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Chapter 82: Step 1

[Word Count: 1491]


Special Division 4 had been assigned the mission of raiding the building harboring individuals who had entered contracts with the Gun Devil.

With Katana Man and the Snake Devil under the War Devil's custody, the operation to breach the building proceeded smoothly.

The most significant internal threat within the structure was the Zombie Devil, notorious for its ability to transform bitten humans into mindless zombies. However, if you happened to be non-human, the Zombie Devil posed little challenge if you possessed the know-how to combat it. For individuals like Denji, it was a matter as straightforward as pulling the cord on his chest and tearing through any obstructing zombies.

The operation unfolded without any notable incidents.

Leo briefly contemplated joining the mission, if only to confront the Zombie Devil. However, considering that zombies were not technically classified as weapons of war—perhaps only in cinematic depictions—the endeavor appeared futile and impractical.

With little to occupy his time beyond waiting, Leo resigned himself to self-imposed isolation, biding his time for the gears of fate to turn.

"What a drag," he grumbled.


Makima, on the other hand, delved deep into Leo's past. She managed to unearth an address tied to his name, yet it proved fruitless, as she had already discovered that residence years prior when she had a crow tail him home, a moment etched in her memory since their first encounter when he had vanquished the Moose Devil.

No, what Makima truly sought were recent addresses, but her expectations held true—nothing materialized. Following his betrayal of the Bureau, it appeared that most, if not all, of Leo's public records had mysteriously evaporated into thin air. Even his family name yielded no leads.

She scoured through old newspaper clippings, but the sole mention of the Tsukumo family name dated back over two decades. Since then, they have chosen the path of silence and faded into obscurity, maintaining that shroud of secrecy up to the present day.

Makima's pursuit of Leo's trail was proving to be an exercise in patience and cunning. She was well aware that Leo had not become a fugitive without meticulous planning. It was as if he had erased himself from the annals of society, leaving only faint traces of his existence.

In the quiet of her office, Makima contemplated her next move. She knew that confronting Leo would require more than just luck; it would require uncovering every hidden corner of his past. There had to be someone, somewhere, who had a connection to him.



"Achoo!" Ai suddenly sneezed.

"Bless you, are you okay?" Ichigo asked, his arms crossed as he sat next to Ai.

Ai sniffled before offering a reassuring thumbs-up. "I'm fine, it's probably just allergies."

Ichigo glanced at Ai from the corner of his eye but kept his focus ahead.

Presently, they occupied Shouzou's office.

Since Leo's passing and the subsequent ascent of the War Devil, they had harbored hopes of granting him a proper burial. Given Leo's stature as one of the most formidable hunters, they understood the slim likelihood of this happening. Nevertheless, Ai remained resolute in their determination to at least make an appeal to Public Safety. Thus, Ichigo had done what he could under the circumstances—contacting Shouzou.

In their conversation, Shouzou reiterated what they already knew: Public Safety was unlikely to relinquish one of its most valuable assets to satisfy the wishes of the deceased's family, citing "the safety of the public" and the like.

Ichigo sighed, aware that he would have to convey this disappointing news. However, he noticed that Shouzou hadn't immediately disconnected the call. Instead, a brief silence ensued, broken only by Shouzou muttering, "I might know a guy," before properly ending the call.

A few hours later, as expected, Ichigo received a call from Shouzou, informing him of a meeting arranged with Leo's former mentor. Shouzou explained that Leo's teacher wasn't among the top decision-makers but had held the title of the strongest before Leo's emergence, potentially granting them some influence in the decision-making process.

Ichigo was elated, but his enthusiasm was swiftly tempered by Shouzou's reminder.

"Don't jump the gun; there's still a slim chance this will change anything, but it's worth a try," Shouzou interjected.

Ichigo awkwardly cleared his throat. "Right, sorry."

Shouzou let out a sigh. "Listen, I'm sticking my neck out for you here, so don't mess this up, okay?"

"Understood. I'm well aware Public Safety won't be thrilled with our request," Ichigo muttered.

"It's not Public Safety I'm concerned about," Shouzou cryptically remarked before sighing again. "I'll arrange the meeting in my office and send you the date via text."

"Thank you again. This means a lot," Ichigo replied, attempting to conceal his excitement.

