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Chapter 6: Chapter 6


I really don't know what I should do after everything. She saw me today, the darkest side of me she saw that today. She had serious doubts about me. I glance at her slowly and she's playing with her bracelet, looking around. I know I made her upset and badly disturb but the thing is I can't use magic anymore, no... Not in front of her. I know Chris and Andrew surely managed everything there, that's why I bring Rose here after getting out of that monster's zone.

I sighed, "Rose?"

"Yeah," she replied. I can feel it she's not okay, her voice is broken, flushed skin and that gorgeous pink lips turned into white and dry lips. That accident really affects her. It's all my fault. I looked at her and she was waiting for me to say anything but I was completely lost in my thoughts after saying her name. Anyway, "Rose, I think we should get out of here as soon as possible before night."

"I agree with you but... Which way? We are surrounded by dark trees and this thick foggy weather. We can barely see anything here." I sighed, "I know, but we can't just sit here and wait for someone to rescue us. So, it's better we start walking."

"Alright then," she said as she stands up and so am I. I can't use my powers. I don't even know her; I can't do anything that becomes trouble for my family. The winter is so deadly cold. My eyesight is so better than hers because I'm not a human so it's not hard for me to see in this foggy weather. I looked at her and she was shivering with cold. I took off my black jacket and put it on Rosetta's shoulders. "Drake, you'll catch a cold." I smiled, "It's okay, just take it."

She smiled, "thanks." I was walking in the darkest forest of Winchester with the most beautiful girl named Rosetta but then I sensed that it's like something or someone is watching us. I ignored that, cause I thought that was nothing but I heard again not only me but Rose heard that too. The cracking sound comes from behind the trees which is covered by thick fog.

"Drake... What was that?" Rose asks me and I'm hoping for no monsters again.

I know that cracking sound wasn't a sign of any bird, it's mysterious. "Rose... Stay there." I said. "Where are you going?" She asked with a worried tone. "I need to find out what was that?" She narrowed her eyes, "Is that necessary?" She questioned and I smirked. "For our protection... Yes, it's necessary. Just stay there Rose."

She sighed and nodded. Now, it's my time to see. * Cracking Sound * It's the third time I heard that. Seriously, that damn fog doesn't let me see anything. I looked behind to see Rose but she disappeared in this fog. I looked around to find out where that voice came from. I saw burned leaves. It's like someone burned that leaves a few seconds ago but who? Is that—?

I'm thinking about the monster but then I heard a scream. It was Rose. I shouted her name at top of my lungs, "Rose." I ran as fast as I could and kept shouting her name again and again.

"Rose?" I stopped myself right in front of her and my doubt wasn't a doubt I was right. A monster made of fire captured her in a round circle made of fire. What should I do? If I transfer myself into my true form then Rose doubt becomes reality. If I don't then it's gonna kill her.

"Let her go," I said but that monster tried to attack me. I ran as fast as I could and jumped on it but it threw me and my back hit a tree. "Ouch." I slowly stand up. That beast hits a stone dagger on Rose's waist. "Rose," I shouted. It's like that monster hits on me instead of her. The pain, I can feel it, I can feel her heartbeat slowly getting stopped and mine too, it's like we are connected to each other. My heart is aching right now; I never wanted that to happen, at least not with Rose.

"No, no I don't let you die, never. Okay, buddy, you wanna fight? Don't mess with me." I said that as I turned my eyes into an original color and transformed myself into a true form of mine.

I combine my hands and make a huge ball of water and attack that ugly beast. I kept using my water formula on that beast, and after a few minutes, he vanished in the water. "I did it." I take a deep breath and let it out. "Phew. Oh, crap!" I saw Rose who was speechless and walking backward. She's near a fire circle.

"Rose... Stop," I said but I don't think she even listened to me. Blood, there is only blood. She's covered in blood.

"No." Her arm touched that fire, she pulled away. I ran towards her, used my power and that fire circle disappeared. "Rose!" I cup her cheeks with my cold hands. "Rose, are you okay?" I asked, I know she's not. It's like she lost her spark. Damn, what I did to her today. "Rose, listen to me please I know you're not okay but please listen to me I'm not bad. Please." She takes a step back and starts walking.

She hurts badly, she's bleeding. It's all my fault. She didn't say anything, not even a single word. That talkative girl turned out into the quietest girl. Suddenly, she stopped herself. She fell to the ground and got unconscious.

