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Chapter 3: CH3: Painal

Nose blinding people was difficult. I stood in a hotel lobby covered in a filthy mix of pig shit and cultivation exhaust dripping from my soaked pants. Telepathy was useful, but some senses were a little hard to manipulate. Getting staff to ignore my presence and footprints took time, and I managed before the police were called.


Cameras were the worst; some were hidden, and breaking them without causing a scene that would need more telepathic manipulation was hard.


My latest round of cultivation bumped me from the first stage of the first realm to the second. Unfortunately, every stage and realm was harder to reach than the last, and the difficulty grew exponentially. On the bright side I managed to find a member of the cleaning staff and implant the idea to leave a door unlocked.


Once inside, I tossed my school uniform and took a shower. I was in the town just outside the Witches Knoll. After leaving a bunch of mummified pigs at a truck stop I found my way to this hotel and still needed a change of clothes. My school uniform was ruined, but there was a clothing store nearby.


I used a little telepathy at the edge of my range of 90 feet and had the man at the desk mark my room as out of order.


When I opened the minibar and nothing looked good, I had to close it. There was food and beer but none of it looked good. It had been roughly 12 hours since I last ate, but I didn't feel the least bit hungry.


Maybe it was the blood. I wasn't just cultivating; I was cultivating with the blood of monsters refined. There could be some sustenance from it. Another cultivation technique came to me while in the shower. It was based off of sunlight instead of blood and the symbolism practically stacked perfectly.


After leaving the shower, I tried to sleep, but my mind never drifted off. I remained fully awake, alert, and untiring. Instead, I moved to the large tub, filled it with hot water, and began cultivating.


Night fell and the water had long since gone cold and filled with the muck of cultivation. I tried to beat at the 3rd stage, but there was a distinct lack of power needed. My refined blood naturally flowed through my Meridians and didn't accrue with enough pressure to reach the next stage. Even if refined, the quality wasn't there. I felt a difference between the refined pig blood and refined monster blood. Maybe if my Sky Fiend Apotheosis was level 5 or 10, it wouldn't matter. My skill remained at 4, and until I gained more blood, it probably wouldn't move.


While cultivating, I studied the inventory function and took it apart ruthlessly. Once I had a good idea of how it worked, I used the last of the pure mana in my possession to form my own system inventory and connected it to my soul.


In the middle of the night, I unlocked a nearby store, one that I knew had liability insurance. Then I destroyed the cameras and took everything not nailed down. I had clothes for every situation. Shoes, belts, ties, pants, underwear, and hats for every occasion filled my inventory. I even robbed their backroom, taking everything I could, taking money from their safe. It was the least they could give me for saving them from Alucard and the witches. I shattered the glass on the way out, starting the alarm so they knew it was a break-in and not an inside job.


Unfortunately, their premium would go up, but it was one of the larger chains, so maybe the hit wouldn't be too bad.


Once dressed in a suit and tie, I put on a pair of pants using my inventory, only for it to fall off my waist. It seemed cultivation had cost me a few inches on my waistline. That was ok. I found a grocery store and repeated my action, taking care to steal a vast quantity of seeds for my Green Lord skill.


I had plans for the Witch's Knoll. The best person to fix a problem was the one who created it. While I didn't mean to break the world by destroying Moka's rosary, I didn't regret it. Tsukune wouldn't have the woman he loved. The skills I placed on his soul would see him less than receptive to any girl's advances.


Plan A had been to give a bunch of guys crafting skills and an implanted goal through telepathy. My R&D team, armed with skills and no attraction to women, would build technology to travel between realities. The school was isolated behind a barrier and cut off from the outer dimensional space. Given enough time and the right skills, they should have been able to build a gateway or a portal device to leave this universe. That was my 20-year plan.


Plan B was to decrypt the function behind world jumping. It was basically done I only had to finish studying the process and integrate the system function into my soul. That would allow me to attach my dummy skill to a random person and leave.


