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Chapter 2: I take back what I said about my life now!

For three days Ophis lived with me, fortunately no one suspected that she was with me. But there is one other problem, my finances! Ophis did not need to eat but she liked sweets, some kind of chocolate.

I remember that in the wiki, Azazel are the one who give Ophis chocolate, so she became interested and liked the sweets. Makes me have to buy it and limit it as much as 3 days. I mean, money for my food needs is sometimes lacking, which makes me have to reduce my meals from three times a day to twice a day.

It can only make me sigh. I'm not Touma or the main character of the harem who has so much money that he can support other people besides himself. I'm just an ordinary young man aged 22 years who is being a student, this really sucks.

For these three days, I didn't find any strange signs around me. It made me feel relieved and at the same time felt strange, but in that short amount of time I also didn't forget to do magic training from Ophis.

Ophis's training cannot be underestimated. It really makes a young man like me who is bad in sports or other feels in hell. Her training including physical as well, not only training in magic and mental, really made a home child like me overwhelmed.

But yes, that is also from my request, because most magic users are poor in close combat and their stamina is also very low. Ophis also turned out to be able to do martial arts, it made me surprised because she felt out of character, but I guess it's fine even though I have to find a coach who is more suitable for me.

If you ask where we can practice? Ophis took me to the Dimensional Gap... using my Kaleidoscope magic but luckily I didn't die there. From what I know, humans or creatures that are not strong enough to withstand the current Dimensional Gap will disappear without trace... which means to die.

I wondered if it's because I had the power of snakes from Ophis and Kaleidoscope? I don't know, maybe it's also because of luck but hey, I'm not Ultimate Luckster like Naegi Makoto, but just an ordinary person.

Because of that, as long as I want to practice, we are always in the Dimensional Gap and I don't have time to take care of the storyline and meet Issei and co. Besides, all I need is Ophis if it's in DxD, because she my number one waifu!

But yes, the training is really tiring and it seems like I have to go through the Training from Hell and Instant Expert trope? Maybe, I mean... Training from Hell means that without pain nothing can be achieved, it must go through many painful things first to be great in a short time. Like what I'm doing for a few days, that is training with Ophis in the Dimensional Gap and yes... it turns out that I was almost burned by Great Red if it's not protected by Ophis.

Really sad. How weak I am. I don't even know in DxD what volume is it now, is it before volume one? If that is true, then... cliché and mainstream. But it's okay, Issei also didn't target Ophis as his harem and Ishibumi also had to throw away the thought of making it part of Issei's harem.

Again, for three days it really felt peaceful, there was only me, Ophis and my daily life. Now is Saturday, where should I have a class but because the lecturer said it was a holiday, then you could say I got a two-day holiday, which is Saturday and Sunday.


And also, I just realized that my body felt an increase. Somehow but that's how I felt, if the human level maybe I was still middle-class because I did hell training for just three days, so I guess that's a natural thing.

"I hope there is a rain of money or a money tree that suddenly exists and I can take it..."

As if that exist.

My finances are running low but I don't dare to owe my friend, let alone ask my parents for more. So yes, I was forced to save again and only allow Ophis to get chocolate for 3 days.

Regarding Ophis's existence, people around me couldn't see or hear it. She even sometimes spoke by telepathy with me when outside when crowded and there were people around. That's really a smart way.

Right now I'm walking out, trying to buy food with Ophis beside me. Today's time? Still during the day, a time for me to have a lunch that might not be so fancy. I only ate in an area that was a bit far from my boarding room, because I was eyeing cheap and filling food!

Yep, the streets are not so crowded and not so quiet. The conditions are very steady, truly a peaceful day. I hope these days will last long—


—But it seems like God doesn't allow that to me.

The loud voice surprised many people, they were curious and approached that. Clouds of smoke that much make what falls to be invisible, but over time the smoke had disappeared and replaces the figure of something.

With a body like a human and scales that look hard, has a jet-black appearance of monsters and also horns on the nose and two horns on its head, has fangs and claws that are so sharp, eyes sharp and so horrible like a dragon, he roars with so loud as he began to attack the people around him with his claws.

People panicked, they immediately ran scattered and shouted for help. Some even asked for police assistance by calling him, but unlucky... he... his body was scattered. The movement of the creature was so fast, it even surprised me because around me it had become like the gore films I knew.

That made me vomit, because I couldn't stand the scene I saw.