"Rose—" Rose's body is so cold. I saw my hands; it's covered with Rose's blood. I started to heal her, the blood was everywhere, she bled too much, slowly I healed her and her wounds... it's gone now. I sweep her off her feet gently and start walking.

Her head is resting on my chest. Her slow heartbeat makes me worry about her. I can't lose her. My eyes filled with tears. Why am I hurt? Why do I care about her? Why do I feel pain every time when she hurts?

Thank God, she stops bleeding but she's gonna hate me after everything. Does it matter if she's gonna hate me? I sighed, yes; it matters because I don't want her to hate me. I can't use my powers now not because of Rose but the way monsters attacked me. It made me weak.

I sat down and put her on my lap; I'm looking at her as I tuck some stray hair behind her ear. With the gentleness of my hands, I touched her lips and her chin. It's almost night, she's on my lap and I really feel so sorry. I healed her body but what about her precious heart? What have I done to her? It's all my fault. I sit back. I sighed; I saw fireflies everywhere around us.

Those fireflies brighten almost every corner of that dark forest. The beautiful fireflies were everywhere. "Wish you could see that too Rose, that beauty of fireflies." I smiled as I looked at her. The chips cracking…. That incident came into my mind again and I laughed. She's so funny and innocent. She hypnotized me, it was like I'm falling in love. No, I don't believe in love.

"Beren….…" I look at her as she mutters someone's name. "Rose?" I tried to wake her up but then I saw tears, she was unconscious but still crying and calling that girl.

I don't know whom she's talking about. But it's like she's missing her so much. I cup her cheek with my hand, wipe her tears gently and watch the beautiful fireflies that encircle us with their bright light.

"Drake, Rose Oh my God, thank God you both are okay." I saw Andrew and Chris standing in front of me. Chris bent down to her knees and looked at Rose and then me.

"What happened?" She asked. I looked at Rose and then Chris.

"She knows, she saw everything," I said.

"Oh dear," she said with so much worry in her eyes.

"Are you two okay?" Andrew questioned.

"Little injured but fine," I said in a funny tone to lighten the worries of my siblings. He hugged me and I hugged him back. Andrew used his powers and we all are in our Snow's mansion again. I lay down Rose slowly and gently in my bedroom. I'm close enough to her, she is breathing.

Thank God, she's breathing, she scared me today and I never want that to happen again to her, never. I'm falling... deep and drowning in her presence. I sit beside her, removing some hair from her face.

She's unconscious but still, she slowly opens her eyes, her painful light sapphire eyes, God I hate myself, It's my entire fault. I sighed as I placed my hand on her hand and gently squeezed it. "Are you okay?" I asked and I already know she's not but... She nodded softly.

"You need rest, good night Rose," I whispered. "Good night," Rose said softly and I smiled.

Andrew healed me with his powers. Chris and Rose were now sleeping in my bedroom and I am at Andrew's. Today was more than awful.

"Andrew?" I called my brother's name.

"Yeah," he replied.

"I'm worried about Rose. She saw me and she was so quiet, she didn't even say anything. What happens when she's gonna ask tomorrow? What should I say to her?" Andrew held my hand and looked at me.

"Just say that it was just a dream, that's all." I laugh, "and she's gonna believe that, right?"

"Drake, we don't have any option, we can't expose ourselves. I know what you've done today was necessary because it's our duty to protect humanity. Don't worry about it; we are here for you Drake. We can fix this."

I smiled, "thanks, Andrew."

"You're welcome; now sleep before I kick you." I chuckle, "good night."

"Good night Drake."


I let out a deep breath, my head is spinning as the memory of that whole incident flashes into my mind like I'm still suffering from that mess. My eyes were closed but I can feel it, it was like someone gently brushes the fingers on my head and it gives me relaxation and comfort. I slowly open my eyes, it's Chris.

"Oh, thank God you're awake. Are you okay?" Chris said with a little smile and deep concern in her eyes. "Yeah, I'm okay. Where am I?" I asked.

"Well, we are in Snow's mansion." Red eyes, hands made of fire, and monsters came into my mind like a throbbing pain. It's like someone has daggers in my heart. I looked at Chris who was looking worried.

I looked into her eyes and asked softly "what was all this? Monsters, magic what was all this?"

She sighed as she took my hand and squeezed it gently. "It was a dream." The softness in her eyes and in her tone makes me worry but—

"Doctor gave you a high dose so you were dreaming. And about monsters? Well, that was a gang who wore a monster costume just to scare us." After hearing Chris, I don't know what to say, what to believe, maybe she's right and I was really dreaming?

