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Chapter 2: Predicament

"Speak!" The priestess shoved me against the stone cold wall before pressing her face against my ear and saying "You may say that you do not know who you are...but you reek of Human! What vile magic have you loosed upon my brother!?" She shook me so hard that my head banged against the wall, and a series of events played through my mind in an instant.

I saw who I assumed to be the priestess in a flowing black robe with stark white hair and ruby-red eyes, her skin a smooth dark grey, almost black color. With her near perfect features and stunningly curvy body, she had a pair of long, thin pointed ears that adorned the sides of her face. She was a Dark Elf. I knew that much.

The memory played and I saw the priestess walking toward me, well, toward whoever Oru Ulra was. The two began to talk about some sort of festival to celebrate the newly graduated warriors from a place named Monarch. From what they were saying, Monarch was an academy that trained young Dark Elves from age five through eighteen in either melee combat or magic.

The only reason I wasn't discrediting the whole magic part was because this entire time Oru Ulra had a thin wisp of flames dancing across his fingertip for light. The vision ended and I was left speechless as the priestess stared blankly at the fire atop my finger. It was a weird sensation. It felt almost like my finger had extended and turned into semi-solid matter at the top where the flame was.

"How did you do that...Humans are not supposed to be able to use magic..." I tore my gaze from my finger and looked the priestess in the eyes before saying "I don't know...I had a sort of vision and, when I came back, this happened..." The priestess' eyes lit up with curiosity as she removed the dagger from my throat, still keeping her hand around my neck though, before saying "Speak. I want to know more."

I told her about the short vision, thinking that it was my only good shot at staying alive, and it seemed to have worked. The priestess stood and brushed her onyx robe off before saying "It sounds like you have amnesia. I would ask you how it happened but, well, you wouldn't remember. However, just because I'm letting you go, don't think that I will hesitate if I find you to be anything else but my brother..."

The priestess walked away, leaving the echoes to bounce along the walls like the thoughts in my head. Suddenly, the door burst open as two young men, both with dark black hair and crystal blue eyes, and a rather beautiful woman rushed inside. "Oru! Are you hurt? D-Did something happen while we weren't watching you!?"

One of the men hurriedly ran up to me before adjusting his glasses and examining my body thoroughly. "I-I'm fine...? I can't really remember much of anything, though..." My response made the three freeze up as they glanced back at each other before the other man asked " don't remember us...?"

I pretended to study their faces and think hard before responding. "No...sorry." The three Dark Elves looked severely dejected, but they shrugged it off a few seconds later before the woman said "Don't worry, Oru! We'll make sure you get your memories back." The two men nodded their heads with large smiles on their faces.

They ushered me out of the stone room I was in and out into a large underground cavern with large buildings, streets, and other Dark Elves strolling about. It was an actual underground city. The streets were lined with lamp that burned with a violet fire, making it much easier to see compared to the small flame I had at my fingertip.

The woman had shoulder-length dark blue hair with crimson red eyes adorning her small and delicate features. She pulled me into the road and said "Come on, I know the perfect place to start!" I looked back at the two men and saw them chuckle before jogging to catch up with us. "Arryn! Wait up!" One of the men yelled as the woman continued to speed up as we neared a large field littered with Dark Elves training with weapons or magic.

The two men's panicked voices came from behind us, mainly warning Arryn, the woman, to come back. I didn't know why they would be so worried about her, but then I realized why when a large man with the physique of a literal Greek God walked up with a snarl on his face. "Look at what we have here boys! It's the Half-Human whore!"

The men and women behind him started to laugh and snicker with disgusting and revolting smiles and grins on their faces. Arryn flinched at the man's words as her hand on my arm began to shake slightly. "I doubt you'd pass up an opportunity with me, eh? Come on, let's find a place suitab-" The man went to put his hand on Arryn's shoulder, but I quickly grabbed his wrist before I knew what I was doing.

The man's eye twitched as he stared at me and said "Stay out of this, Oru Ulra. You'd be wise to let me do as I please, flunky" He jerked his hand to get out of my grip, but I held firm. The man's face contorted into one of anger as he jerked his arm even harder, this time breaking free. "I said, let me do as I please. Or else..."

The man pulled a large greatsword from the ground behind him before hefting it over his shoulder with ease. "Oru! Get back! Stay away from that man!!" The two men who were with me before had finally caught up; their eyes wide with horror when they saw who I had provoked. The man laughed in a haughty tone before pointing toward the two and saying "At least they know what you've gotten yourself into..."

