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27.27% World of Rita

Chapter 3: Chapter 2: A little knowledge goes a far way

I couldn't believe what I was seeing I wasn't expecting this to say the least, out of all the systems I could of ended up with I ended up with this system. I'm not complaining or anything it's better than some systems To be honest I was really hoping to get a system like my father a combat class system I'm not going to complain at all about this system that I got.I don't really know if I can call myself lucky or unlucky but I do know that I could of ended up with a system that is almost impossible to level so I'm really grateful that I got this one. The chances of me getting a system like this has to in the millions at best.

"Is everything alright?" Asked Elder Fa "you're rather quiet for some reason"

Since the moment I looked at my system details I haven't spoken a single word so of course Elder Fa is going to concerned I'm just speechless is all that is the only reason I haven't spoken a single word yet. The moment someone enters this chamber they are either under his care or one of his colleagues until they leave the chamber. He does everything within his power to make sure the awakening goes smoothly without any problems so he can't be blamed for it.

"Everything is okay." I replied "Except I'm confused on a few things"

"Tell me what these few things are?" Asked Elder Fa "I might be able to answer them"

"Um, how are systems sorted? I mean is there types or something?" I asked "cause I remember my father telling me he had a combat class or something like that"

Information about systems has never been publicly revealed in fact it's forbidden for it to be revealed but there isn't any rules stating I can't ask about it.Of course I'm curious to find out. Who wouldn't want to know information about the systems that is kept a secret? I might as well get some of my questions answered if possible since I'm here in the awakening tower and all.

"Systems sorted by category." Replied Elder Fa "There are a total of four categories that systems are based in."

"You mean like strength, Speed and etc?" I asked "or like earth, fire and wind?"

"No, no" replied Elder Fa "The categories are nothing like that"

"The firstly, there aren't any element based systems" explained Elder Fa "combat category or class as you put it earlier is for all the systems that are combat related"

"The secondly, all systems full into one of these classes without exception" added Elder Fa "support class is where all the systems that are for support related systems but it isn't as straight forward as it sounds. The are many systems out there that could be considered a support system but aren't in this category."

The combat class is as straight forward as it gets

but the support is more or less about the amount of support it gives to a combat category system. It makes a lot of sense two people who have a combat and support class to fight together.I can say for sure that my system is neither combat or support class system.

"Listen up, it's usually best for categories systems to fight together" said Elder Fa "healing is often mistaken for element but it's not a element at all, got that? Any system related to healing is in this category"

The healing class is more or less a where any medical systems would be based in this class is really complex than I thought. It makes sense why people mistake it for a element due to holly being considered for healing magic.It's safe to assume that all doctors have systems that belong in this category.

"This last category is the most complex category" said Elder Fa "The final category is the unique category as the systems in this category don't belong to neither of the three other categories." Said Elder Fa

"They don't?" I asked curiously

"No. " replied Elder Fa

"Unique systems are completely unique to the person that the system was awoke that system" explains Elder Fa "the likelihood of anyone awakening a unique system in the first place is around zero, zero point eight percent it is extremely rare."

"I'll have you know that most people in my position go their entire career without awakening anyone with a unique system" spoke Elder Fa "I was lucky enough to have awoken around two unique systems in my career in doing awakenings"

Unique class is the most complex class out of the four classes. It's even more complex to understand than the healing class and that's saying something.I can say for sure that it's most likely that my system belongs in the unique class.

"Anymore questions?" Asked Elder Fa "if so ask away "

"Yeah" I replied "What are star levels exactly?"

"This is the most debatable question" replied Elder Fa "one that I don't really like speaking about"

"Why's that?" I asked "is it because it's some classified information?"

"No it's nothing like that" replied Elder Fa "it's Cause of the two social status classes"

"Firstly, You got us commoners and then of course you got the nobility" added Elder Fa "all nobility think that the star levels means rarity "while us commoners believe that star levels are the strength of one's system"

"All systems upon awakening have a star level anywhere from one to ten" spoke Elder Fa "It's even obscured that the nobility have been saying for years about the star level of ten"

"The nobility believe that anyone who has a star level of ten is blessed by god." Complained Elder Fa "How crazy is that!"

I had heard that there were two fractions debating what start levels actually means and in fact one fraction even believed that who ever has a star level of ten is some kind of god. Until now I didn't know that is was the two social classes that were debating what star levels means.I just found it ridiculous cause there ain't no way someone who has a star level of ten like me is a god.I will be going with how the commoners see the star levels it's not as crazy as the nobility way of seeing star levels.

