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Chapter 22: Chapter 22


I sighed, after that huge mess created by Drake I thought Mr. Zuro fired us too but he didn't and I'm glad because I really need that job for myself.

"I'm gonna still beat him," Chris said while wiping the floor.

"Who?" I questioned.

"Drake, of course," Chris said.

"Yeah, right." Chris and I are doing dishes and trying our best to clean up tomato soup which is everywhere in the kitchen.

Chris looked at me with a smile, "I'm waiting for Zuro's to leave."

"Why?" I asked.

"Oh, well it's because I'm gonna use magic to clean that mess because it's impossible for us to clean all by ourselves."

"You're right Chis." After Zuro's gone the first thing that Chris did was clean the whole kitchen just in one minute.

"I wish I had that kind of magic too," I said.

"Awww, Rose then you need to talk to Drake." I raised an eyebrow, "No dear I'm good. Speaking of Drake, is he always like that?"

"Always," Chris replied. "One time I remember I was sick. Andrew was outside so I told Drake to make my smoothie and he did it but—"

"But?" I asked.

"But he blended that smoothie material without a blender cap, that smoothie burst into the kitchen, and from that day on I swear myself never told him to do any kitchen thing."

"Wow, It's a funny story." She chuckles, "He's my brother and I love him anyway."

After a long day in the kitchen, we girls finally are in Snow's home. I think I like it here, In Snow's house. Or maybe, It's because I just want to meet that hottest weirdo.

"Rose, don't you get bored here? I mean, sitting here watching Bugs Bunny and Lola only kissing like the '80s."

"Shhh, don't say that Drake. I love this couple." Honestly, I didn't realize when Drake came here and sat next to me.

"Can we go out now?"

"What?" I asked.

He smirked, "I said can we go outside? Alone?"

"Where do you want to go Drake?" I asked as he smirked devilishly.

"North side of the Winchester's lake."

I looked at him, "Lake?"

"I know it's really cold outside, but I want to go somewhere in a peaceful place….. With you." I smiled, "Come on."

"Wow, it looks like you want to spend time with me too…. Alone?" I smirked, "Shut up, Drake. Don't ruin this moment." It was really cold, especially at night. He grabs my hand without looking at me and I hold his hand a little tighter.

"You must know that I care about you too, just like my family. I'm sorry….. I'm sorry about what happened last night; I never wanted that to happen, not in front of you at least. All of the incidents."

I grabbed his arm, "Drake, stop it."

"Stop what?" He asked.

"Blaming yourself, stop that."

"I just don't want to lose any of you that's it."

"Trust me Drake; you're not going to lose any of us."

"It's a rocky path, can I carry you?" I narrowed my eyes, "No Romeo, I can go by myself."

"As you wish…. your highness." I stop myself while walking.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Is that your hobby?"

"What hobby?" Drake asked me while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Giving me a shock every day."

He laughed, "If it's what makes you happy then It'll be fun." We are here, seriously I love this place. I like it and it also makes me feel good. We sit on a rocky floor and watch the wonderful colors of the lake reflected by moonlight. It's like Alaska.

"Drake?" I called his name.

"Yeah?" He looked at me and his hazel eyes made me shut for a second.

"I have so many questions for you."

He sighed, "I know, that's why I bring you here. You can talk to me about anything. It's a peaceful place to talk."

"You said…. That you are a devil?" I asked.

"Yes." He replied.

"What about you're…. I don't know horns?"

He laughed so hard, "Rose, you think I'm a devil with horns."

"I'm just asking okay."

"Relax… relax I'm just kidding. The answer to that question is no we don't have horns."

"Fine, I got it." Silence settles at the moment as me and him stare at the moonlight.

"Where did you come from?" I asked.

He smiled, "Rose if you think that the devil came from hell then it's true. My ancestors were born there but because of that Mystic we need to come here on earth, for our safety."

I bite the inside of my lip, "Do you like that place?"

A faint smile escapes from the corner of his lips, "Does it matter?"

