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Whispers Of Steel (RWBY Ak 130 Fanfic) Whispers Of Steel (RWBY Ak 130 Fanfic) original

Whispers Of Steel (RWBY Ak 130 Fanfic)

Author: Isskandyr

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Brave New World

Disclaimer: I own nothing except the OCs I create

You know, people often say to enjoy life to the fullest, but I never quite understood that. I was more of a save the best for last kind of person...

So when I woke up in some weird darkness, and couldn't feel, well, anything really, things got really concerning.

Ok, just what's going on here? Did I unlock a new level of insomnia or something?

*Atlesian Knight 130 serial number AE-915 activating...*

Hang on a minute... Atlesian Knight? Ain't that from RWBY?

*Reactor online. Sensors online."

How ca- oh, ohhhhh

*Weapons online.*

I see where this is going...

*All systems nominal.*

My "eyes" booted up, showing a rather run down facility. I was flanked by AK,130s. A quick glance down showed that I had the same arms.

*sighs* motherf-

Well, this could be worse...

I mean, judging from what I'm looking at, this seems to be some kind of underground human (fannus?) trafficking ring, if those cages with people in them are anything to go by.

Sheesh, was this how 1800s Africa was like?

Before I could process the sights anything further, a person walked up to us and barked an order.

"Alright you metal cans, get to feeding the merchandise, go!"

Immediately, the other AK-130s started moving in perfect synchronicity while I was still trying to piece together what was going on. Looking around, I decided that I would have to follow along for now. I don't know where or even when I am. Not much of a choice really.

I gotta say though, some of this stuff is really messed up. I mean, some of this stuff looks straight out of a medieval dungeon. The cages are obvious, sure, but they looked like they haven't been cleaned in forever. They seemed to be filled with both humans and faunus. Mostly adults with some children thrown into the mix. Reaching the food collection area, the botboys (as I am henceforth calling the other AK-130s) each picked up a tray and some bowls. A cook then scooped up some sort of sludge and poured them into the bowls. Lokking at it, it seems like some kind of rice with mushroom sauce? No, more like mushroom stew with rice, with the ratio of ingredients, that seems like the more accurate description. The botboys then marched off, carrying their deliveries to the slaves.

Welp, best to get to work then. If I want to escape, better blend in and get some intel first.

Sylvia scanned her surroundings from inside her cage. It had been, what, 4 days, since she was captured, and boy was she ready to go back to Beacon. The treatment was harsh. She'd been used as a test dummy for the guards, starting each day with a new sore spot. She couldn't use her semblance to escape, as there were no plants to manipulate, so there was nothing she could do while stuck here.

I wonder how the others are doing? Worrying about me for sure.

A metal clanging knocked Sylvia out of her stupor. Looking forward, she saw the same group of guards that roughed her up each day.

"Rise and shine, huntress. Oh wait sorry, huntress IN TRAINING." A wave of laughter then erupted from the guard and his friends. Sylvia simply looked back, a blank expression on her face. "Its chow time. Make sure to eat up, we'll be trying out lots of new things today." The guard continued with venom in his words. The Atlesian Knight carrying food then approached. However, something was different about this one. Instead of slamming the food down on the floor as they usually do, it crouched down and placed it gently. Furthermore, it then looked at her and tilted its head, almost as if in curiosity. Sylvia wasn't sure what to make of this. However, one of the guards certainly did.

"Oi! Pick up the pace you tin can!" The guard then slashed his sword against the ak-130's faceplate, leaving a mark running from its where its forehead would be to its cheek. The tray it carried dropped, causing the food to spill out from the bowls. The robot simply got back up and grabbed its tray, before moving on. One of the guards remarked: "Heh, damn bot, can't even do things efficiently round here."

"Anyways, you boys wanna have some fun?" another guard asked, glancing over at Sylvia. Immediately, a pit formed in her stomach. Another round of being a test dummy was coming.