The man swung his greatsword down in a wide arc and it was like the world around me began to slow as the adrenaline filled my veins. I grabbed Arryn and quickly leapt out of the way before giving her to the two men and rushing back in. I knew he wouldn't stop attacking if we ran, so I had to do something. Anything, even if it was for people I don't even know. That's just how I am.

The man reversed his momentum and spun before delivering an overhead strike. I sidestepped and took a relaxed stance before bringing my index and middle finger together and striking his elbow, causing it to go limp. The man roared out in pain and anger before swiping his sword across, barely nicking a piece of my hair as I dodged out of the way.

I ducked low and spun on my heel before kicking out toward the man's knee. He collapsed with a grunt as he once again swung out to keep me at bay, however, this one was much weaker and slower than the last few. I moved my head to avoid the strike before grabbing the blade and yanking it from the man's hands.

'Shit! No wonder he got this tired so easily...this thing's at least eighty pounds!' I thought as I flung the sword to the side. The crowd around us was slack-jawed as they stared at the man's bent leg and limp arm. "Don't ever try and harass her again. I will not hesitate to finish you off if I ever hear of you doing something like that again."

I turned and walked away with varying gazes at my back. Most were curiosity, but I knew the feeling of killing intent well. I stopped and turned to face the two women helping the man to his feet before releasing a killing intent like none other. They froze, along with everyone else, and I decided to give them some advice. "Be careful of who you want to kill for, if you don't mask it properly, you might be the one to die instead..."

I turned and walked toward the two men and Arryn before gesturing for them to follow. I rounded the corner and the men immediately grabbed me and asked "Do you know how wrong that could've went!? You could have died, Oru!" I shrugged my shoulders and said "I was lucky that the guy had no real experience in fighting with that heap of metal. That's all."

One of the men raised a hand to strike me, buy the other quickly grabbed him and yelled "Stop it, Elrod! You're nothing like Vuikre, and Oru almost snapped him like a damn twig! Think man!" Elrod stopped and sighed before moving his hair out from his mouth and bowing low. "I'm sorry, Oru. It's just...I don't want you to get hurt again. You're like a brother to me and Salek..."

The only difference between Salek and Elrod was that the former had short, ear-length blue hair, while the latter's hair went to his jaw. I looked at the two Dark Elves and sighed before holding my hands up and saying "Look. I might not remember you two, but I can tell when someone is lying or not. I'll try my best to stay out of trouble if there's nothing going on."

Salek smiled broadly and put his arm around Elrod's shoulder before saying "See? He's already getting his personality back! You never change, huh Oru." Arryn tugged on my sleeve and I turned my head to look at her. She wrapped me in her arms and said "Thank you...I shouldn't have tried to go over there, but I was excited to see if you could remember anything..."

I didn't know what to do in this situation, so I gently pat her head while wriggling out from her embrace. "Don't worry about it. If that guy was the toughest out of all of them, I'll have no trouble taking them on." Salek was about to say something when the priestess suddenly appeared in front of us.

"Brother. I think you have a few things to explain to me..." A shiver ran down my spine, yet I didn't feel afraid. I instinctually covered my throat as she walked forward. "Calm down you wuss, I'm not going to hurt you. I just want you to explain to me why Vuikre is saying you suddenly jumped him while he was training."

My eyes squinted as I began to think of several ways to make him cry out in agony. "I didn't attack him first. He insulted Arryn and tried to harass her, so I intervened. He then grabbed the massive heap of metal he calls a sword before trying to swing it at me. I simply defended myself." The priestess sighed and rubbed her temples before responding.

"You never change, trying to play hero and all. You're lucky that your body still remembers how to fight, Oru, or else you seriously could have died...please, be more careful..." The priestess began to mutter strange words before disappearing into a thin smoke. Screams from the training ground sounded out shortly after, making me silently curse as I realized that she had beaten me to Vuikre.

I used to work as an interrogator before moving to the Black Moon Squad, and I wanted to see if these Dark Elves had the same anatomy as Humans.

"So..." I turned to face Elrod as he continued speaking. "What do you think the Graduation Ceremony will be like for us? Salek said there would be a lot of dancing and sparring, but it changed every year..." Salek slapped the back of his brother's head before saying "Dumbass, the guy can't even remember his own name! Why would he know about the Ceremony and that he graduated with you?"

I sighed internally as I realized just how unfortunate I was. I get thrown into a strange portal only to live a completely different life far away from my own where I could die at literally any time. Sounds like a paradise...

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