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Chapter 48: Chapter 48: What is happening?

Chapter 48: What is happening?


"It is because… I use Crown perfume, miss." Alard simply said, giving a smile. He headed toward his Guild members.

"Iseul and you all. Are you ready?" Alard asked. While, he looked toward Iseul. One of five hidden S-ranks of Alard.

After drinking Alard blood. Five A-rank Hunters were re-awakened as S-rank Hunters.

"Yes, Master. We are always ready for your command." Iseul said she had lustrous curly black hair, curvy figure and pretty huge bust.

"Good. Then let's go." Alard said. He tried sensing Jinwoo's presence.

Choi Jong-In and Cha Hae-In soon headed his way.

"Mr. Alard, We are ready to enter." Choi Jong-In said. Cha Hae-In glancing toward Alard. She had a confused look.

Cha Hae-In then glanced toward Iseul beside Alard. For a second, she smelt the foul scent given by monsters from Iseul and the rest of Crown Guild girls. But, that scent soon faded away.

'Is it just my imagination? I certainly sensed foul smells of monsters?'

"Sure, Mr. Jong-In. Let's enter then." Alard said, his 3rd Strike Squad and Hunters Guild Strike Squad A and B.

Total there were 37 Hunters.

(A/N: I think I am actually forgetting it. But, I remember if more than one S-rank enters a Gate.Will the Gate turn Red? Though, I won't be upgrading the Gate.)


Entering inside the Gate. It was a dark cave,

"Gina, light the area." Choi Jong-In said. Looking toward a curvaceous young woman with red eyes, strawberry blonde hair, and a large bust.

"Yes, Guild master." Gina said, taking out a lantern from her bag. She transferred her mana in the lantern. The lantern glowing, illuminating the entire cave.

Step! Step! Step!

Their steps echoed in the cave. Walking in the cave, they encountered many mana crystals. But, ignoring it all they moved forward. Mining team was there for mining the crystals, after they cleared the Dungeon.

"It's quite surprising. Why aren't we encountering any monsters?" Alard raised his voice. When Choi Jong-In adjusted his glasses with his mid-finger.

"Actually, We have already cleared the monsters outside the Boss area. Only the Boss area is left too clear." Choi Jong-In said. Cha Hae-In nodding her head, carried a stoic expression.


When, suddenly the pressure around the cave dropped.

Rumble! Rumble!

The entire cave rumbled, when wolves, with red fur, black ears, black legs, and black tails rushed toward them.

"What! Dungeon Jackals? What are they doing in this high-level Dungeon?!" Choi Jong-In exclaimed.


When a tank of the Hunters Guild blocked the Jackals with his shield. Next second, stabbing it.


When, another Hunter leaping forward. Sliced three Jackals in one go.


When Iseul used her ‹Firebullets›. Shooting down all Jackals in one go.

Shocking everyone in the Hunters Guild. Iseul shooted nine Firebullets, all of them hitting only Jackals head. They were surprised by the accuracy. Choi Jong-In and Cha Hae-In were the most surprised.

'That mana level. It is comparable to a S-rank!'

"What are Dungeon Jackals doing in this high-level Dungeon?" Alard exclaimed. Immediately forming a grin, when heavy steps echoed.

Step! Step! Step!

"Oh, look, the big guys are here." Alard said. When, red-skinned orcs arrived in the scene. They had a bone necklace around their neck, green or white stripes tattoos around their red body.

"Wha— What!"

"High orcs!" shouted the Raid leader of Hunters B Strike Squad.

"Rooooar!" High orcs roared. When Choi Jong-In, Cha Hae-In and Iseul immediately dashed forward.


"Flame Spear!" Choi Jong-In conjured many spears of flame, throwing it toward the orcs.

"Roaaar!" One gigantic High Orc blocked the flame spears, with his shield. But still the High Orc was pushed back with the impact.

Cha Hae-In leaping forward. Her sword transformed into pure light, she slashed toward the High Orcs.


The High Orc also used its iron mace to block Cha Hae-In attack, when Cha Hae-In vanished, her eyes glowing yellow. She appeared behind the High Orc.


She slashed the High Orc into two.

"Fire Dragon!" Choi Jong-In created a small dragon out of his flame.



He used the small dragon to quickly burn a few High Orcs into cinders.

"Lighting!" Iseul chanted, throwing thunder toward the High Orcs.

"Gaaaa!" High Orcs roared, getting electrified by the lighting. When Iseul teleported in front of them.

"Wind Cut!" Iseul changed. Gathering sharp wind around her hand, she chopped off High Orcs head into two.




*Slash! *Stab!