"Of course, it matters. You are now living here."

"I was two years old when we shifted here, so I don't remember anything about that place. My only responsibility is the safety of my family. You are safe. It's because that monster didn't see you that night but I want you to leave that town."

"What?" My heart skips beating. "Are you insane?" His mood turns out into the darkest mood just like when we met the first time.

"It's for your own good, good things never happen twice. You have a chance to leave that town, and start your happy life without fear."

A throbbing pain burst into my heart, I'm angry and hurt at the same time. "I'm not selfish and you don't know me, Drake. Think about others, the innocent people who are dying every day here too."

"Rosetta.... Do you think I don't care about them? I do care about them and we are trying our best to protect them. We can't explain ourselves to others, you know we can't. But you know everything. I….. I'm begging you please leave this town.

You deserve to live not to die. You have a chance don't waste it." I looked at him and he softly begged me again and again.

"Who said you're a devil? You should be an angel instead of a devil." A faint flush forms on Drake's face.

"I'm not an angel; I'm a pureblood devil but really…. It's really good to know that you consider me a good hot boy."

I laughed, "Wait? Who said that you are hot?" He smirked, "Your mind."

"Yeah, right my bad. I almost forgot that Mr. Weirdo can read my mind." He let out a very cheerful laugh and it was the very first time I actually saw him laughing from the heart. Drake's fingers skim across my face as he pushes some stray hair aside. "So, you admit that I'm hot….and attractive."

I sighed, "Still no."

"Stubborn Kid!" He said as he smiled.



"Is Andrew a pure devil like you?"

"Yep, he is. Well, the thing is Andrew's and my parents were family friends, after they died my parents adopted him."

"How did they die?"

"They died in a car accident."

"I'm so sorry," I said.

"No, it's okay."

I looked at the beautiful bright moonlight surrounded by dark clouds. It's so cold here, the cold breeze gives me a shiver but I like it anyway. I like winter. I glance at Drake and he's lost… again in his dark deep thoughts.

"I want to see you, Drake. The real you?" He looked at me with a soft smile, "but you already saw me that day?"

"Well, that day I was freaking the hell out when a monster almost attacked us so that one wasn't counted."

"You're right." He said.

I watch as Drake stands up before his eyes flutter closed and once they do, the very cold breeze begins to below fastly all around me. I saw a light begin to glow within Drake's chest, he opened his eyes and his irises turned into bloody red.

That bright light engulfs his entire body. I shield my eyes with my cold hand. My other hand was on the ground. I saw snow around me start melting with the hotness of Drake's light.

That cold night is now like a summer night even though I want to take off my jacket. I saw Drake, it's like he's made of fire which I once heard from the elder that the devil is made of fire.

His full body is burning, just like a boy on fire. The light around him is bright yellow and his eyes are pure red.

"Oh my God, you're burning yourself."

He starts laughing, "It's okay baby girl I'm okay."

Slowly, I place my hand on his chest. It's warm, not too warm. "This is my true form; this is what I look like and my brother too." I stare at him like a moth drawn to a flame.

"Can you hug me? Rose. I swear I will never burn you."

I smiled, "I know." I slowly came closer to him, met my gaze to him, and then hugged him. His arms are wrapped around me and also mine around him. I can feel his heartbeat, it's a beautiful lullaby. Warm, sweet lullaby. It's like he's straight out of the fantasy world. As Drake tightens his embrace, we enjoy that moment as if neither of us wants to let go.

"Do you want to see another incredible thing?" I glanced at him as he offered me. I smiled and nodded. His eyes got darker red as I saw a huge light coming from his back, I shut my eyes for a second and when I opened it...

"Oh my God!" I saw his very long dark black, incredibly beautiful wings. My mouth drops open, unable to handle that big surprise. He moved his wings fastly as we both were up in this wintry air. I wrapped my arms around his neck very tightly.

He smirked, "Relax! I won't let you down. Never!" I slowly looked at him. My heart starts beating fastly as I slowly try to relax and let myself enjoy that moment fully.

