sink. He gave it a passing glance and his eyes froze on his reflection.


Freezing, Haruto broke out of the trance and his breathing was messed up again. Holding on his chest Haruto wheezed while nearly shouting "What the fuck was that?"

'I clearly remember while I was taking shower. When did I finish taking the shower?'

"Heh, looks like I have been thinking way too much that I almost entered went autopilot mode".

Haruto then dressed and left the house for school after having his breakfast.

At the residence of Hamado Akira

Sudo for the first time in 30 hours left his room. He was no longer high and became a bit clear headed. Deciding not to skip school to escape suspicion Sudo left the house after having breakfast. He had a few missed calls, most from his friends while 1 was from his father.

His father doesn't come home most of the days and was probably busy making money while abusing his position.

"Hello, Dad why did you call?".

"Why didn't you pick up your call yesterday?"

"Come on Dad I was busy".

"Busy? You were probably getting high with those useless friends of yours. More importantly, what did you do? I saw that girl with whom you were fooling around in the flash news. Why did you do that?".

"What do you mean dad? I didn't do anything".

"Don't lie you fucking fool. Who do you think I am. Do you think I wouldn't know all your shenanigans. The police have already started their investigation and would soon come for you. You better stay in house these coming days and go to school like a normal student.

If anyone comes to question you, lawyer up immediately and call me. Don't answer any kind of questions. Do you hear me?".

The phone went silent for a few moments and Sudo acknowledged the orders from his Dad.

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