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Chapter 4: Cap 4

Are you enjoying the chapters or meh? I will write a few chapters to see what you think. If you have any suggestions, feel free to share them. I'm considering whether to do daily chapters or maybe release 2 or 3 chapters per week, depending on how much support the story gets and if I have free time to write.


After witnessing Steve's tremendous transformation from a slim young man to a tall, handsome adult with great muscles, who caused blushing and fainting in several women across various universes, we can see Steve, who was somewhat confused and tired. Scientist Juno and Howard Stark helped Steve to walk a bit to adjust to his new body. Everyone present was more than happy to see that the experiment worked, in addition to seeing the possible results in the army.

While everyone was celebrating the success of the experiment, a person among the high ranks caused an explosion, killing several people, but at the same time, he stole one of the serums and shot the scientist before escaping. He got into a vehicle and started to flee.

Agent Carter begins to pursue him while shooting to stop him but fails. Shortly after, the scientist dies, and now it seems that the spy is about to escape, but at that moment, Steve appears, still somewhat confused, but he runs to catch the spy.

One can notice the changes in his body, such as increased speed, jumping a bit higher than a normal person, and incredible endurance. He soon catches up and starts attacking the spy to stop him, but soon the spy exits the vehicle to shoot Steve.

Upon seeing the enemy's weapon, Steve grabs a car door as a shield to protect himself from the shots, but the spy, seeing that he can't kill him, decides to grab a child as a hostage, giving himself enough time to reach a submarine, his escape vehicle. Once in the water, the spy thinks he succeeded, but a hand breaks the submarine's hull. Steve pulls out the spy and returns him to the dock, but in the process, the last super soldier serum breaks. Steve tries to interrogate the spy, but he commits suicide with a cyanide pill.





"But what a movie and special effects."

"Yes, I agree, plus the transformation from that slim young man to a muscular man."

"Haha, I can imagine several women fainting at the sight of that figure."





"Hori, Hori, wake up. Souta, get some alcohol to wake up your sister."

"Yes, big brother, I'll be back soon."

"Hori, answer me, Hori."






"Okay, I didn't see that coming. That's a big change, I'd say."

"Too much, I would say."





'This reminds me of certain missions, well if we remove the part about the super soldier, but that's the job.'

"Dad, look, look, it's a spy, although he's an enemy."

"Calm down, Anya, we have to keep watching the movie."





"Bruuuuhg, argh, but what a movie. I wonder if I can go to that universe to get those gems."

"Rick, is it possible to go to a universe like that?"

"Morty, shut up, and everything is possible, so yes."





On the other hand, the high ranks of the Nazis gather because they are dissatisfied with not making great advances, but a colonel shows them the new weapon they have and tests it on one of them, disintegrating him immediately. Then he tells them that he is going to rebel against Hitler. Meanwhile, Howard Stark is investigating the enemy submarine but fails to understand this technology.

Then Steve asks his colonel to send him to the front lines in the war to face the enemies, but he refuses. So he meets with the senator who funded the super soldier serum and takes advantage of the situation to recruit Steve and promote him to the rank of captain to disguise him and use him for military propaganda.





"Hahaha, they made him stronger but ended up as propaganda, hahaha."

"But why do that???"

"Morty, everything in this life is related to money."

"Bruuuugh, how capitalist those people are."





Although the spectacle to raise money for the war looks very good for civilians, for the soldiers, they just laugh at this disguise and then throw stones at them. Later, Steve meets with Agent Carter, who reveals valuable information to him, and upon hearing the information, he recognizes a squadron number. He asks his colonel to go look for his friend and his men, but he barely does anything, so he takes advantage of everyone being distracted and goes himself to rescue his friend, with the help of Agent Carter and Howard Stark.

Meanwhile, Hydra is advancing in the construction of its army, and we see several workers who are prisoners working there. Later, Steve accidentally gets on a truck where there were Hydra soldiers, easily defeating them, and then manages to infiltrate their base discreetly. With a few blows, he makes his way to the workshop where he finds Hydra's new weapons.

