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Chapter 1: Ch 1 World of Heroes? (Re-edited)


A young man flipped over in his bed. He swung his hand at his phone and tapped the dismiss button.

"Jesus Christ, leave me alooone! Let me sleep in peace."

The young lad laid in his bed with his eyes closed for a few more minutes and suddenly opened them.

"Aw crap, I'm gonna be late!"

The lad quickly got dressed and brushed his teeth. He put on a black suit and looked at himself in the mirror.

"Damn Gold, you look irresistible!"

In the mirror was the reflection of Gold, a young male with black hair. His hair was short on the sides and the back but a little more hair on the top. Not too short, but not long enough to go past his nose. He had stubble and his sideburns were growing down towards his chin. If left untouched, it would turn into a beard.

"Damn, I need to shave and trim my sideburns. No time sadly."

He stood at about 6 feet( around 182 cms). He had black eyes and a smaller-sized nose. In the mirror, the young man looked a little slim with some muscle. But he knew it was just some fat that looked muscular. He checked the time and realized he needed to book it. He grabbed his car keys and ran to the car.

"Damn, I'm gonna be late for my first job interview."

He turned the car on and started driving to work. He was speeding to get to his destination, he had 5 minutes to get there, but the drive was at least 15 minutes. He started zooming on the straights and didn't stop at any stop sign. Luckily for him, nothing happened.

"Luckily, no one was there."

He had to slow down due to entering a more populated area, but you could still tell he was speeding. The next light he saw was about to turn red, but he decided to rush through it.

"Ha, should be easily able to pass through- Why do I hear boss music?"

Suddenly a truck came barreling towards him. He looked at the truck in shock and knew he was going to get hit he screamed wide-eyed.


BOOOOOM! The car was hit and he felt the impact he felt the car rolling and rolling.

During the rolling, he thought to himself, "Hey this isn't that bad maybe I can Li-."

THUMP! His head suddenly bashed against something and he blacked out.


Floating around in empty darkness was the lad. He looked extremely bored out of his mind.

"Is this the afterlife? Am I in hell? IT'S SOOOOOO BORINGGG!! I've been floating around in space for what feels like days. I can't even see my own body. It's just bitch black. It's gonna make me go insane. I mean I'm already talking to myself."

He continued to float through space for what felt like a few more days. In which he was constantly talking to himself and saying he wasn't insane.

"I'm not insane! The guy on the right is insane!"

"No! The other guy is insane!"

"How am I insane?!"

Yeah, he had gone kinda crazy and was talking to himself. However, suddenly something lit up and he tried swimming to the light.

"Ha void you may not have anything but I can still move like this."

After what felt like an hour of him flailing in the void he somehow reached the light and he felt it pulling him in.



After getting sucked in he fell and his ass landed on the ground roughly.


He got up and started rubbing his ass. He looked around the room, it was quite ordinary except on the roof was a door-like warp gate. Which was closed but he guessed it was connected to the void he had come from. Then, he heard footsteps heading towards the room he was in and they suddenly burst through the door.

"Oh shit! Hell yeah!"

He was cursing in his mind excitedly. He knew where this would lead. He once read a Light novel in which a man who was transported to another world ended up marrying the empress.

"Sweet gonna get a bride! Here she comes, BE BEAUTIFUL!"

He was praying for his beautiful empress to walk through the door. However, the person to walk through the door was an old fat man looking around the age of 60.



They stared at each other for a good 30 seconds in silence. Till the old guy finally spoke up.



Gold responded weakly as his hopes and dreams were destroyed. Gold hid his despair and asked him where they were at.

"So gramps, where am I?"

"Eh, you don't know this is the spot where dead people appear to be reincarnated. Ohh, I get it, you must be a fresh death."

Gold blankly stared at the man as if he was having mental issues.


The old man just laughed and told Gold who he was.

"I'm Jim the janitor. Follow me I'll take you to Lady Seraph. She's the chief of the Reincarnation Bureau in Heaven."

Gold was confused as hell but just followed the man. After walking for a few minutes they arrived at a fancy door and walked through.

"Eh Jim? Why are you here? Who's the kid?"

"Howdy Barguf, he's a fresh death, spawned in when I went to go clean the room."

Barguf had a face of genuine surprise and they looked at Gold suspiciously and confusingly. He then started rubbing his chin with his left hand in deep thought.

"There hasn't been a report on any new guys spawning here for the last 10 hours."

"Huh, but I heard him hit the floor after I opened the door to go clean it."

They had strange looks on both their faces and Barguf pressed a button. Which amplified his voice across the whole building if Gold had to guess. Like an intercom.

"Lady Seraph, you're needed in the control room."

A few minutes later a beautiful lady walked into the room with two other slightly less beautiful women behind her. They were extremely pretty but not as much as the one in the lead.

"Yes Barguf, what did you need?"

"This guy appears to be an unmarked spawn."

"Eh? Have you searched the database just in case?"

Bargruf rubbed his head in embarrassment and replied with a flustered face.

"Heh, not yet."

Seraph shook her head and told him to do so before contacting her next time.

