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Chapter 5: A Real Monster and The Black Masked Demons

I woke up suddenly, it was about six in the morning.

I usually wake up earlier but today was different.

Oliver said that we needed to get more rest because we were doing something big today.

Finally! Is what I thought when he said that, it's because we have been training for a year and a half now.

I recently turned ten and Lilia is now twelve. I don't know Oliver's age so I can't really tell you about him.

I get out of bed and walk towards my nicely folded and clean clothes.

What was there was a white long-sleeved v-neck shirt and some pants, also black boots.

I quickly grab them and slip them on.

I checked a small handheld mirror to check my hair, it was messy and black.

Like always…

As I get all my clothes on I walk out of my room and towards Lilia's door.

I reach her door and knock three times, I get no answer the first time.

I decide to knock quietly again and still no answer.

Guess she is still asleep…

I opened the door and closed it behind me, I walked towards Lilia's bed but saw she wasn't there.


I heard Lilia's voice behind me, she seemed somewhat frightened.

I turned around and looked Lilia dead in the eyes, I proceeded to examine what she was wearing.

Well, not what she was wearing because she wasn't really wearing anything…

"G-G-Get out!"

She was covering the majority of her areas…

"I said get out!"

I realized after a few seconds of "harmless" peeking that I should really get out before I get killed by Vincent.


I rushed outside the door and shut it behind me, I guess she just didn't hear me knocking…

So, I reacted normally in ALL parts, let's go with that.

I guess I am now a Spiritual Pedophile for seeing her naked…

I sat flustered next to Lilia's door, she stepped out about five minutes later and looked at me.

She was beet red, I probably was too so I couldn't really make fun of her.

Lilia was wearing what she usually wore for training which was a black mini skirt and a long-sleeved white shirt that was loose on the sleeves.

She also had black knee-high socks, she looked cute especially since she had her hair in a ponytail with a black ribbon.

She looked at me then quickly looked away in embarrassment…

I shouldn't think much of it, I don't want to be a spiritual pervert, no thank you.

I get up and brush myself off, I then look at her with a smile.

"I will act like I saw nothing, please don't be mad."

She looked up from the position she was staring at and her attention turned towards me.

"Y-Yea, thank you. Let's get going now shall we…"

She started walking down the hall, I quickly followed beside her.

We walk down the stairs and towards the front door, the maids and other butlers say goodbye as we step outside.

As we walk down the outside steps Vincent and his wife wish Lilia luck, I guess we are doing something big…

"Remember Lilia, Natsuo will protect you no matter what."

Vincent said while petting Lilia.

Thanks for putting everything onto me old man…

Eris just hugged Lilia and then wished her luck again, Lilia smiled and walked over towards the carriage which is where Oliver was standing.

I followed and looked at Oliver, he was in his usual clothes.

As I reached them and stepped into the carriage I heard Oliver speak to me.

"Listen Natsuo, I want you to take this sword for training."

I look behind me from the carriage and notice a small iron hunting sword in his hand.

"Uhm, I can actually use real swords now…?"

That was a stupid question to ask, but I need to know if I can actually use it or not…

"I wouldn't have offered it, take the sword and get in…"

I took the sword and sat in the carriage, he handed me the sheath and I put the sword away.

Oliver nodded and then walked to the front of the carriage, he then proceeded to wave goodbye and start the trip.

"Listen, the place we are going is a good few hours away, please sit tight."

Lilia and I agree to his words and make ourselves comfortable.

I looked around as we rode through town, the people seemed to be joyful today.

There is a large stone wall that protects this city, it's honestly quite a beautiful sight.

While we are riding through town I see the Adventurer's guild I tried signing up at and the Slave Market I was taken to.

A few minutes pass and we reach the gate to exit, we pass by and I wave towards the guards.

they return my wave with a nod.

"Why is the wall so big Oliver?"

I looked towards Lilia as she asked that question, it was a pretty good question too.

The wall was very big, that's for sure. I wonder why, to be honest…

We rode along a dirt path and I looked at the animals and plants while we passed by them.

Nature in this world is beautiful, I mean some animals don't even look like they come from anywhere, like an imaginary pet…

"Hey, Natsuo."

My attention broke from the beautiful thing called nature as Lilia called out for me.

