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Chapter 27: Epilogue 3

After revealing about our breakthrough that day, me and Raghav were showered with praises. Uncle and aunty said that they're extremely grateful towards me. They completely forgot about my tattoo.

After leaving Raghav's house by the evening, I returned back home.

I told my mom I was on a camping trip with Raghav, so she didn't find anything unusual about me. But my stupid sister did annoy me to tell her all about the trip.

"Are you telling the truth?", Principal Gupta asked.

I nodded in response.

Currently, I was at the principal's office, discussing about my early graduation.

Since I am already a mid-tier, I didn't need to stay at school and can apply for an early graduation. Raghav would also do the same but he didn't come today, saying he was too tired.

"Impressive. So, you took a leave from school last four day for this breakthrough, Huh?", principal Gupta analysed.

I didn't tell him about dhwarka or any of that stuff. This was Asi's advice

While I am extremely grateful to the principa, I decided to put my faith in Asi.

"I will handle your graduation. I would even recommend you to IIMR, Mumbai, as well", Principal Gupta said and I couldn't help but feel extremely grateful towards him.

IIMR, short for Indian institute for Magic and Research, is one of the three sister universities under the government, located in Mumbai.

The other two universities are at Delhi, and kolkata.

As for IIMR, Mumbai, since it's close to The border, students are known to hunt in the wild area quite often. Meaning, while in terms of resources, iimr,  Delhi comes on top, in top of combat proficient students, Mumbai takes the win.




Thanking the principal, I walked out of the office and was on my way back home. It was already past noon

Since I had no attachment to my classroom, other than my two friends, who are both not at school, I didn't plan on staying.

As I reChed the main gate, I saw someone standing there.

Her long white hair was tied in ponytail, she wore a black crop top and a knee length jean skirt which suited her looks perfectly.

Is it because this world is connected to a novel that the most girls that come by are extremely beautiful?

"Were you waiting for me?", I asked her.

Akansha walked up-to me with her usual expressionless face. But after she reached me, a sharp pain jolted up from my shin.

"Aouuuuuu! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!", I yelled at her, feeling wronged.

"Oh, I am sorry. My leg slipped", she said with a not so sorry face.

"At least try to come up with a better lie"

"Why should I?"

"Did I make you mad?", I asked.

"Did you?", she returned my question with another question.

God, why are girls so confusing.

"Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the trip?"

"Oh, what trip do you mean?", she asked me with a hollow voice.

This is gonna be tiresome.






In the end, I had to accompany the princess the whole day as an apology. She made me take her for shopping and a few dessert shops. I feel like we entered every shop in Ahemdabad

For a girl who doesn't show too much expression, she sure loves shopping. Each of my bands filled up with six shopping bags each. And damn, they're heavy.

Also, I knew she was a sweet tooth, but Who the heck skips lunch for ice cream?!

"So, you two actually broke through?!", her face showed an expression of surprise, while taking a bite off her ice cream as we walked down the street. It was quite cute for a girl who doesn't show emotion to finally show some.

I told her about moving to Mumbai and about my breakthrough.

"Yeah", I said, "nearly died in the process though"

"What do you mean?"

"I almost got roasted while he almost got chopped to peices", I said bluntly while taking a bite from my cone she held out for me.

"Where exactly did you guys go for a camping trip? It sounds way too deadly for camping"

"We-", I wanted to tell her about dwarka but I felt a sudden jolt in my back.

Asi was denying my idea.

"- can't tell you. Sorry", I said apologetically.

She didn't say anything, just continued eating her ice cream.

I did the same, except it was quite difficult to eat when she was the one holding in to the cone.

"Let's go to your place. I haven't met aunty in while", Alabama said

"OH yeah, Ananya told me you weren't going to school last two days.  Why?", I asked.

"I am about to breakthrough", she said.

"That grea-", I was about o congratulate her but seeing her serious expression, I felt like something was wrong.

"What wrong?", I asked.

"is your hands sour?"

"Try holding on to 12 shopping bags for 2 hours continuously"

"You didn't complain"

"As if you'd bother listening to me complaining", I retorted.

"Let's sit by that bench", she said, pointing at a bench nearby.

I placed the bags on the ground, and sat down. Akansha sat beside me.

Wanting to mess with her a bit, laid down with the back if my head resting on her lap while her my legs stretched straight along the bench.

"...What do you think you're down?", she asked.