"Did the police capture them?" I asked. "No, no not yet but soon." She places a hand on my chin and smiles. "Don't worry; don't think about it, everything is fine."

She quickly claps her hand as she stands up like she wants to drop that conversation like always.

"Come on I'll make you a yummy breakfast and then we're gonna enjoy today. Just girl's time." I simply smiled, "okay let me get fresh first?"

"Sure, why not? I'm waiting for you downstairs." As she said that she was gone and I'm sitting looking around. I saw Drake's pictures everywhere. I think it's his room. The room is so big and fancy I already love that room. That room is a little messy; It's useless to expect the boy's room to be clean like the girls'. I headed straight to the bathroom and got myself refreshed.

Then, as Chris told me I met her downstairs and she was cooking. Why is my heart beating so fast suddenly? I was wondering and without thinking I just said Drake and oh my God I can sense him. The warm, hot breath tickles behind my neck and it gives me shivers.

He's really standing behind me and watching me, doesn't he? I bite my lip as I slowly turn around to see him and he's smiling, standing with a devilish hot smirk.

How do I know that? He's somewhere but near me? "Are you feeling okay?" He asked me with deep concern in his eyes but a small beautiful smile on his lips. I nodded, "yeah I'm fine."

"Breakfast ready everybody, come on?" Chris is calling us so we go and sit there. The breakfast looks so delicious. I saw Drake eating a peanut butter whipped cream sandwich with two scoops of chocolate ice cream.

"Do you want to be a diabetic?" I asked.

He laughs, "No actually I'm used to it!" Drake replied.

"He always eats that messy food Rose and I'm done telling him not to eat that, especially in breakfast but —"

"Chris, it's because I love this, it's the love of my life," Drake replied. "Absolutely," Andrew teased him.

"You two boys are crazy, I mean look at us we.... girls are eating healthy food like fruity pancakes right Rose?"

"Right," I said. Wondering how someone eats that much?

"And you two are doing nothing but gaining weight." Chris said, "My love, let us live in heaven." Andrew said in a dreamy sound that makes us laugh. After having a yummy breakfast the boys were outside, Chris told me that they were going to wash their car and only Chris and I were in this big mansion. "Rose?" Chris called my name. "Yeah," I turned around to see her.

"I have good and big news?" Chris said. She looks so excited even she starts blushing.

I narrowed my eyes, "let me guess? Something happened between you and Andrew?" She starts jumping like a ping pong ball.

"Yes, you are right."

"Really, tell me?" Even my mood swings into a happy mood when I asked.

"Drum roll please?" Chris requested so I made a funny voice "drrrrrrr," and she cheers me.

She starts laughing, "I'm getting married?"

"What?" I asked in an amusing way. "Oh my god Chris, congratulations." She hugged me.

"Are you happy?" Chris asks me emotionally like every girl when she's getting married.

"Chris of course, I'm happy for you. It's wonderful news."

"I know, I'm excited too. Okay, Rose, my wedding is on Saturday, next week and you're invited." I smiled.

"Rose? Can you please be my bride of honor?" My happy face turned into an exciting face and back to a smiley one. "Chris, it's an honor to me. Of course, I can be your bride of honor."

"Aww, thank you so much, Rose." Chris hugged me again and so am I.

"Okay, then I think we should start our preparations. Only one week is left and I am damn excited." Chris opens a magazine as we start selecting the trending dresses.

"Hmm, I want to look hot?" I chuckled, "Chris you are already hot."

"Thanks but I want to make Andrew speechless."

"Ooh, right. Then we need to see other magazines too." Time passes as we were busy planning the wedding and the boys are back too and sitting next to us.

"Rose, you are invited because you are our special guest and my love's best friend." I smiled, "Thanks, Andrew, and congratulations to both of you again." I said. "Aww, thank you, Rose," Chris said. Time flies and the night is here so it's time to head back to our dorm. Chris was talking to Andrew and I grabbed my bag while using my mobile.

"I'm looking forward to seeing you, Rose." I looked at Drake who was standing next to me with a goddamn hot smile.

"When?" I asked. I knew the answer already but still, I asked him just to tease him.

He smirked, "everywhere, especially at this wedding." I slowly nodded because I have no idea what to say? I flashed a blushy smile and he chuckled.

"Are you ready Rosetta?" Chris asked. "Yes, I am." And we headed back to our dorm. It's midnight and I'm so tired so I need a wonderful sleep which everybody loves.

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