I looked towards her and smiled, she smiled back then continued speaking.

"Do you know where we are going…?"

She was as curious and lost as I was, fun…

"No, maybe you should ask Oliver."

"Ok, hey Oliver."

"Yes, what is it?"

She moved up closer to the front and asked where we were going.

"We are heading towards the forest. We will be there in approximately two and a half hours. Sit down and don't be annoying."

"Hmph, fine."

I don't think she liked being called annoying, I mean who does…?

I chuckled a bit and she looked at me, she seemed even madder now.

"When we get back I am making sure that you wear a dress…"

Well, I have officially messed up…

"I won't do it."

"Yes, you will!"

She isn't really a mean person, I mean she can be if she was really pissed but right now she is just throwing a fit.

"I don't care, I will make you wear a dress!"

I sighed then looked back outside, Lilia got mad that I ignored her but she then sat back down and looked around also.

Two hours and Thirty Minutes Later

The carriage finally stopped after a few hours of riding, we reached our destination it seemed.

I got out and stretched, Lilia followed and did the same.

We looked around, it was getting dark and there was a trail that led deeper into the woods.

Oliver hopped off the front of the carriage and headed towards us, once he reached us I noticed something in his hand.

"Here, take this Lilia."

He handed Lilia a small dagger, it looked like a black Damascus.

Lilia took it and her eyes sparkled.

"Is this really for me!?"

Oliver smiled slightly and rubbed her head, Lilia's expression swiftly changed from happy to grumpy as she was pet.

I don't think she likes being looked down on like that, to be honest…

"Yes, it's yours now. If you beat this task I have another present for the both of you."

He pointed towards the trail.

I looked at the pathway and it seemed to get darker and darker the deeper you looked, it was pretty eerie…

"You two head down there and once you find the split in the path go left, you will know what to do once you head down the path for a bit."

Has Oliver been here before…?

"Hey, Oliver?"

Oliver looked back at Lilia as she called for him.

"Yes, Lilia?"

"Why does Natsuo get a bigger sword?"

He looked at me and glanced at my sword, his attention then swapped back towards Lilia.

"It's because Natsuo is your guard, your knife is just a backup plan."

"Hmph, unfair."

I giggle a bit, she really is a spoiled brat sometimes…

"Now, I will be waiting here once you are done. Please hurry, I want to get home tonight."

I nod and then start heading towards the forest, before I step onto the path Oliver called out for me once more.

"Get a piece of its flesh."

Huh, what does that mean!?

I turned around and tilted my head, Lilia continued walking.

"You will know, go on now."

I shrugged then continued, I hope this isn't a suicide mission we are doing right now…

As we walked through the forest I could feel the fear growing onto Lilia.

"Hey, are you alright…?"

I grab her shoulder and force her to look at me.

I am glad I grew surprisingly fast because she is only a few inches taller than me.

"I am s-scared, what if this is something we shouldn't be doing…"

"It will be fine, I practiced a lot with Oliver, we should be ok. Alright?"

I totally don't know if we will be fine or not, I mean I am faster and stronger than I was two years ago but still, I mean what's a kid going to do against a full-sized man that can use a sword.

We walked around and the deeper we got Lilia still got more scared, I can't blame her though.

I did feel like we were being watched…

We finally came to the split and I followed Oliver's directions, I turned left.

We walked down and I decided to unsheath my weapon just in case, Lilia did the same.

I didn't feel safe in these woods whatsoever, I mean the sky was just a few minutes away from dark, and once that happened who knows what…

We finally came across what Oliver was talking about, well I think anyway.

It was a sign, a wooden sign.

It had spelling on it so I closely examined it.

I feel Lilia tap my shoulder and I look towards her.

"What does it say?"

"Can't you read…?"

"Yes, but you're in the way."

I guess I was, instead of moving though I just read the sign aloud.

"Be warned, the deeper you go into these woods the higher the chance you will come across the soul eater that lives in these woods."

Lilia's whole body shivered and she had an expression that showed she didn't want to go any further.

"I am sure we will be fine, let's go further."

What am I thinking?! Just saying that!?

There is no way I can defeat something that has a literal warning!

I gulp and continue walking in the way I was told.

After a few minutes of walking we come across a small open patch, the moonlight glows onto the beautiful green grass.

