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Character Information

[Character info begins here. All that I feels as important will also be here. I just want you to know that I also don't own any of the characters from Hunter x Hunter. The plot and my Oc are my own.]

Original Name: Blake Wonderwick [Before her mother TOOK her name Away. At ten, she renamed herself as Citrine]

New Name: Kiwi

Original Age: 24 years [many question how she was 24 when in the story it says she was 18 when she died. This will be Explained in the fifth installment, but the key word is TRAUMA]

Age: 19 years old [By the end of the first book]

Age when she meets Hisoka: 3 years old

Age when she meets Illumi: 16 years old

Original Height: 5'6"

Current Height: 5'10"

Original Weight: 100lbs [Malnutrition, Stress, Physical and Mental Abuse, Starvation: All will be explained in the fifth installment of this series]

Weight: 215lbs of Muscle: Athletic, fit, thicc

Original Appearance: She was a very bruised up child and skinny girl. You could tell that she wasn't getting enough nutrition in her body, so she hid beneath baggy clothing to make herself at least seem healthy on the outside.

Her beautiful brown skin was litter with deep scars and bruises and her white hair was matted and stained with blood. Her golden eyes peered out ant everyone and and everything, lined with thick white lashes.

Appearance: beautiful brown skin with wild white hair to her hips. Her ears are pointed and she has startling cold golden eyes, they change upon her mood.

Other things of Importance: Before she arrived in the world of HxH she was a introverted girl who had a very bad hand dealt to her. Her parents were abusive, and she took care of herself when they didn't.

On top of the every day abuse, she was constantly bullied over things that weren't in her control. Her life ended the day she was raped... [hit by a truck trying to flee] which caused her to be reincarnated in one of the anime's she read over and over for her enjoyment.

She read many anime's when she was living, but she could relate to HxH more only because certain character backgrounds were similar to her own life. In this story this is where she's given a life where she can be strong and the one in control.

Dislikes: CLOWNS [WITH A PASSION] Assholes, disrespect, ignorance, abuse, torture, liers, bullies, double standards, stupid questions, annoying people, jealousy, etc.

Absolutely & Utterly Hates: being looked down upon, injustice, abusers, Filicide, rapest, molesters, torture, manipulative behavior, DISRESPECT and many other things.

Bloodlust Mode: When she gets upset, usually to the point of no return, it's really hard for her to reign in her bloodlust. She's very protective of those she actually gets close to and let's in, though there are not that many she let's get close to her. When it comes to those she loves and values, she doesn't care how brutal she may seem.

You mess with her or the people she holds dear, she'll reach a point of no return. Anyone in range of her could get hurt therefore there's a reason she keeps her emotions under control. She's afraid not of what will happen to her but to those she encounters in her berserk state of mind.

Nen Catagories: She is a Specialist, but she has a placement in all Men Catagories so she can use whichever.

Specialist Nen Ability: Amrita:- It is a physical transformation of her body but also her nen. In her nen rises a Immortal warrior goddess that her tribe worships. She is often depicted as a strong beautiful melanin woman with fiery red hair and scars under her eyes. On her head she wears a crown that is a skull of a large cat magic beast.

She carries a long jagged sword that she uses to pass judgment, but also the ability to manifest many swords and blades. She's a master manipulator of Nen and aura. The goddess is kind but when wronged relentless andcold hearted in her punishment, shesknown as a mother.

The goddess took place in her nen, therefore Kiwi is technically her.

Manipulator Nen Abilities:

Unofficial Name: Puppet Master and it's one she rarely uses, only in extreme cases. What it does is a Secret [For Now]

Unofficial Name: Aura Asphyxiation can manipulate a persons aura to choke another.. suffocate hem to death

Unofficial Name: Aura Bind using another's aura to bind or lock them in place

Unofficial Name: Porcupine literally manipulated her aura to spoke all over like a porcupine.

Official Name: Blood Blades it uses her blood and aura to turn her blood to blades, and or spears. It's helpful if she gets cut in a right situation.

Unofficial Name: Time Gap uses her aura to slow thing around her... This one she rarely uses because she's already so fast.

Emitter Nen Abilities:

Unofficial name: Jumper, she uses it to vanish and reappear when needed.

Unofficial name: Death Cannon which she uses to create different beams in her mouth to blow things to bits. She can use her hands if she wants but she finds joy in freaking others out when her face splits and a beam is charging. Anything else about it is a sectet.

Unofficial name: Shooting Star which involves Nen arrows. Though it doesn't just work on sight. She doesn't have to look at you to get a bullseye. Though everything else about it is a Secret [For Now]

Unofficial Name: Magic Whip Secret[For Now]

Unofficial Name: Star Mines Secret[For Now]

Unofficial Name: Pit Secret[For Now]

Conjuror Nen Abilities:

Unofficial Name: Blades Of Judgment. She can conjuor swords out of her aura or any type of blade, and even use them to fight in cose combat.

Unofficial Name: Blade Of Hell which Is literally how it sounds. Though both the abilities tie into her Amrita Specialist ability . Thewma in her sword can summon swords or a big one, to pass judgment. The rest of the information for this ability is a Secret[For Now]

Unofficial Name: Blood Rain Secret[For Now]

Unofficial Name: Spears of Smoke Secret[For Now]

Unofficial Name: Black Hole Secret[For Now]

Unofficial Name: Birthing Star basically a supernova[A lot like Feitan Sun ability] Secret[For Now]

Enhancer Nen Abilities:

Unofficial Name: Brute Beserker

Other info on it is A secret for now

Unofficial Name: Fountain of Youth [Just as it describes]

It can heal any wounds as long as the person isn't dead. Most poisons it can purify, but leathal doses are irreversible [hence the Poor man's rose]

[ Amrita is the Immortal Goddess of war, love, fertility, motherhood, punishments, dance and music.]