"You've been a slave driver all day. The least you can do is offer your lap, Princess. Not everyone are heat resistant like you", I said. Not gonna lie, after walking in this heat, lying her her cool lap was quite relaxing.

By now, the time was already close to 6pm and the sky started turning red slowly.

"This is so relaxing..",I muttered.

Then I felt a palm rest on my hair. It was ruffling up my hair, by the I could feel the cool sensation seep into my scalp. My head was cooling down slowly and it was too good.

I might actually fall asleep.

"So, about your breakthrough", I asked, realising that I almost forgot about that part

"...", she waited for a bit, was she expecting me to fall asleep? "I can breakthrough anytime I want. With my innate talent, I don't need too much resources as well"


"But, I could feel the elemental concentration around me to increase extremely high. It feels like if I break through, all the ice element would rush into me and I won't be able to control it", I said.

"...", I didn't speak. I don't know what to tell her. I didn't have the courage to encourage her to take the risk nor did I have the courage to discourage her.

After almost dying in the sea, I started seeing this world differently. I realized I didnt have everything under control as I imagined. I started seeing my own life more preciously because, I might really die.

With this fear already settling inside me, I didn't want anyone close to me die as well.

"...What will you do then?", I asked her.

She stared at me for a bit. Was she hoping for a different reply?

Was she hoping for an encouragement?

Or did she want me to discourage her?

I am sorry for being a coward.

"...I am going to Delhi", she spoke up. "My teacher said he'll help me breakthrough after I reach there"

"You have a teacher?", I asked. This was the first time I ever heard this.

"Who's he?"

"Can't tell you. Maybe come visit me in Delhi and I might tell you", she said.

"We have a deal", I said with a grin

She replied with a smile. This was the first time she smiled whole day. Was I secretly hoping for to smile? Because I was delight see it

"Now get up, or I will push you down", she said, withdrawing her hand.

"Yes Ma'am", I replied and got up.

Next destination was home.





Taking a taxi , we reached my place in 10 minutes. The sun was already gone but the darkness of the night hasn't arrived yet.

I walked up to the door and opened it. The lights were off. Was mom not home? She would have switched the lights on.


The lights came back on along with exclamations.

I was genuinely surprised. Especially after seeing that my house was decorated, and the faces of the seven people standing in front of me.

Two were Raghav and Ananya.

But the rest were the faces I havent seen in a long time.

My friends from Middle school.

Akhil, Varun, Dileep, Divya and Meera.

These were the faces I wasn't expecting to see. I has been a too long.

"You son of a -, why did you just disappeared like that", Varun didn't finish his curse but when he walked up to me, he punched me in the gut. Not that it hurt me.

"Godamn, what are you hiding under those clothes?! My fist hurt", Varun asked in shock. He was the guy among us with the best build. He was quite active in sports too.

"Next time, don't try punching a mage", I bragged with a grin while flexing my muscles.

By now, Dileep and Akhil wrapped their arms around my neck and pulled me down, ruffling my hair.

"And what's with this hair and scar?", Akhil the goofeball asked, laughing. "Did you get your Ass kicked by a demon beast?"

"You wish. I am quite strong. The strongest in my school", I continued to brag.

"uhmm" a cough came from my back. It was Akansha. "Aren't you bragging a lot for a number two?"

"You're talking to a mid-tier, Akansha. Show some respect", but Raghav walked up to cover me.

I glanced back Akansha to see what she would do.

All she did though, was smile at Raghav. She said nothing, just smiled.

But it was enough to make Raghav take a few steps back.

"You guys can discuss about the magic business later", Divya said.

"For now, let's celebrate!"





The celebration began with cake cutting, then we proceeded with drinks and other snacks. Then the photo shoots.

The music was playing, and we all sat around the dinning table for a chat.

My face was covered with cake and they won't even allow me to wash it off. Calling it my punishment for ghosting on them.

"Can't you give the birthday boy a break from the punishment?", I asked.

"NO", the five of them denied instantly.

"...Anyways, how did you plan all this? From what I heard, most of you guys moved away"

While I didn't contact them, I did check on my friends. But I found out they all moved away during the time I was training and I had no way to contact.

"We were still in Gujarat. At least, five of us are. Two days ago, Ananya called us and said she wanted to throw you a party", Meera said.