He continues his path searching and soon finds the prisoners. When he frees them, he introduces himself as Captain America. The prisoners start to escape, but many die in the attempt. But soon the alarm goes off, but the prisoners don't lag behind, they stole a tank to make their way.





"Look, if they could steal a tank, why can't I?"

"Stop with the nonsense. Why do you want a tank anyway?"

"I don't know, but it would be cool to have one."





Soon Captain America finds Bucky alive, so he helps him out, and they are on their way to find the exit, but soon the factory starts to explode due to the self-destruction countdown activated by the enemy. Soon Captain America encounters the enemy boss, and a fight ensues where both sides are evenly matched, but the enemy decides to show his true face.





"How ugly."

"Put the mask back on."


"Ehhh, ugh."

"I know a good surgeon for that face."






The enemies manage to escape, but Captain America and Bucky look for a way to escape alive. The scene changes, and now we see the colonel starting to sign the document to declare Captain dead in battle. Soon the whole base is surprised to see him alive and with more soldiers. Although the senator tries to use his power for more political propaganda, the captain decides not to engage in this.

Soon we see Captain America arguing with the colonel about the next attacks, and the colonel gives Captain America enough power to choose his own squadron. He manages to have his squadron, and then he goes to visit Howard for help, but while waiting, he meets his secretary, who seduces him, and they start kissing, but then Agent Carter arrives, and she's not very happy, to say the least.





"It's all over now."

"Poor guy. We'll remember him, folks."

"F in the chat, friends."

"Nice to meet you, Captain."

"Son, if you do that, make sure your girlfriend doesn't see you."

"Huh, me???"






Next, Howard shows him his new equipment, but Steve sees a shield made of Vibranium alloy materials, which seems to be in perfect condition even after receiving several shots from Agent Carter. After this awkward situation, we can see Captain America, along with his squadron, destroying all Hydra bases until they reach the last one, but in the process, they fall into a trap. Being close, they had to catch the Hydra scientist, who was on a train, but it was an enemy trap, but they managed to escape alive except for Steve's best friend, Bucky, who fell off the train and died.

Steve decides to go to a bar to drown his sorrows for losing his best friend. After having a chat with Steve, Agent Carter boosts his spirits, and now more than ever, he decides to defeat Hydra once and for all. We can see Captain going straight to the base, managing to enter and defeat several enemies, but soon he is captured, and now facing the enemy leader, his true plan begins.

His squadron manages to enter the base and starts defeating the enemies. Then Steve goes out chasing the enemy leader throughout the base until they reach the hangar, where the enemy gets on a plane to escape. Steve tries to get on the plane but fails at first, but then his colonel arrives in a car with Agent Carter, and together they take him close to the plane, but before getting on the plane, he takes the opportunity to kiss Peggy.





"Ah, love."

"No, buddy, Vietnam flashback."

"I have a bad feeling that something will go very wrong."

"How romantic. I wish Goku were like that."

"Eh, me???"





Upon reaching the plane, he sees all the ships ready to bomb different places. He manages to prevent one plane from escaping and continues his way to defeat the enemy, but upon reaching the control area, he encounters him face to face, and the fight begins. They exchange several blows, and the fight is even, but the enemy uses his weapon upon seeing that he's losing the fight. Steve also uses his shield to disarm the enemy, but he hits the Tesseract, causing it to come out.

The enemy tries to fix the power source, but the Tesseract starts glowing and sends the enemy to an unknown place in the universe, and due to the heat it emits, the Tesseract falls from the ship, getting lost in the sea. Steve, seeing that his enemy is not there, goes to the controls to see how much time is left, but seeing that there isn't much time, he decides to contact the base where his allies are.

[Respond, I'm Captain Rogers, can anyone hear me?]

(Captain, you're... Steve, is it you? Are you okay?)