* Kaboooom!




Soon, killing all the High Orcs.

"Wow! As expected of S-ranks. They are on the league of there own."

"But, Isn't that lady from Crown Guild also an A-rank? Her power was comparable with our Guild master." a member of Hunters Guild said, tick marks appearing in Choi Jong-Un's face.

When he glanced toward Iseul. Who has returned back to Alard.

"Master, How was I?" Iseul asked, expecting a compliment from her master.

"You were good. You were beautiful out there, my dear ." Alard said, patting her purple hair. A beautiful smile formed around Iseul's lip.

"Ahem! We should get moving." Cha Hae-In said. She for some reason compares herself with Iseul.

'I am more beautiful than her.' she thought, when soon shook her head.

'What am I thinking?! Focus. I am in a raid." Cha Hae-In exclaimed inwardly.

"Sure, Ms. Cha Hae-In." Alard said, when all of the Strike Squads again began moving inside the Dungeon.

Soon, walking inside the Dungeon.

They suddenly felt a huge pressure descending.



All of them heard growling of High Orcs. When, watching infront of them. They suddenly saw more then 50 High Orcs.

"What! How many High Orcs this Dungeon have! One High orc could be comparable with a A-rank Hunter. How can there be so many!" one of Hunter exclaimed. All of Hunters Guild members scared watching the crowd of High Orcs.

While, all members of Crown Guild have a stoic expression. They don't care about anything, as long as they are with there master.

Stomp! Stomp!

High Orcs stomping the ground. One of the Orc head suddenly began to twist.

*Crack! *Craaack!

When, the Orc suddenly glared toward Alard and the rest.

"Humans… Listen, Humans… I am Kargalgan… I wish to meet you all…"

"What do you mean." Choi Jong-In asked, he was calm. Same could be said with Cha Hae-In, Alard and rest of Crown Hunters.

"Human… I wish to meet you.. I am… Almighty Shaman of the proud Orcs… Follow my soldiers…" possessed High Orcs said. When, Alard smirked.

"And, What If we don't follow you?" Alard said, with smirk. He walked face to face with the possessed Orc.

"Then… Die At the hands… of my soldiers… or.."


Before the posses Orc could even finish it's word. Alard summoned his sword, slicing it's head off.

Cha Hae-In and Choi Jong-In were caught off-guard by Alard sudden decision.

When, all the High orcs raged. Dashing toward Alard.

"Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation!" Alard used his ninjustsu, spitting fire from his mouth. The fire shaped into literal sea of flames, that covered a wide range. Burning all High Orcs into cinders.

"Whaaa!" Choi Jong-In shouted. he was surprised by Alard power. Even, he couldn't kill so many High Orcs with one fire spell.

"Lets head to boss room." Alard said, heading forward. While, his Crown Hunters following him.

"We should go too." Cha Hae-In said. Making Choi Jong-In too nod with serious expression.

Soon, walking through the Dungeon.

Alard and the rest entered the Boss room.



As soon as Alard opened the Door. They were greeted by red High Orcs, charging toward them. All of them carried there preferred weapons.

"Heh! Is that how you welcome us?" Alard questioned. Before his body was completely engulfed into shadow.

"Shadow Possession: Sixfold Slash of Light!" Alard appearing infront of the charging High Orcs. He slashed six times in a second, ripping 8 High Orcs into pieces.


"Chidori!" Alard used his Chidori, ripping the High Orc chest. All of the Crown Hunters also charged, all of them using there martial arts or Magic taught by Alard.






"Cut of Light"

*Slash *Slash! *Stab!

"Groooo!" a loud roar echoed. Looking over the roar. Alard and the rest saw a throne, a Shaman Orc was resting in the throne.

He had bright red skin, glowing red eyes, and gray hair. Unlike the rest of his kin, he had an array of neon teal tattoos covering his face, hands, and wrists and wore a tattered brown hooded cloak, a grayish-white face mask that only exposed his eyes and lower jaw, a necklace made of human skulls, and red armored shoulder guards.

He had four High Orcs toward his left and right. They seems too be the strongest Orcs of his.

The roar early was from one of the four four guard.

"Fire Dragon!" Choi Jong-In shouted. Burning many High Orcs in his flame.

'Don't think I am a pushover.' Choi Jong-In exclaimed inwardly, he shot Flame Spears toward Orcs. Piercing them with his flame spears.

"Sword Dance." Cha Hae-In, increased her attack speed.. dashing toward the Orcs. Her sword transformed into pure light. While, like a dancer. She beautiful danced in the battlefield, her sword slicing the flesh of Orcs. She splattered the blood, with her blade.

