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Chapter 7: Chapter 7 - Thirty Days Till Death



[Group Chat]

[[Grave Warnings]]

(First POV: Eren)

When Mikasa and I first got to the school, it had been overrun with people standing outside the front entrance. Even with my hurting muscles, I got a few glances at who everyone was looking at.


My eyes widened at who I saw. The emotionless beauty that is Komi-San. When I first saw her, I had to admit to myself that she was truly an impossible beauty.


It made me question if she didn't have some supernatural abilities or if she was just that good-looking.


My survival instincts kicked in after a few seconds of looking, and I immediately turned around to find Mikasa giving me an emotionless stare.

Catching her in the act of staring at me shook her a bit as she turned around quickly.


I smiled and began rubbing my chin as I openly checked her out. navy blue blazer, white shirt, striped red-navy bowtie, striped red-navy skirt, and full-length tights.


She was absolutely gorgeous. 'Now if only I could get her in a goth girl outfit.' I thought before walking up to her.


"Are you jealous?" I whispered in her ear, and as I did, she began walking forward quickly.


Was it jealousy? The world may truly never know. Actually, she's probably just a yandere.


'Even better!' I thought as I quickened my walk to try and catch up to Mikasa.

(A/N: Mini-Timeskip incoming.)

I decided to catalog the days leading up to judgment day. There could be no slacking of any kind if I wanted to live.


Days one and two were spent training, learning virtual supernatural combat, and resting my body.


On day three, I awakened the Boosted Gear. I awakened the twice-critical version, and with it, I used it to focus on boosting my recovery rate.


To awaken the Boosted Gear, all I had to do was think of a dragon and be enraged. At least, I think that was my thought process.


Still not my best hour, I was on my hands and knees in a rage about how I couldn't even summon the one thing I needed to survive.

On day eight, my endurance reached twenty, yet I still couldn't boost more than once without reaching my limit.


On day fifteen, I started noticing the effects of being gifted with the boosted gear. Normally, humans aren't able to go past the set limits of nature and grow stronger by working out endlessly.


I, however, had broken past the limit of humans and technically had more than four times the endurance of a normal person. I focused on endurance the most due to needing to reach the second boost requirement.


Being a devil was truly a cheat. But by working out and then instantly focusing my boost solely on recovery, I could speed up the muscle recovery and growth process.


On day twenty, I had begun stagnating due to not having enough heavy shit to lift. Ddraig hadn't awoken yet, and I was still trying to grow as fast as I could.


Currently, it is day twenty-nine, and I don't have any more time left. If the human limit is ten in everything physical, then I can say that in my thirty days of free time, I made every second count.

[Eren Yeager]

[Race: Human | Multiplier: 1x]

[Strength: 37]

[Constitution: 38]

[Dexterity: 32]

[Intelligence: 18]

[Luck: 0.1(?)]

[Feelings: He is currently anxious about his rate of survival if he goes on the special mission.]

I just barely made it to be able to make the second boost, and so I looked at the remaining time I had left.

[Time Remaining: 0D, 15H, 32M, 11S]

[[Note: If a mission isn't done once a month, unforeseen consequences may arise.]]

I would have waited till the last second and grinded out all of my time, but I couldn't take the risk that time wouldn't stop. If I did take all the time and only found out that the timer still counts down until I fully complete a mission, I would be absolutely livid.


With a deep breath, I checked the mission one last time.


[Strongest Today vs. Strongest in History]


[Description: Omni Gojo vs. Azaogdesz Sukuna. An alternative version of Satoru Gojo and Ryomen Sukuna battle for the fate of the world! Help Omni Gojo save the human race, or help Azaogdesz Sukuna destroy the last of old humanity! Choose a side; the reward varies depending on the side chosen.]


[Rank: E++-???]


The ranking was now E++, and that small amount of change put a smile on my face. Without further procrastinating, I pressed the mission.


[Are you sure you want to start this mission? Y/N]


I pressed yes.