Although something felt off like it was a trap of some sorts…

I look around and see nothing except the trail continuing to the other side, it felt eerie but I decided to continue.

"N-Natsuo, wait!"

I am about one-fourth of the way there already so I haven't really gone anywhere, I turn around and look at Lilia.

As I did her face went pale, she seemed to be terrified of something…

"What's wrong?"

"B-Behind you…"

So, you're just going to spring the typical horror line on me eh, I see how it is…

Well, that's the end of this story. I was then shortly killed after she said those few words.

The soul eater bit my head off and I died.

It was a fun journey, I have to admit it…

Just kidding, although I am currently running for my life in these pitch-black woods…

"Natsuo! It's catching up to us!"

I look behind me and notice the soul eater flying towards us.

It looked like a white caterpillar with narrow eyes and razor-sharp teeth, I could tell they weren't just for show as it bit through trees trying to chase us.

The soul eater flew in the sky, it kinda broke physics but I assume that it was just magic.

It was about the size of an elephant, it was big.

Its eyes were yellow and had big ears like an elephant too although they were fuzzy, the rest of its body looked smooth.

I had no intention of fighting this beast…

"Just keep running! That's our only hope!"

I held onto Lilia's hand while we ran, she was slower than me so I was in the lead.

The soul eater chomped through another tree and the bark flew toward us, cutting my legs barely.

I turned around again, the soul eater was gone.

"Wait, where did it go…?"

I look around but I can't seem to find it anywhere…

About a few seconds pass and I feel the ground rumbling.

"Dammit, move!"

I shove Lilia over and she falls to the floor, she reaches for me but as she does I get consumed by the soul eater.

I can no longer see Lilia, as a matter of fact, I can't really see anything…

It all went black, just like it did several years ago…

I am glad this time around I didn't have any feelings towards anyone, well I guess I developed a slight crush on Shea but that's about it…

I wonder if I will have some sort of moment then bust out of this thing while covered in slime…

Maybe I will come out because my power finally activates…

As I thought I felt something shoot into my mouth and down my throat.

I accidentally bite down and swallow a bit of it, I start to choke and then consciousness fades…

As I regained consciousness I saw a white-haired man in front of me, he looked somewhat close to a scientist, he even had the square glasses and the haircut to prove it.

"Oh, someone's here…"

He looked me in the eyes, he seemed to be depressed about something…

"What do you mean? Where are we?"

I thought my vision and consciousness would come back and I would see Death but I guess this guy was here instead…

"I don't know where we are…"

He looked both tired and depressed, those emotions don't mix well.

Actually, if I am going, to be honest, I am sure depression doesn't mix well with anything…

"Why do you look so gloomy…"

He looked at me as I said that and put on a slight smile.

"What do you mean, I don't look gloomy do I?"

He may be smiling but his eyes say differently, what happened to this guy.

I walked closer to him, the floor made waves but it didn't feel wet.

I came face to face with him, well I had to look up at him but that's fine…

"What's wrong?"

He looked at me and his smile slowly faded, he started tearing up and then fell to his knees.

"My w-w-wife, s-she cheated on me…"

He fell onto all fours and started smacking the ground with his fist.

He seemed to have a mix of so many negative emotions, I really couldn't do anything but watch.

It kind of hurt, this guy was in pain and all I could do was watch, maybe I should try comforting him…

I leaned down to his level and put my hand on his back, he stopped crying and looked toward me.

"Get away from me!"

He yelled and his body was engulfed in white flames, the flames grew bigger, and then something flew out of it towards me.

It was the same soul eater that consumed me.

I quickly pushed myself away as it bit into the floor of where I was, it slithered backward in the air and faced toward me again.

It dashed towards me and I moved out of the way, it then bit where I was at again.

I quickly stand up and look around for a suitable weapon, I might as well fight this damn thing off…

I noticed that my sword was still attached to my belt so I pulled it out and got ready for its next attack.

It twists its body and comes at me once more, I slide under it and stab it in the stomach.

I lost grip of my sword as it stuck into its stomach, it was then pulled out of my hands and in the direction the soul eater was headed.

I hear a distorted toned-out voice as if someone was drowning, although it was more clear.

"Why won't you die!"

It didn't sound like it was coming from the soul eater though.