Plan C, the plan I was setting into motion, would create a monster plant capable of fighting Alucard and supplying me with cultivation resources. Green Lord was a skill made to manipulate and grow plants, monsters, and even dungeons to my specifications. In this case there was already an army of plant monsters perfect for me to take over. They would make a good jumping-off point for my research.



I thought long and hard about how I would handle this situation.


Seeds glowed golden, hovering over my hand under the light of dawn. Adding a type was easy for my skill as I mixed seeds together into several mutated constructs as I slew plant monster after plant monster increasing Dummy's fighter level. All the while, mana was refined, and I took half of it before it could reach the ROB. I needed it for my plan.


My only issue with my project was the type. Green Lord allowed me to impart a type like fell or psychic into seeds or animals. I had debated on my way to the Withc's Knoll between light, holy, and solar. While they all sounded the same, they had definite differences that made them more and less effective against monsters. In the end, I decided on solar because sunlight was abundant and holy required belief and faith. Light could gain energy through sunlight and faith, but it was weaker than the other two against Yoki.


"Even with magic, you humans won't beat us. This town will be the start of a new age, a better age." Ruby's Mistress said.


I had no idea why she would make a target out of herself while she had plant monsters to fight her battles for her.


Her book glowed green even under the morning's first light as I slaughtered monsters and constructed one skill after another. Rank 1 skills were easy. They were clusters of symbology, mathematics, and power. Higher-rank skills were vast combinations of lesser skills that fit together into many-faceted works of art. Photosynthesis was simple since plants already did it. Germination, Growth, Adaptation, Humanity, Avatar, and numerous other skills went into my seeds. 99% of them cracked under pressure as I optimized and fought a horde of plant monsters with rocks and telekinesis. Reaching stage 2 had been more than worth it.


 "Look at how you falter and weaken using power you know not."


"Could he be a captured wizard master?" Ruby asked as she flew on raven black wings behind her Master.


"No, this animal has nothing in common with us. Look at him weaken under a mere tithe of my forces. He will give his stolen magic to the soil and strengthen us further." The Master said.


I continued taking seeds out of my inventory and pushing rank 1 skills into them until three managed to pull through. The seeds glowed in a rainbow of light as I tossed them at the nearest monster.


Plan C might not work out the way I wanted it to. The plant monster withered as an ironic sunflower grew out of their bodies and pointed toward the sun. Yellow petals glowed under the sun's rays as skills activated one after the other.


"Fool, do you believe slaying a few of my monsters will make a difference." The Master said.


I flicked a pebble and watched it perforate the fool's brain. Ruby screamed as vines shot out of the sunflower and gripped the nearest plant monsters. More sunflowers grew rapidly, covering the monsters before diving into the soil, anchoring their food in place.


Fortunately, Green Lord kept me safe from my own plants. It would be embarrassing if my own creations attacked me.


"Not again, I'll kill you." Ruby flew at me with incredible speed, striking with metal wings until vines shot out and caught her arms and legs. "Let me go, you killed her. She wasn't supposed to die this time. Tsukune could have changed her like he changed me."


She struggled but seemed to weaken the more she fought.


"That's right, I made them absorb Yoki and convert it into solar energy. They are sunflowers, after all." I said.


The blood from her Mistress drained into my cultivation. Her corpse was mummified as I took everything.


Sky Fiend Apotheosis lvl5 

Stage 3


My telepathy worked quickly to remove the filth as I unequipped my clothes before they could be ruined. When the muck was gone my skin glowed healthy and new. I felt stronger and faster, and the mortal shackles on my mind loosened.


"What are you? I don't remember you from before." Ruby said.


"Ah, this must be difficult to endure." I flexed my telepathy, and the sunflowers released her when most of her Yoki was depleted. More of the plant monsters were destroyed as they rushed following the last orders they were given. Ruby fell to her knees as tears rolled down her cheeks. I pulled a handkerchief out of my inventory and handed it to her. "This is a different timeline from what your memories told you. I'm in a similar situation. Your Master was too stuck in her ways to change. You knew that." I said.