I gotta say, I'm starting to see the advantages of not having a sense of touch anymore.

In all seriousness, triggering those guards actually ended up in my favour. Looking around so far, I don't think I'll be able to escape on my own. I need allies, people who can help me. Best people for that here are the slaves. Problem is, once I start the uprising, there's no telling if they accidentally attack me because they can't tell if its me or another AK-130. But thanks to my new marking, they'l be able to know its me.

Happy accidents all around really.

Anyways, looking around, it seems that the botboys are done feeding the slaves and are now patrolling around, leaving me with my thoughts and the plan in my head.

Ok so, there's a huntress in training locked up here. Not ideal, but it'll do. All she needs is a weapon and a way to get out of the cage. I can easily bend the bars with my new body, but what about weapons? Oh, there's a power box here. Judging from the wiring, it seems to control the lighting in this entire area. Knocking it out should make it harder for the guards to do anything. That's good, but my weapons issue still needs sol- *CRACK!*

Huh? what did I step on?

Turns out, its some piece of junk metal. Looking around, there seems to be a few piles of useless materials lying about. Man, talk about poor waste management. Taking a closer look a the metal stick I stepped on, it seems quite sturdy. Not really sharp though. Wait a minute...

I look at my free left arm, and willed it to transform into a blade. Lo and behold, my arm became a sword.

Nice. I can use this to make improvised weapons for the slaves. Good thinking me. Now all I need is a way to smuggle them in.

Lying on the floor of her cage, Sylvia nursed her latest wounds. This time, it was her dog ears. Honestly, she was surprised that the guards took as long as they did to target them. Still, they were very painful right now, so sleep was probably off the table.


"By the brother gods, what more do you want with me?" Sylvia groaned and moved her head up, only to realise it wasn't a guard. It was the AK-130 from earlier today. Sylvia stared confused, unsure of what the machine wanted with her. "Well? Get on with it." The robot quickly tossed something into her cage. Slyvia picked it up, revealing it to be a shiv. She looked back up at the AK-130 confused, not knowing why a machine was doing something like this. The robot then got up, walked over to the other cages and tossing their occupants weapons as well.

"It's arming us," Sylvia realised. If she got out of this place, she would have to thank its programmers.

Ok, that's step 1. Things are going surprisingly well so far, you'd think that the guards are more vigilant at night, since it makes it easier for outside attackers to sneak in.

Oh well, makes my life easier.

In all seriousness. This plan is shaping up really well so far. Now all I need is an opportunity. Maybe when a new shipment of slaves comes in? This area doesn't seem full, so they'll probably go get more before they open shop.

"Hey, you hear who's coming to tomorrow's auction?"

Wait, auction? I walked over to the guard who mentioned it, pretending to be inspecting some of the cages, and terrifying some slaves in the process.

"Yeah man, got a high profile client coming around. Between that and our latest stock, we're gonna strike it big."

"Good thing too. Business has been bad these days. If we can't make a big enough profit here, we might be done for."

"Hey, no need to get down in your pants. Tell you what, once this round's done. What do you say we head into vale for some drinks?"

"You got my yes, brother."

Shit, this is bad. Auction means more security. I gotta act like, right freaki- or actually maybe not. Now that I think about it, they said a high profile client was coming, and they desperately needed his patronage. If I took the client as a hostage, I could get them to release some of the slaves, who could then attack the guards and take their weapons.

Yes, that would work.

Isskandyr Isskandyr

My first Webnovel! This has honestly been a RWBY fanfic concept I've been wanting to read for years now, but since there aren't really a lot of them, to quote a certain purple marvel character, "Fine. I'll do it myself." Since it's my first time writing on Webnovel, please let me know if there's any platform specific rules/etiquette/whatever's I should know about.

Also, I have a patron here:

it's pretty bare bones now, but I'll be adding it with content as time goes on. If you some idea about my story, comment it and let me know.

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