W-What is this... mass murder? They are all... easily... this...

Trying to recover while putting on a look of disbelief, the creature is still chasing and killing the people around him. Even I could hear a police car siren even though it was a bit far away, my legs trembled and couldn't move, making me only look at it.

These body organs... intestines and others... scattered on the road.

This makes me distrustful. I really don't want to believe this but... the facts that appear in front of me cannot be denied. This is the reality I must see, making me wonder... is this because of my desire? But—

—It's not my fault! I don't even know that my desire is real! Right, this is not my fault... really...

"Don't move!"

I was shocked, saw several policemen aiming the gun at the creature. They are confused, scared and aware of what they are facing right now. One of the policemen approached me.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and run to a safe place!"

"What is that? What creature… is that?!

Hearing the voices of the police and the car siren, the creature looked away and looked at them all. He roared, let out a roar that was so loud and made everyone cover his ears, then in an instant... their bodies scattered.

Blood... heart... intestines... other organs... all these things scattered.


Cries of fear and surprise. That's what I took out. This is the first time I can emit that after a few years ago. My legs trembled again, hiding behind the fence of a shop near me.

My hands and face got blood from the bodies of the policemen.

In my mind, I know that I have to fight. That's why I practiced with Ophis. For this reason, I asked for power from Ophis's snake. But... can I do it? Fighting creatures with this incredible speed and attack power? I... I'm afraid to die.

Don't want! Don't want to, don't want to, don't want to, don't want to! I don't want to die!

As if he had finished consuming his prey, the creature now looked at me. That made my heart stop beating, but a moment later, my heart beat was fast and hard. The fear of death when the fight keeps me moving my body.

"A... Ah...!"

I can't even get out and speak properly. My hands trembled, so did my legs. He walked slowly, approaching me as if I were a dessert for him. I can see there are some people who are scared, crying and others.

When I was about to move my fingers, suddenly—


—My body was thrown away. It was as if I had a hard hit. Makes me fall, my body gets hurt. Blood comes out of my mouth, so does my body. But what surprised me the most was... my body, I could see my organs.

My intestine... guuuh... why is this... gaah...!


This is not possible…! I… I…! I can't just die...!

"I... still don't want to... die!"

"Good thinking, My Overlord."

Suddenly, a voice was heard by me. A voice that is not so strange, the voice of someone who is now standing in front of me. I could see he was holding a book, making the creature who had attacked me stop attacking.

"Wh... who...?"

I can't see his figure so clearly. My eyes blurred. My eyes... my body... this makes me more in pain. This pain, so painful. Ophis alone never made me sick like this.

"Such a lowly creature, how dare you hurt the King!"

Snarling, the creature immediately attacked the figure and quickly deflected it until it made the creature be repelled. He... protects me...? Who is he…?

"My King, I will finish this, you... can rest. Please take care of him, Ouroboros."

What do you mean ... take care of me... Ophis? I don't know…

After that, my view became increasingly blurred. Dark, it seems like I... fainted.

Ah... uuh...

Slowly my eyes opened, made me realize. Looks like I fainted and was in my room. I can see Ophis and... who—

"Looks like you are awake, milord."

It made my eyes widen, heard the words that's so familiar. Especially after my view has returned to normal. I can see who that person is and it turns out—


He smiled his friendly smile, then nodded at me.

"Right, my king. It seems you already know me."

Already know you... how not because...

"Because you're—"

"—Fiction characters, is that what you mean?"

I paused to hear his words. It made me speechless and also confused. I really don't understand it. Why could Woz, the Mysterious Prophet of Kamen Rider Zi-O and subordinates of Zi-O aka Tokiwa Sougo... be here...

Is... besides my waifus, there are other fictional characters that will... exist in this world and also... why does he know that he is a fictional character... it's really... weird.

"Wait! Why do you call me my king and My Overlord? Isn't Zi-O your king?"

Right. Why did he call me my king and also the My Overlord? I'm not Zi-O or Ohma Zi-O. I don't dream of becoming a king like Sougo, I even doubt that I meet Geiz and Tsukuyomi.

"For that problem... I'm not wrong. Indeed I am a fictional character who is a subordinate of a man named Tokiwa Sougo and Kamen Rider Zi-O, but my arrival and calling you like that, is not wrong."

Is it true…? I... don't really believe it.

"But... I'm not destined to become king in 2068, right? I mean... will there be Another Rider? Do I have to fight them and mess up their story?"

