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Chapter 2: Wraith Encounter

The city was bustling with activity. Vendors were yelling out various things, trying to get people to buy their wares.

"Antique cellphone from before the apocalypse only 50 dollars!"

"Jewelry made by the best artisans in all of Haven. A must have for all the ladies!"

"Fortune telling! Only 10 dollars to know your future."

Among the crowd of people and the yelling voices, a young man with piercing blues eyes was walking down the streets.

His clothes seemed normal, even a bit run down. But by the way he carried himself people wouldn't dare to think poorly of him.

After politely avoiding many incessant vendors Andrew made his way down an ally.

As he got closer and closer to his destination the crowds slowly thinned out until only a few people could be seen on the streets.

The stalls with vendors slowly disappeared with the crowds and nice buildings emerged. Finally, Andrew stopped in front of a building with a sign above the doorway saying, "Haven's Wraith Survival Shop".

Shaking his head at the stupid name of the shop, he opened the door and walked in. As he opened the door a clear ringing sound could be heard, followed by a quick shout, "I'll be there in a minute!"

Shaking his head in amusement Andrew took in the scene before him. The room itself wasn't to large being 20ft by 20ft and square in shape. Besides the wall furthest from the door the walls were covered by selfs containing various items. In the center of the room two large bookshelf-like racks stood, separating the room into 3 isles.

Walking to his right Andrew started to peruse the various items on the self. He picked up a 450 revolver off the shelf and shook his held helplessly after reading the tag.

"450 revolver. This bad boy has the ability to protect you from almost any non-combatant wraith. Cost 200 dollars. (Disclaimer: This does not guarantee protection from wraith attacks. Also the ammo is not included see shop owner for details.)"

Andrew couldn't believe the audacity of the label. Who had ever met a non-combatant wraith before. And how was this hunk of metal going to be able to do anything to a wraith?

While he was starting to put the gun back on the shelf a voice with a Spanish accent piped up behind him. "Are you interesting in purchasing the Revolver young man?" Andrew turned around while shaking his head. When he was about to say, "No. That he wasn't interested," he was cut-off.

"Well then, don't be touching the merchandise. You could ruin the item. I'll need a half price compensation payment."

Andrew's mouth opened a little in shock as he finished turning around to look down at the 5'6" mexican shop owner. Seeing his serious expression Andrew couldn't help but smile while shaking his head. "Nope. I don't think I will."

Flabbergasted at this young man's carefree refusal, the man couldn't help but start to raise his voice. "What do you mean, no!? I'll get the authorities to come over here and handle you for tempering with merchandise!"

Andrew faked a serious face and said, "Oh? Then I guess I have to report you for withholding artifacts from the authorities as well as common wraith movements."

The brown eyes of the man seemed to change from rage, to shock, to fear in all of one second. In an almost whisper he said, "How do you know about all of that?"

Laughing out loud Andrew replied. "Well some people think 12-year-olds don't listen and remember adult conversations. While others, sometimes the same people, are overly rude to old friends that they don't recognize." Andrew finished with a smile and looked directly at the slightly puggy Mexican man in front of him, "Am I right, Carlos?"

Carlos was in a daze looking at the man before him until their eyes locked and he saw the blue eyes of the man. "Andy?" His jaw dropped as he remembered the scrawny prepubescent boy who he had met 5 years ago, and compared it to the man who stood before him. "It is you? Isn't it?" He said seeing Andrew's ear to ear smile, "Holy cow! You have grown up kid." Carlos said changing his expression to much Andrew's smile.

"Yep, it's been 5 years Carlos." Andrew said smiling at Carlos' shock and instant change of attitude.

Carlos slapped Andrew on the side of his arms and said, "Come on, follow me Andy. We will talk in the back." With all smiles he led Andrew around the back counter and into a separate room.

Sitting behind a desk Carlos gestured toward a seat opposite him. Andrew quickly sat down in a slightly slouched position.

"So, what brings you here today Andy? Are you in some of Tobias' business?" Carlos asked with his hands laced together in front of him.

"No, I'm here on personal business." Andrew replied while waving his hand in a casual manner. "And before you ask, if I can contact Tobias for you, no I cannot. He is on one of his recon 'slash' rescue missions. So, I have no way of contacting or even knowing where he is."

Carlos' mouth curved into a slight frown. "Alright kid I don't like wasting my time. What do you need?"

"I know that you are real chummy with Tobias because he brings you anything wraith or pre-apocalypse related. I also know that you are the man to talk to concerning anything wraith related."

"Get to the point kid." Carlos muttered a little irritated that it didn't seem he was going to get any items of value or interest from Andrew.

Not perturbed in the least Andrew got a serious look on his face and leaned forward and said, "Rumor is you know where I can find some wraith camps. Is that true?"

Looking shocked Carlos replied, "Where did you hear that?"

"People talk." Replied Andrew simply.

"Well if you have listened to your mentor at all you would now that wraith come and go as the please never staying long. Meaning they don't set up camps." Carlos said, calming himself down.

Andrew merely laughed and said, "I'm not a child Carlos I know Wraith habits but I also know that they are sentient beings that break habits and rules. And I'm pretty sure being the top wraith researcher in this half of the globe, you know that as well."

"Humph! This half of the globe? I dare you to find anyone remaining on this entire forsaken planet that would be willing to say that they know more about wraiths then I do?" Carlos angrily said as he stood up pointing at Andrew.

