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Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - Waking up in a Home I Shouldn't Be In!

I slowly woke up, feeling my body resting on soft bedding of some kind. The bedding was nice and cool but as much as I wanted to sleep, the glaring sunlight pouring through the windows was starting to clear my mind up.

I shot up from my prone position as I remembered the last thing I saw and heard, 'I was outside the Hyoudou family house...If I were a betting boy I'd say I was outside the Hyoudou household...let's just hope I'm wrong...' I thought this as I took in the room. It was a plain room, with white walls, dark brown wooden floor and a desk next to the bed.

It seemed like it was definitely a guest room which helped me calm down about my earlier assumption on where I was. The Hyoudou house didn't have a guest room to my knowledge, so I dodged a bullet there.

Within seconds of me saying this, the door was opened to reveal a good-looking woman in her early 30's entered the room holding a tray with some food on it. I felt my heart get caught in my mouth as I saw her.

'Ohhh goddammit...That's Issei's mom...' the woman in question looked overjoyed at my awakening and rushed up to me and placed the tray on the desk next to me.

"Oh, it's so good that you're awake...When we found you passed out on our door, we truly didn't know what to think...but enough of that, who do I have to call so they can come pick you up?" she leaned in and looked at me with a gentle smile on her face.

I was still a bit stunned so I just blurted out my answer, "I don't have anyone to pick me up--" as soon as I realized what I said, I shut my mouth. I hoped I hadn't worried her but seeing her gaze, I knew I'd failed at that.

She looked troubled as she looked at me, "What do you mean you have no one to pick you up? Did you run away from your parents or something? If so, you better tell me where you live, so I can take you back! Your parents must be worried sick!" her reprimanding tone was very stern and I was wondering how Issei became such a pervert under her watchful eye.

Feeling awkward at her misunderstanding, I looked up at her before replying, "I don't mean it like that, Auntie...I mean it as in I don't have a family," I'd already said it, so I might as well go along with the flow. Maybe they can take me to the nearest orphanage and then I can escape?

While I was thinking, I didn't notice that the woman was holding back tears as she looked at me. Suddenly, she pulled me into her surprisingly well-endowed chest. She started to sob as she squeezed me tight.

While she was holding me like this, I couldn't help but think about why she was like this? It wasn't until I pieced some of the things together that a shocking realization hit me.

'Don't tell me that Issei wasn't born and it was the third miscarriage...? Holy shit...but why?' my theory was slowly becoming more and more feasible with the amount of sobbing the woman was doing.

Slowly, after a while, she separated herself from me and looked at me with red eyes, the stains of tears still on her cheeks. Like any normal person, I felt sympathy with her as I could guess why she was crying.

But nothing prepared me for what she said next.

" you wish to live with me and my husband?" her eyes shone as she looked at me with a smile that seemed both sad and expectant at the same time. On any other occasion if a seemingly random woman asked if I wanted to live with her, with the exceptions of the woman being single and incredibly hot, I would decline almost instantly.

But right now...seeing her red eyes, the lonely smile and the expectant look on her face, which was seemingly pleading for me to stay with her. All of this made me feel like if I turned her down, she'd either break down or she'd go a bit mental and not let me leave - not that she could stop me.

Even so, either way, was less than desirable for obvious reasons. So, I made a slightly rash decision.

I just looked at her and nodded my head in acceptance to her offer.

She instantly pulled me into a hug and started to laugh in a slightly manic manner but for now, I ignored it. Deep down I guess that I just wanted to make this lonely woman in front of me happy, the same way that sometimes you don't squash a bug, instead you pick it up and place it outside - it entirely depends on your mood.

My earlier concerns about being in the Hyoudou household was that Issei would be here and that I'd mess up the storyline somehow but if he's...dead, then I guess I can fill in, in his place. I kind of have a protagonist start to my journey anyway. I've met a God, gained powers from said God, I have a Sacred Gear and I also have Enhanced I have all the makings of a protagonist, right?

I inwardly chuckled at my thought before I returned my new Mother's hug. She seemed even more overjoyed by this but she soon stopped laughing before putting me at arm's length and speaking to me.

"It may seem a bit stupid, after me asking you to live with us and everything...but can you tell me what your name is sweetie?" her face was slightly red from her embarrassment but her gentle smile never left her face.

'Hmm, I guess 6ish years without Issei probably made her give up on a lot of stuff...then I arrived, so it makes sense that I'm the target of all the stored up motherly love she has. I am going to become her adopted son after all...' I realized I went on a bit of a mental tangent and quickly replied to my mother, "My name's Takuya...I don't have a surname..." my voice sounded a bit nervous for some reason but I shook it off.

Mom smiled at me before gently stroking my hair, "That's okay, from now on you'll be Takuya Hyoudou," she went to stand up but remembered something, "Ah! And we'll have to go and sort out all the legal things...But you just rest! I'll go and tell your father the good news!" after saying this she rushed off.

I collapsed back into the bed, 'What have I done...made myself a lot of trouble and for what? Pleasing some random lady...' I looked into the sky feeling slightly annoyed at myself but I remembered her face when she asked me, '...I guess it's okay. Not like it's gonna limit me too much, all I have to do is go to school from now on--Maybe I'll even meet Irina! I guess I've gotta look at the good things in life, right?'

Thinking about how to get closer to the potential hot girls of the world, I didn't notice the genuinely happy smile on my face when I remembered how happy I'd made that woman, no, how happy I'd made my mom.

I guess even as a Werewolf, Humans are social creatures...maybe being a Werewolf enhances that, them being pack animals and all.

Before I could do any more thinking, I heard two pairs of footsteps barreling up the stairs, 'Hmm, having enhanced senses is actually pretty fun...I'll have to train them further at some point...' after thinking this, I smiled at the entrance of my new mother and father.

Lazyy Lazyy

I never really liked Issei - too much perversion and not enough action from him - so I had to remove him from the world...I also removed him so Takuya could get more involved with the story~

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them~

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