"Right. Indeed you will not fight Another Rider but your opponent is something else."

Something else?

"What is that?"

His smile widened, as if happy to hear my question. Opening the book, he answered my words while standing up.

"Your opponent is Anomaly. Monsters that's disturb the space-time dimension and the Multiverse."

Anomaly... heh, a name that isn't creative, serious.

But, this really deviated from the theme of Kamen Rider Zi-O. If Zi-O's opponent is Another Rider, then my opponent is Anomaly? What is that, is this really some sort of orifict? Not about time anymore but... dimensions, serious? That should be the theme of Decade.

But there is one thing that makes me curious, why can I be bare-chested and my wound... been healed ?!How is it possible... or—

I turned to Ophis, as if I understood what I meant, she nodded at me and made me understand. It turned out that she was the one who healed me, meaning that then the Anomaly, who was fighting was...

My gaze turned to Woz and looked at him.

"Woz... the Anomaly... are you the one who fight it?"

"That's right, my king. I am the one who fight the Anomaly."

"I see... that means—"

"—he still not die."


That makes me confused. What he mean that is not dead... what is it?

"I mean...? You have fought and killed him, haven't you?"

But he shook his head and closed his forecast book. Putting on his poker face while answering to me in a rather disappointed tone.

"Unfortunately not, my king. I can't kill him."

"Hah? Why…? Then he ..!"

"Indeed. All I do is block and make it weak. I am sure, he will come back and do that again. For now, the attack from him has stopped."

So... that creature will kill someone again? He was not killed by Woz, but how was that possible? From what I know, he must be strong until he can block and attack behind Another Fourze in Kamen Rider Zi-O.


"... I have to fight it?"

"That's right, my king! Only you can do it! This Anomaly can't even be defeated by the Ouroboros."

I immediately turned to Ophis, who gave me a soft nod. That surprised me. I mean, really...? This kind of cliché? Seriously?

No kidding. I just trembled in fear, silence did nothing to make me almost killed by him! How could I deal with it!

"That doesn't make sense! If it's Another Rider, I understand why but if this is...! I don't understand! It's not about being attacked with the same abilities, right? I mean... he's not Another Rider and I don't have the power of the previous Rider and Zi-O!"

Right, this is all impossible. I'm sure Woz is mistaken. This is not tokusatsu, not Kamen Rider or something. This must be just a mistake. Yes, I'm sure of that. There are no way that I was destined to be Zi-O.

Woz who heard that snorted and closed the book.

"Too bad, my king. Inevitably, you must accept all this. Indeed this is not Another Rider and you don't intend to be king but... this has happened since you want this... from the bottom of your heart."

Deep heart... deepest... I want this? How is it possible... isn't it?

"But unfortunately, besides Anomaly, you will fight the others."

I paused to hear it. His words really stopped my body. Not only Anomaly I have to face, but others too. That really doesn't make sense, this is not Kamen Rider but... what else do I have to face?

Doubt. That's my feeling now. Doubts about whether I should accept all this, agree on what words of Woz. His words confused me, he said I wanted all these things? I still can't believe it, I... deny it.

My eyes then turned to him, looking at him with a serious look.

"What... what else should I fight?"

Smiling, he opened the book.

"It says here you will fight various fictional creatures that are likely to target you. Creatures from various dimensions that you consider fictional, all of them who are in the Multiverse, will target your life—that's what I can conclude at this time. "

Creatures from the Multiverse... are after me...? Why? What is special about me? I'm... it's not special or anything. Only ordinary people can be found anywhere, I'm not the main character of the shounen genre or other.

However, like it or not, it seems like I have to accept this destiny. Heh, for some reason it looks very cliché and if left unchecked, even though I don't really know those who are the target, I have to fix it because only I can.

Even though I'm still scared and not sure I can fight it, I mean... the Anomaly is strong. Very strong, I have not fully mastered the magic I learned and also still not fully controlled the power of snake given by Ophis.

But what can I do... right...?

Snorting and sighing, I then looked at Woz and Ophis, with a serious look and had convinced me.

"Well, I'll accept it."

His smile was expanding, closing his book and kneeling and removing something from... some kind of magic circle? I don't know, like me to me.

"Thank you, my king. This way, I can complete one of my servant assignments. I beg you, please accept this."

Saying that, he gave me something, which made me pause for a moment of surprise.

"It's that—"

reinz08 reinz08

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