"And today morning, we arrived in Amhedabad. From there, this guy", Dileep pointing at Raghav, "picked us up"

"And I asked Akansha di (Di means big sister) to keep you busy. Also, I was the one who planned all this. So consider yourself lucky", Ananya bragged while sitting next to me.

I pinched her nose, "Thank you sis"

"Hey let go, idiot. It hurt!"  she slapped my hand off.

"So, that's why you've been waiting outside school?", I asked Akansha.

"That, and to kick your shin"

"I thought you said your leg slipped", I raised an eyebrow.

"That was a lie. Are you that dumb to not notice?"

This caused everyone but the two of us to burst out laughing.

"Akansha, you might be the only guy who could keep up with him in a battle of words", Meera laughed.

Akhil wanted to say something too, but his mouth was too full.

"So, you guys are both classmates?", Varun asked.


"But what about your other friends from highschool?", Dileep asked. "Since you're the two top ranking in school, I am sure you would have more friends right?"

I laughed out loud after hearing this.

"Brother has a bad reputation around school", Ananya said.

"Did he cause an explosion at the laboratory again?", Divya asked.

"Are did you break all the equipments at school again?", Akhil asked, while still chewing his food

"Or did fall from a tree on his First day?", Meera asked.

"Or did he-"

"Guys, Cmon it's none of those! All the students at school have some rich backers. So they think u cheated when I reached the top", I said.

If I didn't stop them now, they would lay down my while history bare.

"And he beat up a few of his classmates", Raghav said. "They asked for it though"

"Again?!", the five of my friends exclaimed in unison

"He did that before?", Akansha asked.

"If there is a fight involving our class, you can bet your money Ashwin would be involved", Varun said.

"Even the teachers would look for Ashwin first if they are informed of a school fight", Dileep supported

"He was quite the trouble maker"

"That's an understatement"

"Hey, those guys started it. I was just defending myself", I said in my defense.

"And did he really fall from a tree in his first day of school?", Raghav asked.

"You bet"

"Anyways, where is mom?", I asked, desperate to change the subject.

"Oh, She's at Karan's place. Although Karan couldn't make it, he asked his mom to invite Seema Aunty. She would arrive tomorrow", Divya said.

These guys planned it all up in two days?

"And what is he doing?", I enquired about Karan.

Hearing this, all five of them glanced at each other.

"Karan moved to Pune", Divya said. She was hesitating about something.

"He moved after he awakened his sound element", Akhil said. He stopped eating. Something's not right

"Guys what's wrong?"

"You see, about Karan is that, um , you remember Sanjana?"


Karan Shastri was also among my friends from middle school. His mother and mine are collegues. So, I was closer to him that my other friends.

I feel like a jerk for not keeping in touch with him though. Well, it was during the time when I was habing hard time accepting my reality.

Anyways, Sanjana Aurora was his childhood sweetheart and my friend. Although they liked each other, they never told the other. We used to tease him a lot about that. Well, it was just a joke of the past now.

"You know how her family is biggest sound element family in the country right?", Meera asked.

They were? I didn't know that? From what I remember, Sanjana was from a humble background. She was well off but not like this. They were a family if musicians

Did something change?

"So, at the end of our middle school, her family found out about them", Divya continued, "Although they weren't a couple or anything, Sanjana's Father didn't want Karan anywhere near her. So after graduation, she moved to Delhi, where there main business was"

All of this is news to me. In my original world, how family had no problems with us being friends with her. Shit, this is messed up.

"After this, Ashwin was too depressed. He stopped playing his flute all together!", Akhil exclaimed 


Karan loves playing his flute. It was a gift from his late father who made it all by hand himself. He and his flute were inseparable. And he plays it beautifully. I still remember how many girls in school had a crush on him.

But dude only had eyes for his flute. And only person who was able to take his eyes off his precious flute was her.


Sanjana was an expert with any instrument. And she had a serene voice. Sounds too filmy but it was their passion for music that brought the two together.

So for a guy like him to be so depressed that he gave up his flute...

"....then, what happened?", it was Raghav who asked.

"He moved to Pune with his uncle. But we never got to contact him at all", Varun said.

We all glanced down. It was sad. I am honestly dissapointed at myself for not being there for him.

It reminded me again, how real this world around me is.

"Me and Raghav are moving to Mumbai soon. So I will check up on him" I said

"You are?!"

"we are?!"


Thank you guys for reading.

Volume 2 will start soon

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