"Do you like it?" I smiled, "Drake, I love it!" I'm enjoying this moment as I saw beautiful snowflakes around us. His hands are on my waist, He pulled me closer and gave me a sweet hug, he held me so tightly and I hugged him back. "Rose?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"Can I..... Can I kiss you?" My heart is jumping like it never has before; I wipe my tears and nod because I want that kiss too. I really want this. He gets closer to me, I close my eyes, I can feel his warm sweet breath and then he brushes his lips with mine.

I bet nothing is sweeter than a kiss from this hot weirdo named Drake Snow. I will never forget it.

Our very first kiss. It's like electricity, time stops like everything around me is frozen and nothing matters to me but this beautiful moment. My heart flutters when he kisses me a little harder. We enjoyed it; I know he's enjoying that too.

I'm excited but that damn stupid weird cramps and butterflies fluttering in my stomach and my stomach is really tickling from inside. He slowly pulls away from me as we both are on the ground again.

"You like it?"

I smiled, "It's magical. Drake!"

"Yeah." He said softly.

"Are you still calling me baby girl?" I asked as he let out a big laugh.

"Forever. But I must say; you do have hots. A lot." My cheeks started blushing as I smiled. We both sat down on this snowy ground again. "Drake!"

He looked at me with a warm cute smile.

"Do you have any powers? I mean you are a devil and…. Any power or magic?"

"Yep, I do have incredible powers."

"Really? Then tell me." I asked with so much excitement and he smiled.

"We have the ability to sense or feel emotions, we can read minds, we have the ability to travel to another spot in space without having to traverse the distance between the two points, we can manipulate objects with the mind."

"With the mind? Really?" I asked.

"Yep. We have so many more interesting powers too."

"More powers?" I asked with my eyes wide open."

"Yes, baby girl. Alright, where am I — Oh yeah, I remember."

"We have the ability to manipulate and conjure fire with the mind. We can also manipulate minds.

We also manipulate cold temperatures to create ice and snow, we can render beings immobile or incapacitated, we can take control of another being's body, we can create and emit light — I'm good at it."

"We can manipulate one's or other's voices, we have the ability to alter one's appearance, we can raise the dead as zombies plus we can quickly heal from injuries and regrow lost body parts.

We have the ability to rise above the air and stay in suspension."

"The Demons can manipulate reality to make the wishes of the mortals it deals to trade their soul to the devil in exchange for the wish to come true."

"Right! Is there…. Any weakness you have?" I asked. "Yeah, we do have some. First is iron."

"The Demons may be able to be harmed by cold-forged iron. Demons can't touch or cross iron. Second is salt due to its white color, purity, and its preservative properties, salt has always been associated with holiness and the triumph of good over evil and has been used to repel witches, ghosts, demons, spirits, and all manner of evil beings."

"Furthermore, salt has a corrosive effect when it comes into contact with the demon's skin. Demons are unable to cross a line of salt. Salt can be used to torture demons. It can also be put into shotgun rounds to hurt and knock back demons."

A bullet that has been blessed by a priest not necessarily silver will slay the evil. Hallowed Places also affect us very quickly. Neither can we cross hallowed ground or a blessed building? Holy Water and Church... Obviously."

"Palo Santo is another one."

"What's Palo Santo?" I asked.

"It is basically the wood version of holy water/salt, when a demon is stabbed the demon screams in pain and the wound smokes. It immobilizes demons long enough to perform an exorcism."

"So, now you know about us a lot already, and yeah that's it. That's who we are..... The bloody and the most powerful devils."

"Wow, I'm impressed. You made me speechless." His happy mood slowly starts to swing again into the darkest mood like forever and he stops smiling.

The light around him continues to dim until he's human again. It's cold again now. Summertime is over now. "What happened?" I asked.

A cold chill passed and I feel the fragrance of water and soil. "You are going tomorrow and I go with you, give you the safest place and a good job so you can continue your life there. And a very important thing you never come back here, never."

