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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Lovers quarrel

A vicious storm rages outside of our cave. The fog seeps through the entrance but it isn't enough to harm us. A dark eminence radiates from the green mist that engulfs the abyss and distant howls of various ghouls can be heard.

The three of us are gathered around a fire that Dior has made. She hasn't stopped glaring at the girl. The diver seems to be about our age. Not quite an adult but nearing the final ages of being a teen.

Her uniform is a thin, skin tight, purple outfit. She is shivering as she tries to dry herself by the fire. I'm not sure if it's the actual cold or the cold stare she is receiving that's causing her to shake so much.

Normally divers have immense pride, ordering us costals around like sheep. Stomping out our turfs and taking all that they desire to. I've always feared their menacing dark suits. Seeing them meant torment would follow.

Now, having to see such a vulnerable one right before us is close to amusing. We should use this opportunity to extract information from her. I approach her and sit in close proximity. Her large pearly eyes give me a nervous glance.

"How'd you stumble on us? Our holobands signaled that the battle between divers and ghouls in the area had ended hours ago."

She doesn't break eye contact. I can feel her judgment behind her glare. She doesn't feel like conversing with me. Even being in my presence annoys her.

"My pack and I were hunting down that ghoul. The narwhals possess a healing nectar in their brain gland. That ghoul was of S tier rank because of their cunning and sheer size. How did you stand a chance?"

"I'm not the one answering questions here. What happened to your pack? Are they tracking you?"

"Trade answers or I won't bother."

Dior taps her spear and the red glow that emanates from it competes with the fire's brightness. I'm sure she has her own set of questions about my abilities, but I can tell she's holding back, knowing that we are in an enemies company. Dior shakes her head at the diver and flips her off. The diver fidgets uncomfortably before responding.

"I was the only one that was able to stay on the ghoul, the other divers got lost or caught up with other abyssal horrors. The ghoul led me to our old battlefield and that's when I ran into you. The only thing they can track is my suit and that thing is shattered so you shouldn't have to worry."

We let the silence fill up the cave as we watch the flames from our fire. The warmth feels nice and we're all exhausted. I take off my top to ring out the water. Both of the girls stare at my markings. I ignore them and hold my shirt over the fire to dry out.

Occasionally we can hear the screams of ghouls and it reminds us of how temporary our safety is. Any moment, a ghoul could rampage our shelter.

Dior keeps glancing between the diver and me. I'm starting to get uncomfortable and I can sense that feeling from the diver too.

"What's your name?", I ask the diver. She seems surprised.

"Zara, but you can call me lord commander." Her tone is serious.

"You're an alphie? I expected someone… stronger to lead a pack of divers." Dior snickers.

They both share a hateful glare. I feel responsible to break the tension. We need to figure out what to do when morning comes.

"Don't take our courtesy for kindness. We know your kind intimately. You have ravaged our lands and trampled on our people for decades. You're no different to us than any other diver. Begging to be rescued was the only reason we let you live. When morning arrives and we let you go, don't you dare think of finding us. Forgetting this ever happened is your best course of action."

"Ha! I did not beg, and I am not a fool. I know that your girlfriend here made the mistake of turning back for you. That's the real reason why you chose to stay. Don't try to act tough now, you and I both know you resuscitated me. You don't have what it takes to kill a diver."

"Resuscitate? Titus Viktor, please tell me you did not save this bitch. You horny bastard, you really mouthed to mouth with this monster? She's a damn diver! Fuck waiting around, we ought to just kill her now." Dior makes her way over to Zara.

Zara bolts upright and brings up her fists in a fighting stance. They stand head to head, Dior just a tad bit shorter than Zara, each with a murderous glare in their eyes. 

Zara's heart rate is triple that of Dior's. Granted Dior has the comfort of holding a weapon, but something tells me Dior doesn't feel like she needs it to take on Zara. Her pride would force her to fight a fair fight.

That's exactly what happens. She tosses her weapon to me and I stand back, giving enough room for the fight that is about to commence. Sure, I have the power to stop this, but I sure as hell don't have the willpower to deal with Dior if I stood in her way.

That girl is a beast, not a force of nature that I want to oppose in any circumstance. It's best to let her actions run its course and deal with the repercussions later. Besides, I think she can handle herself against this diver.

Divers have a soft heart, without the harsh exterior protecting their delicate figures, they are just a fragile heap of flesh. The dwellers of the hellcoast are cut from a different cloth.

Even as Zara's taller and larger frame towers over Dior, the expression and demeanor of my childhood friend from the hellcoast orphanage, drips with confidence. This fight is as good as over.

Zara's first instinct is to grab Diors hair. She doesn't care. A split second later, Zara's nose explodes with her own blood as Dior's skull smashes into it. 

The two horns on her head leaves two indents on the divers cheeks, and she screams in utter horror. Dior laughs hysterically as Zara feels around her face to assess the damage. I should probably step in soon. I have no desire to kill her.

Dior sends a vicious punch to Zara's gut and bends her over. A kick to her ass follows that strike, causing Zara to face plant onto the fire. 

I quickly pull her out in an instant, fearful that the fire may have done irreparable damage. Even though her head touched the fire for less than a second, a searing scar is developing on her left cheek. Her nose is still busted and the two holes in her cheeks are leaking considerable amounts of blood.

Her tears mix in with the blood, making a horrifying sight. I give Dior a disappointed glance. That girl is crazy, I shouldn't have let her go so far. 

I understand her hatred for divers. They have killed her parents, and many other kids' families have experienced their own horrifying fates to that of divers; but I still don't agree with trading an eye for an eye.

With what we've done to Zara I doubt she'll forgive us. With her being an alphie, she is capable of commanding packs to invoke revenge on us. Choosing to not kill her now would be dangerous.

I'm both mad at myself and at Dior. How many mistakes led to this moment? I prop Zara against the wall as I ponder what my next course of action is.

"I know what you're thinking… Please don't kill me" She begs, the plea in her voice sends shivers down my spine, "The narwhals nectar… it can revert my wounds. It can be valuable to whatever community you guys reside in as well. Retrieve that and I'll forget this ever happened. I want to live. I have a lot to live for, I don't want to die over a petty lovers quarrel."

"For the record, Tits and I aren't dating. I don't see why we shouldn't kill you, you're a diver; that's enough of a reason, isn't it?" Dior looks to me for approval.

I shake my head. Zara is right. We can make things right with the nectar, and the good news is the ghoul is already dead. I just need to wait for the morning to retrieve it. 

A sudden mysterious prescience fills the cave. A shepherd stands at the entrance of our cave. His dark eerie lantern makes the light of our fire dim a few shades and the ghoul that he commands with his flute enters into the shadow of our flames.

The shepherd is short, wearing an ominous dark cloak that covers all but their eyes and horns. They are of the same breed of Dior, only in being born from hell and living among the abyss.

They have the ability to command ghouls with their instruments. A ghoul stands behind its dark silhouetted figure.

The ghoul lets out a low growl and the giant silhouette of it causes all three of us to back away in fear. I lock eyes with Dior, she's trembling with fear beside Zara.

Vanilla_Chino Vanilla_Chino

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