The voice echoed through the blackness and I felt like I was surrounded by it.

The soul eater came at me once more and I pushed myself out of the way.

I stood up once more and it came at me again, it seemed even more pissed after I stabbed it.

I ran toward it as it came at me and punched it in its left eye.

It wiggled backward and fell into the floor in pain, which seemed to damage it.

I walked to the side of it and pulled the sword out, it slithered a bit and whipped its tail at me.

I was hit by it and was thrown into the distance, I luckily held onto my sword tighter so I didn't drop it this time.

I got up but my vision was fuzzy, I saw a white blur coming at me and I could tell that I was being attacked again.

I tried to move but a sharp pain entered my side and I screamed, I think this will actually be it…

I point the sword towards it as a last resort and close my eyes ready to accept defeat…

Maybe I shouldn't have joked around earlier about dying…

I heard a chomp and I reopened my eyes.

my hands were gone and I was bled all over myself.

The pain suddenly came in and I screamed once more, the soul eater was gone but so were my hands…

I tried standing up but fell back over, I felt pain all over my body.

I think I have a few broken ribs and my left leg might be fractured…

I fell and everything started to fade out, here I am laying in this void without hands and broken ribs.

I don't know if this place is real but I can feel pain so I assumed so…

I wish I could've lived a bit longer, I think I even have some eternal bleeding so I am probably dying…

Come on, I mean really. You have to be f*cking kidding me!

I got this damn far to die like this!?

What kind of damn reincarnated world is this?

Where are the hot elf girls!? Where are the princesses that fall for me!?

And most importantly! Where the hell is my awesome magic ability! I mean can I have anything good in this world?

My vision fades away and I once again woke up in front of the green-haired lady known as death.

Her red eyes and elf-like ears made her beautiful if I am going, to be honest…

"Woah, Max. Why are you here?"

I tilt my head in confusion at what she just said.

I mean I am dead, what else…?

"I died…?"

She then joined in the tilting of the heads.

"You aren't supposed to be dead."

"What, then what happened?"

She chuckled a bit.

"I don't know, that's why I am confused. Although you should be waking up again right about now."

I sank into the floor and Death waved to me as I went down.

So I guess I still can look forward to life…

I come back and notice the white-haired scientist standing a good distance in front of me with his back faced toward me.

He then turned around and fell to his knees, his mouth had blood all over it and he had a chain around his neck.

"What is this…?"

I whispered under my breath as I stood back up, I seemed to be healed which is good…

I hear some clicking come from behind me, it sounded like high-heels.

"Hey, I forgot to explain why you survived."

I looked to my right and noticed Death standing there, she then proceeded to point toward the white-haired man.

"He is no longer a free soul, you have him captured up and enslaved."

She said that so joyfully like it was a good thing!? Is this girl ok!?

"What do you mean?"

"Hmm, I guess I haven't explained yet have I? Ok sit down for a quick lesson."

I sat down and looked at her, I really didn't understand what was going on…

"Ok, so let me tell you what your special ability is."

I nod in agreement.

"It's called Soul Absorption, it absorbs the souls of monsters, demons, and gods. You can absorb their souls by eating a bit of their flesh."

"When did I eat his flesh…?"

"When he stuck his soul sucky tentacle down your throat."

I gagged and almost threw up.

"Does this mean I can absorb human souls…?"

She shakes her head, I guess I can't but why…?


"Because human flesh is different from monsters and such."

"What do you mean?"

She sighed then looked at me.

"Let me put it simply, when you eat human flesh it instantly dies, when you eat demon, monster, or god flesh it stays alive for a designated time. Which will digest into your body and become one with you."

"What, then how do I absorb their soul?"

"A human soul is different from the rest, just like the flesh. The reason human flesh dies instantly is that your soul is located in your heart and brain region, it is split equally."

"And for demons and the others?"

"Well, their soul is spread evenly throughout its whole body."

I see that makes sense, so I can really become powerful if I just go around eating all of my enemies, can't I!?

"Oh, I forgot to mention. When one of the divine gods made this skill they didn't want to make it super powerful so they added a twist."

Damn, all my hopes were just burnt up like that…

"Ok, so what is that twist, and what are the divine gods…?"