"Next time, check before calling me, luckily I wasn't doing anything important."

"Yes Ma'am!"

He quickly pulled up a search bar and looked at Gold.

"Full Name?"


"Full name"

"I don't remember my last name from when I was alive."

Barguf looked at him strangely and shook his head. He opened a new file which opened an empty form.

"How do you forget your family name? Since you don't have a family name we can make one for you when you reincarnate. Any request on the name?"

"Not really."

"Fine, then I'll choose. From now on you will be Gold Tokisaki."

Gold looked at Barguf and thought to himself. "Isn't that the last name of Kurumi from Date A Live? Meh whatever it's a cool last name anyway."

Barguf wrote a little bit on the new file and went back to the search bar.

"Ok, Birthmonth and day, Age before death, and date of death."

"June 15th, 18, and October 13th."

After typing for a bit something came up.

"Ah found it."

He opened the file and read what it said. His face went pale and his hand started sweating.

"L-L-La d-d-dy Se-Se-Seraph!? Come look at this. It stays he was supposed to be here 100 days ago! Someone forgot to click allow on his approval. We left him in the void for 100 days..."

Seraph and everyone else in the room went pale-faced and looked at Gold. Seraph immediately walked to Gold.

"We are so sorry for incompetence. However, please don't report us to the goddess. We will all get fired!"

"Eh. It's whatever, I guess."

All the staff breathed a sigh in relief.

"Great for compensation we will give you an extra ability for your reincarnation."

"Oh, cool."

Bargruf pulled up the file he created earlier and told me he was going to ask me questions. Questions about my future reincarnation.

"The reality is already selected, but you can choose the details and will have the extra ability after."

"So what class basic class you want. We are unable to provide any hidden or advanced classes, unfortunately. There are still many choices. You can choose from things like summoner to a shield man. Many of the classes have many branches as well that can be achieved later on. We also provide three abilities which you can select."

Gold was thinking of using a specific weapon like a bow, but then he thought, "What if I need to fight close combat? Or Multiple opponents? Aieee can't decide. Ah! I got it." He looked at Barguf and asked him a question.

"Oh cool, perhaps by any is there a class in which I can use every weapon?"

"Yes, there is, however it isn't recommended. To progress, you need to work 3x as hard with any weapon to be at the same level as any other weapon class. It's an extremely hard and rare class. In any reality."

"Well, I'll select it anyway, I believe that I am smart enough to use my free abilities to help myself."

"Ok then, what skills will you select?"

"Do I say specifically what I want as a skill?"

"Yes, but if it is too powerful, you will need to change it."

Gold thought long and hard and finally decided.

"The first ability, affinity with all weapons increased by the max limit. Then the second, proficiency of learning all magics increased by the max limit, and finally, stat point gain per level boosted to the max."

The computer analyzed each skill Gold said. Then it displayed an error.

"Gods cannot break the rule of boosting a person's stats past their limit or the amount of exp they gain."

"Eh, that's retarded."

"It was a rule placed by the council of mythical beings to balance things in each reality."

"Council of mythical beings?"

Bargruf shook his head.

"You don't need to know yet."(Nah, I don't feel like extending this chapter even more.)

"Ok then, my final skill shall be stat link, all my stats increase by the same amount I put into any stat. Heh, doesn't break the rule of passing the stat limit or boosting the number of stat points I get."

Barguf laughed at the lad and his thinking. The computer successfully accepted all the skills and gave him a profile.

Gold Tokisaki

Title: None

Class: Weapon Specialist


Exp: 0

Strength: 5

Endurance: 5

Wisdom: 5

Agility: 5

Dexterity 5


Weapon Sovereign:

A sovereign who is beloved by all weapons and controls them all easily. (All weapon affinities boosted by 500%(x5) (Weapon Specialist -300%) (True boost = 200% boost from affinity.)

Blessing of Fate:

Blessed by the Goddes of Magic Fate.

Proficiency in All magics boosted by 300%(x3) and all magic-based races start at 50 affection or higher.

Stat link:

A skill created by the silver tongue Gold, designed to go through a loophole designed by the council. All stats raise at the same time. Hidden Stats are affected in different ways currently unknown. (If 1 point is put into strength, all other stats go up by 1.)

Compensated skill

Affection Multiplier:

Able to see the affection bar of everything with a will and can see a small description of it. All creatures with a will, have their affection and hate points double for every increase or decrease.

"Hm, the compensated skill is kinda cool. Well, I'll discover more about it after I reincarnate."

"Is this correct?"


"Transporting Gold Tokisaki"

Gold again felt the suction pulling on him. This time it was so strong he was going to blackout from the force. However, before he passed out he heard a strange voice.


"To the World of Heroes."



This chapter alone had 100s of errors and I didn't fix all of them. I'm horrible at grammar lol.

JoshS JoshS

Howdy, long ass chapter. 95% sure it'll be the longest ever. Roast me about the grammar and maybe I'll try to fix it. I don't see why i bother to right this. I'm basically talking to myself. Who the hell would read this, not to mention the author's not lmao.

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