I bite the inside of my lip and turn my face to the left side because he's on my right side, my eyes blur with tears and I refuse to cry because I don't want to cry, not in front of him.

I don't even want to argue with him because he's right but I don't want to leave him.

It's all my fault, I never wanted to give my heart to an impossible person but I failed. He placed his hand on my shoulder as he pulled me closer and gave me a tight lovely hug then he gently pulled back from this hug. He turned his face to stare at the lake again.

"I'm a beast, a killer you think I'm an angel? No, I'm not. I killed thousands of people and ripped their hearts out. Never expect mercy from me."

I stare at him for a moment, noticing his dark, harsh, and little rude tone.

"Just because you are a Devil doesn't change that fact that you are not good."

I said that with an angry tone, I know he was listening but he didn't say anything. The second pass like hours, and finally he sighs, "Promise me, you never come back here. Never."

I looked into his eyes, "How you killed thousands of people.

Doesn't it make you a criminal?"

He first stared at me and then looked away.

"If you talk about me then I'm not going anywhere. I can fight for myself, I'm not weak."

"Rosetta! Why are you doing this? Why is it so hard for you to let go of this place? Don't you care about yourself? I don't know who you are running from. But I know whoever he is… He wants to kill you and that night when I found you with that worst condition I know that he's chasing you and he somehow finds you. So, what's the point of staying here, you are going tomorrow and I go with you. No more arguing."

I sighed; I started digging my nails into my both palms. It's the only way to control my anger. "It's my life and I'm choosing to live here and if you have any problem then stop coming here and stay away from me. Just save your family, I'm not a kid; I can take care of myself on my own."

"You are so stubborn. Don't make it so hard for me Rose."

"I'm not going anywhere," I said as I saw a little anger on his face. "I'm not gonna listen to any of your arguments, you're going tomorrow and you're gonna do as I said." Drake's voice is deep, dark, and full of anger.

He's a devil and not just a devil but a stupid weirdo devil. He's calling me stubborn and he's the one who's acting like a stubborn weirdo. My heart felt so heavy and hurtful but if I calm down and think about it… he's not wrong at all. It's…. For our own good but I can't… I just don't want to leave this town. First time… first time in my life I really felt so good and happy. In this town, Chris, Andrew, and… Drake made me feel so good.

I sighed. "Fine! If that makes everything back to normal and good then…. I'm going tomorrow. But... at one condition."

"What is it?" Drake asked as he turned himself to look at me with a smiley face

"You're not going to help me, not following me. It's my choice… I do whatever I wanna do and I don't need your help."

"Rose!" I show him my hand to stop.

"Don't do this Rose; I want to help you just please —"

"No! I don't need any help." As I said that I stood and started walking. Drake is chasing me. Calling me from behind, tears filled my eyes. I don't need anyone. Not at all.

"Rose!" Please, listen to me. I just—" I heard a cracking voice from the dark trees covered by thick snow. Drake stopped walking and so did I. I turned around when we heard that voice for the second time.

"What was that?" I asked softly. I looked at him, "Stay here, let me check." He said as he walked towards the trees to check but then a big monster I saw coming towards him before I could do anything it hurts him badly and he fell to the ground.

"Drake!?" I shouted his name as I ran towards him and slowly helped him to stand again.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He nodded softly as he grabbed me from my arm and dragged me gently behind him. He moved in front of me to save me. We saw a huge ugly monster in front of us.

"What is this?" I asked.

"A monster—"

"Drake... I know and I can see it but what the hell is it? And he made of what?"

"Oh no, shoot! He's made of thunder." Drake said.

I glanced at him, wondering what he meant to say.

"Thunder?" I asked as I said that he attacked us with such a heavy and stabbing wind. We both fell to the ground.

"Rose, are you okay?"

I slowly stand up, "I think so."

I saw Drake take a few steps back as he transferred himself into its original form. Still hot... I admit. He combined his both hands and then created a huge ball of fire and shot it at this monster.

