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Chapter 3: Animal Kingdom

And so all the animals present drank the blood of the Unicorn, hoping that she wasnt tricking them.

The Rabbit looked at her dear friend the Unicorn and suddenly thought of something.

"Unicorn, what if something threatens us again? What if we cease to exsist? What comes after that?"

The other animals all looked to the Rabbit and then towards the Unicorn, but remained silent.

Yes, what about us? Are there to be no more Badgers, Snakes, Rabbits, ect, if one of them dies are their species gone forever?

Owl was worried that this worst case scenario could upset their balance, while, Snake was planning to figure out how to profit from this potential tradgey.

"Ah yes, we should make a way for us beings to continue living on even after we cease to exsist. Dear Rabbit please back up."

The Unicorn said as she slowly got to her feet and pointed her horn at her still lightly bleeding wound.

"Unicorns, May We Dazzle Forever." As the Unicorn spoke these words her horn began to have a light golden violet shimmer to it, and the next moment from the tip of her horn a dazzling and brilliant light shone out and her slowly drying wound began to elongate and take the form of... a Unicorn!

"How is that possible! That's unfair Unicorn!" mreowed the Leopard!

"Its surely fair, stand still all of you..." murmured the Unicorn as she hesitantly pointed her horn at each of them one by one, the sharp tip of her horn pricking their skin and letting out a drop of blood. The horn began sparkling once more. And so there was a copy of each animal when the Unicorn finished with her magical display.

The Owl hooted, "Nothing can last forever. I see your wisdom here Unicorn."

The Snake eyeballed its counterpart skeptically, as if not sure it was real. Its poor illusion was dashed into pieces when the other snake opened its serpentine eyes and glared right back at it, with a small hiss escaping its mouth as its forked tongue flicked in and out.

"I have heard a voice in my head for some time that has told me to procreate. I suggest you all do the same." Said the Unicorn with a worn out look on her face.


"Whats happened next mother?!" A young pure white little wolf pup asked her nutmeg brown furred mother while nuzzling into her mothers stomach looking for more milk like the greedy little dumpling she was.

"Thats all the story for tonight. I must got out of the shed and go hunt tonight, your father will watch over you." Said the mother as she got up off the cold haystrewn ground of a old shed that had fallen out of disuse by humans.

Shaking her fur off, some stalks ultimately landed on a few of her other pups. All ten of them lay sleeping or playing in various corners of the shed.

Worry and love flashed across her eyes and she walked slowly to the hole in the building wall, making a soft barking sound out of the hole.

Within a minute a black and white sheep dog that only came up to the height of her shoulders poked his head into the shed.

"I need to go hunting again, my milk is running out again." Whispered the she wolf to the dog.

The dogs big brown eyes looked alarmed upon recieving this news but he just replied to her, "Okay just make sure to hunt wild animals, and my human shouldn't bother you."

Nodding her head, she backed up abit, and the sheep dog came inside and shook the early winter snow off his fur.

Looking back at her pups once more, the she-wolf then turned to the hole and slipped her large frame through and out the hole emerging on the outside of the shed.

Winter-like snow was seen as far as her bright and slightly glowing green eyes could see.

The she wolfs name was Mara.

Mara sensed sorrow and pain in the air around her, what some might call a curse placed by divine means upon her for an ancestors actions.

The winter wind whipped around her and her nutmeg brown fur was not nearly enough grown out to stop these early winter winds.

Mara was feeling the age of her body, she had lived much longer than a normal wolf.

There was another secret that she bore, but that she was determined to take to the grave with her.

Not being born of the wild, like the rest of nature, she was born in a grand castle and waited upon by servants and lavished upon with presents. Born in a different form, that of a human. Chased out of the castle upon change, and forced to fend for herself in the wild.

Born in a Kingdom far from here, where winter was only a few months of the year instead of sometimes being years long.

Mara needed to seek out someone to watch over her children. The farm dog Brigs wouldn't cut it.

Something bad was coming, she could feel it in her core.

The air as of late had seemed to permeate with sorrow, pain, and anger.

Feeling humans emotions, as well as animals she, she knew war was coming to this quiet little kingdom.

Mastery of the green elements would not help her here in this land.

She only hoped all her children would be normal wolves and not subject to moral trials or calamities of the heart humans suffered.

After learning what happened to the Harmonious Animal Kingdom upon the entrance of humanity she was determined to never become entangled with them again.

The freedom of not being pressed down upon by the pressures of royalty, social classes where one had to jump through hoops, and whatnot. Mara was glad that she was forced to leave that life behind her.

It had been a few decades since she last thought about her own humanity.

Slowly, Mara made her way through large embankment's of freshly laid snow.

The viewpoint of the world where humans weren't godly and supreme, was the true and original viewpoint of this world.

Why humanity couldn't accept this is something she only had a vague grasp of anymore.

The night was almost half over by the time she arrived at a large and enormous tree with a large hollow located halfway of the tree placed in the dead center of the trunk.

Sitting down in the snow that came up to almost her shoulders, the she-wolf gazed up at the hollow high above her head.

Gently tapping the trunk with her paw, she itmedaitly heard a hoot from within.

"Whooooooooo is it this time?!?! I only allow one divination a year. STWHOOOOOPID forest animals have no respect for my owlthority." Came the hoots and whoooos of a certianly grumpy owl from within the tree hollow.

"It is me, Mara Of Sorrow, Of The Glowing Green Eyes."

At this introduction the noise emanating from within the hollow abruptly stopped, before a large brown and white downy head appeared from the hollow tree cavity.

Two large summer sun yellow glowing eyes openly peered at the woman below dressed in the tattered red regal robes and dress.

"Ohhhh, I sees. The unfortunate like you owl'll certianly be charitable enough to offer some owlcassional advice." The owl hooted as it puffed out its feathers and let out a shiver before shaking the quickly landing snow off itself and taking flight to slowly descend and land on a extremely low but sturdy lying branch that grew out of the tree it lived in.

Looking up at the owl, Mara let out a thankful sigh and set a fat mouse on the ground as an offering to the owl.

Seeing the mouse, the owl clacked its beak open and shut abit before flapping down to the snow below. Picking up the mouse in its talons, it promptly swooshed back up to the lower most branch it had just perched itself upon.

Taking the mouse from its own outstretched talon, it proceeded to swiftly swallow the poor little dead thing whole.

Letting out a small birdy belch, "Gahblwhooo!" the owl then cleared his throat.

"Ahemwhooo. You may now ask for my, Skor The Seers, advice."

He began to preen his feathers then and there on the spot, trwhooly not a modest owl.

Scynthea Scynthea

Lord please forgive me for my owl puns....

Anyway, I will finish the lore I promise. But as you can see it is actually a story being passed down.


And yes, 10 wolf puppies is alot. But its been planned like this for a reason. Brigs isn't the dad. He's what we might call a simp.

Jk lol, he's just a nice dog friend.

More info on their relationship in future chapters though ;)

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