"Well you see, each time you eat flesh it has four options. One being you get all the skills of your opponent, two being you get one or if the opponent has multiple skills you have a chance to get multiple but not all."

I nod again, I think I am understanding now…

"Number Three is you don't get anything, and four means the target's soul overrides yours and you die of shock, killing both you and your target. So no matter what you will kill your opponent but you have a chance to die yourself."

So I can't become powerful but I can…?

"Oh and the stronger the enemy the higher the chance you will die."

"So be careful who I eat…?"

Never thought I would say those words aloud…

"Yep exactly, oh and the three divine gods are the most powerful beings in all existence."

"May you go into detail…?"

She sighed again, she seemed to be getting tired of it.

She acted like a child, it was funny…

"We have the smartest god, the God of the Underworld, his name is Aaron. We then have the most beautiful god, the God of Romance, Ria. Lastly, we have the god of all gods, the All-Father. His name is unknown and he died a long time ago, he is still waiting to be reincarnated into this world."

I understand now, maybe there is a chance I am him. Time to be that awesome god of gods, mwahaha!

"Great now you understand, let me explain to you what you got from mister white-haired cutie over here."

This is what I wanted to hear! I finally have some sort of magic!

"You got two sword magic skills, and if you really don't know what sword magic is then ask someone else other than me."

"Ok ok I understand, just hurry up and tell me!"

"First ability you got is called Soul Dash, it allows you to move in any direction at any given moment but requires a decent amount of mana. Second is called Soul Energy, it makes your physical attributes boosted by 1.5x, except the strength in your hands is increased by 2x."

So I am somewhat of a cool hero now, I see. I am excited to show them off.

"Now, how exactly do I use them?"

"Say the names of the skill, sword magic doesn't require chants, but at the moment you can't use them because mister soul eater over there used all his mana fighting you!"

"What!? He is the soul eater!?"

"Yep, I don't understand how you didn't know that when I told you he was technically your slave."

I am so confused but at the same time, I feel like I understand…

"Anyways, people are dying and I need to show them to the afterlife, bye Ma- I mean Natsuo!"

"Wait I still have questio-"

Her body sparkled and then in the blink of an eye, she disappeared.

I then woke up covered in slime, I knew this would happen…

Part Two

I look around and see Lilia sitting by a tree with her face dug into her knees.

I got up and headed toward her, she looked up and her face lit up.

"You're alive!"

She got up and jumped onto me, we then both fell onto the ground and I wrapped my arms around her.

"Yea, I wish I could stay dead so I wouldn't have to wear those stupid dresses anymore."

She got up and I realized she got snot and tears all over me.

Great, now I am covered in slime and snot…

"That's mean! I thought you were dead!"

I chuckled and patted her head, her facial expression became frustrated but then she sighed and hugged me again.

"Don't do that again!"

"I won't nor do I want to…"

I push her off and get up, as soon as I stand up I help Lilia up then walk to the body of the soul eater.

"So, do we cut off its ear or something?"

I looked at Lilia as she asked the question, I shrugged. I guess we should since Oliver asked us to…

I realized my sword was still on my waist, I guess that place wasn't real…

I pull out my sword and take off its ear, I nod to Lilia and she smiled, we then headed back toward Oliver.

Luckily Lilia had a great sense of direction so she knew where we were at, but it also helped that half of the path back to him had broken trees.

We walked through the area the soul eater first attacked and I felt a few glares onto me.

"Get down Lilia!"

Not again! God damn it!

I pushed Lilia down and I felt a sharp gust of wind pass by me.

I guess they shot magic toward us, these guys can use magic so I should get close.

I pull out my sword and look toward where I felt the glares.

Three figures hop out of the forest and stand in front of me, they each had a katana.

I examined them, I pissed myself when I saw what was on their face…

It was the Black Masked Demons…

The three people charge toward me, they are quick…

I jumped out of the way of the first Masked Demon's attack and the Second Masked Demon charged at me as I was in the air.

I blocked his attack and kicked him backward. The third, which was bulkier than the others, grabbed my foot as I kicked the second and he threw me into a nearby tree.

I hit the tree then slid down it, my vision was fuzzy but I could tell Lilia tried helping.

I called out but my voice wouldn't be as loud as it needed to be…

The Black Masked Demons all attacked her at once, she managed to dodge the magic attacks but she couldn't really dodge the sword attacks.