[Peggy, the enemy died.]

(And the plane?)

[Well, that's more difficult to explain.]

(Give me your coordinates, I'll look for you where you land.)

[I don't think there will be a safe landing, I'll try a forced one.]

(Eh, I'll call Howard for help.)

[It's too late. This is going too fast, and it's heading to New York.]

[I have to take it to the water. I'm halfway across the ocean, and if I wait too long, many people will die.]

[Peggy, it's my decision.]






(Here I am.)

[The dance will have to be another day.]

(U-Understood, the following Saturday at the Star Club.)


(At 8 o'clock sharp, don't be late, got it?)

[Remember, I still can't dance.]

(I'll teach you. I'll wait for you there.)

[I hope the band plays something slow, I would really hate it if...]

(Steve, Steve, Steve.)






All the people watching the video fell silent, no one spoke, many felt pity, sorrow, sadness, respect for Captain America Steve Rogers, who was a weak person who became a super soldier but showed appreciation for his comrades, the friendship he had with Bucky, who unfortunately died, and above all, saying goodbye to his love, promising her a dance once the war was over.





The war ended, and everyone was celebrating this event; everyone was happy. People could be seen running with happiness, but in a bar, there were some people who were sad. They were friends and comrades of Steve's squadron who paid their respects to the captain for his sacrifice. Soon the screen darkened; many thought that this was the end of Steve Rogers' story, but soon they began to hear the narration of a match.

The screen lit up again, and now a person was waking up little by little. Suddenly we can see the whole room and who that person was. It was Steve Rogers, who had just woken up, looking around but soon focusing on the radio where they were narrating a match. Then a beautiful lady arrives and greets Steve.

[Where are we, seriously?]

[I'm afraid I don't understand.]

[That game is from May '41; I know, I was there.]

[I'll ask you again, where are we?]

[Captain Rogers.]


Soldiers enter the room to arrest him, but they are sent flying by a blow from the captain, breaking one of the room's walls. Seeing the opportunity to escape and get information, Steve runs out of there. During his escape, he is pursued by several agents, but he manages to dodge them and soon leaves the building to start running through the streets of New York.

After running for a while, he begins to slow down and reaches the center of Manhattan but is confused to see everything around him. He doesn't know anything about this. Soon he is surrounded by several black cars and several people, but a voice is heard.

[Rest, soldier.]

[I'm very sorry for this show, but we just wanted to reveal it to you slowly.]

[Reveal what?]

[You've been asleep for almost 70 years.]




[You'll be okay.]

[Yes, yes.. only I... had a dance.]

And the screen darkened, then some words appeared on the screen.


Many people were excited to see this movie. Many liked seeing Steve's development, his fights, his friendships, but some felt sadness seeing him confused and sad for missing his love's dance. But before continuing with this silence, the screen lit up again showing the owner of this video.






[How are you, friends? I hope you are well and how did you like the story of Steve Rogers? When I saw it, I also got excited and loved it, an interesting and curious story, but well, here ends the video. If you liked it, give it a like and subscribe to the channel.]

[Now, the most important news since we started this video, let me tell you the following stories so that you have an idea of how much time this universe will take.]

Suddenly a list appeared with different names:

-Captain America (Complete)

-Iron Man


-Iron Man 2


-The Avengers

-Thor 2

-Captain America: The Winter Soldier

-Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and 2

-Avengers: Age of Ultron


-Civil War

-Doctor Strange

-Spider-Man 1

-Thor 3

-Black Panther

-Infinity War

-Ant-Man 2

-Infinity War 2

-Loki 1 and 2

[As you can see, there are quite a few stories. I hope you make room in your schedules to sit down and watch these incredible stories. Also, I'm 100% sure you won't get bored of these stories, so have a nice day and wait for the next video. Bye-bye.]


[Author: Finally, Cap finished. If you like it, support the story, and if you have any suggestions, you can tell me.]



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