[Ares and Shekmet on energetic magic steroids]

Transmuter Nen Abilities:

Unofficial Name: Spider's Web Secret [For Now]

Unofficial Name: Trampoline Secret[For Now]

Unofficial Name: Wall Crawler Secret[For Now]

Unofficial Name: Moth Wings Secret[For Now]

Unofficial Name: Diamond Claws Secret[ For Now]

Unofficial Name: Super Glue It's worse than bunge gum. If this ability is active her aura stays stuck to you I til she decided to let it go, it's good for tracking. Secret[For Now]


Name: Kyevi Netero Nezo Kapri

Original Name: Kyevi Argon Kapri [ when Netero Adopted him he took his father's last name. When he married he too Nezo From his wife Meira and She took Netero Kapri]

Age: 113 years old [ Netero Adopted Him when he was 74 years old and trained him. Because Kapri is a Magic Beast his ages slower. Kapri was technically a young adult when Netero took him in.]

[Kapri was Sixty-seven when adopted, if you're wondering. Like I said, he's a Magic Beast therefore his aging process is different. Most in his race at that age still look like they're in their later teen years. Sixty-seven for Kapri had him looking like a Eighteen year old. Fourty-Six years passed since then]

Being: Magic Beast:- Demon of Light [horns adorn their head whenever they want to reveal themselves, that is. Their skin is decorated with Gold or Silver Rune markings in specific words that only they understand and can read. He is decorated by many. You're born with them and depending on a person accomplishments more appear.]

Appearance: Long White curly loced hair with peanut butter Brown Skin and Cold Silver eyes. He is of a muscular tall stature and his skin is littered with scars from fighting.

Height 9'2"

Weight: 400lbs of muscle

Nen Catagory: Emitter, Manipulator and Transmuter [His race birth peple in different Catagories. Because of what they are it makes them almost too strong for others to Handel]

Nen Ability: Secret [For Now]

Other Information of Importance: He loves his daughter very much, he also loves his wife much more. When she died, it tore a hole in him.


Name: Meira Nezo Netero Kapri [After Marriage]

Original Name: Meira Glasia [ A nobile clan of Elven Magic Beast. She's what you would call a high born Dark elf, though she was the only one left and now she's gone. Her legacy lives in her daughter, Kiwi]

Age: 74 Years old [Elves don't really age]

Height: 6'8"

Weight: 236lbs of muscles

Important Information: She died due to pregnancy complications. Kiwi was only four years old when Meira got pregnant again. It was to be a boy, but she never had to chance to give birth to the child. She was eight months pregnant when she miscarried. She was bed ridden for days when the blood finally stopped flowing only to get sick after. She knew that her body didn't completely remove the still born from her body and she became sicker.

No matter what herbs she took to make her moon blood flow it seemed that the damage was done and untreatable; Kiwi begged to save her yet she refused. Instead she gave the essence of her royalty to Kiwi so that when the right time came, she would be able to reclaim what her extinct tribe lost. [Something only her Elven race car do: high Borns only]

Other Abilities will be explained later on in the story. I would like that to remain a mystery up until then.

this will me added to and updated later on in the story.


Name: Hisoka Morow:-Male

Name later On: Hisoka Morow-Zoldyck [After Marriage]

Age: 28

Age he meets Kiwi: 13 years old.

Age he meets Illumi: 22 years old

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 200lbs

Important Information: he was raised in a poor family an his father was abusive to his mother. He once had a sister named Itari[for the story] though she died from complications of malnutrition. He decided from then on that his sister was a weak excuse of a human being.

Years later he murdered his abusive father yet he made it look like a accident. He loves his mother very much, up until the point, he woke up to her leaving him in the trash heap known in Meteor city. Glam Gas is his home, a place he was originally born, and to join the circus h didn't anything he could to get back there. The da that he arrived he was cornered by a group of teenagers. He was too weak to fight him in his state, he was hungry and already weak from the lack of food... That was also the day he first met Kiwi.

Because of how he is, he doesn't get attached to things or people, but the moment he saw her, a three year old girl with power beyond his understanding, he fell in love with her....

Nen Catagory: Transmuter and Manipulator.

Manipulator: Texture surprise

Transmuter: Bungee Gum[has the properties of both rubber and gum...]


Name: Illumi Zoldyck:- Male

Name Later on: Illumi Morow-Zoldyck

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 150lbs

Age: 24 years old

Age when he gets Hisoka: 18 years old

Age when he mets Kiwi: 22 years old

Important Information: he was born and raised in the Zoldyck family[though he's not Silva's biological son: that will be explained in the later books] he's the eldest Son of the Zoldyck family. And has done very well to strength their family name.

He like power it's pretty obvious, and whe he sees kiwi, he can't tell if he was TS to curl up and die or shit himself in fear. His sadistic nature isn't something he does to her or against her, but his moments of sadistic behavior show. He's not kind, and his twisted love is all but tainted, but he realizes that he loves her later on in the story... In fact... He realized he loved her the moment he met her , and that was when he was at her mercy.... in her eyes he saw death..


More will be added.


Xzyztent Xzyztent

I thought it would help if you all got information on the characters.

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