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When You Say that You Love Me... When You Say that You Love Me... original

When You Say that You Love Me...

Author: sweetkook

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter One

I couldn't help but stare.

All seven of us were on stage, dancing like crazy and singing to the best of our ability. But whenever Taehyung's cue was on, the world seemed to slow down. His voice was so rich and deep, and it calmed me. It made me stop and listen every single time. For all of the years that I've been in BTS, I'd have to admit that he was my favorite voice.

And right now, as his part in Spring Day just ended and Jungkook picked up his line, I watched him flash a boxy smile to the surrounding ARMY, dancing happily around the stage.

I forced myself to look away, flashing my own smile to the energetic crowd and letting beads of sweat line my forehead, running along my Jawline. There were plenty of people out there who would just love to be with me. Hundreds of stans... other idols... but none of them compared to my Taehyung.

No, Jimin. I thought, focusing on the lines of the song. He's not your Taehyung... He doesn't want you...

Before I knew it, my line for Spring Day was up, and my body acted on cue, as always. I didn't even have to think about what I was going to say, the words just fowed out of my mouth in fluent korean.

"I say that I'm gonna erase you, but actually, I still can't let you go." I sang into the microphone, putting my heart and soul into those words. Why did this song have to be so deep and meaningful? Why did it have to remind me of my bottled up feelings for Tae?

I couldn't help but peek over at Tae, who was looking around the ARMY still, smiling and waving to a few people. I sighed, forcing on one of my own smiles as I bounded around the stage, giving off small waves and soaking in their kind words to me. However, my head snapped back towards Tae as he started to sing again.

My favorite part of the song was coming up. Where me and Tae sang together. The ARMY was crazy for it too, just supporting me more and more. Slowly, I made my way back to the center of the stage, adrenaline rushing through me at the thought of me and Tae's voices mixing together.

He also headed to the center, his eyes fixed on me as he kept his smile. I just smiled back, completely dumbfounded as he grabbed the back of my head and leaned our foreheads together, singing into the microphone with me.


I had to sing back. Loud and high pitched, like my voice always was. It was hard not to get distracted, feeling his fingers rubbing against the back of my neck as his low, melodic voice mixed with mine in a sweet harmony.

My heart was beating out of my chest, and when he let go of me and started to walk away to look out at the crowd once more, I felt a pang in my chest. Every and any moment I had with him was so brief... he could never stay with me for more than a few minutes, it felt like.

Was I doing something wrong?

Before I knew it, the song was over, and the concert was concluded. We all said our goodbyes to ARMY before heading off the stage, where the crew was eager to dab our faces and hand us towel. I sighed, mumbling a 'thank you' and wiping at my face as I headed into the studio, sitting down heavily in my chair and looking at myself in the mirror.

They say that you see flaws in yourself that other people don't recognize. As I gazed at myself in the mirror, I tried to pick out those flaws. Like how my smile was slightly crooked, not all as bright as people make it seem. My nose wasn't smooth and slender like Taehyung's, and my eyes were too small and narrowe-

"You did great, Jimin!" Jin yelled from somewhere behind me. "You're voice was so high and angelic, as always! You really helped pull it all together at the end!"

I smiled, letting out a small laugh as I looked at him in the mirror. "Thank you Jin-hyung."

"Yeah, Jimin." A deep, smooth voice replied. I nearly froze up at the sound of his voice, but played it off by dabbing my face with the towel.

"I think we sang perfectly at the end, the fans were going crazy." He continued, putting a hand on my shoulder from behind me. I nodded with a smile, one of my legs nervously bouncing up and down as I tilted my head back to look at him. He just smiled at me, running his hand through my hair even though it was slightly wet before walking off.

Something was wrong with me, wasn't it? Why couldn't he stand to be around me?

"Alright boys, the drive to the place you're staying at is roughly four hours, so dress comfortably." The manager told us as he walked through the room. I nodded, getting up and going over to my wardrobe. I decided on some black sweatpants and a long-sleeved, soft grey shirt. I then touched up a bit on my make-up before getting my socks and shoes on, following the others out to the dark van.

I was the first one in, so I got the back seat next to the window. I didn't mind, though. I liked to look out of the window anyways. What really surprised my was the person sitting next to me.


I swear he was the last one to get out of the dressing rooms though... but here he was, sitting right next to me. And next to him sat Hoseok.

In front of me was Jungkook, which I was happy about, because he always let me play with his hair when I was bored.

Everyone was quietly chatting, but I was purposefully trying not to. I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of Taehyung, especially since I'm pretty sure he is trying to avoid me anyway, for whatever reason... he just seems fed up with me all the time. Or maybe that's just his resting face?

Suddenly, a wave of exhaustion fell over me. I had really worked hard at the concert tonight, and my limbs felt sore and worn out. Not to mention how I could barely keep my eyes open as it is, and the ride is four hours long... so maybe I would take a nap.

Leaning my head against the window, I closed my eyes and easily fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up slowly, feeling quite comfortable in whatever sleeping position I fell into. Something felt a bit off, though... was I laying down when I fell asleep?

Opening my eyes, I rolled onto my back, my feet pushing against the walls of the car. What-

Looking up, I could see Taehyung's face, which was illuminated by the light of his phone. My head was laying in his lap.

Widening my eyes, I tried to sit up, but Taehyung had his arm wrapped around my waist.

"Oh, you're awake?" He hummed, looking down at me and turning off his phone. I didn't say anything, instead looking around to see if anyone was watching. But everyone was asleep, except for Jin, Namjoon and Tae it seemed.

Slowly, I nodded, letting myself relax again as I crossed my arms. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep and end up laying on you like this..."

"It's alright, I don't mind." He said, his grip on my hip tightening. I just nodded again. It was clear he didn't want me to move, so I just rolled onto my side again, facing away from him. "How much more of the ride do we have left?"

"Around two hours." He replied, shifting beneath me. I nodded for a third time, pulling my knees as close to me as possible.

"You should try to get some more sleep, hyung." He said, his other hand softly playing with my hair. I felt a bright blush spread across my cheeks at the touch, and slowly I brought my hand down to cover Taehyung's, which was resting on my stomach. I couldn't believe what was happening. I felt so lucky right now, like I had the entire universe in my possession. His hand felt calming, too, gently tugging on my pink locks that I had dyed for the concert. Tae's was a light brown that lined his face perfectly, and I loved it. Of course I loved it.

I loved everything about him.

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