That monster growl very loudly and then the next thing that I know is that the thunder monster catches the fire. The same fire Drake used to attack it.

"Drake, what are we gonna do next? He's not only thunder but fire too."

"Rose! Run, go to the safe place."

I saw a look… scary look on Drake's face. I know he's worried about me and trying to protect me but I can't let him fight alone with this impossible monster. I can't let him die.

"I'm not going anywhere you silly." He looked at me with an unpredictable look.

"Do what I say. Go!"

"No." The only word I said and he threw us again. "You!" Drake used beach water to attack him but that lightning monster and of course a fire monster grows stronger than before. It's obvious when the fire hits a tornado it becomes a fire tornado and when we add water to electricity then... Oh boy!

We need to use something that's against him, but what?

My heart starts beating very fast, don't know how to deal with it. Finally, a stupid but logical idea beeps in my mind.

"Drake, use air."

"What?" He asked me with a confusing look.

"If we use heavy air maybe it will help us?"

That monster is really so big, strong blue and black small feathers are on his back. His eyes are like made of electricity which is obvious.

Drake tried his best to kill him but failed.

"Drake," I called his name as I ran towards him where he fell badly.

"I'm okay," Drake said as he slowly stood up and clenched his hands into fists. I'm not letting you win.

"What are we gonna do now?" I asked, Drake didn't say anything it's like he's confused too.

The only thing that we both are doing right now is hiding whenever that ugly beast attacks us. "We need a plan," Drake said angrily as he readies himself to fight again.

I placed my hand on his shoulder. "I have another idea," I said and he turned to look at me.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Every living thing has its weakness. I don't know much but I think you should attack his wings. It makes him weak at least for a few minutes and then you try again."

He smirked as he raised a brow, "the baby girl is a genius."

I smiled as he slowly stood behind him. Dear monster is searching for us. I'm behind a big beach stone. Drake combined his hands; his eyes are redder than before. The next thing that I saw with my mouth dropped open was every huge heavy stone on this beach flying and then suddenly attacking that monster.

Great, his wings are literally badly injured but he attacked me. I fell to the ground.

"Rose!" Drake shouted my name but I'm looking at this monster. That monster staring at me... Not attacking and then suddenly he disappeared.

"No–" Drake shouted as he suddenly stood next to me with so much worst and scary anger. I looked at him and he was angry.

"Drake–" I whispered his name.

"He saw you, captured your face."


Drake cuts me off.

"I told you to run, I told you to hide and leave this place but you—"

"I was just trying to help you, Drake," I said as my heart started beating abnormally.

He glanced at me with so much darkness in his eyes. "Help... Really? How?" Drake asked me in a low voice but I can feel the anger, and frustration and I don't know.

"I can easily kill that monster if you just listen to me if you just—"

Anger and hurt wrapped my heart, "So you blamed me. You are blaming me for that accident. You think it's all my fault that I just tried to help you." He looked at me with his faded anger and at least not this time with my favorite hazel eyes. "You're right Drake, it's my fault and I can fix it on my own." As I said that I started running.

"Rose!" He shouted my name but I didn't listen and just went back to my dorm. I cried so much as I entered my dorm and locked the door. I'm breathing very heavily, warm tears streaming down my face.


It's all my fault. I shouldn't have said that to her. I punched my hand at the wall and it started bleeding.

"Drake! We were worried about you. Where were you?" Andrew asked me as I looked behind to watch not Andrew only but Chris too.

The soft voice of cracking wood into the fire at the fireplace and watching it burn is the best feeling ever. I'm staring at the fireplace. Chris made hot chocolate for the three of us. I'm worried sick, that ugly beast saw her and I know how bad it could be. I know the worst danger. I know it. I sighed.

"Drake! What happened tonight was not your fault and not her either. It was... It's just an accident that risked her life and I'm worried about her." Chris said as I just looked at her, I didn't know what to say.

"Brother, you need to apologize to her first. It's important." Andrew said as Chris said that too.