"Sorry for ranting on for bit" apologised Elder Fa "I typically rant when it comes to this topic"

"No need to apologise" I said "I can see why you would rant though"

"What is life partners?" I asked "And why does it appear in the system menu?"

"I'm unsure why it appears on the system menu but it does" replied Elder Fa "Life partners usually refer to those you spend the rest your life with"

"You will most likely learn more about this at school" said Elder Fa" the schools around the country have a program for those who have had their systems awoken you learn more about this there"

I do kind of get what life partners are but it's very frustrating that Elder Fa won't answer my question properly. Will just have to wait till that so called program starts at my school to learn more about life partners I mean it's a complete mystery as to why that would be in the system menu to begin with but then again all information about system aren't revealed to the public as the government wants to keep all information a secret.

"Do you have any more questions?" Asked Elder Fa "cause if you do just ask away and I will answer them if it's within in my power to do so"

"No." I replied "You answered all my questions"

With all my questions answered Elder Fa walked to the pedestal which was right next to the table, It looked like a typical pedestal except for the crystal ball on top which was very unusual I haven't seen any other pedestal like it before. It must be a custom made pedestal just for the tower of Awakening.

"All right then" said Elder Fa "Put your hand onto the surface of the crystal ball"

"What is this for?" I asked "it doesn't look like your typical pedestal"

"Your right it doesn't" replied Elder Fa "This crystal ball here on the pedestal is used to record and store everyone's system details into archives"

"Can anyone access these archives?" I asked "cause I'm kind of worried if everyone can view my details"

"Worry not" answered Elder Fa "Only personnel of this tower is allowed to even to access the archives"

"So my details are safe?" I asked "There is no way anyway anyone can see the the archives, right?"

"No" replied Elder Fa "not unless you have a document with the signature of the king on it otherwise your system details are as safe as they can get"

That's not very reassuring in the least but it's better than having everyone being able to view my system details. Knowing that my system details are mostly locked away is good to know Only with a document with the king's signature on it can anyone view my details which isn't going to be easy to obtain as the king won't just give anyone a document with his signature on it.I put my hand on the crystal ball as instructed by Elder Fa and within seconds my system details appeared on the crystal ball. I noticed about a minute after putting my had on the crystal ball that Elder Fa hadn't spoken, I mean Elder Fa's eyes were wide as they can get in absolute shock.

"Hohoho." Laughed Elder Fa "Aren't you a lucky one?"

"Being so young and to have a system like this" Spoke Elder Fa You even have a star level of ten? You are truly a lucky one"

I have to agree I am lucky for some reason having awoken my system which is by all purposes a sex base system given how I have to earn points. My system having a star level of ten which no one has had since the era of Rita it is only natural that I would be considered lucky if not extremely luck. It's better than being unlucky which I've been for the past few years, I can't complain about being lucky for once.

"Okay. Your system has been recorded into the archive." Said Elder Fa "This is your system plate"

"System plate?" I asked "what is that?"

"A system plate is basically a plate of identification" explained Elder Fa "the plate allows you to show others your system details if you want"

Today as been full of surprises I mean I wasn't expecting to awaken the system that I got it wasn't what I wanted but I will gladly accept, I hadn't expected to get a star level of ten I was expecting a star level of somewhere between four and six I can't complain about that the star level I got. This system plate is completely new to me I've never heard of it until now.

"Please refrain from telling anyone what I told you today" spoke Elder Fa "that kind of information is restricted from being revealed outside the tower"

"I understand" I said "it's to prevent other races from knowing the information"

"That's correct" Said Elder Fa "the war from Rita's time might of ended but there is no telling if it could start again if other races learn the secrets of our power the system"

"Unless you have some more questions" added Elder Fa "you may leave "

I really didn't have anymore questions that needed answering Elder Fa answered every question I had. So I bid Elder Fa farewell, I left the chamber through another door the chamber had two doors which explains why I never saw anyone leave the chamber through the door that we entered. I left the tower of Awakening

for the first time in hours I checked my phone which I hadn't checked since I entered the chamber and saw it was getting on for ten at night. Unfortunately there weren't any transportation running this late at night so I had to walk home. Believe me it is going to take me a few hours to return home due to the fact that it normally takes a carriage around a hour to get to Greystone and I'm having to walk back to greystone I can only guess that it will take me over two hours I better get walking.

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