[Secretly An Eldritch God has started a Special Mission! Request to join him! 1/Inf.]

[Start now?]


I pressed start now and watched as the world around me turned black and white.


[Pausing the time of the world of the current participants.]


[To those who joined this mission, I pray that you survive, and for the first and last time, I will say hello, goodbye, and goodnight.]


[You have chosen a near-impossible mission! Getting into combat with the main adversary will give you extra points!]


"I'm actually fucked." That was the last thing I could say before my vision turned black.

(Third POV:???)

It was December 24th, the promised meeting date. Currently, Omni Gojo is wearing a white robe, a smile growing on his face as he knows what's about to happen.


Sukuna had dropped the barrier protecting humanity from the millions—billions—of curses outside the barrier, and he wasn't going to have any of that.


As Omni walked down the street, one person in a suit and tie was following him. The man looked unsure of himself, and as they walked, he suddenly grabbed Omni by the shoulder.


"I don't know about this, Omni!" The man looked worried as his brown hair blew in the wind. His concern for Omni was well placed, as he would be the final bastion for humanity! If he were to fall-


"It's alright." Omni Gojo suddenly spoke up. Slowly taking his friend's hand off his shoulder, he stared forward. "I know what I'm doing. I've lost friends and people I could consider family to this monster; just because he's wearing the face of one of my friends doesn't mean I won't beat the shit out of him!"


The brown-haired man's face grew worried. "You may be the strongest, but this is the God of Curses we are talking about! The God of Curses! This isn't a fight you can handle alone." The man tried to plead the case for having Omni back down.


"If you go into this fight, are you confident you'll win?" The brown-haired man looked even more panicked by the sight in front of him. A countless wall of cursed spirits lay ahead, but all he could do was ask questions.


"If Azaogdesz uses all he has at his disposal, I could be in a little bit of trouble..." Omni Gojo smiled as his white hair blew softly in the wind. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.


"B-but would you lose?" The brown-haired man cringed as he looked at the wall of curses and then back to Omni.


Slowly, Omni began to open his eyes. A confident smile radiated on his face like never before.


"Nah, I'd win." The words coming from Gojo's mouth were so full of confidence that not even God himself could disagree.

"Now, now, Gojo Brat, we have yet to test that hypothesis." Someone appeared a few meters away from Gojo. He was wearing a white robe, his four red eyes piercing into Gojo's blue.


Immediately, the man in the black suit disappeared. Gojo's smile grew as he saw that Sukuna would keep his promise.


"Are you sure you want to keep your promise? If I kill you, then all those cursed spirits will leave without issue." Omni Gojo's confidence turned into a mixture of cockiness and arrogance.


Sukuna's smile only grew at his statement. "Take a walk with me," Sukuna said as he began walking. Gojo teleported to his side and began walking next to him.


"How long has it been since I've had a fight of this magnitude? To have someone challenge me like thi-"


"Let's get one thing straight." Before Sukuna could continue speaking, Gojo interrupted him. "I'm not the challenger here. You are the challenger coming for my title of the strongest!"


"Ok, 'strongest' let's do it your way," Sukuna said before quickly turning and lashing out with his fist.


The attack missed as Gojo jumped back and landed a few feet away.


"As I have thrown the first attack of this fight, I can be considered the challenger!" Sukuna said as his black hair blew harshly in the wind.


Both fighters got into a stance with their fists ready. They were sure all of their teammates, subordinates, and colleagues were watching them.


"Don't be mad when I defeat you, old timer! After all, I am the strongest!" Gojo said it with a cocky smirk that got on Sukuna's nerves.


"Oh, I'll enjoy de-scaling this fish that finally hopped out of the ocean and onto my cutting board!" Sukuna said as he clenched both his fists.

The corners of Gojo's mouth twitched as he heard what Sukuna had said. "Your comebacks are as old as you are... I'll humor you, though.