I looked around for the ROB's interference and tried to relax when there was none.


Surprisingly, Ruby used my handkerchief and sighed.


"I forgave Moka, and if you are a friend from another timeline, I will try to forgive you." Ruby looked away. "How did we meet in your timeline?" Ruby asked.


"Oh, you believe me," I said.


"Suddenly, I have memories, and I've read books about time travel. If I received the memories of one timeline, it's possible others gained memories of other timelines." Ruby said.


"Well, I'm sorry about your Mistress. There was no other way. In my timeline, this one, and the one you remember, she doesn't survive." I said.


"I always thought our mission to destroy humans could only end in our deaths. The numbers were never on our side." Ruby said.


I nodded. "Yep, but at least this field is useful for something more than a garbage dump." Glowing sunflowers sprouted over the dead, and rising slowly, a pod appeared filled with green liquid. Mana, unrefined from the land, flowed into me, refined by my Green Lord skill, and returned as green essence. This was the cultivation of the land and the primordial beginning of Alucard's counter. The pod filled with green liquid was, in essence, a vast brain controlling the sunflowers. I could feel a powerful consciousness slowly awakening as the pod absorbed 80% of the solar energy to function.


A telepathic link connected me to the biological supercomputer made from store-bought sunflower seeds. The other sunflowers twisted and quickly changed. Sunlight gathered as a large vine rose high into the air before its stem broke and collapsed to the ground. I could feel the gears turning in the newborn solar monster's mind. It had plenty of Yoki to turn into solar energy, but it wanted to reach the sun. It turned its attention greedily to Ruby before I smacked its mind with my telepathy.


Like a punished child, it shied away before I led it to a new method. Symbiosis with the monsters it already grew within could allow it to turn those monsters into Yoki batteries.


"This is terrifying," Ruby said.


"I am only preparing a place for myself. It seems I am unwanted in this world. Even Moka chose Tsukune over me after receiving memories from the other timeline." I said.


"He is a great guy. How could you compete?" Ruby asked.


I placed a hand on her chest and gave her a little jolt. She screamed and moaned in equal measure. Ruby was a cute Lolita goth girl with a masochistic fetish. From what I understood, she loved nothing more than being led. First, she was led by her Master and then by Tsukune. I was more than certain it had something to do with her trauma.


If she wanted someone to follow I was willing to fill that position. Ruby, from what I saw, was wasted in the other timeline.


The low shock did very little to actually hurt her. Instead, the witch looked up with a dazed expression. While I tried to deal with the incoming psychic data from my new creation. It flashed a thought of its massive body dressed in Ruby's pink corset, which seemed like a warning flag.


Large sunflowers reached for the sun, empowering the megafauna. Thick roots burrowed into the ground, displacing dirt as the quickly growing plant anchored itself. Once it was well anchored, it buried its brain beneath the soil where it was unlikely to get damaged. When it spotted the garbage dumped in its field, one of the flowers glowed before blasting the trash with lasers.


"You can't be human," Ruby said.


My response was a smirk.


"Not bad for my first generation, I think I'll call them Sun Stalkers, Sun Yandere." I pulled a notebook from my inventory and wrote down the skills and amount of mana needed to make it work. Then, I went to work in the smallest print I could manage and began crafting a single optimized skill. "I know what you're probably thinking, Atom Walker, my glorious overlord. It's pretty, but where are the blood fruit." I said.


Ruby sighed. "Ruby Tojo, and what are blood fruit?"


"Fruit filled with monster blood instead of meat. Say, Ruby, what do you think of painal."


"I want to delete my obviously compromised search history in the other timeline," Ruby said.