"Don't mention it," Shouzou replied. "Seriously, don't."

Before Ichigo could respond, Shouzou ended the call.

All of these circumstances had led them to their current position—sitting on the couch in Shouzou's office, patiently awaiting the arrival of Leo's mentor. Leaving the twins back at home under the care of Miyako.



Meanwhile, Makima continued her relentless pursuit of information. The Tsukumo family name popped up sporadically in various records; few individuals in Japan bore that particular surname. The thought of employing her controlled birds to shadow every family bearing that last name crossed her mind, but time was a relentless adversary. How long did she have before the War Devil initiated its move against Denji?

Undoubtedly, it wanted the piece that Chainsaw Man had taken from it.

Time was a dwindling resource for Makima.

Before succumbing to his injuries, Leo's possession of obscure, forgotten knowledge had rendered him both an invaluable and perilous pawn. The only factor tempering his danger had been his humanity. It seldom surfaced, but he retained a measure of compassion for his fellow humans, even if his eyes often suggested otherwise.

However, with the War Devil seizing control of Leo's lifeless form, it had gained an unprecedented wellspring of power. The reason for its inaction remained elusive, but Makima surmised it had ties to Leo himself.

Following the culmination of the raid, Makima embarked on a quest through the Tokyo residents bearing the Tsukumo family name. They were a scarce presence, and none appeared to align with Leo's distinct characteristics.

The mounting frustration was palpable; every stone she overturned seemed to yield nothing but emptiness.

Makima took a deep breath, attempting to quell her frayed nerves—she was undeniably on edge. Reflecting on the bar encounter, the War Devil had masterfully manipulated the situation, compelling her to reveal secrets best left concealed.

She tapped her desk pensively, retracing every detail of the encounter. The War Devil possessed knowledge of Denji's identity as Chainsaw Man but had refrained from taking any action. Why?

Was it a form of taunting?

Or did a deeper motive lurk beneath the surface?

Returning her gaze to the cluttered desk, Makima had made no discernible progress in uncovering any leads related to Leo. Frustration began to simmer.

Impatiently tapping her desk in an irregular rhythm, Makima delved into her thoughts. For nearly nine years, Leo had shrouded himself in mystery, vanishing from all records without a trace. Yet, he had steadfastly pursued devil hunting. Why? There seemed to be no tangible gain.

Leo didn't receive compensation for his devil-hunting endeavors, as Public Safety deemed him a menace to be detained, preventing him from cashing in on the devils he subdued.

For the thrill? Unlikely. Makima had perused news reports, where the term "effortlessly" was liberally applied to describe Leo's encounters. He dispatched devils with ease, devoid of any apparent enjoyment. So why persist?

Makima's desk-tapping gradually slowed as she gathered her thoughts. The devils Leo targeted were typically rendered unrecognizable to the extent that documenting the devil he had defeated proved impossible. However, some remained relatively intact, such as the Whale Devil...

Rising from her seat, Makima proceeded to the records room. Documenting deceased devils held limited value, as they didn't truly perish but instead descended to hell, where they faced eventual revival in the overworld. Nevertheless, Public Safety deemed such records potentially useful.

Scouring the archives, Makima located the profile of the Whale Devil. Since Leo's takedown, it hadn't been sighted on Japanese soil. Yet, something within the profile seized her attention.

It indicated that the Whale Devil's bounty had been collected...but Leo was prohibited from claiming bounties...

Who the hell was Oel?

Makima conducted a meticulous examination of the roster of devil hunters, particularly those with devil contracts, for security reasons.

Rummaging through the labyrinthine documents, Makima finally struck gold—Oel Kumo. This enigmatic figure had been stealthily assuming credit for Leo's devil-hunting prowess. From the most diminutive of devils to the colossal adversaries, over the past nine years, on official records, it was Oel who had been cashing in Leo's bounties.

The fact that Oel possessed no devil contracts should have set off alarms, yet nothing had raised suspicions. Astoundingly, every single devil Leo had dispatched bore Oel's name as the claimant...

Makima's fingers raced through the files, launching a frenzied search for any hints of addresses tied to this elusive Oel, until...

She found it—an isolated entry, a solitary address listed under the name Oel...

A chilling, predatory smile crept across Makima's countenance as she embarked on her exit from the records room.

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