I'm not a fish that hobbled out of the ocean; I'm a leviathan ready to finally end you and your race." Gojo's smirk once again returned as he finished his sentence.

Both Sukuna and Gojo rushed forward! The first jab thrown by Sukuna had been overextended, and Gojo made sure not to allow that slip-up to go unpunished.


Grabbing Sukuna's left arm with his right, Omni Gojo locked his arm underneath his armpit to make sure Sukuna couldn't pull back.


A punch came at Sukuna's head from Gojo's free hand. A smirk appeared on Sukuna's face as he blocked the punch with his free arm.


The second Gojo pulled his fist back for another punch, he suddenly held that attacking arm close to his face in order to block the kick Sukuna had thrown at his face.


Quickly letting go of Sukuna's arm, Gojo threw a punch straight to the center of Sukuna's chest. Sukuna held his arms in an X position across his chest and blocked the punch!


Omni Gojo had infused his punch with his cursed techniques. Lapse: Blue and Reversal Red! The first silently pulled Sukuna in, and the second pushed Sukuna further!


The punch sent Sukuna flying backward! His back collided with a building, and a crunch was heard as he landed.

'It's time!' Gojo thought as he crossed his fingers and held them in front of his face. He knew he couldn't clash Sukuna over and over and had to end the fight with his 'sure hit effect.'


Sukuna's smirk disappeared for a split second before returning. Forgoing healing his injuries, Sukuna raised both of his hands.


His palms met each other as his index and pinky fingers bent inward while the rest of his fingers extended upward. In this specific hold, both fighters raised their gestures just below their faces.


""Domain Expansion!""


A golden eight-handled wheel appeared above Sukuna's head as the words were uttered.


"Unlimited Void!"

"Malevolent Shrine!"


Both fighters said it at exactly the same time! A large gray mouth appeared below Sukuna, eating him whole. The mouth disappeared below the ground before quickly re-emerging from the ground like a fish breaching the surface of the sea!


Turning ninety degrees to face where Omni Gojo was standing, the mouth opened wide. As the mouth opened, Sukuna was shown in it.


A shrine had appeared right as the mouth opened, and it had three other mouths on its other sides. Ox skulls could be seen hanging from the corners of its extremely dark blue ceiling, with spikes piercing through the ceiling as well.


As the shrine finished appearing, numerous large ox skulls generated below it like steps to heaven. Some were broken, while others looked fully intact. The main color of the shrine was deep blood-red.

The sky behind Omni Gojo turned parchment paper white, as did everything behind him. Buildings and inanimate objects turned a light white.


That was until an uncountable amount of flashing lines zoomed past Gojo! What followed was the white turning black as the zooming lights pushed forward.


Both domains of the two fighters collided! The void meets the shrine! 

The domains left visible effects on their surroundings as they clashed! However, the zooming lights seemed ravenous in their expanse. Quickly, they began trying to eat away at Malevolent Shrine's presence. A strained expression showed on Sukuna's face.


"I admit, in a domain battle, the one person I can't beat is you! You have the ability to supply your domain with a limitless amount of energy, and even I, eventually, would fall in terms of energy!" Sukuna said as his domain quickly began losing ground. He knew, especially with his wounds, that winning this clash head-on was off the table.


"However!" Sukuna's face showed a crazed expression as he spoke.


Omni Gojo's eyes suddenly widened as he heard cracking come from all around him.


'But how? I made sure to account for his domain having a range of 200 meters! He should have the same size domain as I do.' Gojo thought as his domain began cracking and breaking.


"The thing is, Omni Gojo, my maximum domain range is over a kilometer!" Sukuna said as Gojo's eyes widened.


Gojo's domain shattered immediately after Sukuna finished speaking. Sukuna's domain had a larger range than Gojo had anticipated, and because of that, he could hit Gojo's domain from the outside with Cleave and Dismantle!


Omni Gojo's eyes remained wide as a large cut appeared on the side of his neck!

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