Yukari Sendo wasn't having a good time. She had been playing her favorite game, spying on Tsukune, and imagining a threesome between Moka, him, and herself when she noticed something strange. He was studying, which wasn't a big deal. Only his dick was hard doing math. She chose not to think anything of it. Maybe he was fantasizing about Moka, but then he looked at Saizo, the disgusting monstrel, longingly.


For his part, the monstrel caught Tsukune's look and looked away, terrified. Everyone in the class could see the amount of wood Tsukune was packing. Even the teacher paused in her lecture to give it a look over before continuing. Cow tits kept crossing her legs, and she even reached down to scratch herself in public. It was weird.


She looked down at her bandaged leg and winced when the bell rang. "Are you alright, Yukari?" Kurumu asked.


The little witch blinked as the succubus, instead of teasing her, leaned in and sniffed. Yukari felt completely mortified at the blush that came over the succubus.


"I don't know why, but it's been hot lately. My destined one had odd dreams last night and my body's reacting." They were alone in the classroom everyone had hurried out since it was the last class of the day. Tsukune left following Saizo with Moka and Mizori following him. Kurumu lifted her skirt, revealing white panties with an indention in them. It was her clit, but something was wrong with it. It stuck out nearly by a centimeter, and it was rounder. "My body is changing to become more desirable to him."


Yukari didn't see a decrease in breast size at all. Her genius-level intellect didn't take long to jump to conclusions. "Was Tsukune gay?" She had research to do.



The ROB was distracted by a craving he thought he had long since left behind. A portal opened, revealing a Konoha formerly time-locked. A disaster had occurred that forced him to abandon his old life many centuries ago. His body shifted, changing from starlight-made flesh into that of a human man with features close to Tsukune's own.


He appeared in Sakura's room just in time for a naked pinkette to leave her bathroom. The ROB swallowed his drool at the sight of her washboard abs, massive breasts, long penis complete with a stretchy foreskin, and two absolutely massive balls. She fluffed up her massive mouth-watering cock, and he turned his head away.


"Hinata will be over soon. I know you used to date. How do you feel about me fucking her in the ass? I can't use her pussy because she's pregnant. I know it isn't yours, but I was wondering if you would raise her. She can call you daddy while I fuck Hinata every day. Maybe you can clean off my dick after, and I can call you a good boy." Sakura said.


The ROB licked his lips and turned away. He needed to get back to watching that freak of nature. 


Sakura Hurano of Naruto's Futa timeline was one scary mother fucker. She was an evil he had almost unleashed upon the multiverse. That was back when he thought she loved him before she betrayed him and impregnated all his girls. Back when he was just starting out, he still had a human name.


Yaoi lvl8

Submissive lvl5

Cuckold lvl4 


No one could get rid of those skills, and when he followed them, it felt so good. His soul felt like it was doing flips in celebration of them. They were impossible to locate or see through. The ROB couldn't even find patch notes. He wanted to leave, but they were so good. His first world gave him pleasure from a source that once brought him unending shame.


"Maybe I can have your ass while you do Hinata's." The ROB said.


"No, I think you would enjoy it more if you watch I can tell. Besides, I doubt I would feel someone as small as you." Sakura said.


The ROB had the best system designer souls, from the supernatural verse, could buy working on it, reviewing his system, and searching for bugs. It was only a matter of time before he was freed and back to normal. So, while he had the skills, he decided to indulge.



I got up in the middle of an exciting cultivation session to stop Ruby from escaping. We were in a hotel in the city, paid for in cash. My Sun Stalker was a nice plant but far too conspicuous. Already, a news crew was out there filming the largest sunflower in existence. While they filmed it, birds ate sunflower seeds and spread them with their poop. While the first generation didn't do what I wanted, it was a great data point for the next one. I turned off the TV and turned my attention back to Ruby.


The witch must have thought because I couldn't touch monsters directly with PK she was out of my grasp in the air. I used air pressure as a buffer and dragged her back into our hotel room with it.