"Guooooo!" When one of the four guards jumped. Trying to crush Cha Hae-In.


Cha Hae-In immediately sensing him. She dodged his incoming attack, before she clashed her blade against the Orc.


*Cling! *Clang!

"Guoaaa!" Orc roared, punching toward her. Cha Hae-In ducking the fist, slashed her sword. Slicing the Orc right arm.



*Slash! *Slash! *Slash!

Cha Hae-In ripped the Orc.

While, Choi Jong-In kept on throwing his fireballs and spears toward the High Orcs.



*Boom! *Rumble!


*Sizzle! *Boom!

Inseul used her magic spells. Too burn, wet and froze her enemies.




"Water gun!"


"Ice javelin!"


While, in all this madness. Alard was seen the most crazy one.

"Susanoo: RibCage" Alard eyes, turned into Mangekyō Sharingan. His chakra molding into a form a Rib.

"Susanoo: Arm!" Skeleton arm grewed from the rib. A blade in the arm, it was 0.8m tall.



"Eye Laser" Alard shot laser beams from his eyes. His Susanoo: Arm swinging it's sword like a mad man.

"Guoooo!" all of the three guards charged toward Alard under Kargalgan.

"Ice Calvary!" Alard used his teigu. Quickly creating 1 thousand Ice soldiers.

"Charge!" Alard commanded. All thousand Ice Cavalry charging toward the Orc Guards.

*Slash! SLASH!

"Death Saucer!" Alard raised both his hand. Two energy disk forming in his hand. He threw both his disk.

*Slash! *Chop!

*Slice! *Slice!

Alard two Death saucer ripped apart bodies of Orcs into two, slicing there flesh, blood and bones.


Alard Susanoo sliced another Orc. When, Alard eyes soon began to bleed, forcing him to close his Susanoo.

He didn't needed to fear of going blind, because he had High-tier Regeneration. That healed his eyes, but he stil had to be careful with his Susanoo. Until, he acquires EMS.

"Vampire.. What are you doing with human?' when a Orc spoke, that was possessed by Kargalgan.


Alard immediately sliced the head of that Orc. When, another Orc spoke.

"Why are you siding with Huma—"



Alard kept on killing the High Orcs.

"Damn it! My mana.." Choi Jong-In grunted, feeling his mana getting low.


While, Cha Hae-In sliced a High Orc. She was breathing heavily.


"Ice Pillar!" Iseul was also tired out.

"I guess. I will end this game now." Alard exclaimed. All of his Ice Cavalry breaking, enhanced Alard energy.

"Ice Command-in-chief!" Alard shouted, drawing the energy from hi Ice Cavalry. Extremely chilly aura began to leak from Alard. When, soon the ground he stepped turned into ice. Slowly increasing, the entire ground began to froze.




Enitre Boss area was frozen. Alard killing all High Orcs, frozing them in the ice.

"Vampite…! You dare." Kargalgan shouted. He didn't expect the Vampire to posses such power. The entire Boos room was frozen.

"Haa.. Haa.." Cha Hae-In breathed cold air, checking her surrounding. She was terrified by Alard power.

'He posses the ability to froze a entire City with this single spell.' Cha Hae-In thought. While, Choi Jong-In didn't even have a word.

'Wasn't he a fighter? How can he cast such a powerful spell?! achoo!'

'Wow! Master is so powerful." were the thoughts of all Crown Hunters.

"Time to end this stupid game." Alard said, leavitating in the air.

"Twin Maximize Magic: Chain Dragon lighting." Alard shooted two dragon-shaped lighting toward Kargalgan.

"Hymn of Protection!" Kargalgan conjured a blue shield around him, blocking the lighting attack.

"Shukuchi Kai: Chidori!" Alard appeared infront of Kargalgan, his hand covered in lighting. He claws the shield, breaking it.

"Iron Fist!" He punched toward Kargalgan.

"Hymn of Protection!" Kargalgan again conjured a shield to protect him.

"Hymn of Giant!" Kargalgan body began to grow.

1.3 m

1.6 m

1.9 m

2.3 m

2.5 m

Kargalgan was now 2.5 m tall.

"Hymn of Fire Dragon!" Kargalgan morphed his hood into the shape of a dragon mouth, spitting a massive beam of fire from it's mouth.


"Death Beam" Alard extended his right arm and fired a small, thin, very fast concentrated laser-like beam.


Alard Death Beam teared down the fire beam of Kargalgan.

"Hymn of Protection!" conjuring a shield. Death pierced the Shield.



Alard death beam penetrated Kargalgan skull.

"Game over"


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