"Well then tell me where I can find a wraith?" Andrew snuggly replied. Seeing Carlos just shake his head Andrew continued, "I think you know that no one has been able to study a wraith's anatomy up close right?"

A little confused Carlos said, "Of course, they appear without warning, slaughtering and disappearing just as quickly, without any casualties."

"If you really believe that, then I might be the one person to claim to know more about wraiths then you? And before you lose yourself," Andrew said, putting his hands up in a calming manner, "I've seen a dead wraith before."

At this, the vulgarities at the tip of Carlos' tongue stopped and he looked with his mouth open at Andrew. " You're lying," he said after shaking his head.

"Actually you're right I've seen plenty more than one."

With this, Carlos was stuck with a shocked expression on his face.

"To answer your unasked question. The first time I saw a wraith die, was when I was 7 years-old. I was out in the forest playing and exploring the area about a mile from my home town, when I started to hear screams coming from the direction of my town. Being a small child I was scared and didn't dare go back home immediately. Not even an hour after the screams started, they stopped. I carefully hurried back hoping to check on my family only to run in to a straggling wraith."

Andrew got quiet for a second with his fists clenched in a position of rage and frustration.

Not realizing Andrew's frustrated motions, Carlos quickly asked multiple questions. "What did it look like? All the details! How did you survive? Did you..." Seeing Andrew's hand raise up in a silencing motion, Carlos trailed off.

"I'm getting to that part." Andrew said. "It wasn't actually that tall, maybe 4'6". And before you interrupt, I know that there are bigger wraiths. I've seen them as well." Andrew said eyeing Carlos' half-opened mouth.

"As I was saying, it was about 4 and half feet tall and had a very stout appearance, with a deep gray skin color and black spiderweb-like veins all over it. Its eyes were pure black with red irises. It had two smaller pure-black spiraled horns about 3-inches above its ears that poked out of its messy midnight black hair.

It looked right at me and seemed to get excited. A smile that showed all its teeth spread over it's face. Its teeth were all sharp almost like a shark's mouth. It also had this black substance that was slowly leaking out of its mouth like drool."

"What happened next?" Carlos asked obviously recording every detail into his subconscious.

Andrew continued, "Of course I was terrified and wanted to run but could barely get myself to move my arms as it locked it's eyes on to mine. It approached me slowly all while smiling and said, 'Avalonian!' In a raspy-gargled voice. It was..."

"It talked to you!!" Carlos shouted. Shooting out of his chair, nearly jumping onto the desk in front of him.

"Yes," Andrew said annoyed, "Now let's not have any more interruptions until I'm done talking." After receiving a confirming nod Andrew continued relating his experience.

"As I was saying. It was horrifying, I had no idea what it meant or why it called me an Avalonian, but what it said next made my blood freeze. It said, 'I've waited a long time for revenge and taking you as my host will definitely be sweet revenge.' The wraith reached out its left hand towards me. When its hand was only inches away from my face a blue arrow streaked past my head and went into its left eye causing it to fall over backwards with a scream. It thrashed around for about 10 seconds screaming and cursing swearing to get revenge before dying."

Getting serious Andrew looked Carlos in his eyes and said, "This should be the part you are most interested in. After it appeared to have been dead for about 3 seconds, the body started to convulse and black smoke dispersed from the body. The smoke coalesced into a shadow-like figure, that quickly melted into the ground. After the smoke left the body, its appearance changed great. Its one good eye had changed to a normal blue color, while it's originally black hair had turned bright orange, and its originally gray skin with black veins change to a deadly pale white color. Essentially, the wraith appeared like a completely normal humanoid species when dead."

"That's incredible, if it's true? Can you prove it?" Carlos said after being silent for a minute.

"That's easy. Allow me to get you proof." Andrew said with a hearty smile. "I want you to tell me where to find one and I'll bring it back to you...alive."

Carlos was about to object, thinking that it was absurd. But after hearing he could have a live wraith to examine, his interest was peaked. No matter what fantastical story the boy in front of him made up, "If he could actually bring back a live wraith..." thought Carlos.

Turning to face Andrew, "Why do want to find the wraith so bad?" Carlos asked.

Clenching his fist as he picture his mother dead, Andrew replied, "They took everything from I want to take as much from them as I can."

Looking into the eyes of the boy, Carlos was shocked. All he could see was a hatred and rage, so potent it sent a shiver down his spine.

Before Carlos could reply Andrew continued, "Carlos, I simply want revenge. I want to kill as many as them as possible. To do this I have trained since the age of 7. I can kill them one-on-one 10 times out of 10, as long as they are normal wraiths. My problem is finding them. That is where you come in.

I need help finding them. Likewise you want to find out about them to become more well-known and to satisfy your own curiosity. What better way to learn then from me, a wraith-hunter, and a life specimen I bring in?

As Carlos was thinking, whether or not to agree Andrew stood up. "Carlos I'll come back tomorrow, at this time expecting your answer, and hopefully the location of some wraith." With that Andrew turned around and walked to the door. As his hand touched the doorknob he stopped and looked over his shoulder at Carlos. "Oh, and obviously I won't charge anything for my service and I expect the same from you." With that Andrew left, leaving Carlos to decide whether or not to accept Andrew's terms.

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