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Chapter 120: The Talk (1)

Dave and Greg were recalling their good old days together while Ivee listened to them with great interest. Greg always preferred to entertain his visitors at his yard. He had purposely erected two pairs of bamboo benches facing each other with an antique wooden center table. Ivee helped themselves with the pitcher of spring water which was set before them. She was so entertained by how these two old glassmates recall their younger days in the jungle. Dave being out to chase out rebels while Greg was out working his own land. Ivee contended herself listening and staring at them back and forth smiling every now and then.

Mrs. Law arrived more than an hour since Greg sent his daughter to call her back. She wore rugged farming clothes with a wide brimmed hat over a brown cotton shawl covering her head revealing only her face. She wore long black rubber boots that she almost looked like a cowgirl from a distance. She came and stood behind her husband as she smiled at the old couple opposite them. Greg did not do much introduction since they've known each other before. Mrs. Law excused herself to make herself more presentable before she could join them.

About an hour passed, Mark and Fem arrived. The two pair of couples turned their heads to them when they were approaching the yard. Dave saw that his grandson was all smiles and looked so in love while his soon to be grand daughter-in-law looked nervous and smiled shyly. Although she was smiling, there was an evidence of mixed emotion from the way she projected her smiles.

"Fem, my child, get inside first." Greg excused himself and his wife from his visitors and called his daughter to the main house upon seeing Mark settled beside his grandparents.

"Excuse us for a moment, we need time private with our daughter first." Greg told the three puzzled visitors. He saw their confusion but ignored them. He doesn't need to explain anything to them. He just needed to explain things to his precious daughter.

The three Arevalos stared at each other in silent suspicion while the three Laws walked away to the main house. The main door shut before their ears. Nobody knew what Greg had in mind.

Inside the mainhouse, The Law couple sat beside each other with their daughter sitting opposite them. Greg wanted to hug his daughter but he restrained himself for fear of revealing his weakness. He didn't want his children to see him cry. If he had the power to hold time, he would not let his children go yet... specially his female replica daughter. He didn't feel like this before when his second daughter got married. It's quite strange a feeling that he actually feel helpless now. He kept silent as he thought of the right words to phrase his thoughts.

Seeing her other half silent and feeling emotional, Mrs. Law did the talking. She spelled all the thoughts that her husband was thinking. Apologizing for all the tough disciplines and hard life they have, not having told her about their arranged plan with Stanley's parents, how they agreed with Mark about this development in her share of land and lastly, how they agreed with the date of her wedding without her consent.

Mrs. Law is a sensible and understanding woman. She is also very smart to catch the situation and always found the right words to say. This time, she made sure her daughter understood their intention and the reason behind all these decisions. She gave some of her basic principles and some personal advise to her daughter as to how it is to be a good wife and a good mother. Fem nodded as tears streamed down her cheeks gushing down like her eyes were a dam opened of its spillway. They were not tears of remorse or ill feelings but they were tears of gratefulness and respect to how her parents prepared her for life. It was indeed a tough life since childhood but through it all, her parents never broke their vow as a couple and raised more than a dozen kids healthy and strong. That's why they needed to be tough.

After crying out her emotions, Fem looked at her parents and smiled shyly. Her eyes revealed gratefulness to her parents which they saw and felt teary as well. Fem then wiped her nose and rose up from her seat to give them a hug. It was her first time feeling the hug of her father. It was so wonderful, comforting and encouraging that she wanted to stay there forever! How she wished she did a lot of that before! She couldn't remember any other time her father gave her a father's hug. Her mother on the other hand smiled as they hugged each other. Some time ago, Fem appeased her mother's anger with a hug after having said a joke that had a double meaning. It was her way of saying sorry. She also does some occasional hugging especially on mother's day.

"Remember what your mother told you. Do your best to serve and help your husband. You are his source of strength and encouragement as your mother is the source of mine. He needs you to be strong specially that he is from a prominent family and his job requires public services. Don't just do things selfishly. You have to think the impact of your actions and decisions to your family.....

No matter how tired men are from work, all they look forward is to go home and feel the warmth of their home." Greg admonished his daughter giving her some hints of how they maintained a good marriage and family.

Fem nodded. She understood everything and her mind even went way beyond what they said. She imagined the countless times during the younger years when they have nothing to eat due to the typhoons that hit and destroyed all their crops, how her parents evenly distributed the food to each of their children while their mother watched them eat. How her mother shielded them from the flaring anger of her father when he lost his temper vending his frustration to his children. That was how they raised their family. It was not at all ideal but they were together in raising and in disciplining their children. Overall, compared to other families with linient parents, Fem could see that her father's family was well respected by neighbors and wherever she hears her father's name mentioned, there was some tone of respect and reverie coupled to it. Fem continued to nod as all these thoughts came to her mind. After all, they did the best of their abilities to raise their children. They never spoke about their tears and hardships but the evidences are seen through the fruits of their hard labor. When all was done yet was left unsaid, it is only the evidence that can speak for itself.

"We're telling you this because you have the tendency to be as strong willed as I am. It should be fine if you were a man, but you are about to be the wife of a prominent man. Please don't disappoint me, my child. I did not fail to discipline you, did I?" Greg said solemnly.

Fem burst out crying again. She could not utter a single coherent word as she recalled all the beatings and scolds she earned from her father during her childhood. Who would have thought that those were his expressions of love so that his children will grow up to be good people? How tough was that love! It now dawned to Fem that her father must have developed a strong self restraint not to be soft hearted. It was right for him to be tough because his wife perfectly complemented him with her patience, understanding, and sensible spirit.

Finally managing to stop her tears, all Fem could do was to nod and smile as she wiped her eyes and cheeks. "Thank you Papa, Mama for all your love and effort in raising me up. I will remember everything you've said." Fem bowed her head wiping the last tiny droplet of tear from her eyes.

"Okay, that's enough child. We need to talk to them. You can speak up your mind if you need to." Greg stood up followed by his wife. Before Mrs. Law went out, she turned to her daughter and reminded her to go and freshen up first.


The six of them faced each other. Mark sat with his grandparents while Greg let Fem in between him and his wife. He crossed his long legs and draped his left hand on the bamboo bench behind his daughter's back.

Mark observed how Greg treated his daughter. His keen eyes saw either unwillingness to let go of his daughter, or sending message to them that his daughter is precious to him.

"My daughter was not okay with the date you have set. Why did you choose such date by the way?" Greg spoke up after Dave spoke of the sponsors he has contacted. Mostly were his close comrades in the Army.

"I think I just decided that out of eagerness. I thought it was best to have a wedding in the new year. Im just as excited as my grandson,you see?" Dave let out an embarrassed smile.

Fem smiled as she looked at the handsome stoic old man's ears go reddish.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Sorry for asking you that, but I give my daughter the right to decide her wedding day. After all, it's her big day." Greg patted his daughter's shoulder then went on to whisper something to his wife across the back of his daughter. Mrs. Law nodded and slowly left while Fem contemplated on what to say.

Of course, she considered everything. Her man's need, her job, the compromise Dave made with his comrades her plan to apply for a job, the preparation for the wedding...All these things came rushing to her mind. She decided to move the date a little farther to give her enough time to do atleast the most urgent ones,since she could not do it this time when most government offices are on Christmas break.

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