She hit the floor and looked up at me with teary eyes. "I want to see Tsukune," Ruby said.


"I know," I said.


"Why won't you let me go?" Ruby asked.


Letting her go was the right thing to do. On an intellectual level, I knew that. She was already compromised, and I was unwilling to let her go because I didn't want to lose anything else. Moka could have been a great lover and friend. Maybe if we had gotten to know each other more, maybe a confidant. What would Ruby do if I revealed the truth?


"The Tsukune of this timeline is gay," I said.


Ruby turned her head to the side. "Then I just need to drink a potion to grow a cock and balls," Ruby said.


I cleaned the filth off of myself with telekinesis and my Sun Stalker's vines from a cutting devoured the filth. With a sigh, I took out my dick and took a piss in a plant urinal right in front of her. The girl blushed cutely.


"Why are you doing that in front of me? Is it some kind of dominance thing?" Ruby asked.


"I can feel everything that goes on in 150ft. Even if I can't touch you with my PK, it doesn't mean I'm unaware of your body."


"So you know when I poop," Ruby said.


"I can feel the worms in the dirt, birds in the sky, and yes, when you poop. The longer I'm around you, the better I understand the shape of your skin and where your Yoki field stops." I said.


"Ew," Ruby said.


"You're telling me. I normally try to distract myself. What about magic? Is there anything gross involved with it?" I asked. 


"I'm not telling you about my craft you'll try and steal my magic to learn it. I know what kind of human you are." Ruby said.


I snorted at that. "You're cute when you're defiant." I shook my head. "Monsters are so different," I said.


"Do we not bleed when you cut us or cry when we're sad? How are we different from humans?" I stood over her naked, tall, and in control. I could feel her panties soaking. The more I concentrated, the more I felt the line separating my power from her. "Answer me: how are we different?" Ruby asked.


"Calm your tits. It was a compliment." That caused her to pause. "Every monster girl I've met has been wife material. It's so unfair that the best girls are all monsters, and we humans can only hope to meet them on accident." I said.


 "So, you like monsters even though you're human," Ruby said.


"Do you really like Tsukune, or do you like the idea of a human-like Tsukune caring for you? Even if you grow a dick and balls, you'll have to deal with the other girls, and Yukari will definitely try her best." I said.


Ruby looked away. "I don't want to change myself," Ruby said.


"He was kind to me when I had doubts. But you killed my lady when you didn't have to."


I shook my head. "She didn't have to attack a city; she could have left for the US where many forests like yellow stone are protected. Alaska is filled with wilderness that humans haven't touched. What I'm saying was she had options, and her first plan was to wipe out a city. You, on the other hand, weren't on board with the plan. So you get the benefit of the doubt."


"What if I had been evil?"


"You are a beautiful young woman, Ruby, so it would have been Painal for you."


"Is that all it takes for forgiveness?" Ruby asked.


"Atom, I am going to use all my considerable magic to wipe out this city if you don't stuff my anus like a Christmas dinner." She unstrung her corset, and suddenly it was on. Most plans fell to the night fell to the wayside. The door to the balcony shut, locked, and the blinds closed. I unequipped my clothes and fetched a bottle of lube from one of the cabinets. We were lucky to find a fully stocked love hotel. "You are handy to have around," Ruby said.


I approached her slowly as she pulled down her pants and wiggled out of them. Her toned white butt was perfectly fit from years running up hills, and her ass was tiny and covered in all the right wrinkles. Her pussy glistened wet and clearly virgin tight.


Ruby looked back and brushed her long black hair behind her ear. Her rust-colored eyes were filled with want mixed with shame. I could feel emotions bubbling up from her but couldn't quite touch them with my telepathy.


"If you want something, just ask. The worst thing I can say is no." I said.


"I want you to violate my ass with your tongue. There is a spell I have to clean it. I researched it in the other timeline." She waved her wand, and her butthole twitched. "There, it should be clean enough to eat off of," Ruby said.