She barely evaded them so she had cuts on her, what do these guys want!?

I get up and almost fall over.

This next move I do better f*cking work…

"Hey, you, why are you picking on a girl? A minor of all girls actually…"

I clenched my fists as I yelled.

The three Black Masked swordsmen looked at me and then got ready to fight me again.

"[Soul Energy]..."


My hands glowed with a white flame and so did my feet.

"Finally, my hero moment is here…"

Three stone darts fly toward me and I managed to dodge them,

The Swordsmen charged at me and the first one which was the fastest came at me and swung down on me.

I blocked with my sword and punched him in the crotch with my unoccupied hand.

"Imagine losing to a kid!"

He fell onto his knees and I uppercut him in the jaw, he fell backward and his mask cracked in half.

The other two swordsmen stopped charging at me and started laughing.

I then hear multiple waves of laughter coming from the trees behind me.

"What's happening!?"

The swordsman who was on the floor started twitching.

He then started screaming as if he was burning alive.

Black vines bursted out of his back and wrapped around his throat, I then heard a loud crack and the man stopped screaming.

His head turned the opposite direction, he was officially dead.

While everyone was laughing pyschotically the body started twitching again.

His belly started rising as if he was pregnant.

It then exploded and black goo started seeping out, it looked like it was boiling.

It bubbled and then slowly started moving toward me.

I go to step backwards but trip on a rock and fall onto my bum.

The goo came closer to me and I couldn't back away it time.

It latched onto my feet and started burning away my shoes.

"Get off!"

I started crawling backward as the goo crawled up me slowly…

Lilia was grabbed by the bulkier Swordsman, he waved at me and then laughed as he walked away.

I don't think so, you fat a**!

"[Soul Dash]!"

I dashed over the rest of the goo and started falling toward the third swordsman who had Lilia.

"Eat this you a**hole!"

He turned around and gasped as I kicked him in the side of the face with my goo covered leg.

I shatter his mask and the some of the goo goes into his mouth.

I twist my body midair toward the other swordsman and throw my sword.

It lands into his foot as he charged toward me, he fell as it went into his foot and he landed in the puddle of slime.

I grabbed Lilia who was falling off the bulky swordsman's shoulder as the swordsman was dying.

I started running back towards Oliver and didn't stop sprinting.

I held Lilia like a princess as the magicians chased after her.

I don't think those guys expected me to do what I did…

To be honest, those guys were kinda weak, or maybe I am just better…

Rocks and icicles struck nearby me but none of them hit me since I was moving back and forth.

I came across the split and headed down the way we came.

I don't understand what they want...

As I am running I see something ahead of.

It was the silhouette of a man, he had a sword in each hand.

Please do not say that there is more of them…

The silhouette suddenly disappeared and then I heard screaming behind me, I stopped and turned around.

About six Black Masked Demons pop out and I notice they are all fighting one person.

The swordsman was just taking them out with ease.

About five seconds passed and the person was just standing over dead bodies, none of the Black Masked Demon's masks were destroyed, surprisingly…

The man walked toward me, he didn't have a single drop of blood on him.


He had a stone-cold stare but he nodded to the name.

This was definitely Oliver…

"Let's go back to the Mansion, forgive me for making you do that."

"Yea, it's fine…"

"I am glad you guys came across the trainees and not actual Black Masked Demons…"

I see, I guess they were just weak…

"Listen, for future note do not break their masks, I had to exterminate your mess before I could save you."

"You were watching!?"

"I wasn't just going to stand next to the carriage."

He was monotone and he sounded kinda dumb with his answers, to be honest…

I don't care anymore though, I just want to get back to the Mansion…

I sighed and Oliver took Lilia from me.

"Why are your hands glowing…?"

"It's a long story, I will explain it on the way back…"


Not if I fall asleep though, I am extremely tired…

I deactivated my skill and we walked back, we reached the carriage and I was thankful it wasn't destroyed.

I really am getting tired of this new world and if that happened I might've given up…

I am glad I got this power though, at least I am somewhat stronger now…

"You stink of body fluids, take a bath when we get back."


I sat down in the carriage and Lilia slept next to me, we then started moving.

Finally, I have made it to the finish line for today…

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