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Chapter 4: What Happens Now

I woke up on the couch. There was a blanket over me and a pillow behind my head. Someone must have moved me onto the couch after I passed out. I sat up and winced at the pain in my head. I looked around the bar which was now deserted except for Charlotte, who was sitting at the bar drinking something out of a glass.

Charlotte turned and saw me sitting up. She turned back and finished what ever had been in the glass. She stood up and walked over towards me.

" exactly happened?" I still didn't understand what was going on. A few images were still stuck in my head though. Out of the ones that I remembered was one with some girl laying down in front of me with their face in a pool of blood. I couldn't make out anything other than the fact that is was a girl.

I grabbed my head as the thought faded and the pain came back. "How bad does it hurt?" Charlotte asked.

"My head?"

"No, your legs. Yes, your head. On a scale of one to ten, how bad is it?"

"If I had to I'd say, maybe four or five. Why, what happen? What were those images I saw?" I asked looking up at Charlotte. Charlotte came over and moved my legs over and sat next to me.

"OK, first of all, one question at a time. Second, are you sure you want to know why? If I tell you, you can't back out." Charlotte said. I turned and looked down at the ground.

"What do you mean, back out?" I asked. The pain in my head was starting to slowly fade away.

"I mean that if we tell you, that your life will change. The image you have of the whole world will be different. You won't be able to live a normal life ever again. Nothing will ever be the same." She said. I looked up at her. Her eyes had become daggers, piercing my soul.

"I feel like I don't necessarily have a choice whether or not you tell me."

"You don't, but all of us would be happier if you said yes, because that just means that we can start a real friendship."

I leaned back and looked at the ceiling. I closed my eyes. If I say yes then I'm going to be thrown into this world were these visions are normal, but if I say no then I'm going to be forced into this world. I don't really have a choice, but.....

I looked at Charlotte. Her eyes had softened up since the last time I had look. I have to know, I have to do something, I have to keep my promise. I say I have to, but somewhere deep down, it's more of a want. I want to know, I want to do something, I want to keep my promise.

"So...What exactly is it that I need to know?"

"Is that a yes or no?"

"Yes. I can't keep my promise if I'm not in the loop." I said, turning my head to smiling at her. She plopped her legs on me and lied back.

"To begin with, those images are actual visions of the future. Only a hand full of people can handle these visions being forced into their brains, Fortunately for you, you were able to handle it and now you are going to have to keep this a secret no matter what." She said as she looked at me.

"Why does it have to be kept so secret?"

"If someone found out that there was a person with the ability to see the future, what do you think they'd do?" She said closing her eyes.

"They'd come and try to take her."

"Exactly, so we both decided it would be a good idea to tell those we could trust about her secret. We protect her and never leave her alone. As long as she doesn't touch anyone when a vision starts or forces a vision to come we have a pretty easy time keeping it a secret."

"So was there someone else who could do this before me or am I the first?" I asked.

Her eyes shot open. "Yes, there was one but we don't talk about it anymore." She turned on her side and closed her eyes.

"Is she able to see the visions herself or am I the only one who sees it?"

"The visions will differ between her and you. You will see what your future is and possibly hers. She will see both yours and hers. Its a little creepy but she actually knows more about you than you do at the moment. She probably knows what you future is going to be like. I doubt that you were able to remember very much since it was the first time."

"So why are you the only one here telling me this?"

She turned on her side and closed her eyes again. "Violet wanted to tell you something, but we decided it was best to tell you everything slowly instead of forcing you to hear it all at once. Also if I know her, its going to be something stupid. I'm going to go to sleep. I've been up all night watching you making sure you didn't die. So night....."

"Wait, your legs are still on me!" I tired to move her legs but she wouldn't even budge. I guess I'll just have to wait for her to wake up. I leaned my head back. The pain in my head was gone. I looked at Charlotte. Her long blonde hair had somehow already covered her face. I reached down with my left hand and brushed the hair out of her face. She looked really cute.

I shook my head. I need to get my thoughts together first. Wait, there isn't much that I need to think about actually. Most of it is straight forward. I've already decided to protect them both, so that's what I'm going to do. I leaned my head back and slowly went to sleep. As I was going to sleep the vision of the girl lying in front of me with her face in the pool of blood popped back into my head. What would happen that would put me in that kind of situation. I need to know more. Hopefully I can find out more information from Violet.


"Wow, you two sure do look cozy sleeping next to each other."

I opened my eyes. It was dark other than a few streaks of light coming in. Where am I? I should still be at the bar? I realized I had fallen on my side while laying down on the couch, which could only mean one thing. I shot straight up.