Having a teenage body ruled. I leaned in between Ruby's cheeks before she shouted when I lifted her over my head. She weighed like 104lbs and was basically a hat. The witch liked being manhandled, and I shocked her just a little, causing the girl to moan and shriek as her holes clenched.


I leaned in after shocking her and tasted strawberries. Ruby hadn't just cleaned herself. She made the interior of her butt taste like strawberry ice cream.


"Why," I asked.


"I was already researching butt stuff, and strawberry is my favorite ice cream," Ruby said.


Her backdoor was a tight fit even for my tongue, and her Easton body was all about drinking in every bit of pleasure possible. I let a tiny shot from my tongue, and she wiggled, clenching her sexy, tightest hole, driving my tongue in deep while moving her legs and shaking her hips. Her cute moans filled my ears in such a validating way. Every flick of my tongue and little buzzing shock felt like I was really giving it to her. When I pulled my tongue back, her hole was puffy, red, and clearly too small to accommodate me.


"I'm not splitting you. Do you have a spell to make your backdoor more flexible?"


"Don't worry, transformation magic is my specialty. I should be stretchy enough for you now." Ruby said.


I spat on her tight red throbbing butthole and watched my spit slide down and curve around her puffy pink cunny lips. Ruby's body was a work of art, and I was going to drive my cock into it. Like a switch was flipped, all thoughts of holding back ended as a small facet of Cosmic Slayer took over. I rubbed my cock up and down her dripping pussy lips, and Ruby looked back, moaned, and bit her bottom lip.


My finger slid in first to test the waters. Her tight insides clamped down as she took me to the knuckle without any problem. I rubbed my length between her labia and pressed against her hard throbbing clit before sinking a second finger in. She groaned and stretched to accommodate without tearing. It was impressive.


I removed both fingers and watched her stretched butthole tighten back up to her previous virgin backdoor glory. Then I lined myself up and pressed against her anus, giving it a kiss with my cock. She groaned as I slowly pressed, letting her feel her body stretch, her pucker resist on instinct, and every single inch as I slid into her bowels.


With one quick motion, I scooped her up, forcing all her weight to drive her down to my base, then shocked her again. She moaned as I toned down the voltage to a slight buzz, almost like a vibrator.


"Every inch of you is vibrating in my ass," Ruby said.


"That's it, Ruby, take it, you butt slut." I said.


She reached down under my arms, grabbed her own cheeks, and spread them.


"Nom, nom, nom," Ruby said as her backdoor swallowed my final inch. I pulled back and slowly buried myself into her hungry pucker. The heat and tightness were blinding. It was all I could do not to cum immediately. "Drain your balls into me. I want to feel all your cum drain out after you pull out. Leave me gaping and dripping with your cum." Ruby said.


Her face was red, and I realized then that I had the real succubus. Maybe she wasn't that type of monster, but she had the passion of one. I came into her after 10 minutes and slowly sped up. Ruby only spread her cheeks wider as I pounded up into her. She started squirting when I came, and I had to turn her away from the bed. Ruby's femcum splattered the window, leaving it to drip down to the floor.


I pulled out of her and stared at her red gaping pucker. It opened wide before squeezing tight again, dripping cum on the carpet. She reached back, gathered some, and tasted it. This girl was some kind of monster.


"Tastes like strawberries and sea salt, and there is so much," Ruby said.


She smacked her red lips and smirked at me. "I feel like you need another pounding," I grumbled and yanked her off her feet and slammed home in her ass again.



"What are these?" Ruby asked.


She reached for one of the fliers on my nightstand, and I slapped her hand away. I raised my hand, and a small hole in space appeared no larger than a coin. Or a rolled-up flier.


"To reach other worlds, I need a connection, and it seems there is a limit to what I can send through for now," I said.


The hole closed before Ruby could stick her finger through. Witches were naturally inquisitive and curious beings.


