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Volleyball Dreams: A Horimiya Tale Volleyball Dreams: A Horimiya Tale original

Volleyball Dreams: A Horimiya Tale

Author: freshleaf

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: [1] A chance encounter

The warm summer sun filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room. It was morning, and the sound of birds chirping outside signaled the start of another day.

"Izumi-kun, rise and shine! It's 8 am!"

A boy with disheveled dark hair lay fast asleep in the room. Izumi Miyamura, of average height with a slim figure and pale skin, was noted for his striking appearance. He possessed deep blue eyes, long lashes, a slightly feminine-looking face, messy black hair that extended to his nape with parted bangs, and thin eyebrows.

"Mmm... Okay, okay, I'm getting up."

With that, Izumi reluctantly left his bed and headed to the bathroom to begin his morning routine. Despite his initial grogginess, he moved with a certain grace.

After finishing in the bathroom, Izumi dressed in casual attire suitable for a summer day. He made his way downstairs, joining his mother in the kitchen.

Iori Miyamura, a beautiful woman with long black hair tied in a side ponytail on the right and dark green eyes, turned her attention to her son. She had a certain elegance about her, a presence that made it clear where Izumi inherited his striking looks.

"Morning, Mom. Where's Dad?"

"Dad's already off to work. Seems like we have a mountain of orders today."

Izumi nodded and took a seat at the kitchen table, his appearance contrasting with his surroundings in its understated beauty. He had always preferred to blend into the background, an observer rather than a participant.

Iori, ever the caring mother, looked at her son with concern. "Izumi-Kun do you have any plans for the day?"

Izumi shrugged, his response a reflection of his typical solitude. "Not really, Mom. Just another lazy summer day."

She sighed softly. "You worry me, dear. Make sure you don't spend all your time alone."

Izumi reassured her, "I'm fine, Mom."

Iori changed the subject, "Have you finished your summer homework?"

Izumi nodded. "Yes, Mom. It's all done."

Satisfied, she smiled, but her expression turned more serious. "I'll be heading to our cake shop now. We will be returning around 1.30 for lunch, can you please pick up some groceries before that? Here's the money."

She handed him a small stack of yen notes.

"Sure thing, Mom. I'll take care of it."

After his mother left for the shop, Izumi retreated to his room, contemplating how to fill the hours ahead. He considered diving into video games or perhaps indulging in some shonen manga to pass the time.

After spending some time reading a light novel about thirty thousand Japanese players trapped in a game called 'Elder Tale,' Izumi checked the time, finding it to be around 9:30 am.

'Oh! It's 9:30 already; I should head out to complete the grocery shopping.'

Izumi gathered his resolve and readied himself to leave for the store, clutching the neatly written list of items his mother had provided. Among them were two particular vegetables that didn't quite appeal to his taste—okra and carrots.

'Okra and carrots again... Why does Mom insist on these? I've never liked okra's slimy texture, and carrots... they've always tasted too earthy for my liking.'

He sighed softly, realizing that his mother was trying to encourage healthier eating habits, but he couldn't help but feel a bit resentful of these particular vegetables.

With each step, he approached the grocery store, contemplating how best to select the freshest okra and carrots he could find. His errand felt like a small adventure in itself, a way to break the monotony of his otherwise uneventful summer days.

Izumi entered the grocery store, a place he had visited countless times before. The cool air inside offered a respite from the summer heat, and he grabbed a basket, preparing to tackle the shopping list.

As he strolled down the aisles, he couldn't help but overhear snippets of conversations among other shoppers. They discussed their plans for the day, the weather, and various topics of daily life.

Izumi, focused on his task, meandered through the store, picking out items and ticking them off his list. He reached the section where the vegetables were displayed and found himself staring at the pile of okra and carrots.

'Okra and carrots... Mom's insistence on these healthy options is never-ending.'

He carefully selected the vegetables, choosing the freshest ones he could find, and added them to his basket. As he moved on to the next aisle, he couldn't help but wonder if this errand would be the most eventful part of his day.

After finishing the selection of the groceries and checking out, he found himself outside the store with bags in hand. The warm summer sun filtered through the trees, casting dappled shadows on the sidewalk.

Izumi considered going straight home, but something in the distance caught his attention—a nearby park where laughter and excitement echoed. Curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to take a detour.

As he approached the park, he saw that the park had transformed into a lively arena of exhilaration. Laughter resonated, and the air buzzed with excitement as players of varying ages and backgrounds gathered around the makeshift volleyball court. It was a scene reminiscent of the fervor one would find in a sports anime.

The game was in full swing. Players soared through the air, their movements fluid and coordinated. Each spike was a testament to their prowess, and each save ignited cheers from the spectators.

"Did you see that spike? It was incredible!"

"Yeah, these players are on fire today!"

Izumi was drawn into this spectacle of skill and teamwork. It was as if he had stumbled into a real-life volleyball anime. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the court.

"This is amazing... I've never seen a live volleyball match before." Izumi wishpers to himself after being captivated by the plays

As he watched, a particular play unfolded at the adults court that left him in awe—a set so perfect it seemed like poetry in motion, followed by a spike that sent the ball soaring over the net. It was an artful dance of athletes working in unison.

As he watched the players execute these incredible moves, a thought crept into Izumi's mind. Maybe, just maybe, he could do it too. The perfection of that set, the grace of the spike—it ignited a spark of inspiration within him.

'Someday... maybe someday I could do something like that'

Unbeknownst to Izumi, a boy had been sprinting in his direction, his eyes glued to the game. The collision was inevitable, and the two of them stumbled, nearly causing Izumi to drop his groceries.

"I'm s-sorry."

The boy, sporting blonde hair that seemed to catch fire in the sunlight, quickly regained his balance, his smile undeterred.

"No problem! This game is just too exciting, right?"

As their eyes met, a camaraderie formed in that instant, sparked by their shared appreciation for the sport.

"I got distracted too. This game is just too exciting to ignore." said the blonde boy, his boy going back to the adults court

"I... um... yeah."

As the blonde boy and Izumi wer talking, some boys that were probably friends from the volleyball game noticed the blond boy and waved him over.

"Hey, you're back! We were just about to start another match."

"I was just getting ready to join in too."

The blonde boy turned to Izumi, his enthusiasm infectious,"Hey, I was just about to join the game. Want to, uh, play with us?" He invited Izumi to play alongside them.

Izumi, somewhat taken aback by the unexpected invitation, hesitated for a moment and awakardly said "I've never played volleyball before..."

The boy's eyes sparkled with encouragement,"No worries! It's easy to pick up. Come on, join us! It's gonna be fun"

Izumi's awkwardness became even more evident as he considered the offer, but curiosity to play got better of him and he agreed, "S-sure, why not?"

A smile of triumph spread across the boy's face as he introduced himself "Great! By the way, I'm Kohei, Tokura Kouhei— you can call me Kouhei! Nice to meet you."

Izumi, his initial awkwardness giving way to genuine curiosity, returned the gesture.

"I am Izumi. Miyamura Izumi. Likewise."

As they shook hands, the start of a newfound friendship was etched in the summer air—an encounter brought about by the love of the game.

And so, with an unfamiliar volleyball in hand, Izumi embarked on a journey that would not only introduce him to the world of sports but also set the stage for new adventures and lasting friendships.

freshleaf freshleaf

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