I heard laughter start up in the background.

I turned to see James, Violet, and Aby sitting at the bar laughing. I looked at where I was just lying. Charlotte was still sleeping.

"Uh.....By any chance would any of you know how exactly this happened?" I asked. All I figured is that we both fell asleep and I woke up in a position I probably shouldn't have been in. James got up with his phone in his hand.

"This is how you were sleeping. You both probably fell asleep and Violet whispered in your ear and now we're here." He turned his phone towards me. I had to wait for my eyes to focus on his phone. When they finally did I felt like I could die.

The picture showed Charlotte and me lying down together. I had my arm over top of her and she had her head in my chest. She had her arms pulled up to her chest so that she fit perfectly between my arm and me.

I went to grab the phone but James pulled back and put a figure over his lips. Charlotte started to turn in her sleep. I turned and put the blanket back over top of her. I rubbed her shoulder and started shushing her, tying to make sure she stayed asleep. When she finally got done moving I stood up and walked over to the bar area.

I grabbed a cup and went to get some water. "So, why are all of you here so early in the morning?"

"'s about three in the afternoon. You were asleep for two days, then you talked to Charlotte last night from what I understand. The only reason she's still sleeping is because she's been watching you since you blacked out." Violet said. "I also know about something else," She came around the bar and stood on the tips of her toes. "If you want to know it just tell me when and where we can meet. I'll only tell you then."

"OK, yeah that would actually work out really good for me too. I have a few of my own questions to ask you too." I whispered back to her. "Let me figure out a place and we can meet up."

She backed away smiling still. "I can't wait till then."

I filled the cup up with water and drank some. "So what's going on."

"Well we all came to see if you were doing any better but I guess I should've known that you would be," James said "You've always had a resilient kind of nature to you."

"Really I always figure I had an unlucky kind of nature."

"What if the unluckiness is what makes you a resilient person?" Aby said. Every one, except for Charlotte who was still asleep on the couch, looked over at Aby. I laughed at what she had said. It was stupid, but at least it was a positive look at it.

"Maybe you're right. Hey, James, do you have anything planned for today? I need to go out and do some things so if you don't I'd like to borrow the car." I said.

"No, but what do you need it for?"

"Don't worry about it can I just have the keys." James pulled the keys out and threw them to me. I finished the last bit of water in the cup and walked around the counter to get to the door. I stopped before leaving the bar. "Hey, Violet, do you want to come too. We can talk about that thing now if you want."

She nodded and came around the counter and walked out the door. Aby looked at me as I turned and left. I know I should've said more to her but I can't do it quite yet. Violet and I walked over and got into the car.

"I have to stop by the apartment to grab my phone first, so think about what you want to eat on our way. we can talk about things on the way there and when we get there if we need to. I have to go to another place after that so if you want to stay you can or I'll drop you back off at the bar."

"I'll just stay with you since it seems there might be a lot more you need to know then what you think." She looked out the window and stared out of it as I drove.

We stayed silent until I got to the apartment. "Hey, come on. I might need to grab a few more things while I'm inside."

"OK." We ascended three flights of stairs to get to the apartment door. I opened the door and let Violet go in first. I walked in after her and headed straight to my room. I went over to the computer and sat down. I went through a few folders on the computer before finding the one I needed.

"It's a good thing I saved enough for an entire year that money has gotten me through a lot and now it'll help me get this." I downloaded the file onto my phone that had been charging through the desktop. I got up and walked into the living room. Violet was sitting on the sofa watching the TV. When she saw me she turned it off.

"Can we just talk here instead. We can go out and do everything later, we just can't risk someone over hearing us."

"OK," I sat down beside her on the couch. "I was wondering how do you know if the visions will come true or not, or even if they are actual visions?"

"Well for me, the clearer the image, the more likely it is to come true. So if it's a fuzzy vision, I don't worry about it too much." She said.

"Why did you fall over when you had the vision? I thought that they didn't really effect you when you had them."

"They don't. I can handle the ones that just pop up, but I can also force them. I can force myself to have one and I'll be fine but when I try to have a second one," She smiled a little and said. "I tend to lose my balance. Most of the time I fall and I can't let anyone help me so I end up staying on the ground for a while. Eventually they stop and I have Charlotte help me up."

"But then why did you almost fall back at the bar?" I asked.

She looked out the only window in the room that barely looked over the buildings surrounding us. You could see the sun starting to set. The orange and blue of the sky started to blur and mix together.