I updated my notes on Ruby, just in case.


"So why can't I touch one of your fliers."


I opened my laptop which showed a few apps I had made, one of which was called C Forum. Trying to explain skill craft and soul implantation was difficult. Adding skills that connected to an app had taken some creative liberties. Using what little I knew about enchanting to attach a skill to a flier like a skill shard with a specific allure and activation options had taken 3 weeks. "Each flier contains a complicated magic and will grant the first person who isn't me a power. Along with that, it will give them access to a forum where they can speak to me or others in a similar situation.


"You can have a skill if you want one, but these fliers were hard to make, and they're not for you."


On the news my Sun Stalker exposed its intelligence to the news crew with flashing lights. Scientists were already on the scene trying to communicate with it. Using a light-based communication method, the news reporter read off the first lines. Monsters live among you, and they seek the destruction of mankind.


"Did you tell her to say that?" Ruby asked.


"No, I did not."


"Perhaps we should gather the other girls, willing or not, and leave." I opened holes in space, rolled up fliers, and stuffed them through.



A young boy with pale lilac eyes and silver blond hair felt a rolled-up piece of paper hit him on the forehead. Before he could cry out in surprise or pain, something happened.


Initializing System …


Welcome to the Cultivation System 

Viserys Targaryen III 


Rank: 1 

Stage: 0 

Cultivation Technique: Solar Forge


The gods had answered his prayers and made him the champion that would take back the seven kingdoms from the dreaded usurper. "Guards, I would like to go to the sunniest place in Braavos." The guards hired by Ser Willem Darry took him to the docks where he quickly removed his shirt and began performing the cultivation technique. He could feel small amounts of sunlight poured into him like embers in a dragon's belly. It was small at first, but with enough, the dragon would wake and burn the usurper.


Unfortunately, Braavos was mostly cloudy and didn't have much in the way of sunlight. In the few days when the sun shone, Viserys moved to the roof of his house and bathed in his undergarments, soaking up every bit of sunlight he could. Moonlight also worked in a pinch, but it was a struggle to reach the first stage, and when he did, gross.


Viserys could feel it when the filth left him; he was stronger and faster, and his thoughts felt clear.



Zuko had already reached the 2nd stage and had to take a bath afterward. The dumb system or whatever the spirits it was hadn't told him. Cultivation required lots of baths from all the black sludge that leaked out of him.


The results were worth it. The young prince could feel his flames grow hotter and shoot longer. He was getting faster, and it was easier to remember his katas. Father actually smiled at him. It was incredible, and all thanks to his secret help.



Paulina wiped the muck from her body to see flawless, more beautiful skin underneath. Rank as it was her new beauty treatment that made her more beautiful with every session. All she had to do was tan, and she could get stronger. Clearly, she was destined to be the most beautiful, popular girl in the world.


After gaining her special power, she looked into it, meaning she had a nerd look into it. There were whole genres of Chinese immortal stories, but none were quite like what she had. All of them had to take drugs and fight monsters while she hopped into a tanning bed at the gym. Someone must be looking out for her because she felt herself hit the 3rd stage in only a few weeks.



I opened up the forum and saw collections of data from various sources. There were worlds where my new cultivators managed to get ahead and a few where they died off. Once they reached the 2nd realm it might be possible to open a larger portal into their world. While I wouldn't appear next to them, I would at least be on the same planet as them.



A little blue-skinned Asari girl bathed under the twin suns in the sky. She felt the black sludge leave her body and felt power fill her. The system had merged with her omni tool, giving her access to applications integrated into her cultivation system. It was there she saw the administrator of the system Atom at stage 3, realm 1. Morinth had dreamed of the greater galaxy, and soon, she would be strong enough to go out and seek it. Maybe she would even meet him.

UBMars UBMars

Check out my other stories and my patreon where my other story resides. This story is advertisement for my Wrath Farmer series so check it out and I'll continue this story.

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