"Yes Drake, it's not her fault and she's my best friend. You need to apologize to her."

I sighed.

"I know," I said as I started to stare at the burning woods again.

"Brother, don't worry about it. I know it's hard but not impossible. We can fix it. Whatever it is we can't let her die." Andrew said as I smirked.

"You think that I ever let that baby girl die because of her stubbornness."

Chris laughed as we three enjoyed our hot chocolate and then headed to bed. Andrew and Chris are already sleeping and I'm staring at the window then checking my phone if... She — I know she's angry and she had to. I know I was wrong and because of my stupidity, I hurt her badly..... Again. Damn... I'm really a weirdo. She's right. If I'm honest to myself I would never let anybody hurt her, not even a monster.

Why is this night so long? I can't wait to see her, to apologize to her.

I shut my eyes while covering myself with a warm silk blanket. It's really very cold. So much coldness here. I'm stupid, weirdo and I know that. I hurt her. She was just helping me and my anger ruined everything. Even her.

"Forgive me, Rose!" I softly said as I inhaled deeply.

Buzzing and buzzing. My alarm clock is buzzing and I hate it as always.

I slowly pulled myself up and then headed to take a relaxing shower. After taking a quick shower I join my beautiful siblings who are already waiting for me.

"Good morning Drake!" Chris said with a beautiful smiley face and I smiled back.

"Good morning."

After having a yummy breakfast made by my lovely sister Chris we three headed to Rose's dorm.

I'm nervous, but I have to fix it. I need to.

A few minutes later we are finally here. Chris knocked on the door. The opening click sound of her dorm door scared me a bit but it's okay.

I'm troubled and I know it. She's here right in front of me. Dark red hair, hypnotic lovable sapphire eyes, puffy pink lips in a lemon yellow frock. She is beautiful. Perfect! "Good morning dear!"

Rose smiled softly, "Good morning Chris."

After that, we all entered inside. I glanced at her but she looked away.

No anger, no emotion on her face. It's unpredictable. I can't understand her... Not this time at least.

Christina and Rosetta are talking about the school assignment and I'm sitting with my brother Andrew.

"My brother! I think it's the right time to talk to her." I nodded as Andrew smirked and messaged Chris. She read that message and then Andrew called Chris. Rose is alone and now it's my turn. I sighed as I walked toward her. She's busy with her assignment.

I softly coughed, "Hey beautiful!" I said with my grinning teeth. She looked at me and then again looked down. I see Andrew and Chris who are smiling at me. That was the stupid thing I've ever done.

"Rose! Look I know what I did last night was terrible and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. You were right and I was stupid and I agree.

You were just helping me but when that monster suddenly disappeared I got so angry and..... Worried about you."

She looked at me but didn't say anything. "I'm sorry Rosetta! I'm so sorry. Please forgive me and I promise that won't happen again. I promise." She sighed.

"It's okay." She said softly.

"You... You're not angry at me?"

I asked as she glanced at me with narrow eyes.

"Not at all. I know it was my fault and now I'm the one who is in danger."

"You don't need to worry about it. I won't let anybody hurt you, Rose."

She smiled softly.

"I'm sorry again," I said.

"It's okay. Don't be." She said again but I know she's hurt…. still.

Finally, I'm relaxed now. She forgives me and that's all I want. Really. Andrew and Chris rejoin again as we open that disturbing topic again because it's necessary.

"Rose, you need to be more careful than before. Because that monster saw you. It will keep searching you until they get you." Andrew said as Rose sighed and nodded.

"But you don't need to worry about it. We are here with you. Just stay with us and we try our best to make sure that you are safe." Chris said as she squeezed Rose's hand gently.

"We really need to fix this trouble before Mystic finds her," Andrew said and we all understand the seriousness of this situation.

I sighed, "We need a strong plan." I said as Andrew added, "And a backup plan too." I nodded.

"Guys, I think we should go to our mansion and discuss it in detail," Chris said as we all got ready to leave that dorm and headed to our mansion.

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