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Chapter 77: Chapter PoV Rodriguez

Since 100 years ago we have had to change the ways we gain information. At first we sent out people all over to establish bases. Now 100 years later we have recovered some technology. So instead of people we start sending out drones from time to time for scouting purposes. Recently a scout drone took pictures and videos of a super large city that is surrounded by military structures. Problem is that the city is in a supposed wild area that we have yet to conquer. Each of its thick wallsa has several metal humanoid machines who look like an old school infantry unit. There are machines carrying all sorts of cold weapons, spears, swords, sabers and so on and so forth. The base itself has many turrets that look very scifi to us. The humans that we can spot are all near those walls. They move at speeds that seem to be inhumane, we do realize that they seem to be cultivating the same energy as us.

The council of Megatropolis #3 determines that the city we found is an enormous threat to our cities. To the council's estimation this single city that we spotted has the same population as all the cities that one megatropolis area can hold. Another estimation is that half of that population has a military rank. We managed to record a squad battle, each person in that squad can single handedly battle an elite stage Pokemon, and win. All of this together means that by our estimation that one city can fight with 4 Megatropolisses with subsidiary cities and not lose the fight, they might even win. When this report is shared with the other Megatropolisses, we get more disturbing news. Each Megatropolis spots their own version of unknown cities. As an example one reports a city that appears to be run by machines. Each Megatropolis now feels how horrible they were running their territory. Greed, crime and lust runs rampant in the streets. The strongest rule, the weak suffer with no chance to rise up above the common masses unless they manage to get into trainer school. Now, because they got a scare, the council wishes to fix their problems in order to increase their military powers.

Until recently almost all of our military recruits come from orphanages, but unless someone is rejected by gangs and thus desperate, not even they will join. This means that all megatropolis cities have in total a 1 million personnel army. They now suddenly wish to up that number to 10 million in the next 5 years, but there is a problem with the how. Some of the desperate ones are no longer willing to take a chance with the military and instead will give living in the wild a try. That is how horrible the military is currently treated. Then if you manage to rank up and regain some freedom, and after a lot of struggling to get a kid, you are usually already over 40 chances are high you die soon. Leaving your kid to an orphanage just like where every army member came from.

A super large problem with the orphanages is our next problem. For years every orphanage is bled from personnel, shorted in funds and thus used for criminal enterprises as recruitment stations. This means that in an orphanage the kids' chances to grow up properly are nearly completely taken away. This in turn makes sure that many patriots think twice about joining the military and if already in there, getting kids. Cause what are you fighting for if not for your kids future. To clean up this problem a few million Poké was invested. All that money is now in the hands of criminal organizations, who manage to use it a lot better than we do. This afternoon a person came and offered a solid plan. This person gave me 3 days to think about his proposal.

The guy gave me a solid plan but with no government involved there is little chance to succeed. So I need to convince him to give in a little bit. At the same time I have to agree with the statement all good things are run privately. Once or twice a year someone from the government should do a check on the place. Why shouldn't we run the orphanage ourselves? Because most, if not all criminal organizations pay one or more of the champion level trainers a protection fee. This means that basically everyone on top is in one or the other way dirty. These criminal organizations however run at the first sign of danger, leaving the common people to pick up the pieces. Then come back to profit from the disaster that just happened. They kidnap kids who are nearly of age, brainwash them into loyal subjects, kill them when the inheritance is in their hands or release them in the wild to fend for themselves without any resources. The new orphanage would be hidden from the public eye. By that I mean its location, not the treatment of the kids. The treatment of the kids will be generous as long as they complete a task, just like in the real world. Every city will have a teleportation point built to transport kids to this orphanage. But only 100 Pokemon will be trained by that guy himself to be able to teleport to a well defendable place. If an intruder arrives a single push on a button and they are blasted to smithereens. Next he wants to train a lot of water Pokemon so the waters are untraversable. Air defence is also a thing he wants to install so no helicopters etc can enter that space. Arceus isn't he like one of those paranoid people who think the world is out to get him? Oh wait I guess people would be after his skin if he takes the lifeblood from every gang.

In exchange for all that he will grant us a safe haven for the trainer camps for each kid from age 7 to 10. Maybe we can use this as a government check up off the facilities and health of the kids. During the camps it doesn't matter whose offspring you are, all rules for everyone are the same. He and his teachers are the ones who will teach every kid about energy training. Weapons can be trained as well but no real weapons can be used during the camp. Punishment is losing the body part that holds the weapon. This means that as long as a child works and trains hard they have the same chances as a rich kid. The champion stage trainers see this as a loss though. Because they will be unable to touch the kids in the orphanage, they get less recruits for their organization and thus less money. So far they denied my requests to set aside 100 billion Poké so that they can build the facility. At most they want to give 1000 workers that they pay and 10 billion Poké for the materials. The workers will no doubt have a few psychic trainers of different organizations who will mark the location of a breaching point so that some kids can still be kidnapped. But since they want more military personnel they do see the need for changes.

Now if that guy accepts the money for the orphanage without the energy training methods. Then, that is partially fixed for now. The second thing that needs reformation is the schooling system. The current system is great if you want adventures and normal working bees who have some combat power. Not so good for getting them to join the military. I would prefer to change all schools for kids of 7 year and older into boarding schools where physical education is a major part of the curriculum. Dress Code and military styled teachings and punishments. This slowly makes people susceptible to enter into the army later on. After their 10th birthday I would like for everyone to specialize in a military role that suits them. A few lines of thought are: supply officer, transport officer, commanders, fighters (generalist or specialist), medics, engineers and researchers. In my opinion we need 50 million military people, of which 10 million are to be combat tested. Another 1 million of researchers and 39 million other support personnel.

Then after comprehensive schooling we need to make a military post actually lucrative. A decent salary, meaning twice what it is now, comprehensive training programs and spaces for Pokemon and people just to name two benefits. Resources for cultivating must become more exclusive for military personnel, this way they have more chances to grow stronger then civilians. When we have all this we can start slowly conquering pocket dimensions, instead of hoping for the best. The higher ups however don't like this idea. All that money that is going to be spent, basically comes from their own pockets after all. However if we destroy one or two current criminal enterprises we can use their money to pay for the reformations for a year or so. So the real question is how do I convince them to turn their syndicate into money for me to use.

vailein vailein

might slow down again because off real life. shit keeps happning.

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