"I wanted to know how much we could trust you and what I saw made me happy," She smiled but didn't look at me. "It was the clearest vision I've had so far. I saw that you could handle having the visions and I also saw what would happen in the future. I'm not going to lie, there will be problems down the road. They weren't very clear so I'm not going to worry about them yet." She turned towards me still smiling. We stared at each other for a few seconds. "I just want you to trust me no matter what I do, OK?"

"I'll trust you. We shouldn't have to worry about that since we both can share the visions. If you're lying then I'll know."

"Yeah, I guess you're right about that." She said. her smile faded as we both just turned to look at the ground.

After a few minutes of sitting in silence I stood up." I think that its about time we get going it's already past four. If we stay here any longer I'm going to get an earful when we get back to the bar." She stood up too. "So where do you want to go and eat?"

"I'll tell you the way there I don't really remember the name." She said smiling again.

"OK. Well lets get going then." With that said we descended the stair till we got to the bottom floor. We walked out the front door and got in the car. I started the engine and followed Violets directs. We ended up driving to some restaurant that was close to being outside the city. I turned the car off and rolled the windows. We started to get out of the car. I had one foot out of the car when Violet grabbed my shoulder and the visions flooded in. I saw the girl again lying in her own blood. Her clothes were burned in some places and you could see the burns on her skin. She was bleeding from the head turning her blond hair to a bloody red.

The vision stopped and I looked over at Violet. She was wearing the same clothes as the girl who I saw in my vision. "I...I....It can't be. Violet are you about to die." I asked in a shaky voice.

"If I had to guess, I'd say probably." She got out. I got out and started to go after her, but I was too late. The restaurant she said she liked. The one that she was so happy to go and take me to. It blew up just as she rushed in. I was blown back hitting my back against the car. I shielded my face as best as I could from all the debris that flew everywhere. After a few minutes everything calmed down and all I could hear was the ringing in my ear. I uncovered my face and looked frantically for Violet. When I finally found her I was met with the gruesome truth. The vision had come true. Violet was there on the ground motionless, in a pool of her own blood. I tried to run but I couldn't. With all the adrenaline going inside me my thoughts were clouded. I couldn't tell what I was doing, or what had happen to me.

I had a two inch thick pipe going all the way through my right leg. I crawled over to Violet and turned her over. "Come on Violet, say something. Let me know that you're still alive." I couldn't even hear myself speak. I started to cry. "Why?! Why did it have to be her?! Why not take me? She hasn't done anything to deserve this pain." I screamed till my throat hurt and as I was getting ready to give up, I heard something in the back of my mind.

"Are you going to just sit here and not do anything?"

"NO, if I could do something I would! I can't she's already gone. There's nothing I can do now."

"Let me ask you. She can see the future and she can also try to fix it, but in the end it all ends the same, why?" The voice said.

"Is it because that's what ultimately led to that future?"

"Exactly, that's why there are a few people like you who end up helping them. However you are a special case since you can both see the future and help her fix it too."

"What do you mean few people and help her fix it?" I asked.

"First, lets deal with this mess before people start showing up. Focus on a moment in time that you can clearly remember after having your first vision. It only works after you have a vision, so right now you can go back to either last time you spoke with Charlotte or earlier when you woke up. It doesn't really matter just chose which ever one is easier to remember." I have no choice but to just trust the voice. If I can prevent this then Violet lives. I focused on the moment when Charlotte fell asleep. She looked so peaceful and cute when she was sleeping. I wish I could see that one more time. I want to fix this and I want to make everyone happy. I opened my eyes and the area around me started to swirl. The swirling wind turned to blue flames and everything around me started to burn away.

"Close your eyes and just focus. You don't need to see what's going on around you. It'll only throw off your image and throwing you somewhere you don't want to go." I closed my eyes again and imaged sitting on the couch with Charlotte's small and fragile legs on me. "Open your eyes again. I will talk to you once I'm needed again....." The voice became distant and quiet.

I opened my eyes and I was sitting on the couch next to Charlotte who was sleeping like she was the other day. She was in the exact same position as when I fell asleep yesterday. I couldn't really put anything together though. All I could do was take in my surroundings before a heavy drowsiness hit me. I can't go to sleep though I need to know what that voice was talking about. I need to know why and how I did that. I need to know so much but I'm just to tired. My head fell back and I fell asleep. Without a answer to what happen or even an explanation to how I was able to go back to the past.

Wolfz Wolfz

Sorry this chapter got out so late. I've been working hard to get this done. The next few chapters will be a bit shorter so they might come out earlier. Which means I might get two or three chapters out. I hope you guys like this chapter and thanks for reading.

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